MTL - Why is This Little Brother-Chapter 50 The fifth

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After Yan Chun let Mo Qiulu go, Yan Chun's friend who followed her quietly behind him smiled with great satisfaction and disappeared before she found out.

Yan Chun had been standing on the stone steps and watched Mo Qiu reveal the immortal mountain. After the great formation was closed, Yan Chun turned around and walked back.

She did not use her spiritual power to shake the snow off her body, nor did she open the barrier for herself.

He didn't go back to the Corning Institute as if the wind was blowing under his feet, but despite the heavy snow, he even deliberately allowed himself to sense the temperature around him, and walked up the mountain step by step with the tip of his nose red.

The outer gate was snowing heavily, and the breath from Yanchun was a white mist like a spiritual mist.

When he arrived at the realm of the elders of the inner door, he suddenly felt warm like spring, and Yanchun could even hear Lingzhi absorbing the spiritual energy, rising steadily.

She walked slowly for a while, and when she returned to the Corning Institute, it was snowing heavily again, but Yan Chun felt that she had gone through many cold, summer, spring and autumn.

She returned to the Corning Institute, returned to her own room, took out several evil books about spirit condescension and demons that she had rolled back in Fu Tianlan's room, and read them carefully.

She quickly recited these books back and forth, the sky was still dark, Yan Chun closed her eyes and meditated, not cultivating, but peeping at the spiritual platform, looking at the half soul in the spiritual platform.

Missing is a very tiring thing, especially for people who are talented in love. It is like struggling in the quagmire.

Yan Chun simply did not fall asleep, but went to the library at night.

There is no need to rest or eat in the mortal realm, and the spiritual power circulating in her body can make her stay energized even if she doesn't eat or sleep.

Yanchun began to read without rest, no matter what kind of book it was, he placed it in the left and right bookstores, starting from the first bookshelf and reading in order.

Not only that, she also takes time out during the day to learn kendo and deduction techniques with her parents.

She packed her time and shuttled among the sects in a taciturn manner. She didn't know when Jing Yangyu would leave for Yanchun.

Just one day, when Yanchun was quickly flipping through the books by the window in the library, Jing Yangyu suddenly came to her.

Yanchun smiled at him, called him senior brother, and wentssips with him in a comfortable manner, and even discussed the method of book printing.

But Jing Yangyu cried.

Sunlight poured in from the open sash of the library, and that was the first time Yanchun saw Jing Yangyu crying.

He said, "I figured it out... I'm sorry for you, Junior Sister."

Yanchun looked at Jing Yangyu, her heart was calm, she even thought, if Mo Qiulu saw this, she might faint in distress.

She said to Jing Yangyu: "Senior brother, what you did at that time was right, you and I are all in the way of the founder of the Hengjue School, all beings in the world are equal, and we will never kill in vain. Everything. It's me, and I'll do that too."

Jing Yangyu just shook his head, and Yan Chun didn't know when he finally left.

I just heard that after that day, Jing Yangyu and Yan Chun were buried in the cultivation like crazy.

In the Kangning Institute, there is a cold and summer exchange, and the world's affairs cannot be passed on here.

It took Yanchun three times of falling snow to go from the early stage of escape to the middle stage of escape from the mundane realm.

On the day of entering the country, the blank cranes gathered and circled in the Kangning courtyard, and they did not disperse for a long time.

It is said that the power of the robbery depends on the cultivator's Taoism, such a pure Taoism, only the founder of the mountain had.

After Yan Chun entered the realm this time, all the stagnation in his heart was completely emptied. It is said that every time a practitioner of the transcendental realm enters the realm, the world and everything in his eyes will be different.

Yan Chun looked at the world no different, she just suddenly realized that life is short and things are impermanent. The Half Soul Heaven Soul in the Lingtai is weak and strong, she can no longer work behind closed doors, she must start to go to the mortal world to experience, and only by training in battle and life and death can she become stronger.

After all, only if she, the master who carries the half-soul of the demon, is stronger, her demon can become stronger and stronger.

Yan Chun knew from Youchen that the world is in chaos now, whether it is mortals or sects, the whole world is now like a bamboo basket, leaking everywhere.

Yanchun decided to go down the mountain to have a look, but before going down the mountain, she went to the Imperial Beast Academy.

"Elder, look again, is this fish really not sick?" Yan Chun called out the spiritual shield. The golden light of the runes on the spiritual shield continued to flow, and there were waves of water in the golden light, and Xiao Yin was looming in the water. .

"It's not really sick, it's healthy."

