MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-Chapter 16 Why did the Predator get lost?

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About half an hour after the fight ended, the inside and outside of the Su family garbage dump was already overcrowded.

The spectators around, the workers of the Su family, more than 20 police officers from the Zhanan District Police Department, and dozens of firefighters from the Fire Department were all doing their own things in the courtyard.

At the door, Kong Zhenghui's car stopped. He glanced at the situation in the courtyard, and nodded to a large private media interview car following behind.

Five people got on and off the interview vehicle, two photographers, two helpers, and a male host. They set up equipment and recorded the situation inside and outside the factory with ease.

"At about 8:40 tonight, a vicious incident of vandalism and arson occurred in a garbage factory in Zhanan District, Longcheng..." The male host spoke fluently and began to cooperate with the camera to record the material.

Inside the dump.

Su Tianbei was being interrogated by the Police Department, and before that, Su Tianyu had explained to him very clearly what he was about to say.

"How many people are there?" The police officer who asked the question was Sergeant Ermao who had been drinking with Lu Feng that day.

"Probably twenty or thirty people, all of them armed with murder weapons, smashed up the factory and even set fire to the warehouse of my company..." Su Tianbei said with a frown, "We injured five workers, and they have been sent to the factory. It's the hospital."

"Are you sure it was set by the saboteurs?" Er Mao asked in disbelief.

"Officer, this is my own company. They didn't start the fire, so how could it be me?" Su Tianbei asked back with a frown.

"During the fight, did they say anything? After the fight, where did they run?"

"They said that if the workers of the Su family went on strike again, it would kill us. The group of people jumped the fence and ran away after smashing. I heard from the workers on duty that there was a car outside to pick them up." Su Tian North Road.

"You have so many workers here, the gangsters didn't catch any of them, did they?"

"We were all terrified at the time, how dare we fight back!" Su Tianbei responded quickly: "Most of the workers came later."

"Do you have surveillance here?"

"Yes, but the work was suspended a few days ago, and we just need to change the system, so only the monitoring of the main entrance and a few cargo areas is effective." Su Tianbei replied.

While Tianbei was recording the statement, Su Tianyu had already stepped out of the yard, found his eldest brother and Kong Zhenghui: "Brother!"

Su Tiannan turned around: "You didn't record your statement in the main building?"

"No, the second brother is recording." Su Tianyu put on his elegant glasses again, pointed at Kong Zhenghui and said, "I'll come over and have a word with Brother Kong."

From the last time he stabbed Lu Feng, Kong Zhenghui had seen that Su Tianyu was not a good guy, and he had a deep impression on him, so he took the initiative to ask, "What's wrong, brother?"

"Brother Kong, I don't recommend asking public relations to intervene now." Su Tianyu said bluntly.

"Why?" Kong Zhenghui didn't understand.

"The heat has not yet come, we have to file a case for Changqing." When Su Tianyu talked to outsiders, he never said a single word of nonsense.

Kong Zhenghui frowned: "Changqing's **** is **** now, do you have to wait any longer?"

"My elder brother is still talking about the relationship with the Police Department," Su Tianyu said in a low voice, "Let's wait."

Kong Zhenghui thought about it: "It's okay, you can let me know when you can flip the cards."

"Okay." Su Tianyu nodded.

Kong Zhenghui smiled, turned his head to look at the garbage dump of the Su family, shook his head and said, "Lu Feng is really a fool! You say you want to kill chickens to scare monkeys, so just kill chickens to scare monkeys, why set fire? Now we don't take the initiative to poke it out, then Tomorrow, people in Zhanan District will surely know that Changqing Company dared to kill people and set fires in order to grab the territory. Hehe, we can't hide this matter."

"Yes." After Su Tianyu echoed, he immediately said: "Brother Kong, you stay for a while, and I will have a word with elder brother."

"Okay!" Kong Zhenghui nodded.

After hearing the sound, the two brothers walked to the dimly lit enclosure, and Su Tiannan took the initiative to ask, "What's the matter?"

"Brother, make an appointment with Wang Daolin immediately, right now." Su Tianyu replied.

"What time is it, what are you asking him for?"

"Listen to me, you make an appointment now and offer him a condition directly." Su Tianyu lay next to his elder brother's ear and said clearly: "Just tell him that Lu Feng really wants our family's life this time, You're scared, so..."

In Zhanan District, there is a small gambling stall at the end of Fulin Street. This place is dedicated to serving the poor. The scale is small and the environment is poor. The alley around the entrance is full of urine smell. But there are quite a few gamblers who can't even afford to eat. They come to play cards night after night. If they have no money, they would rather watch the fun at the table than go home to sleep.

In a dilapidated security room on the second floor of the gambling stall, Lu Feng sat on the sofa, raised his eyebrows and asked: "You guys are also people who eat with knives?! A dozen people go together. Shouldn't you even know if all your own people have escaped?"

"Brother Feng, it was really messed up at the time. There were so many people on the other side, we were all stunned, and we all ran towards the window and the corridor. We really didn't pay attention to where Brother Aming and the others were." The man whose incision hadn't been stitched up randomly blocked the incision with a whole pack of napkins, and replied pitifully.

"Trash!" Lu Feng cursed, took the phone and dialed Ermao's mobile phone: "Hey, is it convenient to talk?"

After a while, Er Mao replied, "It's convenient, I'm at the scene."

"Damn it, how many of my brothers didn't come back! I called just now, but they didn't answer, did they get detained by the other party?" Lu Feng asked bluntly.

