MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1117 One by one nine: loading! Li Yizheng shocked!

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Chapter 1117 is one by one! Li Yizheng shocked!

Lan Ling looked at the man in front of the suit and said: "Is Li Yizheng let you come?"

"Don't ask so much, just go with us." The suit man said.

Then, several weapons simultaneously aimed at Lanling's head. Then, from the other two men, they grabbed the arm of Lanling and pushed him into the car.

Three Mercedes-Benz s500s are moving towards the suburbs outside the city.

Along the way, the insiders closed their mouths and the right hand was inside the sleeves. The weapons were always aimed at Lanling and they were ready to fire at any time.

After driving for dozens of miles, I entered a mountain and climbed up the mountain to reach the top of the mountain.

Here, there is an old castle!

Of course, it is not the ancient castle in the traditional sense, but the modern architecture.

The entire castle stands on the top of the mountain, together with the garden, covers an area of ​​more than 200 acres. Although it is a copy of the Western castle, it is also very chic and deep.

Lanling clearly saw that the castle had three helicopters parked.

Compared to the grandeur of the Linhao villa, this old castle is so clever that I don’t know where to go. The realm of the two sides is really different.

Entering the castle, everything is antique and almost no trace of modernization.

Soft wool rugs, antique wallpapers, and famous paintings hanging on the walls all feel like they have crossed Europe in the 18th century.

Even the crystal lamp here must be made into the shape of a candle.

The entire castle is about 30 meters high, which is equivalent to ten floors. After entering the banquet hall behind the gate, it is 10 stories high, with a total area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, and it is extremely low-key luxury.

Going up the stairs, stepping on the soft carpet can't make a sound.

Finally, stopped in front of a room, the suit man knocked on the door.

"Mr. Li, people brought it."

After a while, the heavy door opened.

Lanling noticed that not only the door handle was gold, but also the decorative pattern on the door, it was also gold-plated.

After entering, I saw an antique table behind, Li Yizheng sat here lazily.

Beside him, there is a blond Caucasian girl wearing a gorgeous short skirt dress and is cutting a cigar for Li Yizheng.

Next to it, there is another Asian girl wearing a white dress and pouring wine for him.

The rings, skirts, shoes, bracelets, earrings, etc. of the two women are not less than 50,000 yuan. In short, it is really like a woman with gold inlays.

Li Yizheng took a cigar, then reached out to hold the white girl's chin and let her face Lanling: "Do you think she and An Zhen, who is more beautiful?"

Lanling glanced at it and had to say that this white girl was really exquisite, not much like the super models in the European and American advertising blockbusters, what Dior girl, what Chanel girl, but so.

"Beautiful women are a resource, a precious resource. For ordinary people, it is an extreme luxury." Li Yizheng said: "But for me, a beautiful woman is an ordinary resource. I am more interested in the door, the woman's wisdom, character, family life is clean, the foundation is clean. So ampoule is very precious to me. But for you, it is just a big beauty. Big beauty, I am more. The one who poured me the wine and gave me some cigarettes is such a beautiful woman. Because they are just a number, the number of money."

Lan Ling did not speak, but after the two beautiful girls saw Lan Ling, although there was no change in their faces, but the breathing was a lot of rush, and the breath temperature was also a lot higher.

Some men go to find a woman to spend money, some men go to find a woman not only does not spend money, but also make money, this is the truth.

The Lanling in front of me is the type that lets women watch and want to sleep.

"Lan Ling, what you want is only the beautiful face of a woman, what a noble identity, innocent past, but it is a burden to you, isn't it?" Li Yizheng said: "It is like a meal without food. The poor, the best food for him is braised pork, not truffles, nor caviar right? You let him eat these things, he still thinks this **** stuff, stupid and stinky?"

"So, the braised pork is yours, the truffles are for me?" Li Yizheng smiled and said: "These beautiful people around me can let you pick one. Cut the cigar, pour the wine, lay the sheets, as long as you can take it with you." I pay for the money."

Lanling Road: "Ahn is not mine, you can't do business with me."

"Yes, of course, I don't want to trade with you. I just talked with you." Li Yizheng said: "You offended me today and shattered my arm. I was very angry at the time, so At that time, I thought in my heart that you are dead, no matter what you call, no matter what you come to, you are dead. But after returning home, I drank a glass of wine and calmed down. Beauty is a luxury. Isn’t the hero a hero? The master of martial arts is also a luxury.”

