MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 12 Dragon pulse test, shock!

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Note: There are still three people in the new book list, and there is an urgent need for collection, recommendation tickets, and the bosses raise their hands.


Soning Bing then smiled and said: "It will not be long before my sister can't teach you. Even a lot of things, my sister can't teach you."

"No." Lan Ling was embarrassed to smile.

This is really not how talented he is, but because the last traversal of the Dragon Emperor, the civilization knowledge system he created 3,000 years ago, many of them have been learned by Lan Ling, and even deep knowledge.

During this time, he really feels like being in paradise. This familiar and strange sister, Soning Bing, always gets along with him all the time. In addition to the rapid progress of Lanling's study, the intimacy between the younger siblings is also the same.

Soning Bing not only taught him relevant theoretical knowledge, but also taught him to draw and play the piano.

Under the guise of the ear, the relationship between the two became more and more intimate.

At least, the night stunned more than once jokingly said that Lan Ling is more like Saoning Bing's younger brother than Sauron.

It is said that Lanling is not very happy, because he wants to be not only a younger brother of his sister, but a man who wants to be her.

However, now he is not strong enough to cover the wind for his sister. Therefore, he still does not want to confess.

Originally, Suning Bing planned to let Lanling retreat for two months, but because Lanling’s progress was so amazing, it was only a month to end the retreat, because Lanling at this time can directly enter Wangcheng College without The knowledge is exposed.

In the following time, Lanling will begin to enlighten the martial arts with the night horror.

At this time, he only had one idea, that is, he tried hard to practice the martial arts, and strived to successfully inherit the position of the Earl of Tianshui and the Tianshui City in the shortest time, through the graduation exam of Wangcheng College, so as not to have a long night dream.


"From today, I will teach you the martial arts enlightenment." In the empty inner courtyard, the night horror feathers are still wearing black tight leather.

Now Lanling knows that there are ten sets of tight-fitting leather garments in the night. The only difference between these clothes is the silver silk carving on the chest.

Although it has been a long time, Lan Ling is still a little unnatural in the face of the night, because her body curve is too hot, too devil, and Lanling is a virgin.

Although he is obsessed with his sister, it is a young man who is very angry. The night stunned feathers have always been wearing tights, so when practicing martial arts, her body will rise and bend very sharply. At this time, her figure curve was even more thrilling. Lan Ling couldn’t help but stunned and then had some reaction.

"As long as you are willing, the maids in the Earl's House, you can call to sleep." Night shocked suddenly.

Suddenly, Lan Ling shook his head desperately, and his face was red.

Seeing his embarrassment, the night stunned secretly smiled and said: "Before the martial arts enlightenment, you must first test the blood for you to see if you have enough dragon blood talent."

The people of this world are called descendants of the dragon. There are dragon blood vessels in the body more or less, and the dragon blood contains a powerful force, which is known as Dragon Power.

The fundamental of martial arts is to stimulate the dragon power in the blood and transform it into its own force.

Because each person's dragon blood is not the same talent, the color of the dragon blood is not the same.

For the time being, there are six kinds of dragon blood colors in this world, gray, white, black, blue, red, and purple.

These six colors are more rare and nobler in the future.

Note that it is rare and noble, and the six colors are not as strong as they are. For example, the purple dragon blood, basically only exists in the world's top royal aristocrats. But the martial arts of many royal members are not very strong.

There is also a blood color that is more rare than purple, that is, transparent and colorless, almost one in a million. But this kind of rarity is not noble, but it means disaster. Because the transparent and colorless dragon blood veins represent no dragon power, it is known as the curse of heaven. Such people are either ruined or executed.

In this world, gray blood is the most, accounting for more than 80% of human beings. The blood power of such people is very weak, and there is no need to learn martial arts.

The remaining five kinds of blood, white, black, blue, red, and purple, are suitable for practicing martial arts, as long as the blood quality is high enough.

Where do you see the blood grade? Color, as long as the color is deeper, the higher the grade, the greater the power of the blood.

As long as the grade is high enough, any of these five colors can be a powerful warrior.

For example, the white dragon blood is suitable for a swordsman, because his strength and agility are relatively high, and the remaining talents of the spirit, muscles and endurance are also decent.

The black dragon blood, the spirit and agility talent is especially high, the remaining three talents are particularly weak, so it is suitable to be an assassin, a hit will kill, not suitable for a long battle.

As for the blue dragon blood, the spirit is very high, the strength is good, and the remaining three talents are just acceptable, so it is suitable for being an arrow.

Red dragon blood, with strong strength, muscular talent, endurance talent is also good, but the spirit and agility talent is very low, this person is suitable to be a big swordsman, once wearing a thick armor, holding a giant sword, On the battlefield, it is like a humanoid tank.

As for the purple dragon blood, the spirit, agility, strength and talent, bones and endurance are also good. The five talents are average, the most suitable is the Cavaliers, they are born leaders. They can wave their swords in the battle, or they can pull the bow and anger.

It is precisely because of this that the purple dragon blood is gradually promoted to the world's top group of families.

The previous Sauron was a red blood, but the grade was very low and low, and he couldn't eat hard at all, so the level of force can almost be called the power of the hand. He has so many lovers, he barely has a fight.


"Drink this bottle of flint liquid." The night was sent to a porcelain bottle.

Only when the flint liquid is mixed into the blood, will it react after dropping into the spring water, showing the color of the bleeding pulse.

Lanling drank the Flint Liquid, and after a while he felt that the body was getting hotter and hotter. What is even more embarrassing is that some of the life roots that have just subsided have become soaring, and suddenly he is even more afraid to watch the night, and bends slightly.

This flint liquid is placed on the earth and can be used as Viagra.

The night stunned and gently glanced at him and said: "Extending your index finger."

Lanling stretched out the index finger, and the night was stunned with a knife, and the blood dripped into a jade bowl on the table.

This crystal clear jade bowl contains Longquan water, which is specially used to test the dragon's blood. It is completely transparent and colorless. It looks like no difference with ordinary water.

After the blood drops into the Longquan water, a red color instantly turns, and it becomes lighter and lighter.

"I hope not to be gray blood, then you can't practice martial arts at all."

Lanling saw that the color of Longquan water inside the jade bowl was almost transparent, and the red color of the original blood had almost disappeared completely.

The night-sounding feathers looked awkward: "Then, it won't be transparent and colorless?"

The transparent and colorless dragon blood is cursed by Heaven, and it is said that it will bring disaster to the family and people around. Therefore, once you find a transparent colorless dragon blood, you will be exiled. Once discovered by the Shenlong Temple, it will definitely be executed.

Lanling also has a heartbeat, but I hope it will not be transparent and colorless. In that case, he will stay in the Sox family, and may bring disaster to his sister and family.

However, he still has a lot of confidence in his heart, and he thinks that the talent of dragon blood should not be low, because there is a demon star in his body, which is extremely powerful and mysterious.

Seeing that the dragon spring water in the jade bowl has been completely transparent, the face of the night feathers has been completely white and colorless.

At this time, the dragon spring water in the bowl was shaken gently, and the color appeared.

Suddenly, the night horror feathers are long and sigh of relief, as long as it is not colorless. If it is colorless, then she really doesn't know what to do.

But then, her body trembled and her face changed dramatically.

Because the colors appearing in Longquan water have never been seen.

At present, there are only seven kinds of dragon blood colors in this world, gray, white, black, blue, red, purple, and colorless.

But in front of you, the color of the dragon spring water in the jade bowl is actually showing... yellow color!

I have never seen it in history, and I have never heard of a dragon with yellow/color!