MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 21 Sleeping (3)

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The fake emperor lifted the pen and ink, and the wrist was suspended. He paused for a few seconds on the snowy rice paper to drop the first pen. The thick ink spreads out on the paper, and the five lines of the book "Bixi Palace Abao" are on the paper, and the original works of Zhou Wudi are generally the same.

Put down the pen and see your finished product. The fake emperor spit out a slight invisible breath. The emperor's handwriting he imitated in March, every day to trace tens of thousands of times, enough to be able to confuse the truth, even Liangzhu and Shen Taishi can not tell, not to mention the virtues of the pen and ink? This level should be passed smoothly.

Thinking of this, he put a pen on his face and asked Dexie to take a look at the eyes of Xuan.

Chang Xi nodded slightly and said it was good.

The interaction between the two people thought that there was no trace, and they were seamless, but in fact, Meng Sangzhen, who held the rice paper and gazed, left a line of attention to pay attention to the movements and expressions of the two. The two eyes exchanged, she naturally did not miss.

The vague thoughts in my heart are clearer, and Meng Sang’s brows are slightly stunned. This is a detailed look at the five characters in his hand.

The hall was quiet and surprising, and the atmosphere gradually became subtle. The heart of the fake emperor was slightly tightened and he couldn’t help but open his mouth. "I don’t think it’s good to write these five words?"

Chang Xi quietly looked up and stared at Dean's face with a burning gaze.

"Where, the emperor wrote it too well, and the courtiers looked at it for a while!" Meng Sangyu put down the rice paper, and the smile could not tell the flattering.

"Oh? Where is it written well? Ai Tong Tong said." The fake emperor raised his eyebrows.

"This, the courtiers can't say where it is, but it feels good! You are really good at the emperor!" The smile is more charming, and the traces of flattering are more explicit. Meng Sangzhen will be a three-pointer who will not be able to perform the image of a simple girl.

The fake emperor smiled comfortably, and Deyi really said that he did not learn anything, but he didn't have any idea, but it was such a woman who got along better. He couldn't help but be grateful for himself: If you really want to die, you can be close to such a person before you die.

Thinking of this, he went up to take over the shoulders of Dexie and took her to his arms. The favor of his face was beyond words.

Nima! This is 100% fake! Meng Sangyu made a roaring heart in his heart, but his face was not obvious. He naturally broke away from the embrace of the fake emperor and put him on the soft couch. He said, "The emperor, now it is the turn of the courtiers to show it. I just learned a set of cooking techniques a while ago, and I showed it to the emperor today. Is that good?"

Boil water, a full set of tea, tea, and then talk about poetry and poetry, life ideals, this set of procedures to say less to spend an hour, should be able to take this person away. Meng Sangqi silently measured and personally went to the tea room to pick tea.

Searching in the bottle and jar, she finally selected the Junshan silver needle that Zhou Wudi loved to drink. Then she thought about it and took out a can of Lingyun Baihao. After a small amount, put it into the silver needle of Junshan and mix well.

The small kettle gradually came out with white smoke, and soon it sounded like a boiling sound. Through the misty mist, I watched the face of Deyi's concentrated tea cooking. The faint smile and elegant and calm movements repeatedly attracted the attention of the fake emperor. He was originally a dark guard who could not see the light. He was destined to be lonely for a lifetime. Who had contacted a woman? What's more, it is such a woman who is bright and beautiful but has a simple mind. It’s not tempting, it’s fake.

"Please drink tea in the emperor." Meng Sangqi handed a hot tea to his hand and interrupted his thoughts.

The fake emperor quickly put away his faint eyes, took the tea and sent it to his mouth to sip. The tea of ​​tea has also been learned for three months. Although it is not as good as the emperor, it can also be said one or two.

"The aroma is high, the soup is orange-yellow, the taste is sweet, the roots of the silver needles are gathered upright at the bottom of the cup, and the good tea is loved!" He took a sigh of praise, and at the end he fined two, and put it down after three. The samovar does not move any more, and the line is distinguished and elegant. It is like that.

Meng Sang’s light flashed and he smiled. “The emperor praised it!”

Seeing her phoenix flow, smiling like a flower, the fake emperor moved inside, look at the darkness of the window, dumb voice, "The sky is not early, love 妃 and 朕 earlier placed."

"Yes, the courtiers helped the emperor to bathe and change clothes." Meng Sangzhen was preparing to get up, as if he had thought of sitting down again, and Ai's watched the fake emperor.

The fake emperor smiled, and said softly, "If you have something to say, you don't have to worry about it."

"The emperor, the mother of the courtiers recently helped her brother to pay for the grandfather of Fu Lida to pay for the adults. I want to ask the emperor to give the brother a gift, and to be happy, the emperor may be fulfilled?" Her eyes were full of expectations. It seems.

"This..." is a matter of Meng family. I can't do it myself. The fake emperor doesn't have the trace of the usual smile. He often moves the little finger. He immediately said, "Let's think about it."

Zhou Wudi made a decisive decision, even some arbitrariness. These small things promised to be promised. If they refused to agree, they would refuse on the spot. There has never been a "consideration". Meng Sang’s promise was promised, but his heart was more certain of some speculation. Although this speculation is somewhat sensational, it is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people, but Meng Sangzhen, who has passed through the two worlds, is not an ordinary person. She looks much more and naturally thinks much more. Everything is possible, this is a sentence she has always believed in.

