MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 27 Girls disguised as men and mixed boys' group (27th �

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What's the situation?

The audience did not understand, Chu Lian's voice came from the center of the stage.

In the heavy rain without accompaniment, it was so loud and distant, "Ah~ah~ah!-"

As expected from an opera family, his voice is extremely penetrating and contagious.

The hall-level performance and the purest vocals make it no wonder that they can fascinate those noble ladies in Europe. Such a serious Chu Lian is so handsome that it explodes.

Although the loudspeakers on the first stage are amazing, but the sound is too impurity, the pure enjoyment voice at this moment is really nice.

Everyone wanted to find his figure following the voice, and Luo Gaohan appeared in the center of the stage with uncoordinated limbs.


Did you take the stage without practicing at all?

[I'm afraid it's not the scene of the car accident. 】

【In Chu Liantianxiu's voice, Luo Gaohan has no advantage at all, it is terrible, terrible! 】

[No, I thought there was a surprise. result…】

【This is it? 】

[What's the matter? Is this stage aimed at our school masters? It doesn't give us any room to play. This is to step on our family masters! 】

[Too much. 】

As soon as the tragic dance appeared, there was an instant scolding.

However, the performance on the stage continued, and even Sheng Zhaixing and Han Xiche appeared beside Luo Gaohan.

At the same time, Luo Gaohan's performance was even more tragic and unsightly.

Is it just to set off the other two?


Sheng Zhaixing and Han Xiche came to lead Luo Gaohan to dance together.


What does it mean?

[Stage design, this is stage design! 】

[Symbols the process of ordinary people being brought into the battlefield by excellent warriors and becoming stronger little by little. 】Not only fans, but also professionals watched the fun, and they pointed out the theme that Shi Qi and the others wanted to express.

Other viewers who don’t know the truth don’t quite believe it, but when they look at it, it makes sense!

【Is that so? 】

【Okay, it seems not bad? 】

With the appearance of Sheng Zhexing and Han Xiche, and under their leadership, his movements gradually became good-looking and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking and watching, the audience who scolded before found the real meaning, which is to point the title and deduct the central idea of ​​the song "Sir Commander".

United and collaborative.

Have the courage to face your own vulnerability, work hard and overcome it.

So Luo Gaohan is not a stepping stone for anyone at all, it is precisely him where his soul resides.

Whether on stage or in real life, the two figures of Luo Gaohan and the body of a martyr overlap each other, and the meaning of this stage is sublimated in an instant.

One word—


As Luo Gaohan's movements improved, Chu Lian's singing gradually became melodious, and the chasing light fell again, symbolizing the dawn of victory hitting Shi Qi.


This is divine!

The advantages of the team members were all displayed in just 30 seconds, especially the contrast between Luo Gaohan's front and back was simply stunning.

But, no one will think that she is superfluous, nor that Shi Qi has no sense of existence.

On the contrary, Shi Qi's existence completes the entire stage.

The bright red cloak, a symbol of our national flag, is draped on his body, like an achievement made by blood.

In the end, Shi Qi stood there as if he was really a commander who led his subordinates to resist the enemy. As long as he guarded there, then his soldiers and his people would have the courage to fight .

Perfect! Closing!


【Ouch! 】

【I seem to see the history of winning battles through this dance. 】

【My little seventeen is too general! 】

[Ouch, I thought it was a little prince in a castle, but I didn't expect to be so reassuring on the battlefield. My little general ah ah ah, I really love it! 】

[The group soul just burst. 】

【With honor! 】

[I love love, I love every little brother so much! Chu Lian's voice, Luo Gaohan's efforts, Sheng Zhaixing and Han Xiche's business ability are also indisputable, the stage is amazing! Especially the general style of Little Seventeen, what kind of immortal combination is this! 】

[I didn't expect that I would actually cry because of my patriotism on the stage of the trainee draft. 】

After the performance, the audience was still not satisfied, and they were obviously very satisfied with the stage of this second public.


"Is the show good?"


"Like it?"

【Like it! —]

The host Lu Ye, who was watching at the closest distance, came on stage, and there were two familiar waves of interaction. Don't look at the simplicity of this line, but the audience loves to shout, hoping that the trainees on the stage can feel their enthusiasm.

