MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1070 One zero seven two: Sui Tang Mo!

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Chapter 1070, 1072, Tang Mo!

The three wave-class giant ships that won the highest control by Lanling whistling to the big pit that was torn by the power of the stars.

"The main gun of the battleship, the highest energy level, attack!"

"Booming and banging..."

Three wave-class battleships were madly bombarded.

This sturdy lunar energy-enriched crust, with a thickness of about 30,000 meters, is constantly bombarded by three wave-class warships. It takes three or four minutes to fully penetrate, and it breaks through a hole. Unlike the power of the stars, you can tear a large hole with a diameter of several hundred miles.


Lanling ordered that a hole with a diameter of 100 meters should be broken, so that the activation signal released by him can spread out a huge face to activate more intelligent life.

As a result, three wave-level warships will take nearly an hour to complete the mission.


At the same time, in the command room of the A1 Star Power, there were eight grades of citizens, and alternate assistant member Tang Mo’s screams.

"do not come!"

"You, a despicable monkey, put away your disgusting face."


"Come on, disgusting monkey, I should have been bitten by a dog!"

"No, don't stop..."

The most speechless thing in the world is that it is a punishment but a welfare.

This is the case now, and it makes Lanling Yixing.

He has to fulfill the rumors that he sent out that year, so he is naturally fierce like a beast, and he is crazy about this Tang Mo who is pretending to be high.

Unexpectedly, just a few minutes later, this Tang Mo became very active from the struggle, and also called ghosts, just like going to heaven and hell.

Therefore, Lanling is ready to leave.

"Don't go..." Tang Mo hugged Lan Ling's body and shivered: "It turns out that lower creatures have a different taste."

Lan Ling couldn't bear it. He slaps a slap in the face, then fiercely transforms into a complete demon form. His body is sharp and barbed, his body is nearly doubled, and he is crushed toward Tang Mo.

During the time, Tang Mo issued a scream.


Lanling's other two avatars are madly cracking the artificial intelligence of the A1 and A2 stars.

The power level of Star Power is much higher than that of a wave-class warship, so the complexity of artificial intelligence is much higher, and Lanling has much more time to crack.

The artificial intelligence of the power of the whole star, involving the light spot, has more than 100 billion dark spots, and must control the billions of light points of the core in order to obtain the highest authority.

According to the current speed of Lanling's cracking, it will take at least a few hundred hours, and Lanling definitely has no such time.

Therefore, Lanling must change its mind.

What is the difference between artificial intelligence and advanced intelligent life in the Star Force Command Center? There is no core Samsung!

The three stars of this core flow between light and dark, and because it is a triangular state, under the effect of mutual gravity, there is no law in its operation, which is completely random.

Then, if Lanling implants the core Samsung Chen into the artificial intelligence center of Star Power, then it will undoubtedly become a high-level intelligent life. Once activated, it will obey the order of Lanling in the highest will.

And wanting to implant the core Samsung in artificial intelligence, it takes a lot of energy. Just as Lanling **** blood and devours the death warrior and finally injects a trace of blood, it takes a part of the energy. And if you want to give the Star Force Power Center the huge artificial intelligence implanted into the core Samsung, then there is no doubt that the energy will be more and more amazing!

But it is really worth it.

Lanling released a powerful chaotic energy. In the artificial intelligence of the command center of two stars, three core stars were implanted and upgraded into a high-level intelligent life, which is equal to the star family without the body.

Then, release powerful energy to activate this core Samsung!


Suddenly, there are two images in the Lanling brain area, images of advanced intelligent life.

"Your Majesty, Long Live, Long Live, Long Live!"

The two star power reaction devices of A1 and a2 immediately became living life, possessing their own soul and will, and unconditionally obeying the order of the Chaos Emperor Lanling.

This means that the power of these two stars will not require anyone's control at all, and it will lock itself against any target.


At this time, the retreat of the moon civilization is still going on.

Numerous high-level intelligent life was disarmed, then went to the giant transport ship and was sent to the abyss prison.

Countless human and demonic regiments began to assemble and prepared to go to the ground to rebel.

"The third group army is assembled!"

"The fourth group army level is over!"

"The fifth group army is assembled!"

"The 17th Army is assembled."

"The nineteenth group army level is over!"

There are 150,000 rebel forces on the ground, and the Moon Temple sent out 11 groups of troops to a total of 1.1 million to go to the ground to rebel, half of the human legions, and half of the demon army.

The two lieutenants stood in front of the second leader, Qing Xuan, one is Lieutenant General Lungtar, and the other is Lieutenant General Babanu!

