MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 54 Please

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In the tourmaline palace, quietly, Feng Wei and Yin Cui, Bi Shui are in front of Meng Sang. Seeing her pale face, cold hands and feet, although she fell asleep because of the action of drugs, but it trembled from time to time, it seems extremely uneasy.

Feng Wei was so distressed that she gave her a quilt and burned a brazier in the sleeping hall. When she remembered Su Shi’s death, she was shocked and quickly ran to the window to open a slit in the window.

Through the window slits, I saw the bright yellow cymbals appearing in the heavy snow, gradually approaching, she was a glimpse, then waved to Yin Cui and Bishui to go out with her. The maiden is sick, what is the emperor to do? Will not always come to the maiden to help? That is a big joke!

"The slaves see the emperor." The three men walked quickly to the front of the door and deliberately lowered the voice. Due to the timely prevention of Feng Wei, the **** of the gatekeeper did not sing loudly and "the emperor drove."

When Zhou Wudi, who strode down the royal family, saw their movements, they knew that Mulberry would definitely fall asleep and were very satisfied with the slaves of the three loyal guardians.

"How is the mulberry?" He strode to the bedroom and his voice was extremely low.

Mulberry? What is this name? Feng Wei’s trio has been smashed. Or the clear water reaction is the fastest, and the interface is fast. "Return to the emperor, the goddess drank the medicine, and now I am falling asleep, please the emperor must not pick up the car."

Zhou Wudi nodded unreasonably, and his footsteps unwittingly accelerated a few points. Feng Wei and others had to sprint behind.

The large rosewood carved bed was covered with thick bedding, and the dragon in the hall was burned with a brazier. When you walked in, you could feel the sudden rise in temperature. But the woman who curled up in the bed was pale and her body was trembling. The delicate brows huddled together, and the original pink lips were dry and chapped, which seemed to be too cold.

The two-layer quilt was covered, and her figure was completely caught in the couch. It looked so petite and so fragile as if it were pinched.

Zhou Wudi suddenly stopped, and for a moment, he felt his heartbeat stopped, until a severe pain came from the chest, he found that he had not breathed for a long time. Such a fragile mulberry is something he has never seen before. All her sorrows and misfortunes seem to be caused by his suspicions and utilization! Although he is an emperor, he seems so powerless in the face of mulberry, and he can't find a place to make it up!

The twilight gradually darkened, and his heart rose into endless anger and annoyed at himself.

"The emperor, the maiden has nothing to do, you will go back soon after you have seen it, so as not to get sick." Feeling the strong suffocation of the emperor, Feng Wei carefully opened his mouth. Isn't it impossible to go to the hospital? The emperor is not angry with the maiden?

"Is the mulberry ate medicine? How could it be suddenly stimulated?" Zhou Wudi listened to her words unconsciously, and walked lightly to the bedside, pressing down on the voice.

"Return to the emperor, I have eaten it. The puppies that the niece had raised before have died, and I think of the national grandfather who has no news, and some are overly worried."

"It turns out. Has the medicine for raising the body been eaten?" Referring to Abao, his dark eyes blinked slightly. He wanted to reach out and touch the face of the mulberry and stopped. He turned and went to the brazier.

Feng Wei followed him behind him, forced to suppress the grievances in his heart, whispered, "Go back to the emperor, the drug and other maidens woke up and drink." Do not drink the best!

"Well, don't forget. Mulberry is weak and needs to be nursed back." Zhou Wudi was careful, and when he felt warm enough, he turned back to the bed, rubbed his hands and opened the mulberry. The quilt got into it.

Feng Wei and others were stunned. what 's wrong? Didn't you leave after asking? Why did you sleep? When I fell asleep, I didn’t forget to drive away the cold. When was the Emperor so considerate?

When Feng Wei was dumbfounded, Chang Xi, who was not surprised, had come up and removed the dragon boots for the emperor.

Zhou Wudi took the woman's pale and cold face and pressed it tightly on her cheek, trying to bring her a touch of warmth. The fingertips stroked the black and blue under her eyes, and the movement could not tell the gentleness. He sighed low and printed a kiss on the woman's forehead, plunging her precious and heavy into her arms, and the heart was dull and painful because of the woman's weight loss.

Feng Wei and others bowed their heads and concealed the expression of horror on their faces. Is this the emperor? How is it so gentle to the goddess? The affectionate eyes, the care of the actions, just like treating their own treasures, they all have some doubts whether they are wrong!

"Let's go out, sleep with the mulberry for a while!" Breathing lightly, seeing the mulberry sleeping very hard, and not being awakened by himself, but extremely attached to his chest, Zhou Wudi smiled in his eyes, Whispered.

"Yes." Feng Wei and others went out, and Chang Xi held the dust at the door of the temple.

"Mulberry, you won't let me alone, you can try to rely on you, believe you." He held the woman's cheek, whispered in her ear, and then kissed her soft hairline in close detail. .

The man's body temperature is very hot, the heavy voice with the power to appease the people, unconsciously, Meng Sangzhen no longer trembles, slamming into his arms, the small hand reflexively grabs his clothes, as if afraid of him Run away. Only when she is unconscious will she show her inner fragility and want to find a warm embrace.