Elder Lan Yang looked at Yan Chun and sighed very much. This girl entered the country too quickly. She used to be the most unsatisfactory.

Now his realm is higher than his realm. In three years, from the early stage to the middle stage of Escape from Mortal Realm, he still picked up Realm Escaped Realm... This makes these elders face.

"But it wasn't this color before," Yanchun said. "Look at the large white spots on its back and stomach. It used to be a pure black fish."

Yan Chun's face was full of confusion, and he said, "It also has two small thin legs... What's going on? Is it possible that it still has to walk?"

Lan Yang stroked his beard, Yan Chun had been here several times, he sighed and shook his head: "You said that the legs grew after entering the country, it is your Taoist favorite, maybe it is Entering with you."

In fact, there are countless beasts in his life, and even more so, Elder Lan Yang, who has seen rare and exotic beasts in the world, has never seen any yin and yang fish with long legs.

He saw that Yanchun was too distressed, mainly because he didn't know what to do, and he wanted to step on the threshold of his beast house, so he fooled Yanchun, saying that long legs were entry.

Afraid that Yanchun would not believe it, he added: "It's not unusual, maybe I can ride the wind and transform into a dragon in the future."

Yanchun: "..." I always feel that this old thing is lying to her.

"What happened to the white spot?"

"Well..." Elder Lan Yang has seen many spirit beasts change color, but most of them are sick, or really entered the realm, but these long legs as thin as a dragon's beard are considered a fart entry...

Elder Lan Yang pondered for a moment and said, "It was a couple before, right?"

"Yes! Aren't the yin and yang fish a pair?" Yan Chun said.

Lan Yang choked for a moment and said, "That's right, um, isn't that white fish dead before? It's thinking like crazy."

"They are a pair, a natural pair. When one dies, the other must be crazy and want to be like that fish. Just like a mortal couple, when one dies, the other imitates the other. It's the same for people to live."

When Yan Chun heard this, his heart twitched. Believe it without a doubt.

Seeing that Yan Chun was sent away, Lan Yang stroked his beard inexplicably and said, "You are a spiritual pet, don't you plan to change it?"

What can a fish do? Not as good as the raccoon fire-breathing beast.

Yan Chun got up without saying a word to leave, and Lan Yang asked again: "Forgive me for taking the liberty, your Dao heart is to hope that the yin and yang of the world will be harmonious, so that everything can be absorbed?"

This is the heart of the founder of the Hengjue School.

Yan Chun was stunned.

The corners of her mouth twitched a little, then she smiled without answering the question and said, "Elder Lan Yang, I'll go first, I'll borrow books in a few days!"

Yan Chun disappeared in the courtyard of Elder Lan Yang in a flash, and appeared outside the Imperial Beast Court.

I happened to meet a dirty disciple. The disciple was afraid that his dirty body would stain Yanchun, so he hurriedly stepped back and called, "Uncle Shi."

Yan Chun glanced at him sideways, and quickly remembered that his name was Sun Li.

"You're... raising immortal beasts?" Yan Chun saw that his body was dirty, and there was a faint smell coming from him. The work she wanted to do was what she used to scare Mo Qiulu's party members before - picking big shit.

Sun Li nodded, but he didn't expect Yan Chun to remember him. The stupid mouth couldn't find anything to say. He just lowered his head and ducked away, afraid that he would be smoking Yan Chun.

Before Yan Chun deliberately did not go to those old people who knew Yin Yuchen well, even Yun Ruicheng asked to see Yan Chun several times, but she refused.

Seeing these and Yin Yuchen's good friends getting along so badly now makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

But she didn't say anything and left quickly.

Elder Lan Yang actually guessed wrong.

Her dao heart is a fart in the world where yin and yang are compatible with all things.

She was full of despair and anger.

The hope is that everything in the world will be destroyed, and when the Dao heart is born, it is with the feeling that all the gods, demons, ghosts and ghosts will die for the old lady.

Also, seeing that the bracelet was broken, he was afraid that Xiao Yin would die, so he hurriedly made a place for him to live.

Yanchun was a little worried about Xiaoyin, but after returning to the Corning Institute to observe for a few days, she found that her white spots were only getting bigger, and she was happy to eat the top-grade Lingdan, so she was relieved.

A few days later, Yanchun went to the Criminal Court to take over the task of going down the mountain to eliminate the evil.

She first went to the Imperial Beast Academy to choose someone who was a big dung, then went to the Pill Dao Academy to choose a poor student, and also went to the Medical Pavilion to choose a disciple who could only grow spirit grass all day.