Pressing the sudden heart, she stood up and told Bishui and Feng Wei to prepare hot water, while going to pay the emperor's arm.

"Yeah!" The clear water that was about to retreat suddenly screamed, causing everyone to look at her.

"You are a dead slave, what is the ghost?" Chang Xi immediately angered.

"The slaves are out of the way, please the emperor for forgiveness! Just, just..." The clear water swallowed up and said nothing, only the stunned emperor's embroidered pier.

Feng Wei looked at her gaze and cried immediately. "Yes, the maiden letter comes!" This time, the embroidered piers dyed with a few **** colors were exposed in the eyes of everyone.

When Meng Sang made a red face, he quickly let go of the emperor and slammed his sigh. "The court smeared the emperor's eyes and swept the emperor's eyes. Please the emperor for forgiveness." She fell, her lips clenched and secretly sneaked. The watery phoenix eyes went to the emperor's expression, and the shameful and sly little looks couldn't tell the poor and lovely.

The fake emperor was stunned by her heart, and she saw the embroidered pier with blood stains. Covering the slightest loss of his heart, he quickly reached out to Fu Deyu, softly, "Is it a normal phenomenon to believe that it is a normal phenomenon, love what is sinful? Get up quickly, the ground is cool."

"Min Sang can't get up!" Meng Sangyu refused to get up, seeing the fake emperor frown, and quickly explained the question, "How does this appearance of the courtiers come up? When the emperor goes out, he will rise." The embroidered parch in the hurriedly covered the dirty embroidered pier.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The fake emperor laughed and laughed straight ahead. This straightforward and lovely woman, he still saw it for the first time, it really made people like it! How can the Emperor not see Germany? It’s puzzling!

"That's good, then I will leave. I don't have to send a donkey. Let's get up soon." Seeing Dean's eyebrows, his expression was very firm, and the fake emperor had to wave his hand and smile.

When he walked away, Meng Sangqi immediately got up, and his cheeky expression was slowly replaced by dignity.

"Except for Bishui and Feng Wei, the rest of the people will quit." She screamed and prepared to wash the hot water in a hurry, put on a clean dress, then walked to the Eight Immortals table and took it. Zhang Xuan paper looked at it again. At the end, it was called Bishui to take out the treasures of Zhou Wudi before, and put them on the table.

Seeing that the main face is like a water, without saying a word, it seems that I have met the difficult things of Tianda, and Bishui and Feng Wei are a little nervous. At this moment, Yin Cui was crying and sorrowful in his face, holding a low-key, seemingly weak Abao.

"What's wrong with this?" Meng Sangqi immediately withdrew his mind and took over the dying Abao, pointing at the trace of blood in his mouth. But half an hour, how can I vomit blood?

"Go back to the maiden, Abao does not know how, after leaving you, he kept yelling, like a heartless mad. The slave is afraid that he is arguing with you and the emperor, he took him to the earliest ear room, did not want him to call Even more fierce, the throat is called bleeding is still not willing to stop. The slave wants to comfort and appease him and he is bitten by him!" Yin Cui raised his wrist and lit up the embossed tooth print.

Zhou Wudi did not call, but a weak snoring in his nose, and he used his claws to hold Meng's arm and refused to let go. God knows how much fear and despair in his heart after leaving the mulberry, just like being buried with heavy dust, his heartbeat and breathing stopped, just want to scream and bring him out of the sang Sudden pain.

The appreciation and heartbeat in the eyes of fake goods, he will never be wrong, if the person takes the mulberry away from his side, he will have nothing, even the hope of living is gone! Mulberry is the spiritual pillar that supports him along the way. It is the only bright color in his black and white world. It is everything he can have now! He can't lose the mulberry! Can't die!

Suddenly, the eyelids suddenly warmed up, and Zhou Wudi quickly buried his cheeks in Meng Sangyu’s arms and deeply sniffed the taste that made him feel at ease.

"A Bao, don't cry, I am here! I will always be with you, don't be afraid!" Meng Sangqi provoked his squat and saw his eyes filled with tears. His heart was a pain, and he was busy. Yin Cui said, "He has been inseparable from me since he was injured. Once he leaves me, he will fall into the memory of his death and be scared again. You have to go to the hospital to find a doctor."

Yin Cui quickly promised and left in a hurry. Meng Sangqi also had no thoughts on the writing. He was sitting on the couch with Abao. He was also a prostitute. It was so easy to take A Bao, who was trembling, out of her arms. A Bao screamed, hooking her neck with small claws, licking her lips with a sigh of relief, and the action was unprecedented.

On this side, the fake emperor and Chang Xi went out and went far away. Chang Xi suddenly slammed his eyebrows and stopped. He whispered. "Hey, it’s not the time to remember the German letter. It should be the end of the month! It’s only seventeen or eight days to come!"

"Grandfather, did she see anything?" The fake emperor looked tight.

"With her mind, I shouldn't see anything. However, I still have to find a doctor to show her insurance." Chang Xi Shen, sent a small **** to the hospital to summon the well-known Lin Yizheng, while carrying The fake emperor returned to the Qing Palace to die.