MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 20 Waiting room (2)

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Just after the time, Meng Sangyu screamed at the screaming Abao, dressed in a gorgeous palace dress, greeted the chilling wind at the gate of the palace waiting for Zhou Wudi's drive.

When the fake emperor arrived, he saw the robes in the cold wind, which seemed to be elegant and ethereal. The beauty's face was pale because of the chillyness. The narrow and long phoenix eyes dyed a few traces of water vapor, and the appearance of Yingying seemed to contain thousands of friendships. He groaned and unconsciously bowed his head. The nervous and uneasy heart began to jump wildly, not by the beauty, but by the coming murder. Taking this step, he will never have the possibility of living again.

The Changxi behind him is pretending to be a cough, but he is warning. He immediately looked up and pulled out a smile to see the Germans who came forward.

This is the dead face that you obviously don't like but want to force you to like! In fact, you can't come! I must thank you for your eight generations! Meng Sangqiu knees and asks for peace, while silently groaning.

In her last life, she was left behind by her parents when she was a child. In order to live better, in order to gain more care, she learned the ability to observe and understand things from a young age, sensitive to people's negative emotions, and then subtle expression changes. It can also be found immediately. Otherwise, she will not find the true feelings of the emperor's painstaking efforts as soon as she enters the palace.

The false emperor followed the teachings of Chang Xi, and quickly stepped forward to help the Germans and hold the delicate hands of the other side. These hands are very soft, but they are also very cold, just like the mood at the moment. The fake emperor unconsciously clenched slightly and quickly released, holding Deyi to the temple, and the smile on his face was a little natural.

Is this teasing? Meng Sangzhen felt the strength of his hand, and glanced at the handsome face of a man. In the past, even if Zhou Wudi held her hand, the force would never be loose. It seemed that after passing the measurement, she never lost her sense of reason in the bed. She only regarded Huan-Love as a task that had to be completed. In addition to Shen Huiru, he has the same attitude towards all women. It seems that being close to reality is a rejection of thousands of miles away. Occasionally, a newcomer who is young and has no family history can enter the palace to see a moment of relaxation in his eyes, but this will easily disappear with the passage of time and the transformation of newcomers, and it will be rare.

So, this is also a poor man.

When Meng Sangyu was thinking about it, the fake emperor had taken her into the main hall. The hall where the dragon was burned was very warm, and the heating of the face immediately smouldered her face, which also made the fake emperor feel a little relaxed.

The two of them sat down on the soft couch, and Bishui and Feng Wei came and went, with tea and cakes.

I can't say "Love, let's put it", so it seems too urgent! The fake emperor picked up the hot tea and sipped, and thought about what to do. At this time, he heard the barking of the dog in the next door. I remembered the pet of Deyi who saw it last time. He flashed a glimmer of light and finally found the topic.

"Love, how is your pet-teaching?"

"Return to the emperor, talk about what tune - teach? Now it is a move can not move!" Meng Sang slang with grievances, words still cold and cold eyes blinked.

Chang Xi quickly bowed his head.

"Oh? Was it a good thing for the last time? Is the injury very serious?" The fake emperor put down the teacup and asked him along her words.

"Clear water, let Yin Cui take A Bao into the emperor to see!" Meng Sangqi waved. Listening to this slightly hoarse voice, it can be seen that Abao has never stopped since she left. This child can't leave himself for a moment, what can he do in the future? Obviously complaining, but my heart is filled with faint joy, this feeling of being dependent on is very fascinating to her.

The screaming of the dog was getting closer and closer. When he entered the hall and saw Meng Sangqi, he immediately raised his head from the arms of Yin Cui. The hoarse and screaming voice became a squeaky voice, and the small claws were lifted toward Meng Sangyu. As if praying for the owner's hug.

To his wet black eyes, Meng Sangqi's heart was so soft that he immediately got up and took him into his arms, gently scratching his jaw with his index finger.

The sound of you is more cheerful.

"Love, how did he hurt this? I didn't expect Xu Wei to be so vicious!" When I saw Abao's Christmas jacket, Zhou Wudi took a moment and went to Deyi to sit down with Abao. Found A Bao's shaved hair and a scar. Hey, this paw is wrapped in a hoof, and the tail is different from the scepter? It’s really terrible!

Meng Sang’s grievances glanced at him and did not answer. Speaking with the emperor about his son's bad words, unless she was kicked by her head.

Zhou Wudi noticed the fake next to it. The word "love" appeared, and his dark eyes passed through a fierce, involuntarily yelling at the fake emperor Wang Wang. He also wants to be forbearing, but unfortunately Abao's brain capacity is too small, which indirectly affects his temperament and thinking.

"He seems to be hostile to you?" The fake emperor raised an eyebrow. This is the standard movement when Zhou Wudi expressed dissatisfaction. He imitated 10%.

Meng Sangyu was in a tight heart and quickly patted A Bao’s head, motioning him to shut up, then pinching his two front paws and making a bowing look. He said with a smile, "Where, he is saying: Long live the emperor, Long live, long live!"

Wang Wang Wang Wang, Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang. According to the frequency of A Bao’s call, combined with Deyi’s translation, it’s really like that. The fake emperor suddenly stunned, and then laughed up, and the fear after receiving the Liangzhu command was dissipated in this happy laughter. Anyway, it is a death sooner or later, it is better to enjoy the present.