In addition, her former friend, Huai Yubai, gathered a pot of waste, and when Youchen found out, it made him laugh and cry.

Jing Yangyu was worried about her, but he didn't dare to say it, only his friend and minister spoke in person.

"Junior sister, senior brother knows that you are different now, and your realm is on the same level as your senior brothers, but the task you received is to eliminate shadow demons."

Youchen said: "You bring these..." Youchen swallowed the word "waste" back.

In other words, "You take so few low-level disciples who are not good at fighting. If they are occupied by shadow demons, I am afraid they will hold you back."

Yan Chun said indifferently: "It's okay, don't worry, second senior brother, with the disciples to experience, isn't there a death quota?"

Yuchen suddenly choked.

In fact, the past three years of Yanchun are more strange than when he woke up before. His cultivation base is getting higher and higher, but the whole person is now developing in the direction of evil nature.

But the whole door saw her entering the robbery, and even Tiandao was very gentle to her, who dared to say that she was evil?

"Junior sister..." Youchen saw Yanchun looking at him and smiling, his face was smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes, and he suddenly felt cold.

In fact, he felt that Jing Yangyu was about to descend into the world in the past few years, but his junior sister was completely "going to heaven".

"Okay, then you can take the split soul with you, if it's really not good, just give the person who was recruited a shock to the head, shake the human and the devil out of the body, and then use the soul-solid seal to seal the soul back, anyway, you solidify the soul. Printed..."

Yuchen said halfway through, feeling a chill on his body.

Yan Chun held his arms, tilted his head slightly, and said somewhat indifferently, "Second Senior Brother knows a lot."

Youchen took a deep breath, and his concern was chaotic. He exposed the fact that when Yanchun dealt with Mo Qiulu, he had seen Yanchun's soul imprint.

Youchen stuffed the split soul into Yanchun, turned around and left.

Yanchun informed these people to gather at the gate of the mountain. The outer gate is still in the cold weather. Yanchun has not been out of the mountain for many years.

The last time she was full of excitement and Jing Yangyu went down the mountain to experience, this time she took others to experience without any trouble.

The "trash" in the eyes of several friends gathered together, but they were all acquaintances.

Yun Ruicheng came over to Yan Chun with a smile, his face was full of excitement, this aunt was finally willing to pay attention to him, and his life in the inner sect was really a bit miserable.

Yin Yuchen did pave the way for him before, but when he really entered the inner door and learned more, he knew that it was not the case. Unlike the outer door, the outer door is close to the mortal world in the end, and pays attention to a little sophistication, but the inner door is purely a place to fight for ability and family background.

Someone like Yun Ruicheng, who has no family background and no special pure spirit palace, can't even touch Dan Fireside!

Moreover, he had the handle of the eldest disciple of the alchemy way before, so it would not be too miserable. Who knows, who knows, that eldest disciple became crazy about alchemy, and was killed by the alchemy furnace in the first three years!

The second-ranked alchemy chief disciple is an iron-faced similar to Si Xing Youchen.

Over the years, Yun Ruicheng has been miserable. He went to Yanchun several times and had a closed door, but his cultivation base was not an inch. His master didn't know who he was, and he was so sad.

Yan Chun glanced at him, his eyes drifted away lightly, and then he looked at Shanying, who had been planting for several years, and looked at him like a peasant man with a round and dull face. cringe.

There is another Hua Yubai, who looks like a frightened bird, as if he is about to die.

Yan Chun sighed softly.

Said: "I haven't been down the mountain for more than ten years, and I haven't led a team. Although I have cultivated in the middle stage of transcendence, I have never fought in actual combat, and I have no weapons that I am good at."

"If you don't want to go with me, you can go back."

Everyone was silent, but Yun Ruicheng was a little bit lost for fighting over the years, but if he didn't follow Yanchun, who could he follow?

Yin Yuchen? That plagued thing died quite neatly.

Anyway, Sun Li didn't want to go back and pick up the big shit, and when he came out, he was laughed at by the same room. Shanying is even more... As long as he doesn't plant those endless immortal grasses and spiritual plants, let him pick the big dung.

Only Huai Yubai, as the disciple that Elder Lan Yang is still taking care of, had a very good life. A few days ago, he entered the middle stage of the Delusional Realm, and he even summoned a spiritual shield.

Although she really should go out to practice at this time, so as to consolidate her Taoism, but she absolutely does not want to go with Yanchun!

