MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 9

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Xu Can's eyes were sideways, and he smiled lightly on the surface. After a few seconds, he suppressed the embarrassment and said innocently, "That's my memory."

Grinding teeth inside.

The speech on the stage continued, and the old man's voice amplified by the microphone was vaguely airy. They sat in the last row, only the two of them, and no one else in the other half of the aisle.

Because it is a small auditorium, the layout is somewhat similar to that of a public classroom.

Xu Can asked softly, "Teacher, do you like this author very much?"

"It's okay..." Tong Mingyue thought about it and said, "Ordinary readers who have read a few books."

The air conditioner is warm.

Xu Can closed his eyes and suddenly felt sleepy. He hadn't slept normally in the past few days, and he continued to exploit his physical strength after exhausting his spirits during the exam.

Originally, I just wanted to close my eyes, but my eyelashes became heavy and I couldn't open them easily.

"I've been very tired lately."

The writer on the stage was still talking, so Tong Mingyue spoke in a very soft voice, almost whispering next to her ear, "How about a while."

Xu Can opened his eyes subconsciously, "Not so good..."

Tong Mingyue stretched out her hand, covered Xu Can's eyes, and whispered, "It's alright, go to sleep."

He lightly supported her shoulder so that she could sleep against her.

Leaning on her shoulder, the tip of her nose was at the shoulder socket, Xu Can smelled a faint fragrance, soft and elegant like a floral fragrance, and it was cold and gentle without violating the harmony.

It doesn't smell like laundry detergent or perfume, like anything she's ever smelled.

Possibly fragrant.

The eyelids are getting heavier.

Maybe it was because this feeling was too good, so Xu Can was really rude and let himself go to sleep. If you're still thinking about it blurry, let's just squint for a while.

Professor Tong, who was supposed to help with some discipline, sat up straight, still looking at the stage. From time to time, he straightened Xu Can's small head, which was falling asleep, to make her sleep more comfortable.

During Xu Can's confusion several times, he felt her hand stroke the broken hair on her cheek with gentle movements.

Who knows, when you open your eyes again, it is already over.

She seemed to have slept too soundly, was refreshed, and woke up feeling enlightened.

His face was a little hot, and he looked at Tong Mingyue beside him and said, "Huh? Why are you all gone?" The voice was a little hoarse.

Tong Mingyue was really incompetent this time. He clearly came to help, but he didn't go up to work until the end. He didn't move, watching the male teacher finish packing things by himself. She heard the words with a smile: "It's over, little pig."

Xu Can was tickled by her soft cry.

When I regained my senses, my thoughts turned fast, my eyes glanced at the empty small auditorium, and my heart beat faster.

"I woke up a little hungry," Xu Can swallowed and said innocently, "Go to the cafeteria?"

Immediately reacted, just woke up and wanted to eat again, it was really not wrong to be called by the little pig.

"Well," Tong Mingyue stood up first, looked down at her with a smile, and said, "Okay, let's go."


Xu Can rolled his eyes and stood up.

Just as she was about to step forward, her legs suddenly softened, as if they were caught on a flat carpet for no reason, and her body leaned forward against her.

It's not really installed.

The seat is too low, and the legs are not straight. Of course, the state will be numb, and I don't feel it when I fall asleep. It doesn't feel right to stand up.

Tong Mingyue was startled, and hurriedly reached out to hug her and paused, "Are your legs numb?"

Xu Can's face was wrinkled into a bun, and he nodded pitifully: "I can't move, it seems that I have to slow down..."

"Don't worry, it's too early for the cafeteria to close." Tong Mingyue put her hand on her waist and asked her to lean against her.

Xu Can's claws stretched out gently, suppressing her heartbeat, trying her best to remain calm and natural, and wrapped her around her waist.

The two were about the same height, shoulder-to-shoulder.

Xu Can's chin lightly touched her shoulder.

The slowly slowed down legs seemed to be stabbed by countless fine needles, tingling and tingling, but she had no feeling at all, and her heart was full of this half-embracing action at the moment.


She was sweet alone, and just like that, she felt so happy that she was about to bubble up.

Tong Mingyue was still in her ear and said, "It's been hard work recently."

Five words in a very gentle tone.

Xu Can was speechless immediately and remained silent for a long time.

When she is shy, her face turns red very quickly, so she hummed, paused for a few seconds, turned her eyes away and pretended to hum, "It's so hard to get a perfect score."

Tong Mingyue smiled softly, "I have been so ambitious since I was a child."

Xu Can felt that his ears were turning red.

"It's winter vacation already, when will you go home?"

"I don't want to go back this year."

Tong Mingyue said "um" and didn't ask any further, just said gently: "I'm basically in school. When you're not reading papers, you can come to the office to find me and chat. It's good to read idle books."


Xu Can paused for half a second, and thought for a while, and realized that she was because of Qiu Wei's meaning of "psychological counseling".

She doesn't feel that she is under a lot of pressure, after all, she has been here since she was a child.

But if I wasted this opportunity, I would be struck by lightning, so I deliberately hummed and hummed softly.

After answering, I felt that I pretended to be depressed and pretended not to be like it, a little too artificial, and I was busy trying to add something to cover up: "I haven't read a few books anyway..."

She didn't respond to what she said.

Anyway, regret saying it.

Maybe it was also subconsciously annoyed that he didn't know who Mo Yan was, and embarrassed him in front of her. There is a hint of sadness...

Xu Can lowered his head, buried his face in Tong Mingyue's shoulder, a little shameless, and said quickly, "Why are my legs still so numb?"

"What should I do..." Tong Mingyue bent her lower lip, thought for a while, and held her hand, "Try to take two steps forward slowly?"

