MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII. Vulnerabilities

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Li Xianer looked at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo is like a demon. He watched the "Women's Shuttle" on his hands day and night, as if he had flowers on it and he forgot to forget. Li Xianer felt a bit ashamed, and [Weaving Female Shuttle] had been in her hands for so long, and she had never treated it so seriously.

Others have long been accustomed to the appearance of Zuo Mo.

Sometimes, Zuo Mo will suddenly stop, and a burst of fire suddenly appears on his hand, and then he will not throw anything into it. Li Xianer can see that Zuo Mo must have any feelings, he is constantly trying.

Then, a series of accidents appeared.

Explosion, smoke, poisonous fog...

Li Xianer was shocked and stunned, but his eyes were swept away to other people. Others were very calm. The set-up, the sword training of the sword, and the chanting of the chanting were all commonplace.

This group of people...

Li Xianer suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling. The guys in front of me were like a freak of freaks. This is not the first time she has observed Zuo Mo, but this is the first time she has observed the group of Mo Yunhai up close.

Give her the feeling, the strange thing that can't be said.

However, for a long time, Li Xianer felt different. This group of people is very diligent, everyone is very diligent, except cultivation is cultivation, never wasting a little time. In addition to occasionally seeing the pity of the child, the other people almost cultivated in addition to rest, and even a few, she never saw them rest.

This state of mad cultivation produces an unspeakable sense of oppression, which makes her almost breathless.

Suddenly, a terrible thought appeared in her mind.

If it is the whole Mo Yunhai, it is all that, then... it’s terrible!

Everyone talks about Mo Yunhai, and inevitably talks about a series of miracles. This series of miracles has created the magnificent and powerful Mo Yunhai. Many people believe that Mo Yunhai's success cannot be copied. They are the darlings of heaven, and their achievements are inseparable from their luck. Li Xianer was also affected by this kind of remarks. Indeed, looking back at the rise of Mo Yunhai, there is a lot of magical luck.

But personally and close contact with them for a few days, her concept was completely subverted.

That's right! Mo Yunhai's experience can't be copied, but it's not because of the opportunity, but it is almost impossible to find out again a group of people like this group of people, full of talents but like crazy!

Before this, Li Xianer thought that she was quite hard. In fact, in Tianhuan, she was really hard. But when she saw it today, she realized that she was too far away from Mo Yunhai’s metamorphosis.

The hard work of these people in Zuo Mo seems to be the potential to be evicted into a desperate situation. The efforts of this group of people have reached a point of rigor.

It’s not surprising that a person is so, but a group is so horrible.

This brought great touch to Li Xianer. For the first time, she realized that the enemy they faced was a terrible group of guys!

Among all of them, she is most concerned about Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo is the owner of Mo Yunhai. He decided that the fate of Mo Yunhai in the future is an important enemy of Tianhuan, and she has a special feeling for Zuo Mo.

I am also awesome, and I have a small crane, and I have blown out a famous Mo Yunhai.

Li Xianer’s mouth unconsciously floated a smile.

But soon, she couldn't smile because she saw the rough work on her left hand.

It was a very rough and irregular object. The main ingredient was bronze. She saw that he had incorporated many other materials.

For other sects, the refiner is equivalent to the means of production, but for Tianhuan, it is also an extremely important means of cultivation.

Strengthening the understanding of the matrix through the refiner and strengthening the use of divine power is a unique method of Tianhuan. This is also the reason why Tianhuan can almost monopolize the entire magic business of the real world. Each of them is well versed in refining, which is the most terrible.

As a leader among them, Li Xianer is a natural rumor, and belongs to one of the young disciples.

However, she witnessed the left Mo refiner and gave her a great impact.

At first, the golden flame on the left hand did not attract her attention until Li Xianer discovered that no matter what material was put into the flame, it melted into water almost instantly, so I noticed it.

This attention, she found this golden flame extraordinary.

Shen Yan!

That is the **** flame!

A flame that exceeds ten items needs to be motivated by divine power to be called a **** flame. Throughout the Tianhuan, only the elders have the flames of the gods, and the gods of the great elders are the flames of the gods!

In addition, no one has a sacred flame, even if it is Li Xianer, it is just a pretty woman with nine products. This beautiful pink flame is a painstaking effort. Found the strange.

Shen Yan, Zuo Mo actually has a flame!

She was shocked for a long time, especially when she saw Zuo Mo's technique, full of wild breath, no sense of beauty at all, a strange sense of violation is filled in her heart. However, Zuo Mona's unique lack of beauty, non-standard methods, but does not affect his refining, because of precision!

Zuo Mo's technique is exceptionally accurate and accurate to the point where Li Xianer is a shameful disciple.