She felt that Yan Chun was going to settle old accounts with her, waiting for an opportunity to kill her!

So Huai Yubai stood up and said, "I'm not going! I have something else to do, so I'll go first!"

Yan Chun didn't chase after her, but said lightly: "You can go, and return my things from the past."

This just hit Huai Yubai's point of death, she absolutely couldn't take out what she got.

Yan Chun also read a lot of books, and then he realized that there are thousands of Taoist methods in the world, and Taoism is even more strange.

Huai Yubai betrayed her for a little something in the past, which is really despised, but Yanchun found out the way she cultivated and asked Fu Tianlan about Huai Yubai's life experience, and it became clear.

She was a young lady whose family was overthrown in the mortal world. In order to get some money, she was chased and killed in the mountains by her family fleeing for their lives. She was dying in the blood of her family, and was picked up by Fu Tianlan, who was traveling down the mountain.

What Huai Yubai enters is the way of greed and the way of innocence. Wuxindao, what kind of feelings can you expect her to have?

Her Dao Mind Shield is more interesting, on it is a gluttonous beast that can only devour demons.

Hearing that Yanchun began to turn over the old accounts, Huaiyubai's complexion was distorted, but he quickly returned in despair.

So Yan Chun finally said to several people: "Follow me out of the mountain, listen to me, I will try my best to keep you from dying outside."

Everyone looked at each other without saying a word.

Then Yanchun opened the mountain gate and took a few people on the road.

Because only Yanchun and Huaiyubai were able to steer the sword, and only Yanchun was the one who led Yujian, their journey was unpleasant.

Fortunately, Yanchun did not choose a place far away from Longya Immortal Mountain. Everyone followed Yanchun's shoulders to track the spirit bird, and Yujian walked for most of the day. At dusk, they landed in a alpine forest not far from the mission named Anyan Village.

Yun Ruicheng, Shanying and Sun Li all hugged the tree and started to vomit. Huai Yubai took control of his sword by himself, but it was very difficult to follow, so that he would not vomit, but his face was disheveled.

Yanchun's sword-fighting technique is truly heaven-to-earth.

Yan Chun squinted down the hillside to look at the village below. The whole village was very comfortable, and there was a sense of joy everywhere.

But the strange thing is that it has been too lively for a while. Although the weather is good today, it is about to sunset, and there are too many people on the street.

This time should be the time to cook in the mortal world. But there was little smoke in the whole village, and they all huddled outside to chat.

Yan Chun waited for the three people to finish vomiting, and then said, "Rest here for a while, we will enter the village after dark."

Everyone's face is full of dishes, Yan Chun squinted to look at the village, and felt in the storage bag, not knowing what he was touching.

In less than half an hour, an even more bizarre scene happened in the village. Almost at the moment when the sun went down, the streets became empty.

At the same time, every house was lit by candlelight.

Only then did Yan Chun speak to everyone: "This time our task is to get rid of the shadow demon."

Everyone was at a loss when they heard the words. Obviously, no one of them knew what level of Demon Shadow Demon was. Only Yun Ruicheng frowned slightly. He has been in the inner and outer sect for a lot of years, but all the people who are in the camp are how to climb up, and he doesn't know much about these monsters.

However, most of the disciples came back with the experience and would talk about some monsters they met. Yun Ruicheng had never heard the disciples from the inner and outer sects talk about meeting shadow monsters.

Something that low-level disciples have never encountered before... Yun Ruicheng's intuition is not simple.

Yan Chun gasped and said: "But since the spirit bird that asked for help was sent to Hengjue faction four months ago, the small sect stationed in the town not far from Anyan Village found the shadow demon, and the whole sect ran away overnight. Now the shadow demons are growing unscrupulously here, and there are no survivors in the village."

It is also now that the mortal world is too chaotic, and the devil's cave is turning upside down everywhere, who can care about this silently expanding monster. After all, except for the sun and no shadows, these people can't see anything unusual during the day.

Yan Chun drew a circle on the ground with a tree stick, and said, "The shadow demon eats the flesh and blood of strangers to survive, but the real body hides underground. Where there is light, it can grow. If it continues to develop, it will invade the surrounding area. villages and even towns.”

Everyone looked confused, Yan Chun understood **** the Shadow Demon, glanced at them, and did not explain more to them.

She scratched her head, and she hadn't come out very much. Now everything is very unfamiliar, so let's use the simplest and roughest method.

She said directly: "The shadow demon possessed by the villagers has little ability. The shadow demon is mainly difficult to deal with, but the real body is in a place without light and can't do anything."

