MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 709 Great harem

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Among the six red-level prizes of the time and place, in addition to the 12-level strong typhoon and volcanic recovery, the other four are the heavenly beauty, the wind and rain, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the grain harvest.

The first is the beauty of the heavens, the weather, the rain, and the harvest of the grain. These three items are all great prizes for farming and nomadic.

Among them, the grain harvested Qin Xiaobai had been extracted before, but the grain harvest at that time only played in the county, and this time the red-level grain harvest will be applied nationwide, and the duration will reach a year.

Similarly, the days of beauty and the weather are all two days, and the duration is also a whole year.

As for the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is even more powerful.

This is a special building with a deep red color, or it can be called an artificial canal. Its engineering volume is not even weaker than the Great Wall.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was excavated as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. It was mainly used for military purposes. For example, Wu Wangfu was eager to go north to fight for hegemony, and to cut a trench.

In the Sui Dynasty, in order to communicate the North and the South, since the reunion of the Five Hus, the situation of China's north and south split hundreds of years, invested a lot of manpower and material resources, completed the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the case of the foundation of the former dynasty.

Although this Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was too labor-intensive, it became one of the reminders of the Sui Dynasty.

But all this, looking at the overall situation of China's long history, is obviously worthwhile.

Because in the Tang Dynasty, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal immediately reflected its value and became a hub of transportation between the north and the south, so that Yangzhou could benefit from the benefits of transportation and wealth.

Having this Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is one of the reasons why the Tang Dynasty flourished.

Looking at the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but be surprised. Although the beauty of the day, the weather, the rain, and the harvest of the grain, it is also able to help China's prosperity.

But after all, it is still a temporary one. The real long-term solution is like the Great Wall and the canal, which can benefit the future.

"But the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is supposed to be the same level of existence as the Great Wall. It should be the most advanced gold."

Qin Xiaobai still has some doubts about this. The deep red color level is undoubtedly quite high, but for this huge project of great career, he still feels unqualified.

“Is this just one of them?”

At this time, a soft voice came from the side, Qin Xiaobai looked sideways, only to see the beautiful woman Bai Sheng Sheng Xue, is for him to study ink, not the Shangguan children and who.

Although Qin Xiaobai has not yet been enthroned, he is already the only candidate for the new emperor. As the only public statement of Qin Xiaobai, he announced that he would become the nephew of the Qin army, and his status can be imagined.

However, even now, today, the nephew has been standing silently on the side of Qin Xiaobai, adding a fragrance to the red sleeves of Qin Xiaobai, and playing a small secret role, just wanting to be in the heart of the world. Beside the man, stay a little longer.

Qin Xiaobai looked at the beautiful woman, could not help but smile, then nodded: "My family and my thoughts, I guess this scroll, can also summon one millionth of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal."

When Qin Xiaobai went to the north, he took out the Great Wall, which was against the Xianbei. It was only one ten thousandth of the Great Wall.

However, he immediately shook his head in disappointment. If there was only one section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the north and south of China Unicom, the effect would be worse than a star and a half, and it would become an ordinary river channel.

According to the urine of the system, Qin Xiaobai thinks that there is such a possibility, so that the scroll of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, he is too lazy to open, so as not to be happy.

At this time, the nephew smiled gently to Qin Xiaobai: "A section of the Great Wall can be used in a suitable place to reach a thousand troops. A section of the canal is used properly, and it can also flourish."

Qin Xiaobai heard the words again, and the nephew said that it makes sense. If ordinary things are used well, they can turn waste into treasures, not to mention such water conservancy projects.

Moreover, his principle has always been that the geese have been plucking hair. Even if it is an ordinary river channel, he can't give up the principle. Pressing pressure is a must...

So Qin Xiaobai immediately opened the scroll to see it and see where it would be most appropriate.

Qin Xiaobai, who had already had no expectations for this Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, was surprised to find that after the scroll was opened, this geographical prize was not one of the sections, but the complete version of the entire Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

However, like Qin Xiaobai and Yaner’s speculation, the real Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal must be the same as the Great Wall, and it is the highest level of gold.

So although this Grand Canal is a whole, it is different from other scrolls that can be summoned directly. This is just a drawing of the construction of the Grand Canal.

But even so, it is far better than one of them.

At least the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal can be built.

This makes Qin Xiaobai happy, and the mountains and rivers in China are complicated. Fortunately, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are connected to each other, but they have been lacking in North-South exchanges. Now there is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal connecting the north and the south. The waterway is in good condition and the Huaxia business is not prosperous.

"If you are not reminding me, I guess I have to throw this scroll to somewhere. Since this canal has a relationship with you, then this canal will be handed over to you to build it."

After Qin Xiaobai’s delight, the scroll of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was handed over to the nephew.

"I?" The child couldn’t help but feel a little.

The sergeant is not worried about the difficult task, but because the construction of the canal takes a long time, and she does not want to leave Qin Xiaobai.

Qin Xiaobai naturally knew what the nephew was thinking, so he smiled and nodded and continued: "It will take a long time to have the drawings in hand to build this canal, and this is a big credit."

Since ancient times, water conservancy projects have been major events and require arrangements from all parties.

However, there are systematically identified drawings in hand, and these are not problems, not to mention the fact that the children themselves have the political attributes of the red level, and these are even more effortless.

The deaf children's personality has always been indifferent, and Qin Xiaobai has been silently paying behind him, so there is no significant merit.

However, since he wants to become the emperor, then the mother of the world will not be able to get the pressure of the deaf children.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai had to give this, the great merits of China Unicom and North China to the deaf children, and to use her for the field.

"Thank you, husband..."

At this time, my nephew apparently understood the mind of Qin Xiaobai. She was so excited that she shouted out that Qin Xiaobai had always wanted to listen. The talented woman was out of shame, and she was always reluctant to shout the words of the husband before the official marriage.

Qin Xiaobai heard a sweet heart, and thought of the nephew who was going to be the mother of the world. He suddenly remembered something, so he quickly screamed for the deaf to prepare for the mission:

"For the deaf There is one more thing. If you want to be in charge of the sixth house in the future, then this harem book will be handed over to you, as long as it is not like the pomegranate sister, other random."

Qin Xiaobai's meaning, originally as long as it is not like the flower pomegranate sister, such a genius, other casually choose the show female palace girl or something, let him the new emperor's harem, do not have to look too shabby.

"Yu Yu, Yu Ji, Ling Yue, Mulan, Wen Ji, Bai Jie, Xiao Wei, Shuang Qiao, Zifu, Gillian..."

As a result, the child whispered to himself, and then nodded deeply, saying: "The husband can rest assured that no matter the canal or the harem, I must do the best for the husband!"

Qin Xiaobai heard the words and nodded happily, but then he felt like a child, and there seemed to be something wrong with him, and he didn’t know why, suddenly felt a moment in his waist, and his fascination...

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