MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 676 Recovering the Korean

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Before the annihilation of the Wuhu chaos, Qin Xiaobai envisaged the civil strife in the Xiongnu, which led to the Wuhu civil strife. So he sent Zhang Jean Zhao Zhong and Long Xiaoyin to the Xiongnu to lurk. Now they have successfully entered. The core of the Xiongnu.

Originally in the midst of the outbreak of Wuhu chaos, Qin Xiaobai thought about causing the Xiongnu to fight, but the time was not here, the Wuhu flaming fire was flourishing, and the launch did not cause too much civil strife, so it was not Play this hole.

Nowadays, the Wuhu is weak, but it is not dead, it is the best time to launch this card, so Qin Xiaobai immediately ignited this line of fire without hesitation.


On the Wuhu side, after the Western Regions, led by Qin Xiaobai and Ban Chao, after the first round of the battle, it was indeed a big injury, killing millions, and the wounded were more than a million.

This is not the most crucial. The most crucial Wuhu morale is so low that everyone has an idea that the Han army is invincible.

Therefore, even if they escaped to the depths of the grassland, they still have the lingering continuation of the north, until they fled to the most remote Mobei grassland, and they dared to pause for a while.

However, the Mobei grassland is not a place to stay for a long time. It is a ridiculous place, which makes the five singers who have been arbitrarily plundering because of insufficient food, and even more eager for food.

If they can go back, they will not be able to courage, and they will face Qin Xiaobai, who is more fierce than the soldiers.

Just as the morale of the Five Hus was low and everyone was confused for the future, there was a news that there was turmoil inside the Huns.

The troops of Liu Bao and the troops of the Dubo Bianhou seem to have local friction due to food disputes, which in turn evolved into group conflicts. Soon after, they quickly developed into large-scale rushes.

In the case of Wuhu chaos, this situation usually occurs, both sides will have a certain restraint. After all, the biggest enemy is the big man, and the money and food are also in the rich.

However, now that the future is lost, it is a day to live. The interior of the Huns has long since split. It’s just because of the overall situation of Wuhu. Only barely integrated.

Now, what dreams and ideals have been shattered. Originally, everyone is the same person, and you can still cherish each other, but whoever expects the enemy of the past. Not only did he not let go of the former suspicion, but at this time, he snatched up only a small amount of grain in his bowl.

They were already quite wronged by Qin Xiaobai after a violent meal. At this point, I won’t get angry.

Then, with Zhang let Zhao Zhong and Long Xiaoyin lurk in the high-level of the Xiongnu as a promoter, then this situation became out of control.

Even Liu Bao and Shabu Biandu Hou could not suppress it. And they originally had the idea of ​​vying for a single position, and now it is impossible to recover from this situation. Then it is only for the sake of the situation.

Regarding where he is going in the future, he will first spell out a single one, and then say the other's food and grass as his own. As a result, the interior of the Xiongnu was completely divided, and the two sides launched a major decisive battle on the Mobei grassland.

The four Hu in the Wuhu, Xianbei, Yi, Yi, and Yi. Originally it was not a matter of high hang, and did not want to mix with the Xiongnu civil strife.

However, the development of the matter is completely beyond their expectations. The first one to be pulled down is the Yi. Since he is a slave to the Xiongnu, the master can fight with the slaves, and he does not know who the gang is, so he is forcibly involved in the melee.

There is one and two. With the involvement of the Yi people, Liu Bao and Xu Bubue are more aware of the importance of external forces, so they are eager to humble, smash, and smash. The Sanhu also immediately showed that the attitude publicly expressed support for one party.

However, at the beginning, Sanhu was relatively restrained, but it was only a matter of state. At most, it would help with some materials.

But Zhang asked Zhao Zhong and Long Xiaoyin how they might make the Sanhu so good, so soon after, there was a voice on the Huns.

It is said that the reason why Wuhu occupies a number of advantages will be defeated, because Wuhu is five units, and each has its own command and command.

Therefore, we must choose a leader to command the commander.

As for how to choose, then what to say, the man on the grassland, who is the big fist is the boss.

This idea quickly spread throughout the five Hu, because it not only meets the tastes of the grassland men, but more importantly, sums up the reasons for failure, let them see the future and hope.

"Yeah, how do we think about it, how can our eagle on the northern grassland be defeated to the Central Plains to be slaughtered, we just lack cooperation. It is better to take advantage of the Xiongnu civil strife and shoot the strongest leader. Let him lead us to regain the glory of the past and re-enter the squad."

After hearing this thought, the five-hulk men with simple limbs and simple minds suddenly became the new continent, and immediately devoted themselves to this vigorous change.

Ever since, the civil war of the Xiongnu has evolved into a battle between the five Humen, and this bottom-up pressure has forced the other three hus to officially declare their participation in the war.


Triggered Wuhu's internal chaos Qin Xiaobai only issued an order to Long Xiaoyin, they will do it, and he is here to wait for news, but also concerned about the trend of the Korean and Korean war situation.

Although the Gulf Cove intercepted Japan’s transportation resources to South Korea, it also allowed Jin Sanyi to establish a support road to North Korea, which made the already precarious North Korea regain its recovery.

However, it is very difficult to make North Korea return to the former territory. It is very difficult to counterattack South Korea. Even if it is attacked, it will take a long time.

It is important to know that Wanwan basically represents the naval power of China, and Huaxia has spent a lot of money every minute in order to keep North Korea from launching all the navies in Bay Bay and also assisting North Korea on land.

To do this kind of money-burning, Qin Xiaobai has always been quick-fixed.

What's more, letting North Korea attack South Korea is not good for him. As long as he calms down the war, he said that China can cover the younger brother and maintain the deterrent power of China.

So Qin Xiaobai decided to come forward to adjust the war to Korea.

However, it must be known that Qin Xiaobai’s appearance fees have always been very expensive, so this time naturally, you can’t return empty-handed.

Qin Xiaobai did not reveal that the ultimate goal was to calm the war between the two Koreas. Instead, he said that Huaxia had defeated Wuhu and could help the North Korea to destroy South Korea at any time.

Then they made a look to South Korea, suggesting that if they can break off with Japan and return to North Korea, China can consider letting them go, and they will be photographed by them in China.

South Korea was just shocked by Qin Xiaobai, and it was scared to urinate. Now, facing the olive branch thrown by Qin Xiaobai, it is natural to hold on to it.

After messing up with South Korea, Qin Xiaobai said to North Korea that South Korea is willing to be his younger brother in exchange for China's support for South Korea.

North Korea heard this statement, of course, it was a big crisis, so it immediately clashed with South Korea, saying that they were the younger brothers of China, and now they are still the most loyal younger brothers in China.

When Qin Dafu saw that he had succeeded in messing up the Korean War, he was happy, so he immediately announced that the DPRK and the ROK are now the younger brothers of China. A bowl of water should be flattened, so they will re-line the 38th line and let the two countries stop the war. .

In this way, North Korea can resume its homeland without further hard work. South Korea does not have to worry about being annexed by the country. At the same time, they all have the big leg of China, and Qin Xiaobai has successfully won two dragons. gas.

It can be described as the best of both worlds.

The only thing that is not happy is that it is Japan.

The Japanese side is now completely dumbfounded. In this battle, they have made great contributions to their efforts. After they have been wronged, they have not got anything. They also let Hua Xia receive two younger brothers. What is special about Tianli? To be continued.)

PS: Yesterday, there was something happening at home, and I was waiting for more readers... Today, Mexico continues to work hard to restore the update... Enable the new URL