"When we enter the village, Shanying and Sun Li go door-to-door and knock on doors. Yun Ruicheng makes up stories to make the villagers believe in you. Now the villagers themselves don't realize that they are being recruited. They look the same as ordinary people. At least lose weight."

Yanchun said: "Don't talk nonsense after entering the door, turn off the light source in the house, and put everything that can light up into the storage bag. The villagers are **** and fastened, and they are knocked unconscious."

"Huai Yubai followed me and went to the end of the village to empty the two houses, and then set fire to the house."

After Yan Chun finished speaking, no one said a word. Yan Chun asked, "Do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. They had never eaten pork and had seen a pig run. The difference between a cultivator and a demon cultivator was the word "right way".

Cultivators go down the mountain to remove evil spirits, and most of them are very scruples of mortals. Once innocent people are injured, it may be involved in karma and damage to Taoism.

I have never seen such a way of exorcising evil spirits, tying people and setting fire to houses...

But they all came, Yan Chun is the daughter of Heng Jue Shuangzun anyway, even if she stabs a big hole, she can hold her back.

So Yun Ruicheng took the lead and said, "Understood, give me the lie!"

Yan Chun nodded and patted Yun Ruicheng on the shoulder.

Several people entered the village at night.

Yun Ruicheng was really a **** when he stayed in Xianmen. He, Shanying and Sun Li were three people. When he knocked on the door and saw a woman, Yun Ruicheng told them to hide. Scholar, please accept me.

When I met an old man and an old lady who opened the door, I asked Shanying or Sun Li to pretend to be sick, saying that they came to seek medical treatment nearby...

Anyway, he is not unusual in the cultivation world, but in the mortal world, his appearance is quite popular, and he is not disadvantaged. It was true that when the elder brother refused to open the door, Yun Ruicheng directly acted rough.

After entering the door, "blow the lamp and pull out the wax", put the fire zhezi and other things into the storage bag, and according to what Yanchun said, the villagers were all tied up.

It was easier for Yan Chun and Huai Yubai to knock on the doors of the two households at the end of the village. They were women and they were born beautiful, so the villagers could easily believe their lies.

They quickly controlled the villagers in less than an hour.

At that time, everything that could emit light in the whole village was taken into the deep pit at the end of the village.

Yan Chun asked Yun Ruicheng, Shanying and Sun Li to stand guard at the end of the village to prevent the village from burning down and the villagers to break free and get in the way.

Then she lit a fire.

At the same time, he said to Huai Yubai who was not far behind him: "You don't need to do anything. When you stand farther away and let you open the spiritual shield, you will open the spiritual shield."

Huaiyu Baiba had no choice but to run farther.

After Yanchun lit the fire, he felt in the storage bag and took out a sword.

This sword was given to her by Yan Gaohan. It wasn't a top-grade spirit sword at all. It was what Yan Chun had been practicing.

She grabbed the long sword and threw it around her body very smoothly. The fire became bigger and bigger, and then a dark shadow slowly moved from the ground under the flame to behind Yan Chun.

The shadow was Yanchun's shadow at first, and it grew bigger and bigger in the jump of the fire, like a beast dormant, opening its twisted mouth to swallow Yanchun in one bite!

Just when it opened its mouth to swallow it towards Yanchun, Yanchun, who had always been unconscious, suddenly turned around, wrapped in a sword with frost and snow-like sword energy, and directly cut off the shadow demon condensed. neck!

The Shadow Demon couldn't make a sound, but after its neck was cut off, its body twisted and struggled, and the dropped "head" quickly merged with the body. More than a dozen new beast heads were born that were even bigger and twisted than the head that had just swallowed Yanchun!

This is where the Shadow Demon is difficult to deal with. No matter if it is broken or cut off, as long as it is not completely put away by a spiritual tool, it can be restored in a place with light.

And in the daytime, where there is light, it can run and flee in the shadow of any living and dead thing.

Usually when encountering high-level cultivators, shadow demons have long since slipped away. As long as they are locked in a place with no light, they will slowly wither and die like seedlings without water.

The shadow demon who was in Xiaoyu Village before met Jing Yangyu, and with the help of the villagers of Xiaoyu Village, he slipped to other villages and towns, like a fish that would not leave his hands.

But this is different in front of Yanchun. It is very huge. The villagers in the entire village have become its food. Moreover, it is night.

The villagers it can control are also restrained. It is like a beast that has been chained to its ankles, and it can only fight to the death!