"I asked people from the Su family, and they said that your brother ran away after smashing and setting fire?" Ermao replied in a low voice: "People are not blocked at all."

"Fart! My people were beaten. As soon as they entered, they were blocked in the lobby by people from the Su family. I suspect that someone from the company has leaked out." Lu Feng asked again: "You scare people from the Su family, ask them Did it detain people and then refuse to admit it?"

"Why do I ask this? I'm a public officer of the Police Department, Brother Feng!" Er Mao replied speechlessly: "But I have already warned Su Tianbei just now, and they will detain him and refuse to hand him over. , it must be regarded as illegal detention, so I think they should not detain people, it is meaningless to do so!"

Lu Feng was also dumbfounded: "That's strange, where did my brother go? They can't not answer the phone after finishing their work!"

"You can look for it again." Ermao stood outside the hall, turned his head and looked around, and said: "But let me tell you, Brother Feng, what you did this time is not small. You not only smashed it, but also set it on fire. This is **** In the storage area, once a big fire is caused, do you know what the consequences will be? The brothers below you are too impulsive!"

Lu Feng became anxious when he heard this, and he stood up and cursed: "It's not like I'm riding a horse to open a crematorium. How many fires should I set? This is because someone is messing around."

Ermao was silent for two seconds without arguing. He just asked back: "Brother Feng, there was a strike first, and then some workers were chopped off. Today, someone stormed the Su family's garbage dump, and it caught fire. I can believe you Yes, but... can others believe it? It's not about who set the fire, but your people rushed into the warehouse, understand? The police department is also afraid of trouble!"

Lu Feng was speechless.

"I'll deal with the scene first, and I'll talk about it later." Er Mao hung up the phone first.

Lu Feng gritted his teeth, and when he was thinking about what to do with his hips crossed, all the boys in the room stood up, looked towards the stairs and shouted: "Brother!"

"President Li!"

When Lu Feng turned his head, he saw Li Hongze walking over with two people with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Brother!" Lu Feng called out.

"What did you do? Did you get someone to beat you back if you were prepared? And why did you set people on fire, making alchemy?!" Li Hongze asked with an explosive mentality.

"I didn't let it go!" Lu Feng broke his guard instantly.

Around 11 o'clock at night.

Su Tiannan's car stopped in front of a very popular Cantonese restaurant on Guangming Road, Zhanan District. He opened the door. After tidying up his clothes, he said to his fellow family members, "Just wait in the car."

"Good." The young man who was driving nodded.

Su Tiannan quickly walked into the Cantonese restaurant, followed the stairs to the third floor, and entered a private room. At this time, in an alley directly opposite the hotel, a man wearing a peaked cap glanced briefly at Su Tiannan's car.

In the box on the third floor of the Cantonese restaurant, a man in his fifties, wearing a white shirt, put his hands in his hands and said, "Xiao Nan, I heard about your factory. How is it? How is your family?"

The person who spoke was Wang Daolin, a director of the Longcheng Police Department, very powerful, and he and Su Tiannan's father were comrades-in-arms. Before Tianyu came back, the Su family had given him 50,000 yuan, begging him to help deal with the infighting among the gangsters.

When Su Tiannan saw Wang Daolin, he said with a serious expression: "Uncle, if you don't help me now, my life may be lost!"

Wang Daolin was silent when he heard this.

"The strike was to save my father. It was a helpless move, but before the effect came out, two workers were cut down and disabled, which directly caused the workers below to dare not protest with us." Su Tiannan bent down and sat down. Poured tea for Wang Daolin, and narrated softly: "Before I can catch my breath, the factory was smashed up and set on fire again today, and five workers were injured in my house. UUReading Book Uncle Wang, look For my father's sake, please help the Su family again!"

"I said before that I don't want to interfere with your family's affairs." Wang Daolin sighed: "What's more, it is difficult for you to grasp the handle of Changqing Company. Don't listen."

"I have a clue!" Su Tiannan said suddenly.

Wang Daolin was taken aback for a moment: "What is the reason?"

"I can hand over to you the main guy who smashed the factory." Su Tiannan said, looking directly at the other party.

Wang Daolin looked at him in surprise, but didn't answer.

"I'll give it to you, and Lu Feng will be hard to argue." Su Tiannan said in a low voice: "The Kong family, Liu family, and Bai family will also work **** the periphery to highlight this matter. I believe that the upper echelons of the police department will definitely It’s because I don’t want to see this kind of continuous negative public opinion, so as long as you make a little effort to deal with it, Changqing Company will definitely give in, and my dad will naturally come out.”

Wang Daolin put his right hand on his lap, tapped his fingers, and after thinking for a while, slowly shook his head: "Xiao Nan, I'm afraid I can't handle this matter."

"Uncle, as long as you are willing to take the lead to help us put some pressure on Changqing Company, then I will not let you work in vain." Su Tiannan said in a low voice, "Nor will the other three companies."

Wang Daolin frowned upon hearing the sound.

Inside the Su family factory.

The people from the Police Department were still investigating the scene, but Su Tianbei found an opportunity to go to the backyard of the main building, opened his car door, and reached out to feel under the car seat.

Surrounding Lu Feng today, Su Tianbei brought a gun because he was afraid of accidents, but it was obviously useless at the moment, and he was going to take it away and hide it.

After reaching under the car seat with his right hand, Su Tianbei froze in place on the spot.

Gun, gone!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!