MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-Chapter 15 pull the curtain

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In the lobby.

Seeing that the third sister had already run to the second floor, Su Tianyu originally wanted to get stuck on the stairs to stop him, but when he looked up, Daxiong was surrounded by six or seven people, holding the table with both hands and constantly beating around in circles, in a very embarrassing situation .

In the corner on the left side of the house, the workers of Su's family squatted obediently in a row with their heads in their arms, showing no intention of helping at all. Seeing this, Su Tianyu knew that if he didn't rush forward, as long as Daxiong was cut down, it would definitely be the result of either death or disability.

Su Tianyu didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed directly to the side of Nobita. His steps were very fast and decisive, without any body movements to dodge.

In an instant, Su Tianyu came to the side of the crowd, and the horse boys on the opposite side also noticed him, and one of them shouted loudly: "It's him, it's Brother Feng's ears he plucked!"

In desperation, Ma Zai directly yelled out what was in his heart, tantamount to admitting that he was a member of Changqing Company, which shows that both sides have varying numbers of pig teammates.

Hearing the shout, the two men turned around with their knives and looked at Su Tianyu, then chopped them up without any hesitation.

At this moment, Su Lao Liu, whom Su Miaomiao calls the number one coward of the Su family, faced the two knife-wielding thugs, but he showed no signs of fear at all. A knife was cut to his head.


When the opponent raised his arm again, Su Tianyu punched the opponent's Adam's apple very accurately.

Just at this moment, the gangster with the knife was beaten so hard that his neck was crouched on the spot, he took three steps back, bent over and had shortness of breath, and his eyeballs were about to bulge out of the pain.

Seeing that Su Tianyu reacted quickly, the other strong man immediately raised his knife forward and slashed twice with all his might.

Su Tianyu used sidesteps, retreating and dodging backwards, just like soldiers fighting bayonets on the battlefield. He dodged the opponent twice in a row, but Ma Zai was unstable because of his too hasty steps and continuous slashing. .


Su Tianyu took two steps back and then raised his arm, still grasping the opponent's knife-holding wrist very accurately, and pulled forward vigorously, the opponent's body instinctively leaned forward.

"Boom! Boom!"

Su Tianyu raised his leg sideways, and kicked the opponent's right knee joint twice with his heel, each kick was accompanied by an obvious crunching sound.


The strong man was kicked to the point of reeling, and the arm holding the knife was held by Su Tianyu, and he was instantly dragged to the ground.

Su Tianyu pulled the opponent's arm, punched his temple, the back of the head and other vital points, and stomped three times with his back heel, the opponent was stunned on the spot, and the knife fell off.

When Su Tianyu started his hands, his body movements were not considered beautiful, but they had obvious characteristics, that is, his hands were fast and accurate, and his movements were very agile and decisive.

After beating the two of them, Su Tianyu retreated again, because at this time, half of the horses in the room rushed towards him with knives.

In the middle of the crowd, Nobita held the registration table that had been smashed into pieces. Taking advantage of the reduced pressure on his side, he smashed two people away with his physique and brute force, and immediately ran towards the stairs.

Su Tianyu retreated to the entrance of the dimly lit corridor, already holding a knife in his hand. Seeing that there were many people on the other side, he still didn't show any fear on his face, instead he didn't run away, and stood directly at the entrance of the corridor.

"Cut him!"

The other party's horse boy rushed up with a shout.

The leading man in the flowered shirt also got up from the ground, touched the blood on his head, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn it, a stinky bag-carrying man dares to fight back, hold that idiot down for me!"


As soon as the words were finished, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside the lobby of the main building, and thirty or forty people rushed into the house without warning.

Hua Shirt turned around when he heard the sound, and was a little dazed when he saw so many people rushing in together.

At the front of the crowd, Su Tianbei was wearing half-sleeved sleeves, with gauze wrapped around his arms, and he shouted expressionlessly, "Pull the curtain."


