MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1082 One zero eighty: whispering, two Lanling

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Chapter 1082, 108, whispers, two Lanling

Lan Ling was very surprised by the arrival of the dragonfly. These days, I was not at the side of Miluo, and basically did not say a word.

"What are you talking about?" asked Lan Ling.

He bowed his head and thought for a while: "In your conversation, have our stars been ruled by the void?"

Lanling Road: "Yes."

Ramp: "You are going to transform the moon, then leave this place and go to another galaxy?"

Lanling Road: "Yes!"

He said: "Will the future Nether creatures spread to another galaxy, the new home we are looking for. What should we do at that time? Even though it may be tens of thousands of years, or even longer. ”

Lan Ling looked at the road and said: "What are you going to tell me, this is this?"

Ramp: "Yes."

Lanling Road: "I hope that by that time, we already have a way to completely eliminate the void creatures."

I saw Lan Ling for a while, and it seemed to be a little disappointing.

"Oh!" shouted: "Then I am leaving."


"Your Majesty, what did you say to you?" Qing Xuan asked.

Lanling Road: "She is asking us, is this considered escape?"

Qingxuan: "How do you answer?"

Lanling Road: "I said count."

Qingxuan: "My Majesty, this is not called escape, this is called strategic advancement."

Lanling Road: "You are so big, so you are right."

"Hey..." Qing Xuan was so charming and charming that he leaned down and looked at Lan Ling’s face: "You are really a very interesting person."

Lanling Road: "Did you not say that I am a monkey before? It seems that you have not seen a movie on the earth, there is a super large monkey, which is tens of meters high, and one is only one meter seven. The beauty fell in love, and she also stood for the gray machine in the world’s tallest building at the time."

Qing Xuan ate and laughed: "It probably can only be like that, otherwise the beauty of the one meter seven may be difficult to tolerate."

Lanling turned over and pressed her under her body and said: "I like you like a serious yellow cavity."

Qing Xuanyu’s arm hooked Lanling’s neck and kissed him. “Look, give me a child.”


Next, Lanling wholeheartedly invested in the breakthrough of the ninth energy civilization of the moon!

And all the intelligent life is released from the void abyss and participate in their respective jobs.

At this time, he felt that the entire moon is like a hive. The temple of the moon is a female bee, more than a billion people and humans, and 500 million intelligent life is a worker bee.

The addition of Lanling, the master of the demon star, has made the breakthrough of the entire ninth civilization speed up in the city, which is a multiplier.

He has been fully integrated with the demon star, has a super powerful brain domain, can make the entire huge project more reasonable, and he controls the entire intelligent life arrangement, the efficiency is more than doubled.

Jurassic and the Moon Temple have been calculated. The original ninth energy civilization took 15 years to break through. With the addition of Lanling, the owner of the demon star, the speed can be tripled and completed in five years.

Of course, even five years is too long.

For more than a year and a half, the Nether creature will swallow up the entire Dragon Magic Planet. At that time, the moon that lost gravity will face the disaster.


Inside the Moon Temple!

Luo Luodao: "Your Majesty, are you sure you are ready?"

Lanling Road: "Of course!"

Luo Luodao: "Because you are the Lord of the demon star, it is too special, so copy your soul, you need to borrow the energy of the entire virtual moon. And copy it out, it is no longer a avatar, but another one, complete You!"

Lanling Road: "I know!"

Luo Luodao: "Please enter the virtual moon."

Lanling entered the virtual moon.

This virtual moon is the control terminal of the entire lunar life in the future. It has an incomparably powerful force and is a 100-meter-diameter energy light body.

Luo Luodao: "Please release your life and soul!"

Lanling is suddenly released!

In an instant, his body disappeared and turned into a group of light and shadow. Like the entire universe, there are countless light spots, bright stars, dark stars, and constantly flowing. The core Samsung is especially prominent, better than anyone. The soul of the stars must be strong and bright.

The virtual moon itself is a super powerful intelligent terminal, a very powerful energy light body.

Lanling's soul light and shadow in its body, after a few hours, it recorded all the data of Lanling soul light and shadow.

How many bright stars, how many dark stars, gravity, the law of operation, the energy system of the core Samsung Chen, and so on.

This is a very incomparably huge amount of data, even the most powerful supercomputer on the planet can not be recorded and saved.

Because the supercomputer on the earth can not even simulate a complete earth, at this time, the soul and light of Lanling is thousands of trillions of various stars. Of course, from the macroscopic world, they are just countless spots of light, but in the microscopic world, is every light spot not a complete star?

Record all the soul data of Lanling, even after the demon star data.

"Your Majesty, copying is about to begin. During this time, you will be temporarily blank and lose all your perception."

Lanling Road: "Okay."

Although he was just a light and shadow at this time, the communication was completely unaffected.

"Copy, split, start!"


All the perceptions, souls, and wills of Lanling are blank.

Then, the entire virtual moon begins to split.

Yes, it is not simply the division and division of Lanling's soul, but the entire virtual moon begins to split, because the virtual moon has the complete information of Lanling soul.

Really like a cell division, the entire virtual moon is torn hard, splitting the city a little bit.

After twenty-four hours!

The virtual moon has been split!

And in every virtual moon, there is a complete soul, the complete Lanling soul.

However, a split of the soul is copied into two, so the light and shadow are particularly indifferent, and the energy is half!

"Inject energy."

Suddenly, the two virtual lunar energies are injecting energy into the soul of Lanling.

The entire moon was trembled, almost all the lights of the entire moon civilization, instantly extinguished for a second, all the spaceships, all the battleships, all the energy weapons fell into a pause.

After a full quarter of an hour!

After the energy was injected, the two souls of Lanling recovered their previous strength.

Then, the two souls and shadows are separated from the virtual moon energy body and float in the moon temple.

The two virtual moon energy bodies that were previously split are merged into one again.

"Your Majesty, you can reshape your body."

Lan Ling thought of a move, suddenly two souls light and shadow gradually spread, turned into two complete bodies, handsome and unparalleled human.

The soul of Lanling has been copied!


Note: The first one is sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)