MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 78 estrus

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Zhou Wudi handled the government affairs and heard that Sang Yu was enjoying the scenery in the Imperial Garden. He immediately found it, and his mind outlined the beautiful picture of holding the mulberry and half lying in the chaise longue.

Seeing a person who was crushed by Penglai Pavilion, he frowned, and the interest disappeared in an instant.

"Get up." I personally picked up the mulberry, pinching her little hand in the palm of her hand, and Zhou Wudi faintly opened.

Yan Ya'an smiled quietly, and did not see the surprise of seeing the holy face. Being able to get the Queen's support, occupying the position of the top four who belonged to the emperor, her mind and heart are far better than ordinary people. The attitude of the emperor to the emperor's treatment of the emperor, said that the love of the treasure is not too much, love more than life is more appropriate. As long as there is a royal emperor, he can't accommodate others in his eyes.

The corner of her eye was stunned and her face was faint, her sister was excited, and she smiled sarcastically.

"What are you doing?" Taking advantage of the mulberry to sit down, Zhou Wudi opened the burst of the spring breeze for her, the tone of the deep love pet, called a group of girls to listen and hate, but It is even more fascinating to gain the favor of the emperor. Among them, Meng Ruizhu and Yan Yage are especially popular, and their eyes are red.

"Being a poem." Meng Sangyu pointed to the scattered poems on the table.

"You? Make poetry?" Zhou Wudi raised his eyebrows, and the low voice was full of smiles. Mulberry studied everything fast, but he did not have a little talent for poetry. He taught for several months, and now even the "sounds" have not been learned.

When thinking of those poems that are cluttered and unintelligible, Zhou Wudi could not help but laugh. Really... It’s so cute!

The emperor’s full smile and the low smile of the pet are considered to be ridiculous. The singer’s singer is slightly brighter, step forward, and sighs. “The emperor has finished the poem, and the maiden has chosen the leader. The woman has long admired her talent for the maiden. I don’t know if I have the honor to see one or two?” She is confident that as soon as she opens her mouth, the emperor will surely notice her, and then she will dump her like everyone else.

Everyone knows that Mulberry does not know how to use ink. How come "admiration for a long time"? This woman is sorrowful! However, a people who dare to provoke the emperor, is the heart too big? Zhou Wudi's dark and dull, straight-eyed glamour of the pilgrimage, and her exquisite face, no change in expression. Mulberry is the only bright color in his eyes, and other women are not afraid of him.

"I thought you were not honored yet." He snorted and his words were unceremonious.

The imperial reaction of the emperor was too unexpected. The face of the singer was so white as paper, and there was a sense of temptation to fall from the cloud to the abyss.

Other girls have covered their mouths and resisted the sneer of rushing out of their throats. Can you grow up to be unfavorable? Obviously, this article will not work in front of the emperor! What's more, can you be beautiful? A geese-yellow clothes, sitting next to the emperor's golden robes, the contrast is as big as a phoenix and a chicken, poor and ridiculous!

Meng Sangqi yawned, and the black and white phoenix eyes dyed a layer of water vapor, which appeared to be radiant under the bright spring light, so it was fascinating. She has one-handed support and her words are straightforward. "The world knows that this palace does not pass through the ink, and that the palace is a poem. Do you want to see the palace ugly?"

The window paper was broken at a glance, and the Song of Songs did not know that Huang Guifei was as sharp as her own. When she panicked, she quickly pleaded out and asked for sin. She was so weeping, and the poor appearance seemed to be tempting even if the saint saw it.

Zhou Wudi was only a faint glimpse, and his sleeves screamed coldly, and then pinched the delicate fingertips of Mulberry, his eyes filled with a strong smile. This small mouth of Mulberry is a man who can kill people.

When Meng Sang saw that the man was not confused by the female color, he suddenly felt that he was in a good mood. He gathered in the ear of the man and shrank his mouth. "The emperor, the courtier has a new work in the near future. Do you want to listen?"

"Oh? Say it out for appreciation." Zhou Wudi raised his eyebrows and knew that Mulberry would have to toss himself with his miserable poetry. Mulberry will never know that his face is entangled in pain, but his heart is as sweet as it is.

Meng Sang licked his lips, and after a few moments of indifference, he said, "I am on the road, I met a dog. I said hello to it. It yelled at me."