"Yes, that's it!" Pat her little hand with excessive force, and kissed gently on the back of her hand. Zhou Wudi embedded her into her chest and sighed at the purple bed. He knows that when the mulberry wakes up, it will become the strong independence, and the Germans who refuse to be thousands of miles away. He can only get her momentary warmth in her dreams.

Holding the most precious person, the man's troubled mood calmed down, and his mind gradually became fascinated. At this moment, a footstep sound came from outside the temple. His brow wrinkled and immediately woke up, and the dark scorpion smashed toward the door.

"The emperor, the priests asked to see outside the temple." Chang Xi stopped at five meters away from the bed and whispered back.

"Know it, I will come right away." Zhou Wudi retired from Chang Xi, kissed Meng Sangyu's face, and watched her sleep for a while before she left lightly.

"Take care of your master. If you have any problems, immediately send someone to inform you." He carefully asked Feng Wei and others, then walked to the front of the hall, waiting for Jun Junwei, and took two steps and turned back, adding a word, " When is it clear?"

"Listen clearly!" Feel the emperor's attention, Feng Wei and others quickly promised. Looking at the bright yellow scorpion that gradually blurs in the snow, the three faces face each other, and the expressions on their faces are puzzled. What happened to the emperor? How is the attitude different from the past?


Gan Qing Dian, Zhou Wudi is holding a secret letter to read, Yan Junwei is standing beside the Royal Table, the surface is a chill.

"Shen Zhongliang is going to break the net of the fish, and he wants to unite the Huainan Wang to fight against it, huh~" Put down the letter, and the man’s handsome face raised a sneer smile.

Taishifu was heavily monitored by the secret guards. Shen Zhongliang’s every move was sent to the emperor’s desk on time. He was still desperate at this time. He could only say that people were looking for death, and ten horses could not pull back. Sure enough, the father and the daughter, seemingly smart, in fact, stupid to the extreme.

Yan Junwei disdainfully grinned, cold voice, "Emperor, he actually wants to let go of your rumors, and lead Huainan Wang and Xiangbei Wang to attack Kyoto, this scourge can not be left for a long time, is it to let the subordinates..." He raised his hand and did A slashing action.

"No, the scholars have already become troubled. He is going to be ruined. This time he killed him and things have subsided. When the dark guards bring back the evidence of his foreign enemies from the border, he will clear all the accounts together. Even if you die, you have to leave him with an immortal name, so that the Shen family will never turn over!" Zhou Wudi smirked, and the tone of speech seemed to be casual but with a murderous murderous.

"Yes." Yan Junwei nodded. It’s not terrible to die, it’s terrible to wait for death, then let Shen Zhongliang dying for a while.

"Yes, your identity has been made public, what is the reaction of the Qi government?" The man raised a thick eyebrow and was full of interest.

"Ah, I want to welcome the ministers with great fanfare. It’s a pity that this family has already been divided. The battle for the title has also been settled. People in the capital city know that the Qi State Government has offended the Weichen. If the Weichen returns, isn’t it? What makes people laugh? The Qi government and the ministers in the future have no relationship. The emperor should cook them freely. If necessary, the minister can help!" Yan Junwei smiled quite brilliantly. He killed his mother and wanted to harm himself into a waste. He had already had no trace of affection for that family. A good government office, even sent the niece to the Taishifu to give Shen Xiyan a diverticulum, how to describe them? what! It’s still an old saying that people who want to die and ten horses can’t pull back!

Thinking of this, Jun Junwei is ashamed of his shallow literary attainments. How do you say this is all this? Sure enough, this year is not good, too many people looking for death!

"The slaves gave the emperor peace, and saw the great commander. The slaves have just seen it at Cat and Dog House. There is one like Abao. The general size of the dog is just that the dog has recently been infected with the cold, and still in the treatment, the slaves are not good. Chang Xi took the Buddha's dust and appeared at the entrance of the temple. He respectfully gave the two men a salute.

"What is the emperor looking for?" Jun Junwei was full of doubts. The most hated thing for the emperor was the pet with hair. Jane had to avoid the point of avoiding it.

"Give it to Dean, she knows that Abao is dead, and she is just the same to make her happy." Zhou Wudi waved his face and waved uncomfortably. "You can go."

Yan Junwei’s smiling smile, the ceremony retired. When did the emperor learn to please people? Dean Niangniang is high!

When people walked away, Zhou Wudi asked carefully, "Is it cold? Is it not serious? Is there a similar dog?"

"Back to the emperor, the two dogs sent by Gaul, the male dog was not properly cared for, and the **** died after giving birth to four cubs. Only two lived in the cub, one is the devil's mother. Bao, a person adopted by the Ancai people, because of illness and abandonment to the cat dog square, I heard that the disease is more serious."

"Pei Wen Tai doctor used to look at it, so that he must cure the dog. Healed it and immediately came here to death." Zhou Wudi had appointed himself as a royal doctor.

"Yes." Chang Xi is arrogant.