The three Su family children at the back raised their arms and directly pulled down the rolling door of the main entrance of the main building, and inserted it with iron pins.


Quiet, for a while the room was as quiet as a mortuary, with a dozen or so boys in flowered shirts gathered together, their foreheads sweating.

"What's the point of bringing a few workers? Who the **** comes up first, I'll kill whoever it is!" Hua Shirt was considered a soldier, gritted his teeth and rushed towards Su Tianbei with a knife.

Upstairs, there was a sound of footsteps. With bristling hair, Su Miaomiao took out two kitchen knives from the cafeteria on the second floor, rushed down and shouted, "The bullying came to the door?! Second brother, beat them up!"

"Fuck it all!" Su Tianbei's injuries hadn't healed quickly, but at this moment he was the first to rush forward.

The thirty or forty people who came this time are not ordinary workers of the Su family, but the core brothers. The cousins ​​lead the team. There are at least 20 people with a surname, and the rest of the people are also in the Su family. The face-to-face foreman belongs to the veteran employees who started the business with Su Erye, and these people are relatively cuddly when they get together.

The reason why Su Tianbei came so quickly was because Su Tianyu had made arrangements in advance, so the thirty and forty people were all prepared to fight, and the weapons they carried were all used for their daily work. The two-meter long hook for hooking garbage, the narrow and long triangular iron, the steel chain for binding iron garbage, and heavy weapons such as guillotine all appeared one by one.

Hua Shirt saw that his harsh words just now did not scare the thirty or forty people, and knew in his heart that it was over. And when Su Tianbei and his group rushed up together, he was thinking that it was too late to run.

The big angle iron and the big hook were held high in the air, and they hit the dozen horsemen in the center of the hall like raindrops, and for a while there were miserable howls and curses.

Hua Shirt stood in front of the crowd. After struggling for less than three seconds, he was knocked down by four or five people, and then he didn't stand up again. He was stepped on like a piece of chewing gum, rolling around limply.

Less than two minutes later, there was the sound of windows being smashed in the house, followed by several horse boys running out in a group. The people from the Su family chased for less than a hundred meters, and saw that the other party had already jumped the wall scatteredly, so they stopped chasing.

Su Tianbei squatted down, UU Reading bent over and brushed the hair of the flowered shirt: "Airborne soldier, big circle boy, right? Very fierce, isn't it?"

"If you're a fighter, let's practice alone...!" The flowered shirt didn't give in, and replied hoarsely while lying on the ground.

"Okay, train him!" Su Tianbei got up and yelled, pointing at the floral shirt.

More than a dozen workers raised their feet and began to practice singles with floral shirts.

After the second brother entered the house, Su Tianyu didn't do anything again. He walked over quickly, put his arms around the neck of the second brother, and said to him in a low voice: "The broken warehouse on the left, the third sister was vacated yesterday. It's..."

"I know, there are people outside." Su Tianbei replied in a low voice.

Just as the two of them finished speaking, the two dilapidated warehouses on the left side of the main building of the Su family garbage dump suddenly caught fire.

"It's on fire, the people who came to smash the factory set the warehouse on fire!" A worker from the Su family shouted loudly outside.

Zhanan District.

Lu Feng answered the phone while playing mahjong: "What's the situation?"

"Brother Feng, the Su family garbage dump is ready. Not long after we entered, the other party rushed out and beat us with fifty or sixty people..."

"Ah? How could you be prepared?!" Lu Feng stood up instantly and asked incredulously, "Where's A Ming (flowered shirt)?"

"I... I don't know. We fought with them in the house, broke up, and ran away. I don't know if Brother Aming rushed out." The other party replied.

Hearing the sound, Lu Feng pushed away the mahjong tiles in front of him, turned around and left.

Ten minutes later, when Kong Zhenghui heard that something had happened in the Su family's freight yard, he immediately called Su Tiannan: "Have the people from the Police Department passed by? That's right, please tell the injured workers not to leave first, I will take them there right away!" "

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!