Deyi is not only bright and charming, but also temperamental and cute. It is very comfortable to get along with, and it is unpleasant to be happy. Just wondering how the emperor wouldn’t love her, but instead of being as ambitious and filthy as a good woman? It is said that the Sacred Heart is unpredictable, and sure enough! The fake emperor sighed in his heart and could not help but praised him. "Love is really a wonderful person!"

He has a soft-spoken relative, a soft expression, and a deep, deep-eyed eyes filled with unmistakable joy. This is a man who appreciates the expression of a woman and is a precursor to temptation.

Emperor Zhou Wu had a panoramic view of his expression, his heart shrank and he took a breath, and he felt that the panic was unbearable. No matter how good the mulberry is, no one knows better than him, but if she pays a little more attention to her, she will be attracted to her. She is cheerful, she is open-minded, she is full of sorrow, and she is so sentimental. In this forbidden palace, it is like a ray of sunshine, with a deadly temptation. As long as it is not as blind as before, it is a man who can't resist her charm.

If the man had a heart for the mulberry... Zhou Wudi gritted his teeth and did not dare to think about it any more. The heart seemed to be dug up and hardened by people. He hates his own situation again, even if it is not a person, it is also possible to possess a squat dog! He will definitely bite the person's throat immediately!

Meng Sangzhen is not calm at this moment. What did she see? She actually saw tenderness from the eyes of the dog emperor? In the past, the dog emperor laughed and laughed again, and the ice cooling in the deep eyes never melted! So, is this person who laughs in front of it laugh? She couldn't help thinking.

When the fake emperor saw Meng Sangzhen’s expression, he was very cute, and he took the words to tease her. "You see that he is full of hostility, and he really does not like it."

Meng Sangzhu saw the expression of A Baozhen along his fingertips. A Bao squinted, rubbing his teeth, his nose arched and arched, and was threatening low-pitched. This fierce appearance would be worse if it caused the emperor's unhappiness!

She quickly grabbed A Bao's dog's face and smirked and explained, "The emperor understands wrong. Abao is not hostile to the emperor and is hostile to others. The puppy is very vengeful. Last time, thanks to Chang Xigonggong, Chen The awkward Abao just took a cold shower in the lotus pond, or she would not come back with this injury." She sneered at the cold and often glanced.

Chang Xi immediately kneels down and swears at the palm of his hand. "The slave is damned, the slave is wrong, the slave has no eyes! Please Des Niangniu forgiveness!" I thought that this woman was destined to fall, he would beat her so unscrupulously. Pets. But who would have liked to use her to use her? In this way, he is less likely to ask for the whole time. However, a woman who is going to die will endure it for a while, and I will make a good book for you to make a good book! I often like to covet, to cover up the evil spirits in the fundus.

However, Emperor Zhou Wu was kneeling at Meng Sang's knees, his sight was just flush with him, and he naturally took his expression to his eyes. His heart was cold and cold: It seems that this slave is indispensable!

Looking at the face of Emperor Zhou Wu, the palaces are all very polite to the guests, and the courtesy is added, but Meng Sangqi does not. She did not want to fight for favor, and she did not want to seek power. She did not need to often help her to speak in front of Zhou Wudi, so that Zhou Wudi always remembered her. Chang Xi does not provoke her to be naturally safe. If she is provoked, she will not let her be better. A Bao’s revenge, she never forgot a minute.

However, revenge should be stopped, and Chang Xi is a dog emperor.

Meng Sangzhen always pays attention to Zhou Wudi's facial expression, waiting for him to be slightly unhappy and immediately stop. But this shows that the problem is coming. What is that look? Not impatient, not angry, but nervous, fearful, upset?

Meng Sang licked his lips and licked it again. This time he finally decided that he was not mistaken. Are you afraid of a slave? how is this possible? Her heart jumped and a faint idea slipped through her mind like a lightning bolt.

Seeing Zhou Wudi twisting his eyebrows toward himself, it is obviously an unpleasant expression, but there is a hint of faintness and flicker in the bottom of his eyes. Meng Sangqi raised his hand and opened his mouth casually. "But stop, stop. Next time you have a look!" She looked at the fake emperor who had relaxed her facial nerves. She was very interested in the proposal. "In the emperor, in order to prevent those who have no eyes from hurting Abao, would you write a dog tag for him? With a dog-giving card, A Bao is safe to walk in the palace, and the courtiers don’t have to worry about him anymore!"

"This..." The fake emperor hesitated, and he was afraid to show his feet when writing.

"Bixi Palace Abao, but five words, and raise your hand. The emperor will become a full-fledged minister!" Meng Sang licked his fingers and counted it, then plucked his sleeves and his voice was soft and intoxicating.

The fake emperor's heart is swaying, and there is no trace of the cheeks that are red and swollen. Chang Xiwei invisible made a look, the fake emperor readily promised.

When Emperor Zhou Wu held the fake clothing sleeves and spoiled him in Meng Sangyu, he screamed and screamed.

Meng Sangqi discovered the unusual interaction between the fake emperor and Changxi, and quickly asked Yin Cui to take the noisy Abao, so that he would not anger the person and distract himself.

The dog barked away, and Bishui and Feng Wei came over with pen and ink, and spread them on the table of the Eight Immortals on the couch.