Because the competition system is that the winning team of the same track goes to the safety seat, the host Lu Ye interacted with the trainees on the spot. What the audience wanted to hear, he handed over the microphone and started a wave of small live interviews.

"The cheers of the audience have rushed to the stage, and you can't say anything about your stage. Shi Qi, as an S-grade trainee on the first stage, you are on this stage. How did you prepare?"

"Show your best side." Shi Qi looked at the camera and said unhurriedly.

But Chu Lian couldn't help but interjected, he grabbed the microphone, "We all have our own performance opportunities, in fact, Xiaoqiu also has it, but because the last time is up, our Mai has no voice. already."

Each stage has a time limit. Once the time is exceeded, Mai will not be able to make a sound. This is to ensure the fairness of each group.

"Two seconds." Luo Gaohan spit out two words silently, making people confused. Shi Qi patted his shoulder, shook his head slightly, and then smiled at Sheng Zhaixing and Han Xiche.


With a proud snort, Luo Gaohan stopped talking. And Chu Lian was also stared at by Shi Qi, and he didn't say much more honestly in an instant.

【Wow! 】

[One look is so lethal, handsome. 】


The interaction on stage was obvious, and the five members of Shi Qi and his team seemed to have a tacit understanding.

As a senior host, Lu Ye feels that they may be hiding something, but it is not easy to say it in front of the camera. Although curious, he didn't ask directly, and continued to walk at his own pace, "Excuse me, Captain Shi Qi, what did you not show in the end?"

"Nothing, just a sentence."

"Then what is it?"

Hearing this, Shi Qi's eyes met the camera, his usual cat-like eyes were slightly raised at this time, and he said confidently and flamboyantly, "Victory belongs to us."

Accompanying her words, Chu Lian pulled Shi Qi's cloak and made a hunting sound.

Fortunately, the cloak was big enough to cover his entire body.

The high-spirited boy and the scarlet cloak that is hunting and hunting are sassy and handsome!

【My little seventeen is so handsome, my commander is oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 】

【Love love! 】

The fans who were looking at the camera were cheering, while the audience who just turned their backs witnessed Chu Lian, a big man who was only one centimeter away and one meter nine, with his **** pouted while giving Qi hold the cloak.


It was very uncomfortable.

What the **** are you doing?

The tears from before have not faded away, and now they are embarrassed on my face.

It's hard.

Indescribable pain!

Looking at Chu Lian, who didn't care about his image when he left the stage, his 'first love girlfriends' really wanted to ask the show team to give their children an expression management class and then seriously learn to be an idol Professionalism.

Shi Qi has finished the interview here, and now it's time to go to Qu Xiao's group.

The performance of this group is also very good, but it is a pity that they are against Shi Qi's team.

"Captain Qu Xiao, do you have anything to say about this performance?" As the host, Lu Ye handed over the microphone.

Qu Xiao did not speak, but set his eyes on Shi Qi.

Shi Qi, who shines on the stage, does have a magic power that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

He wouldn't have forced Shi Qi to retire, and this time he didn't want to steal Shi Qi's team's 30 seconds. ,that is because-

Looking at Qu Xiao's eyes, Lu Ye, who had been reminded by the program team, immediately took Mai and started to justify himself, "Okay, Captain Qu Xiao's expression has already told us that he treats himself The team is very confident. Now that the time is almost up, let's see the final result!"

Qu Xiao, who didn't have time to say it, "..."

"???" After Qu Xiao, I made a wood forest with a sense of presence, and this, is it over?

Actually, the result was obvious. It was obvious that the two teams performed on the same stage, but when it was over, the most talked about stage was Shi Qi's "Sir Commander".

The whole show went down, in the eyes of the audience and fans.

Shi Qi is the commander-in-chief of the army, and Qu Xiao is like the most courageous warrior under her command. struggling poor people.

The height and level are different.

The most important thing is that Luo Gaohan's performance in the Shiqi team collided with the setting of Mu Mulin. However, Mu Mulin lost to the long river of history due to an unfair fate, while Luo Gaohan stood up to defend against the enemy through his own efforts.

This ideological awareness and realm are also different.

Mu Mulin listened to the voices of those people. He was very upset but could not do anything. It was really painful to bump into people, especially who was embarrassed.