Several of its heads were condensed into solid bodies in the sky-high firelight, surging with a black and red **** aura. If the cultivator is really infected by it, it will not be able to bear it.

It attacked Yanchun from all directions, and Huai Yubai, who was hiding far away, covered his mouth and didn't let out a scream.

She cried, she was really scared to cry, she had never seen such a powerful monster!

How could they be against such a powerful monster? Yanchun is still as unreasonable as before!

Yun Ruicheng also sweated hard for Yanchun. Although her cultivation base is now very high, she is comparable to the elders in the sect, but even the elders are not good at it and good at it. He has never heard of what Yan Chun is good at. She has learned everything in the past three years... But generally, she has learned everything, and she is not good at everything!

He soon discovered that learning everything is called...

In the black mist condensed by the shadow demon, Yanchun was like lightning flashing in the dark cloud, and the Shasha vest gave off a gleaming aura, and there were hundreds of rounds of lightning and flint. The shadow demon who was chasing her and biting was actually Several heads were entangled.

Shan Ying sighed sincerely: "This is the cultivator of the mortal realm..."

Yun Ruicheng also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the shadow demon struggled a few times, and suddenly he snapped his neck, and re-formed a huge black shadow, pressing down towards Yanchun.

Yanchun's robe fluttered, and after a fight with Shadow Demon, he felt that it was okay, so he spoke calmly to Huai Yubai, who was covering his mouth in the distance and didn't dare to speak out: "Huai Yubai, take your way. Mind Shield summoned."

Huai Yubai heard it, but thought it was nonsense. Her cultivation base would be swallowed by the Shadow Demon if she rushed up!

Just as he was hesitating, a group of dark shadow demons found her "small snack" and immediately rushed up—

Huai Yubai's limbs were stiff in an instant, and she stood dumbfounded. Under the crushing force of this absolute, she only felt a suffocation in her chest, and she didn't even have the willpower to fight.

But just when the shadow demon was about to devour her, a long whip struck, wrapped around the condensed head of the shadow demon, and grabbed its head like a dog.

Yan Chun was surrounded by spiritual light, her long hair was automatic without wind, and she was as beautiful and unparalleled as a goddess in the package of black mist.

Condescendingly, she said to Huai Yubai with coercion: "I want to be a lover! Let you call out the spiritual shield!"

Huai Yubai was shocked by her coercion, and immediately summoned a spiritual shield.

The spirit shield was in front of Huai Yubai. There were only puppy-sized gluttons on the spirit shield, but when he saw the shadow demon, his eyes flashed red with excitement.

Huai Yubai was still crying, she felt that she was doomed, in front of such a tyrannical Shadow Demon, her Dao Soul Shield must be shattered with a single blow, Yan Chun is definitely a revenge...

Then she watched Yan Chun swing a long whip in one hand and slipped several dogs at the same time, making sure that none of the giant beast heads condensed by the shadow demon could bite her, and then at a dazzling speed, in the shadow In the black mist condensed by demons, he held his sword and shuttled.

Cut off its shadow piece by piece, and then use a long whip to whip it in front of the Huaiyu White Spirit Shield—to feed her Taoist soul.

Huai Yubai was stunned, and the other three were dumbfounded on the spot.

What kind of play is this?

Cut the dog to feed the dog?

However, seeing that the shadow demon was getting smaller and smaller, struggling to escape, but couldn't escape at all, Yun Ruicheng was also aroused by Yanchun's style of play.

He took out his long sword and stepped forward to help Yanchun chop.

Shanying and Sun Li were not good at fighting, so they honestly controlled the fire and watched the villagers not being used.

So in less than half an hour, this huge shadow demon, which was so distressing that a small sect escaped without a fight, was cut down to the size of a puppy.

Huai Yubai's eyes were sluggish, and like a pregnant woman, she fell to the ground while supporting her nonexistent belly.

The gluttonous gluttons on her Taoist shield are as dull as hers, and they hold up like a ball with two black beans growing on it, so she can't eat it.

Emotionally, she was pulled over by Yanchun as a garbage bag.

Yan Chun then took out a cloth bag spirit tool, put the Shadow Demon in his pocket, fastened it, and handed it to Yun Ruicheng, who was helping her, and said, "You can play with it, this thing can also be used as medicine, and it is refined. It can suppress demons."

Under the light of the fire, Yun Ruicheng's face turned into a pig's liver with excitement.

Be nice.

Yin Yuchen once said that Yanchun was a white crane.

Does he dare to come back and take a look now?

Only his head is white now, and his body is completely black.

She's a vulture now.