MTL - World of Immortality-v2 Chapter 420 Gray package, meticulous layout

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In the communicator, Zhang Yunxi learned of Kaka's death from Gu Yuyan, but his emotions were extremely complicated for a while.

On the one hand, Dirty Blood was unwilling to believe that his optimistic and cheerful good brother died so suddenly, both emotionally and intellectually.

On the other hand, Zhang Yunxi uncontrollably remembered the text message he had just received. In the content sent by the "mysterious man", the other party almost predicted that something would happen to Kaka, and he would even die!

Why is this so? ? Who exactly sent this text message?

Zhang Yunxi was full of doubts and doubts about the news of Kaka's death. If the whole incident was really as Tan Fei dictated in the 356 Hospital, then this newsletter would not exist.

The whole thing was too weird, Zhang Yunxi felt entangled and mourned for a moment, but it was quickly replaced by doubts in his heart.

No matter what happened to Kaka, is he really dead? As his best friend, Zhang Yunxi should find out the truth of the matter instead of going back to see him off in a daze.

The answer may lie in Shangdu!

Thinking of this level, Zhang Yunxi said to the communicator in a low voice: "Xiaogu, don't cry! Listen to me, before I go back, you must take good care of Kaka's father, and contact me in time if you have any news...!"

The reason why Zhang Yunxi gave this warning was because Lao Jing felt too scary to him.

He told Lao Jing before that Wang Yang was the culprit who framed Kaka, but not long after, Wang Yang surrendered himself with his character!

Wang Yang's uncle was also quarantined and inspected! How did Lao Jing do it? The dirty blood is not clear, but the other party can solve the problem in such a short period of time, which naturally shows that his attitude towards some people is not at all as usual. "Elegant".

What happened to Kaka before his accident was too bizarre and full of questionable points, so Zhang Yunxi was very afraid of Lao Jing's overreaction after learning of his son's death.

Zhang Yunxi talked with Gu Yuyan for five or six minutes, then hung up the communicator, and sat in the cabin with a dazed gaze, lost in thought.

The next day, around eight o'clock in the morning.

Under the sprint of Brother Twelve Lang's full horsepower, the hover car finally arrived in Shangdu, and in about ten hours, Dirty Blood also received the second text message.

The content is still very simple: "If you arrive, go to Jiajiajia Supermarket on Dongnan Road, Qishan Town. The owner's surname is Xu. If you say to pick up the gray package, he will give it to you."

After reading the content, Zhang Yunxi immediately said to the driver: "Let's go to Dongnan Road, Jiajiajia Supermarket!"

"Okay!" Elder Twelve Lang was also very particular. He didn't raise the fare because he entered Shangdu and continued to drive. He only held the joystick with red eyes and drove Zhang Yunxi to Qishan Town.

At around 9:10 in the morning, the two arrived at the entrance of Jiajiajia Supermarket. After Zhang Yunxi got out of the car, he bent down and lay on the co-pilot's seat and said, "Master, can you wait?? I might return it later, or go somewhere else."

Brother Twelve Lang was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that he did not respond, Zhang Yunxi thought that the other party was not willing, so he immediately added: "I will give you 10,000 yuan for the fare when you go back!"

"Hehe, that's not necessary, you can just give half of it, or I will empty the car when I go back!" Elder Twelve Lang replied with a smile: "You go, I'll stand right here!"

"Thank you!"

"The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, one word, pay attention!"

"Hey!" Zhang Yunxi nodded heavily, and ran into Jiajiajia supermarket.

In the car, Brother Twelve Lang was about to open the door and go down to check the condition of the car, when the communicator rang, and he immediately sat in the car and picked it up: "Hello, wife!"

"Why didn't you come back from work?" My wife asked, "You didn't answer the phone!"

"I was taking orders on the road last night. Hey, guess what? We met a stupid brother who didn't take a plane or an empty train. He insisted on taking a taxi to come to Shangdu, and he gave me 10,000 yuan! There are not many children left, so I ran with him and just arrived at the place." Brother Shi Shilang said with a smile: "When I go back, I will take you and the children to a restaurant in the evening, and go to Tiandu Shopping Mall to have a teppanyaki! "

"Then are you tired...!"

"I'm not tired. I didn't have much work last night. I lay down in the car and rested for a while. I feel refreshed now." Brother Twelve Lang conveniently threw his urine bottle in the car into the trash can next to him, rubbed it He responded with scarlet eyes.

Inside every supermarket.

Zhang Yunxi said to the boss who was packing up the goods in the morning: "Hello, there is a friend who asked me to pick up a gray package. He said you know it!"

"Ah, I know, I know." The other party was stunned for a moment: "It's been here for almost a year! I remembered that I took it away, just wait a moment!"


Zhang Yunxi stood at the door and waited.

The boss went to the bedroom in the inner room. After searching for a long time, he took out a gray package only the size of a palm, covered with dust.

"This is it!" The boss handed Dirty Blood over.

"Thank you!" Zhang Yunxi looked at him and asked, "Can I ask... who put this thing here?"

The boss was startled: "You come here to get it, you don't know who put it there?"

"I received an anonymous text message saying that I was going to give me a birthday surprise. I don't know which friend is playing with me." Zhang Yunxi's brain is also quite talented in lying, and he makes up stories casually.

The boss smiled: "It's Xiao Qin!"

Zhang Yunxi frowned instantly, and immediately thought of the only acquaintance with the surname Qin he knew: "Is it Qin Yunming?"