Xu Can's hand was held by her, and his heart began to beat with a sense of existence again, and he tried to take two steps forward. Quietly hold it back, the skin is delicate and soft as boneless, and I want people to hold it for a lifetime.

She blushed, and fanned her other hand beside her ear to cover, "The air conditioner is hot."

Tong Mingyue raised her eyes when she heard the words, "I think Teacher Zou should have turned off the air conditioner before leaving."

After all, everyone was gone for a while.

Xu Can was silent for half a second, as if nothing had happened, he rubbed his neck and said, "The neck is sore, I heard that sleeping on a crooked position can easily cause the cervical spine to arch back..."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to bite his tongue off in the next second.

What's the matter? People borrow your shoulders to sleep and you still feel uncomfortable sleeping?

Xu Can felt that his brain was drilled after he slept, and he didn't speak so wisely.

Tong Mingyue didn't seem to feel it.

Holding the hand on the side of her waist, she slowly moved up and pressed lightly on her shoulder.

Tong Mingyue observed her expression and asked softly, "Do you feel it?"


Tong Mingyue said, "How do you feel?"

Xu Can, who was in the middle of the plane, said blankly, "Everything is there."


Tong Mingyue smiled and put down her hand, "Fortunately, it's not very stiff, and you have to sleep well in the late weekend."

After the slowdown, the two finally walked out. Xu Can suddenly muttered, "How do you know I haven't slept." Before she went out, she covered the dark circles under her eyes to look pretty.

Tong Mingyue only said: "I can see it."

"How did you get it?"

"Well, I can't see that it exploded."

Xu Can: "…"

Oh, and concealer still works...

As soon as I walked out of the small auditorium, I found a drizzle outside. There is a faint moon hidden in the thick clouds on the horizon, and the faint light is scattered, as if painted on.

Tong Mingyue took out the umbrella from her bag unsurprisingly, opened it and said, "My umbrella is a little small."

Xu Can didn't expect it to rain at night: "As expected."

Tong Mingyue smiled helplessly: "It's the weather forecast."

On the way, I found that the rain was not too small, and the dense raindrops fell on the umbrella surface and slid down into thin water droplets. She is carrying a very light folding umbrella, not only the umbrella surface is not big, but the ribs are not so strong.

A slightly stronger wind will make the umbrella sway.

Tong Mingyue held an umbrella, the umbrella was obviously skewed between the two, but such a small umbrella almost did not let her get wet.

Xu Can endured it, and couldn't help but grab her hand and lift it up two inches.

She held the umbrella handle, and under Tong Mingyue's suspicious eyes, she smiled lightly and skillfully, showing a sweet and lovely expression like an idol facing the camera, and innocently said: "I like to hold my own umbrella... OK? "

"Is it short?" Tong Mingyue didn't let go, she held the umbrella higher, and said, "I'll hold it."

"don't want."

Xu Can was silent for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "You support, just support me."

Tong Mingyue smiled silently, did not speak, and silently tilted the umbrella between the two of them.

Xu Can also withdrew his hand.

In the night wind and drizzle, Xu Can leaned over again, wrapped his arms around her waist, and asked softly, "Then can I go to the office tomorrow?"

Shoulder to shoulder, feeling her body temperature.

"Not tomorrow," Tong Mingyue seemed to think for a while, then shook her head and refused, "Come to me the day after tomorrow, okay?"

Her negotiating tone was always so gentle.

Xu Can nodded and said deliberately, "If it's not good."

Tong Mingyue tilted her head to look at her, saw the smile in her eyes, bent her lips, and thought deeply, "How about I come to see you the day after tomorrow?" The tone was serious.


Xu Can was speechless again. It is not unreasonable for her to be counseled by Guo Xiaoya.

In a blink of an eye, his face was hot again, and he lowered his eyes and didn't dare to look at her, so he replied, "Okay."

Tong Mingyue mistakenly thought that her low tone was not very happy.

Turning the corner, she changed her hand to hold an umbrella and gave Xu Can to the inner side of the road.

"If you don't read books, will I take you to the movies?"

"Oh," Xu Can was overjoyed, but pressing down, he asked cautiously, "Okay, is there any meaningful movie released recently?"

"I don't know if the film makes any sense."

Tong Mingyue chuckled lightly and said with a serious look, "It should be meaningful to see it with you."


Xu Can felt that her heart couldn't keep beating so fast, she took a deep breath quietly, and the moist cold wind helped her calm down a little. He said in a low voice, "Why do you speak so much?"

Go to the restaurant door.

Tong Mingyue put away the umbrella, put the wet folding umbrella into the blue plastic umbrella bucket, hummed suspiciously, and then questioned with a smile in a very sincere tone: "This is the first time I have heard this kind of evaluation. "


So, just be nice to her? Xu Can's blood bar was really unbearable.

When the meal was almost over, Xu Can remembered to check his phone.

Sure enough, there is news of Guo Xiaoya.

Half an hour ago, I asked her to bring a spicy dry pot.

Before she left, she went to buy it on the other side, and when she was waiting for the pot to dry, she talked to Tong Mingyue about the experiment she designed. After listening to Tong Mingyue, she gave some advice.

After a few minutes, the spicy dry pot was packed.

Xu Can didn't forget to open the plastic bag, open the lid of the lunch box, and add some seasoning.

Tong Mingyue didn't care at first, but she collapsed suddenly and patted the fierce posture at the bottom of the bottle, so she couldn't help but take a look.

After a pause, she reminded her, "This... is minced garlic."

Xu Can slapped the bottom of the bottle and turned it upside down, without changing his face: "Well, my roommate likes garlic the most, I have to give her more."