Because she deliberately lowered the voice, only the three people who sat relatively close, such as Yan Ya'an, Yan Yage, and Meng Ruizhu, all showed a dull expression. This, what is this ghost thing? Can you call a poem? Can you call poetry? ? Their cognition of poetry has been completely subverted!

Zhou Wudi’s handsome face was instantly stiff, and after a moment of recollection, a burst of laughter burst out and he said, “Good! Good poetry! Especially the last sentence, it’s really a god! You only have to think about it. come out!"

Meng Sang’s mouth twitches, and the darkness of his heart’s defeat: The ability of the emperor to resist scorpion seems to be getting stronger and stronger! Did you still laugh at this kind of god? This poem was seen on the Internet by her previous life. At that time, she had aphasia for a long time, so her memory was especially profound. Unexpectedly, the level of appreciation of the emperor was even more modern than her!

"Don't choose, today's poetry is not a sang!" It was hard to accept the laugh, Zhou Wudi scratched her nose, and joked.

Yan Yage swayed, and some were crumbling. Meng Ruizhu’s cheeks are red and look forward to the young and beautiful emperor. He said: The legendary emperor likes talented women. It seems that this is not the case today. If my sister can carry one or two, I also have a chance.

虞 Yaan coveted, the heart of the dead and the last bit of luxury are turned into smoke. The emperor’s tolerance for Huang Guifei’s tolerance has reached this point. Can there be a little chance for others? It is said that if someone really loves someone, no matter what the person says and what is good, they are all cute and lovely. This is true.

"Since it is a poetry creator, I don't want to write it out so that I can look forward to seeing the great talents of the emperor." The screaming screaming in the chest was lost, and she pulled out a smile, but her tone was somewhat aggressive.

The showgirls showed a curious expression, Meng Ruizhu down, concealing the gloating on his face, Meng Sangqi yawned, attitude is not taken as if the other is an annoying flies.

Zhou Wudi immediately gloomy face, screaming at the Song of Songs, and his voice was cold. "The poems of Emperor Guifei, except for the sly, no one is qualified to appreciate. It is so gentle and arrogant to talk in front of the emperor and the monk. How did you teach the rules? ?"

Yan Ya’an’s heart was amazed and he hurried down to plead guilty.

Yan Yage’s cold and ruthless eyes on the man’s eyes, the eyes are red, and they have to beg for mercy under the sister’s pull. Since she was born, she has suffered such grievances, and she has been guilty of her reluctance, she is not a strong heart, she is not so strong heart is on the verge of collapse.

Seeing her biting her red lips, she was reluctant to accept the expression of loss, and Meng Sang was dull. Although this woman has no brains, she is a natural master in how to use her own appearance. Even in the most embarrassing moments, she can show a different kind of beauty, and her heart is still very big, her character is extremely impulsive, such a person. Can't stay! It will be a curse in the future!

Seeing the face of Huang Gui, who was sullen and gloomy, Yan Yaan slammed his head, but his eyes were filled with a smile. Today’s event has become, and Aya Song has no chance to compete with himself! It was also a daughter, and her father’s death and death made her feel cold. Don't you want her to bring it? Brought to the emperor and the emperor in front of the head office!

Emperor Zhou Wu smacked the gold silk armor set at the fingertips of Mulberry and ignored the sisters of the Sui family. He can feel the disappointment of Mulberry to the song, so let her take a moment.

The showgirls licked their lips and watched the drama, and the heart was so happy, which shows how the singer’s songs failed.

At this moment, the sound of a dog bark was far and near, and the call of Yin Cui and Bishui anxiously followed. A small brown shovel planted a flowering grove, passing directly through the flower bed, carrying a grass leaf fart and rushing toward Meng Sangqi. The silver and green water shouts behind the corps are more anxious, as if something big happened.

Meng Sang squats and opens his hands to greet the two treasures, but he is pulled into his arms by the men around him.

The two treasures who rushed to the front saw the man with a gloomy momentum, and his footsteps paused. He immediately turned his direction and ran towards the nearest Yanya Song.虞 跪 跪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Everyone was caught by this change. Yin Cui and Bi Shui are miserable in their hearts. They use the face to squint and can’t bear to look directly at the scene in the pavilion. Erbaofa-love, they just discovered that it is too late to report! Fortunately, there is the emperor, scared away the two treasures, otherwise the ugly is the master.