Lan Ling understood that this Li Yi was to recruit him.

"When a person comes to a certain kind of thing, you will find that there is no place to spend money. You try your best to be different from others, but it is very difficult. You got a castle, he got one in the desert. Manor, buy an island in a certain sea area. You bought a Van Gogh, he will give you a whole Monet. You have a pile of 50 or 60 years of Maotai, others have got a bunch of 82 years Sprite...hahaha!" Li Yizheng said that he said a very interesting joke.

"Look at the oil sellers in the Middle East, play tigers one by one, play leopards, play eagle." Li Yizheng said: "Everyone needs to be swayed, we are the same. The more scarce things, the more they can come out." It’s a tiger. What about the leopard? It’s worth a show with a real martial arts master. It’s the real thing to go out.”

Lan Ling understood that Li Yizheng wanted to recruit him not as a celebrity, not even a bodyguard, but a kind of pet.

It’s rare that Li Yizheng is so straightforward.

"So, I am staring at the intersection of Lin Hao's not far away. If you are dead, then forget it, it means that you are not powerful enough, and it is not qualified enough for me to fancy." Li Yizheng said: "If you still Living, it means that you have defeated the embarrassment, Nicholas and Luo Ming, it means that your martial arts has reached a very high level, it is already rare enough, it is enough for me to collect. So, I want to recruit you."

"From now on, you are with me." Li Yizheng said: "You are my person, you can pick one of the beautiful women around me. As for the ampoule, I am not easy to pick a suitable marriage, you should not remember Not to be associated with him, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

Li Yizheng continued: "From now on, you don't need to do anything. You only need to insist on practicing martial arts every day. I don't think I will encounter any dangerous situations. You should be desperate. Most of the time, I will let you show off. In some high-level occasions, let you beat some people and let you reveal your martial arts, so that people are jealous of me, this is enough. As for salary? 20 million a year, 15% per year Incremental, with a Mercedes-Benz s500, a clothing cost of 500,000 a year."

Then, Li Yizheng stopped and said: "Of course, as a man, you are really too beautiful. If you are willing to go to surgery to become a woman, I will give a very, very, very high bonus, not forced Think about it. If you don't want to be an operation and become a woman, then at least you have to ruin it a little. You can't at least take away the light of my master, right?"

"Well, you can go, the servant will take you to the room, the salary for the first month of this evening will be given to you." Li Yizheng said: "Which woman is telling me, I will send it to your room at night. ""

When the words came out, the two stunning girls around him breathed a stagnation and filled their expectations.

Lanling Road: "Mr. Li, are you going to cap me?"

"It is solicitation." Li Yizheng said: "Of course, you have to say that it is a captivity."

Lanling Road: "Lin Hao's home is equipped with a monitoring system. Everything has been recorded this evening. Have you sent someone to remove it?"

Li Yizheng said: "Reassured, have already done it, even if you have done anything too hot, there will be no evidence."

Lanling Road: "I advise you to see the surveillance video, then decide whether you want to cap me?"

Just at this time, a knock on the door sounded outside.

"Mr. Li, the surveillance video of Lin Hao’s family came out." A bodyguard said.

If this surveillance video falls in the hands of others, then there will be no pictures. But if you fall into the hands of Li Yizheng, everything can be seen clearly.

Lanling's divine power to do this is easy.

Li Yizheng took the hard drive, plugged in the computer and watched it. He smiled and said: "You want me to see how you look like you want to raise the price..."

Li Yizheng began to watch the surveillance video.

Seeing Lanling gently to the squatting squatting point, he directly flicked him out, and Li Yizheng showed an expression of excitement.

Sure enough, it is a master, you can definitely let him go out and show off.

Then, the mercenary master Nicholas screamed at the Lanling fist with a tungsten steel fist, and Lanling remained safe and sound.

Li Yizheng’s face changed a bit. This... it seems to be incredible.

He probably knows the power of each of Nicholas's punches. Really a cow can kill. And Lanling is safe and sound, this...this is too bizarre.


The next scene is already terrible, horrible!

Even the two stunning girls next to them made a burst of exclamation.

Because, at this time in the surveillance video, Lan Ling grabbed the bullets shot by Nicholas.

Li Yizheng's eyes narrowed, and the heart slammed, showing a very horrified expression.


Note: The second one is sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)