MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 664 Northern Expedition

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Will the value of Wang Anshi be squeezed even beyond itself, so that Qin Xiaobai’s goods are very happy and very proud...

However, where Wang Anshi played, Qin Xiaobai was still not allowed for the time being, so he ordered the man to prepare the camp for Wang Anshi and settled it first. 『, x.

Then Qin Xiaobai will look at the items that the system rewards.

Because both Ban Chao and Wang Anshi were attributed to the deep red color, the system rewarded two items.

They are the 'white disasters' that increase production and reduce income, and the 'long boat docks' of special buildings.

The white disasters and the small black disasters that Qin Xiaobai had drawn before were similar, which made the grasslands reduce production.

Only the black disaster is to let the water resources on the grassland dry up, and the white disaster is to make the grassland float snow and snow, so that the original cold weather is frozen, and the living conditions are even worse.

Compared with Qin Xiaobai, it can last for a month of black disaster. The time of this white disaster is much shorter, only half a month.

However, its scope is more extensive, reaching a million miles, and it can cover most of the grasslands outside the Sai.

In other words, Qin Xiaobai could only blame the Huns at the top, but now it can be a curse.

The special construction dragon boat dock can produce a small vessel called a dragon boat.

According to legend, when Qu Yuan was thrown into the river, the locals were all looking for a small boat to find him on the river.

Later, after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it. So people put glutinous rice into the river, hoping to feed the fish and shrimp so that they don't eat the body of Qu Yuan.

In order to commemorate him, the later generations will eat the dragon boat on the Dragon Boat Festival, which means the dragon boat.

However, the dragon boat produced from the special building dragon boat dock will become lighter, stronger and faster through systematic blessing, and it also has a very strong combat power in small ships.

With this dragon boat dock, it is basically equivalent to let Qin Xiaobai. I got a special water army.

"Sure enough, it’s a deep red color roll prize. It’s really awesome!”

After reading the effects of the White Disaster and the Dragon Boat Dock, Qin Xiaobai was very happy. This time, the call of the dragon is really a big harvest.

After getting the summoning drawings of these two items, Qin Xiaobai immediately began to think about how to use it.

The white disaster, which is used on the grassland, is undoubtedly used in the squid outside the scorpion. However, although it has a large scope, it has a short duration and does not really exert much lethality. deterrence. So be sure to pick one that is used at the crucial moment of the Wuhu battle.

The Dragon Boat Dock is even more powerful, although it is a boat that is not a kind of 10,000-ton ship.

But for Qin Xiaobai, it is a big weapon.

Because of the powerful ship of 10,000 tons of ships, Qin Xiaobai already has it. It is a king-class transport ship, combined with the aircraft carrier transformed by the Shenhuo.

Any large ship facing an aircraft carrier with air strikes may not be able to see it.

However, the aircraft carrier is not invincible. There is still one thing that can kill them, there is a small boat light boat.

The king-class transport ship is cumbersome and inconvenient to move, and the small boat is light and fast. The main output mode of the king-class transport ship is the air raid of the Shenhuo. However, the small boat target is not easy to hit.

Because the aircraft carrier is to be loaded with the sacred raptor, the force that can be loaded is very limited. Once the boat is caught and the siege is on the side, it is likely that the aircraft carrier will fall.

This group of wolves tactics. At the time of the Bay and Vietnam Wars, Vietnam used it, but at that time Bay Bay occupied the land and did not let Vietnam succeed. But the battlefield is changing rapidly, but not every time you can take care of your own position and arrange it in advance.

This has always been a difficult problem to solve, but now there is no need to worry about it with a dragon boat.

Unless the other party is also a special vessel, otherwise any small vessel will not be the opponent of the dragon boat.

In this way, the 10,000-ton wheel and the one-blade boat form an effective complement, so that they can both fight far and attack, and in the case of a small difference in combat power, they will first be in an invincible position.

When Qin Xiaobai decided to return to the gold territory, he immediately built the dragon boat dock and built it on a large scale.

It is estimated that it will not take long for China, which has always been not good at naval warfare, and the era in which the ocean dominates the sea route is just around the corner...


Qin Xiaobai spent a lot of money in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. After a big harvest of buying, buying, and buying, he recovered the book and prepared to deal with the next thing.

At this time, Qin Xiaobai led the Southern Expedition Army to successfully annex Vietnam, and at the same time received Laos and Cambodia as younger brothers. The matter in South Xinjiang was basically messed up.

After Qin Xiaobai, this nearly a month of the Southern Expedition, he was sent to settle the Jing and Yi two states, the Nansong, Wuxi barbarian chaos of the Song Dynasty and the Daqin Department also successfully completed the task, helping Liu Biao Liu Wei suppressed the two barbarians.

After the external internal disorder was removed, the turbulent situation in the southern part of Dahan was suddenly cleared.

So after flattening the South, Qin Xiaobai was ready to lead the army back.

However, Qin Xiaobai did not forget to do something on his way to returning to the division.

It is necessary to know that he is a great man, and he personally led the army to calm down the Jing, Yi, Yang, and the four southern states. It is not a white door to serve the princes. The princes did not say how to do it.

Now, the princes can show them, and they only have their money and land.

This is the fastest response to the state.

As early as when Sun Jian led the army to pay the state, he went to the court. However, Sun Jian supported the gentry in the state, and supported him in the state. He supported the central court represented by Qin Xiaobai, so he gave the state animal husbandry to the gentry. So in fact, the gentry are not the princes of the party.

Therefore, only Qin Xiaobai had a look in the past, and the gentry had a heart-to-heart meeting. He immediately revealed to Qin Xiaobai that the Jiaozhou chaos was completely dependent on Qin Xiaobai, so the entire Jiaozhou was entrusted to Qin Xiaobai, and the Jiaozhou was returned to the Central Court. Jurisdiction.

Qin Xiaobai saw this very happy, and after the gentry played a three-push double-spring, he even completely controlled the state.

At the same time, it also rewarded the gentry for the death of the gold medal, the sword of Shang Fang and so on.

With the gentry to take the lead, then Yangzhou Mu Liu also made the same table to Qin Xiaobai.

After all, the southern turmoil caused by the Vietnam invasion, a large part of the responsibility is in Liu Wei, even if Liu Wei is still in love with the power of the heart, but also no longer stay in Jiangdong, facing Jiangdong father every day.

When Qin Xiaobai saw Liu Wei knowing the current affairs, he did not pursue Liu Wei’s responsibility and gave Liu Wei the courtesy.

And Liu Biao and Liu are reluctant to give up their princehood.

However, due to the pressure of Qin Xiaobai and Qin Xiaobai, they must settle the rewards that Jing and Yizhou must have, so they officially announced that they will completely obey the orders of Qin Xiaobai from now on. Dispatched by Qin Xiaobai.

At this point, Qin Xiaobai was again handed over to the land of the two states, and at the same time mastered the power of the four southern states.

Although he failed to collect the four southern states in one fell swoop, Qin Xiaobai had a slight regret, but he was very satisfied with this result.

After all this was done, Qin Xiaobai prepared to transfer all the troops from the south to him.

Taking the power of the whole country in the Northern Expedition, I believe that the chaos of the Five Hus can be settled once. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks: sally 丶 孽 孽, 冥 焱 焱 特 特 特 特 特 特 特 特 特 特 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 160 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥, hovho readers who support the black ink o(n_n)o~