However, at this time, Li Xianer, there is no mood to go to the shame, she stared at the rough and unbearable objects in the hands of Zuo Mo.

It is rough, irregular in shape and ugly.

However, Li Xianer’s gaze was fixed on it, and it was impossible to remove it. The horror was permeated in her heart.

[Weaving female shuttle]!

She actually felt the breath of [Women Shuttle] on the ugly object!

The strong impact finally made her heart fall, and she could not help but exclaim: "This is impossible!"

Almost at the same time, everyone opened their eyes and looked at the rough embryo in the hands of Zuo Mo. They felt a very subtle dip in the rough embryo, just like breathing.

Zuo Mo’s face once again showed a smug look: “The gods of the Tianhuan, really worthy of the name!”

The harvest of these days is beyond the imagination of Zuo Mo. [Weaving Female Shuttle] is the pinnacle of the Tianhuan, which contains a large number of the most central symbols and gods of the Tianhuan.

Zuo Mo knows the value of these things. Once he can digest these lines, Mo Yunhai's refining level will get a qualitative leap in a very short period of time.

Its value is incalculable.

Although Zuo Mo's hand is just a rough embryo, it shows Zuo Mo's understanding of the Tianhuan pattern.

"It has the power to fluctuate." Wei Sheng asked curiously.

"Well, like the gods of the Tianhuan, this stuff can produce divine power by itself, very interesting." Zuo Mo explained.

"Can you generate your own power?" Once pity, he was immediately interested. He was born in the Mozu, and he had an extremely paranoid pursuit of power. Hearing the power of divine power, like a shark staring at the prey: "You can use people." What about you?"

"Yes." Zuo Mo nodded: "Tianhuan is used like this, but I still need time."

"Oh, Tianhuan." Zeng's gaze turned to Li Xianer, and the gaze, with an unspeakable meaning, saw that Li Xianer had some hair in his heart.

Soon, everyone will regain their attention, practice cultivation, and enter the set.

The rough embryo suddenly smashed and smashed. These low-order materials could not bear the power of God. Even a little bit of divine power was enough to make it smash.

Zuo Mo did not care, he had a jade in his hand, he quickly recorded his experience.

After the record was finished, Zuo Mo closed his eyes and relaxed. He had been immersed for days and nights, and he was quite tired. While resting, in his mind, he habitually recollected his arrangements.

Suddenly, his heart jerked and opened his eyes, how could he forget such an important thing.

"There is something important, I am negligent." Zuo Mo said quietly.

Others opened their eyes again and looked at the left side with a brush.

"The safety of Zhongde is related to our success or failure. If Tianhuan starts with Zhongde, our situation will be very passive." Zuo Mo looked dignified.

The joy of capturing Li Xianer and learning the goddess of the woven female shuttle almost made him make a fatal mistake.

With their current strength, Tianhuan masters want to grab Li Xianer from their hands, almost impossible. But if they put their goals on Zhongde, it’s awful!

Although Zhong De has great military protection, as long as the other party has enough determination to dispatch enough masters, he is absolutely capable of sneaking into the hinterland of the war. Zhong De lacks the protection of the top powerhouse, which is not fatal in normal times, but at this critical moment, it will make him extremely dangerous.

Once Zhongde has any mistakes, the current good situation will be destroyed.

Everyone's look became dignified, Wei Sheng got up and said, "I will go."

Zuo Mosong breathed a sigh of relief: "There is a brother-in-law. Brother, don't leave Zhongde at any time."

"Good." Wei Sheng did not talk nonsense, turned and left.

Zuo Mo completely relaxed, the master is a person who spits a nail, as long as he should come down, no matter what happens, he will never leave Zhong De.

There are masters to protect, there are countless warfare around, and Tianhuan wants to play Zhongde’s idea, don’t even think about it.

Li Xianer’s heart suddenly sinks.

This flaw of Zuo Mo, she also found. As long as Tianhua wins Zhongde in one fell swoop, he can turn defeat into victory. Unexpectedly, Zuo Mo seems to be proud, but not smug.

Of course, she knows that Wei Sheng, Mo Yunhai's number one master, is recognized as a talented person who can compete with Lin Qianyi. From the servant's servant, Wei Sheng's temperament and perseverance step by step, the will is like steel, is the idol of all the swordsmen except Kunlun.

Such a person, kept by Zhong De, and then strengthen the defensive warfare department, want to win the Zhongde, even the theoretical possibility is very little.

Left Mo is a little scared, almost lost a thousand hate.

He was secretly vigilant, and for some reason, his heart always haunted a sense of danger.

Slightly sinking, he decided to start with a strong hand.

He contacted the grandson.

"Start the plan!"

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