虞 歌 歌 歌 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先 先This little beast actually turned out to want to make a deal with himself. ! She was so anxious to die, and quickly picked up the two treasures. There was not much effort in the Qiangge Qianjin. After the two treasures were opened, they went back and hugged her arms. One person and one dog started a tug of war.

Meng Sang 榆 榆 目 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟Xiaodou Ding wants to climb a beautiful woman, the scene is too funny! For a long time, I didn’t see Mulberry so open, Zhou Wudi’s pets wrapped around her waist to prevent her from falling, and she was laughing low on the face.

Two people took the lead, and the showgirls grinned and laughed. Even the calm Yan Yaan blinked.

"Get up." Seeing that Mulberry was pleased, Zhou Wudi finally waved with satisfaction.

Yan Ya'an gimmicks thanked him, but Yan Yage did not move for a long time. Meng Sang slammed his smile and apologized. "Get up, only then will you grievance, and this palace will compensate yourself."

Yan Yage still does not move, but the head is slightly raised, revealing a small face full of tears, the spring light is really crystal clear, beautiful, and will be "Yu Rong lonely tears dry, pear blossoms with a spring rain" two poems interpretation of the best.

Meng Sang’s light flashed, and he did not consciously go to see the reaction of Zhou Wudi. Zhou Wudi still licked her green fingertips to play. He was much more acquainted with this kind of artificial person, and even a little finger of mulberry could not keep up.

"Because of this humiliation, what face does the woman have to survive in the world? Ask the emperor to be the master of the woman!" She whimpered, then slammed her head, a loyal and unyielding look.

If you have a fart, why can't you live? ! Meng Sang-soo was quite tired in his heart, and he said, "But a puppy can still kill you. How are you waiting? Do you want to give this house a marriage with you?"

Emperor Zhou Wu first raised his eyebrows and then laughed out loud. For the second treasure to give marriage? This singular idea is only mulberry!

All the people present, including the maids who served on the court, couldn’t help but laugh.

Yan Yage’s face was blue and white, and then he rose purple. He could not respond to the words of the emperor. Seeing her ugly state of rare sight, Yan Yaan hangs his head and his mouth is slightly hooked. Who does not know that Meng Sang is difficult to deal with, only one mouth can also poison people, but you have to hit the gun! If you change yourself, you will be a good person, and you will be compensated by Huang Guifei. It’s a disaster to have a beautiful appearance without a brain!

"How? Do you think about it clearly? Considering this palace will give you a marriage!" Meng Sangqi took a tea sip and sipped a shallow drink.

Yan Yage shook his head violently, and looked at Zhou Wudi with a sullen face. Zhou Wudi took the cup of mulberry, and drank tea on her lip print, and slightly blinked to reveal the expression of enjoyment.

Yan Yage was desperate, and he was sobbing on the ground, and the cries of the cries were upset.

"With the animals that don't know anything, they can be entangled for so long, why bother! You can laugh and pass, you have to make a lot of right and wrong! Don't cry, love!" Meng Sang can't stand her high and low. Sobbing, earning the man's arm, leaving his sleeves, and even forgetting the greetings, walked out of the Penglai Pavilion, remembered Meng Ruizhu, and called Bishui to call her. After all, it is a Meng family woman, she has to mention one or two, saving the person to be counted. How did she know about Yan Ya’an’s plan? However, it is a matter of course, and people like Yan Yage really can't stay.

The temper is getting bigger and bigger! Zhou Wudi shook his head and smiled. He stood up and kept up. He sighed when he passed the singer song on the ground. "Since you feel that you are already unclean, then quickly pack things out of the palace." Go back.

Yan Yage forgot to cry, and looked up at the man's back, this time the desperate feelings on the face are genuine.

I did not expect to send this scourge so quickly. After staying the card but did not participate in the palace election, the emperor was sent to the palace by the head of the unclean body, and the good reputation of the elegant songs was completely finished. What kind of people can marry in the future? Yan Yaan shook his head, which was very pessimistic. The pleasure of the corner of his mouth could not be concealed anyway.