So no matter from which aspect, Shi Qi and his team won a crushing victory.

3000 spectators, 1987 votes vs 1002 votes, 11 invalid votes.

Shi Qi's group of five entered the safe seat, while Qu Xiao's group of five entered the pending seat.


Off the stage, a group of people chatted in the lounge.

"Shi Qi, why don't you let me say on stage that Qu Xiao and his group deliberately delayed our time? Is it because Qu Xiao is not easy to offend?" That kind of small action thing, I wanted to say it directly on the stage.

"No." Hearing this, Shi Qi tilted his head in confusion. She had already offended Qu Xiao, how could she be afraid of offending him. However, some things cannot be said. Seeing the puzzled expressions of his teammates, Shi Qi rarely gave an explanation, "Qu Xiao can't do this kind of thing."

"Why? Those capitalists, what can't they do?" Han Xiche, who had been beaten and exploited by society, gritted his teeth and said, he couldn't be rational when it came to money, and he had a vague hatred for the rich.

"As you said, the capitalists are very strong, what Qu Xiao wants to say and do can be done directly in person, and it is not wrong to play tricks behind the scenes. If you are afraid of losing and deliberately target us, you will directly retire us. No need to be so troublesome, just to waste two seconds of our time." Compared with the dark audience at the beginning, the two seconds this time were no big deal to Shi Qi, "The two seconds less seems to be We suffered a loss, but there is no need to tell everyone. If there is a problem, we can solve it by ourselves, and there is no need to make it known to everyone. On the stage, we have to present a perfect stage to the audience.”

Shi Qi doesn't like to pretend to be pitiful and weak to tell grievances. Born proud, he likes to be arrogant.

Her words made Sheng Zhaixing and Han Xiche look sideways. They thought that Shi Qi was because they didn't want to make trouble with Qu Xiao. After all, the capital behind Qu Xiao was very powerful, let alone a trainee who didn't debut, even a popular star could be banned.

So, they endured it on stage.

But she didn't want to, what Shi Qi said was such a remark.

The presentation to the audience must be perfect, and the deficiencies should be resolved privately. Suddenly, Sheng Zhexing recalled in his mind that when he first debuted, three young adults who had just grown up entered the entertainment industry together.

Once upon a time, they were so full of blood and desperate? Now, there are a lot of worries, but it seems to have forgotten the stage.

Looking at this young captain Shi Qi, who was full of brilliance in his childish eyes, the corners of Sheng Zhexing's mouth could not help but rise slightly. Eighteen years old, so good.

"Wow! Little Star, you laughed!"

"This is the first time I saw you smile in [National Idol]."

"Little Xingxing, give Ye Le one."

Han Xiche seemed to have discovered the new continent and shouted, Chu Lian also joined in the fun, a few big boys started fighting here, and also implicated Luo Gaohan.


The safety seat lounge was full of fun, and Qu Xiao, who had been wanting to chat with Shi Qi all the way, listened to a corner. Although it is very immoral, this feeling of not being misunderstood makes people very happy.

However, within three seconds of being happy, Shi Qi came out of the lounge and faced Qu Xiao who was smiling.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time, and the smile on the corner of Qu Xiao's mouth was either closed or continued.

Shi Qi greeted him, and then happily rushed to Huang Tianyu! To be precise, it is Huang Tianyu's assistant. To be more precise, it was the takeaway from Huang Tianyu's assistant.

Before Shi Qi and Huang Tianyu made a bet that if his team won Huang Tianyu, he would invite her to a late night snack.

He jumped up cheering, Shi Qi completed the crescent moon with his eyes full of barbecue smiles, where he happily and the assistant brother understood what delicious food was here.

And Qu Xiao was caught by Huang Tianyu and said, "Your stage shouldn't be like this, your dancing has been reduced a lot later, and the rhythm is a little messy. I know you may be For Mu Mulin's ultimate move, I shortened my dance time. However, you still robbed Shiqi and his team of time. Although it's only 2.65 seconds, I think you should apologize."

Qu Xiao did not speak, politely speaking, he should apologize. But it's not his fault. This was all the fault of Mu Mu Lin's deliberate addition of dramas, and even Qu Xiao deliberately increased the speed and rhythm in order to prevent his team from occupying the time of Shi Qi and his team.