This demon lieutenant Babanu, really does not have a human appearance, is a pure demon. The head has long sharp corners, sharp claws, scary hooves, back wings, and barbs, almost three meters high.

"There are 150,000 rebel forces on the ground. It is very likely that Lanling has also come." Qingxuan: "You have only one mission, killing 150,000 rebel troops and imprisoning Lanling!"


Qing Xuan’s eyes are cold and cold: "We are too polite to treat this monkey, so that he feels that we are weak and deceivable, and even deceived the door, not letting him get a profound lesson, probably not knowing what is called fear. ”

The human lieutenant Longtal said: "Whether it is a lion or a tiger, when you are in the wild, you feel that you are invincible. So you must get back to torture, swear, punish, and it will be tamed before you can become a pet."

Qingxuan: "And your goal is to get him back and tame."

The demon lieutenant Babanu opened his mouth and had three layers of teeth. The thinnest was like a steel needle, and the thick one was like a dagger, making people shudder.

"I heard that this so-called chaotic emperor has a fine skin and tender meat. The buttocks are definitely good. Let me sneak a little after I catch it. I will definitely give him a deep impression that he will never forget. Hehe..."


Lieutenant Mozu wants to give Lan Ling an indelible impression of life, but at least now Tang Mo is really a life-free, can not die, life will not forget this moment.

When Lan Ling left him aside, she had no strength to cry.

"I will remember today, I will remember today, his day, your dragon magic planet, your family will be ten times, twenty times the torture, and your sister Lancome, will receive a hundred times "Oh," said Tang Mosha. "You wait, and soon there will be a million troops appearing on the ground, destroying your hundreds of thousands of rebels, and imprisoning your shit-like chaos." When you fall into my hands, I will be thousands of times and torture you."

Lanling recovered from the Mozu to become the portrait of human Sauron, and became a peerless beauty man.

"Is it?" Lan Ling sneered: "Then I am waiting!"

At this time, suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and then there was a terrible light in the air.


One after another wave-class warship appeared, appeared in the air and became a circle!

One, two, three, four, five...

A total of eleven wave-class warships appeared in the air force command room of the A1 and a2 stars, surrounded by the 150,000 rebel forces loyal to Lanling.

Tang Mo smiled coldly: "They are coming, you are finished."


"The army is landing!"

Eleven moon-class civilized wave-class warships slowly open in the air, and a light and shadow directly shines on the ground.

The densely packed human soldiers, the Mozu soldiers came out of the battleship and appeared on the light and shadow, and the next second appeared directly on the ground.

These eleven wave-class warships are more advanced, allowing the army to land directly in the air.


One after another, the military array was down to the ground.

After only half an hour, the 1.1 million army, all completed landing!

"Leave three warships, and the remaining eight to destroy the rebel warships!" Human Lieutenant General Longtal ordered.


A moment later, eight wave-class battleships took off and flew toward the big crack.

Six hundred thousand humans and the Mozu coalition began to deploy, and then the tide generally approached the A1 command room where Lanling was located.

The 75,000-star rebel army around Lanling began to defend the array!

"Is Lan Ling?" Lieutenant General Babanu said: "Have you washed your ass?"

The devil's sound waves are easily penetrated into the ears of Lanling and Tang Mo.

Through the big screen, Tang Mo saw that the 600,000 coalition forces outside were approaching, led by the Longtal Prize and Lieutenant General Babanu.

Tang Mo smiled and said: "Lan Ling, you are an emperor, you must feel particularly proud? Then I will tell you by the way that the two lieutenants outside are all emperors, and the so-called emperor is on the moon. It's not rare. And I can tell you that the favorite of the Devils is the man's ass. I hope that your endurance is enough. Otherwise, I have to go through the nightmare, and the time will be longer. More tragic."

Lan Ling did not care,

Tang Mo smiled coldly: "You only have more than 70,000 rebel forces, and there are 600,000 coalition forces and three warships outside. You have no chance at all, and you are destined to be destroyed by the whole army."

Lan Ling gently held the face of Tang Mo and pointed at the big screen: "See clearly!"

Suddenly, the power of the Star Force command center's artificial intelligence.

"The power of the stars is fully charged!"

"The power of the stars is aimed at locking!"

Suddenly, the picture locked the 600,000 coalitions hundreds of miles away.

"The power of the stars controls the energy level!"



The power of the terrible stars, a dark and extreme antimatter energy, shot toward the 600,000 coalition forces on the moon.


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(End of this chapter)