"When did he put things here!"

"I forgot, it's been too long, it's almost a year anyway. Oh, yes, it's the time when Qishan was said to be haunted!"

"Oh, I see. Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

After Zhang Yunxi thanked him, he left the Jiajiajia supermarket, but instead of returning to the suspension vehicle, he found a place where no one was around and opened the small package.

In fact, after Zhang Yunxi heard that it was Qin Yunming who kept this thing, his doubts became even greater, because he thought it was strange that Qin Yunming was suddenly locked up as a murderer.

The package was opened soon, and the carton inside contained a communicator to read the hard disk, a card, and a metal medicine bottle that was a circle larger than an adult's finger.

The card reads: "I'm Qin Yunming, the hard drive reads the password, it's the day you and I first met!"

Seeing this message, Zhang Yunxi yelled in his heart, this aggressive person is too rigorous, he must be someone who is afraid of the base, grab this line while investigating him, and come over to get things: or the boss is free to open it See, that's why I kept a hand.

With great confusion, Zhang Yunxi inserted the card into the communicator, and entered the password smoothly. The day when the two met for the first time was the first day of the training report, so he remembered it very clearly.

After reading the download bar, it reached 100% in almost seconds. Zhang Yunxi connected the communicator with the electrode chip in his brain, slowly closed his eyes, and consciously watched the content.

In the consciousness screen, Qin Yunming's figure appeared, and he said in a calm tone: "If you can see this video, there are two possibilities. First, I am no longer here, so Kaka has a higher chance of surviving. Second, I have already been caught, and Kaka... is likely to be caught in a life-and-death crisis. To be honest, I really envy your friendship. When he encounters difficulties, there are still people who are willing to care about him and help him. Traveled so far to find information."

Speaking of this, Qin Yunming paused for a moment, with a calm expression on his face, and continued to explain in a calm voice: "I am not the murderer at the base, and the four captured team members have nothing to do with me. Someday In the tunnel, everything I said is true. Of course, I can’t explain these things to the Supervision Bureau, because the person who wants to kill me is my master Guan Zhongping, and the trap he designed started many years ago. Well, the relationship he has at the top is not something I, an ordinary person, can fight against. I thought about running, but unfortunately I didn’t succeed. To put it simply, Guan Zhongping and I are both infected with the spirit gene. I am a 3+1 mutation Body, how should I put it, my aptitude is no worse than yours, and it fits Guan Zhongping's plan very well, he doesn't want to die, he wants to overcome the most difficult mutation defect, so... I was the human body medicine he chose a long time ago. He needs to devour my multi-gene mutant cells and wild mutants with other characteristics, so those who died in Wangmiao Village were all killed by him. Kaka was in danger because he was infected with the spirit gene in the tunnel , I can feel that the spirit is in his body, and Guan Zhongping must have felt it too. The gene of the spirit is a medicine primer, and having it will increase the chance of overcoming the mutation defect of the heavenly gap. Guan Zhongping will definitely move him, and I asked you to come... just because I don't want to admit defeat, and I don't want to die like this. Because I can live until now, and I have paid more than others."

After hearing these words, Zhang Yunxi let out a groan.

"I don't know when you received this message. If it is too late, Kaka and I may not be here. There is a timetable for me to flee to Europe, and it is recorded every six hours. If the record The time when you got this video is far from the time when you got this video... Then everything is too late. If it is very close, then Kaka and I are most likely not dead yet. Guan Zhongping will have a preparation period before absorbing cells. I guess it's about ten days. Oh, by the way, I still have... some friends, I hope you can help me find them."

After five minutes, Zhang Yunxi finished watching the video, and ran towards the suspension car like the wind.

He discovered in Qin Yunming's timetable that the last time record was last night! And it is sent to this mobile storage card at regular intervals, as long as it is inserted into the communicator to connect to the Internet, it can be received immediately!

This shows that Qin Yunming most likely had an accident last night, that is to say... Kaka may not be dead yet.

Zhang Yunxi opened the floating car door with a bang, and said to Brother Twelve Lang, who was eating burritos at a roadside stall and was reluctant to buy a bottle of drink, "Brother, let's go to Qianling!"

Brother Twelve Lang was stunned. After reacting for a long time, he swallowed the food in his mouth, and replied with dull eyes: "Brother, I'll tell you as soon as I step on the horse, you really went! I... I didn't bring the tomb robber tool Ah! What on earth are you doing?"

"It's near the Qianling Mausoleum!"

"Not allowed to go nearby! It's surrounded there! I can't go on the road of crime just because I earn some money from you!"

"No, no crime, I'm going to find a friend, let's go!"

An hour and a half later.

Zhang Yunxi arrived near the famous Qianling Mausoleum, and according to an address, he entered the mountain by himself and found a very secret cave.

Dirty blood peeled off the weeds, walked cautiously to the end of the cave, and suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing against his face!


"Someone entered The cryo chamber opened by itself!"

"Crack, crack!"

In the deepest part of the cave, a burst of light suddenly burst out!

Zhang Yunxi was startled, and immediately retreated!


A red shadow rushed out of the room extremely fast!


Zhang Yunxi was so frightened that his hairs stood on his head, and he clung to the wall and shouted: "...Don't move!! I can recite the Sutra Sutra like a horse!"


The two chapters are over, continue to ask for votes!

Dragon City is finished, take a short break, start to update, burst! thank you all!