He actually came to tell Shi Qi that he would not ask her to retire, and wanted to explain that it was not aimed at Shi Qi, so as not to misunderstand. But obviously, Shi Qi didn't misunderstand him without explanation.

I was in a good mood, and was suddenly brought up by Huang Tianyu. Moreover, what Huang Tianyu's instructor said was very correct. Others couldn't see the difference in his performance on the stage, but the instructor who knew his big move could see the problem at a glance. Not only did he get faster, but even the best moves didn't show.

However, none of that matters.

Qu Xiao is not good at explaining, let alone apologizing, so the whole person froze there and did not speak. He doesn't bother to tell others about his grievances, but he won't grieve himself.

Qu Xiao kept his mouth shut, as if he was stuck and refused to speak. Shi Qi's attention was focused on the assistant, or to be precise, the takeaway brought by the assistant.

The scene became more embarrassing, Huang Tianyu sighed and wanted to make a round. After all, these two trainees are very good, and they shouldn't be awkward because of these two-second trivial matters.

However, Huang Tianyu didn't know how to speak.

He has never been an old man, so the atmosphere has become awkward plus.

The assistant felt the discomfort of his artist, and silently took the takeaway away from Shi Qi. Then, in a flash, he hid behind Huang Tianyu.

Attention returned, Shi Qi felt the subtle atmosphere.

Well well, she actually heard it.

Because she just saw delicious meat, she is in a good mood looking at everyone now.

The smiling eyes are like a cute little fox, cunning and cute.

But what's even?

Huang Tianyu didn't understand what she was trying to express, and Shi Qi didn't continue to speak, and lightly put his gaze on Qu Xiao's body, to be precise, on his belt.

Qu Xiao suddenly thought of something, "…"

When the eyes of Shi Qi and Qu Xiao met, they understood each other, and then tacitly skipped this topic. The relationship was so relaxed and the problem was solved.

Huang Tianyu, who witnessed the whole process but didn't know anything, couldn't figure out what he missed, but it didn't matter, he would ask, "So, what did you guys even up?"

"You ask him."


Shi Qi pointed at Qu Xiao, but Qu Xiao refused to answer and said goodbye directly to the waiting room.

Huang Tianyu felt that he was isolated by his team members, and he was isolated for no reason.

Huang Tianyu, who was not in a good mood, wanted to chat with his assistant to see if he knew anything, but in the blink of an eye, his assistant had become Shi Qi's Assistant, Ren has been taken to the rest room of the security seat by Shi Qi, surrounded by five trainees for supper.


Qu Xiao, who returned to the waiting table, looked coldly at the pretending Mu Mulin, Shi Qi didn't care about those two seconds, but he did. You dare to count on yourself, you can do it.

Being watched by Qu Xiao's eyes, Mu Mu Lin couldn't help but panic. Qu Xiao was very angry, very angry. Especially the kind of disdainful eyes in the arrogant man, as if he is some kind of dirty thing, or the kind that can be crushed to death with one foot.

Mu Mulin, who got this world script ahead of time, was a little flustered, but he thought that as long as he can get enough popularity points, when the protagonist's halo is added, he is not afraid of Qu Xiao's temporary unhappiness. It's not too late to brush up on the sensitivity.

Therefore, Mumulin maintains an attitude of not being discouraged on the surface, optimistic and positive business. After staying in the entertainment industry for a long time, I naturally know what kind of characters fans like.

No matter how good you are, there will be many people who don't like you. In the same way, this one of my own will still be liked by many people, not the first place, but also can earn a lot of popularity.

So when Mu Mulin knew that Qu Xiao finally showed off his dancing skills in the finale, he deliberately grabbed the scene, wanted to sell badly with his acting skills, and then collected a wave of tears. The process went very smoothly.

What he did was successful, but what happened in the end!

Shi Qi didn't do anything, he just won by being the captain.

And his teammates blame him for stealing the show because he wants to bring more popularity to the team.

It's not fair, it's not fair.

The halo of the **** protagonist must be because of this, so Shi Qi's luck is so good.

Mu Mulin was heartbroken and could not drag it on any longer, "System, I want to exchange 300,000 popularity points for—"