MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 57

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"Okay," Xu Can replied first. After this sentence passed through his mind, he reacted.

She opened her eyes, and her sleepiness disappeared for the most part.

Q: "Yeah...what kind of way to go home..."

"Airplane," Tong Mingyue said seriously, knowing what she wanted to ask, "the cruise is too slow, at least half a month. It's too late."

Xu Can pouted his lower lip and hummed: "...Bad man."

In the middle of the night, there was only the sound of rain hitting the window, the negative emotions and details in the dream, but after waking up, she was about to forget it.

Because the existence of the people around you is so real.

Xu Can was hugged by her.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly took advantage of the darkness of the night to ask coquettishly, "I like you, have you already seen it out?"

Tong Mingyue hesitated and said, "I can feel it."

"Sure enough," Xu Can said with a raised face and a smile, "how did you see that."

She thought she was holding back well.

Tong Mingyue stretched out her hand, tapped the pulp of her finger on her brow bone, and laughed softly, "It was your eyes that told me."


Xu Can didn't say a word, he kissed her with his eyes down and raised his lips and asked, "Wife Huahua, when did you like me?"

Tong Mingyue bent her eyes when she heard her natural address.

He hesitated for a moment as if shyly, and then confessed softly: "I have always liked you very much."

Saying that, she leaned closer to her, and raised her chin with her fingers.

Xu Can's long eyelashes blinked, the dimples on his cheeks appeared and disappeared, and he kissed her lips obediently and actively.

The lips and tongues were entangled, and the angle was changed several times, and the two of them were breathing a little faster.

Gradually can't tell who is asking for a kiss.


Xu Can was panting, and he could still remember when his brain was deprived of oxygen. His tone was too soft, "...It's not that kind of liking for students."

"Yes... it's like this now."

Tong Mingyue seemed to think seriously.

After a few seconds of silence, she tugged her long hair around her fingertips, her tone was a bit smiling, but she was serious: "That's probably... the moment you found out that your liking was not very simple."

Xu Can pursed his lips and couldn't help the overflowing smile: "Always deceive me with good obedience!"

"I don't deny coaxing," Tong Mingyue said with a smile in her eyes, rubbing the top of her hair with her hands, and said solemnly, "There is absolutely no way to cheat."

Dark night.

Xu Can closed her eyes slightly. She recently woke up early and went to bed late, worrying about the experimental data, but she was already very sleepy.

But still reluctant to sleep.

A little headstrong said: "Then you can coax me again and sing me a good night song, okay?"

"Okay," Tong Mingyue pinched her cheek in a doting tone, "what's wrong with that."

Xu Can pursed his lips and closed his eyes obediently.

Tong Mingyue thought for a while, then sang in a very soft voice, "...Just thinkofthings like daffodils..."

The voice is soft and gentle.

"The Face I Love"

Xu Can's dimples deepened, and his long closed eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't speak.


Two or three years ago, it was the song she sang to her when she first coaxed her to sleep.

It was Xu Can's eighteenth birthday at that time, and her wish was to listen to her singing.


Tong Mingyue was still the same as at that time, instead of just picking out a short section to sing, she sang the whole song in a serious and tender tone. The last few sentences gradually became lighter and lighter.

He smiled warmly, "Are you asleep...?"

Xu Can obediently closed his eyes and did not speak.

After a moment of silence, a gentle goodnight kiss fell on the middle of her forehead.

"Goodnight, kitty."

the next day.

Xu Can handed over the article to the tutor, and happily ended the two-month task at hand. Although it was only for a while, it was very satisfying.

Carrying bags ready to leave.

The tutor is asking the students around him to run errands to send the documents to a certain professor in the experimental building next door. When Xu Can heard where the things were sent, he came back very enthusiastically.

took over this task.

Next to that laboratory is the laboratory where Tong Mingyue works.

She delivered the documents that were supposed to be delivered quickly.

Going forward, I met people from relevant research groups, some of whom Xu Can knew. She was afraid that it would be troublesome to say hello to others. He lowered his face, walked against the wall, and naturally walked to Tong Mingyue's laboratory.

Through the glass, Xu Can glanced in and found where Tong Mingyue was.

She just finished the experiment.

He took off his gloves slowly and looked at the data, some reflective lenses obscuring the expression in his eyes.

Xu Can has been very fast, and he has never seen her in the laboratory.

She couldn't help but took out her phone and turned on the camera function.

Through the glass, I secretly took a photo.

She was rarely seen in a lab coat. The buttons are all buttoned up meticulously, and the ordinary white coat is more temperamental than the female star wearing a white trench coat on the cover of a fashion magazine.

From the neckline, you can vaguely see the blue shirt inside, and the buttons of the shirt are also meticulous, abstinent and dignified.

Xu Can photographed her with her hair twisted, lowered her head and unbuttoned her white coat, and was about to go out.

Tong Mingyue seemed to notice something and raised her eyes slightly.


Xu Can quickly turned around and stuffed the phone back.

Pretending to be a general unrelated person, he strode away. She was still hiding behind the wall for a few seconds, as if a suspicious person sneaked in, so she wouldn't see it.

Wait until you get out of this laboratory building.

She took out her mobile phone and smirked at the candidly photographed photo of Tong Mingyue. Suddenly received a message.

Xu Can casually clicked to take a look.

Tong Mingyue: [Does it look good? ]

Tong Mingyue: [/smile]


Xu Can saw the system's default yellow expression, the "Haha" smiley face with his eyes down and no smile at all.

Subconsciously startled.

She immediately smiled helplessly.

When I get home, I really have to educate her. This expression does not mean very friendly!

She just saw it.

People are seen.

But she put away her phone so fast, how could she find it.

Xu Can raised his lips and replied: [Not particularly good-looking. ]

Xu Can: [It's not as beautiful as a tenth of a real person. ]

It's weird when it comes out.

Xu Can: [No, it wasn't very ugly. ]

Xu Can: [I mean]

Xu Can: [Well, I really can't speak without you...]

Xu Can: [/Angry]

Tong Mingyue just came out of the laboratory.

Seeing the news, he couldn't help but raised his lips and smiled.

How do you say that and you still feel awkward? She walked around the corner and saw Xu Can who was parked in front of the door and continued to send messages with his head down.

Xu Can: [When will you come out? Are you waiting for me? ]

Xu Can: […But why did you notice me like that? ? ]

Tong Mingyue put the phone in her bag after reading the news.

Bending the corners of her lips, she walked over quietly, and suddenly leaned on her waist from behind.

Xu Can was shocked.

Turn your head-

"Why can I see it?" Tong Mingyue leaned close to her ear and replied in a serious tone, "Probably, Yu Guang has set up a special concern for you."

When the words fell, he turned his head and smiled embarrassedly.