MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 485 Hit me, I will run

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"Bastard, bastard, what's going on? Why are we going to die so many people?" Prince Miranda's face was blue and green. In fact, just after the battle, he also saw it clearly, but he died all of a sudden. Many people, let him really do not know what is going on. Isn't the strength of the other party really reaching this horrible situation?

I don't understand, everyone doesn't understand why the strength of one's own side is far higher than the other side, but in the end it hurts so many people.

Astu was really crazy at this time, and his brother Aswan, just one face-to-face, was killed. Mawei’s assassination ability is too strong.

Mawei can not only kill people in the dark night, but on the battlefield, he takes the first level among thousands of people, just like taking a bag. This is the real terrible assassin.

"I want to kill them." Astu's face is already embarrassing. He looked at Miranda and said: "His Royal Highness, this guy is clearly provocative against us and insults the army of our Lance Empire. I suggest Sending our real military power and annihilating them in one fell swoop. According to the assassin’s snooping, there is really no other military force in the vicinity. That is to say, they have only so many people. If so, we are still scared by them. Then, what is the reputation of our Lance Empire?"

Miranda didn't want to tear Xiao Yu into pieces, but he was a cautious person and would never take it easy. He knows that if he makes a mistake, he loses everything.

"Is there really no other army in the vicinity?" Miranda asked again.

The reason why he did not dare to make a large-scale move was to be scared by Xiao Yu’s empty city plan. He was afraid that there would be strong power behind Xiao Yu, but there was no such thing as scouting for dozens of investigations in all directions.

In other words, the power of Xiao Yu is only those people in front of him.

If Xiao Yu really has only so many people, why do you have the ambition to attack Mage City? Is it true that these troops are really strong?

Just now they are fighting strength, the strength of the other side is indeed strong, but it is mainly in the plan of Xiao Yu. After chasing it out, because the land was dug by Xiao Yu, it was pitted, and the heavy infantry could not be displayed. The cavalry was even more It is impossible to run, so it is defeated by the other party with strong personal combat effectiveness.

But if they really only have these people, and what they own is a tens of thousands of people, can they still not beat them?

As a stalwart, their military power here is absolutely very powerful, and there are many weapons for defending the city and siege. (--)(1,1,

"Qi's prince, I can guarantee that there must be no other army in the vicinity. With my guess, this Xiao Yu is trying to make a mystery and consume us outside. In fact, I may be thinking about other plots. I I suggest that we eliminate them quickly, lest they really have the arrival of reinforcements, which will put us at a disadvantage," Astu analyzed.

In fact, they are now attacking Mage City for Xiao Yu, and they don’t know what the specific purpose of Xiao Yu is. Xiao Yu actually came to save Mr. Xia Shan from them, and Miranda did not know that Xiao Yu had such a ridiculous purpose.

In his view, Xiao Yu has taken Mi Kaier and her mother to achieve the goal. To attack Mage City again, it is entirely necessary to provoke the war and reproduce the fame of his father.

It is precisely because of such a misunderstanding that he is very wrong in judging the strategic purpose of Xiao Yu.

Miranda thought for a while, slowly said: "Well, give me a slap in the face, and give me back to Scarlett and Michelle and the three scorpions, and I will kill them."

"Yes, His Royal Highness. His subordinates request the magician troops and all kinds of magical instruments to participate in the battle. The other side has several strong players, which are very powerful. The subordinates also want to ask Master Sike and Master Moddle to help with the containment." Aspen The picture continues.

Miranda waved his hand and said: "All for you, as long as you can kill him for me."

"Yes." I was authorized by Miranda, and Astu’s face showed a cruel smile. Really, is their Meg City a display?

In order to avoid the recurrence of things that year, there are a lot of magical instruments stored here. These magical instruments add up and are much more powerful than a magician.

Magician Jingui, magic equipment is rare, but the power is absolutely powerful.


The gates are wide open.

Xiao Yu, they rushed back to the other side, watching so many magic bows on the city, knowing that they could not attack, so they went back to rest.

Everyone lie on the ground, in any position, there is a lot of coziness, and there is no awareness of the war. Originally, Alonso led the Scarlet Crusades to be known for their strict discipline, but under the guidance of Xiao Yu, these new silver hand troops also learned the rogue habits of the orc infantry, sit anywhere, even drink Get wine.

If this was done before, Alonso saw it, it was a slap in the face. Not to mention the fact that drinking is such a big thing, even if a soldier's armor is slightly irregular, or if the sword is not polished, it is absolutely not allowed.

But now, everywhere is the scattered sheep, where is the army, it is a group of bandits.

Although the Iron Horse Brotherhood led by Caso is only a mercenary group, it is also a formal army, so the discipline is very strict.

But under the teachings of Xiao Yu, these buddies also drank one by one, and there were other people who were licking their wrists with the orc buddies.

This is like the front of the two armies, it seems to be in the bandit.

Both Caso and Alonso shake their heads and smile, but Xiao Yu is not good at how to blame Xiao Yu. After all, Xiao Yu is the coach, and Xiao Yu has never lost.

After getting along with each other for so long, the orc infantry also told them about the glorious history of Xiao Yu. The more they listened, the more shocked they were.

So small casualties, but they have achieved such an impressive record, and they are all such gestures before each fight. They do not regard snoring as a war, just like a game.

This is the real way to really put the spirit of the soldiers to the highest level.

Caso and Alonso are also observing. They found that these soldiers, in this state, seem to be lazy, but in this way, they are completely dispelling the tension of the war.

They seem to be drinking and chatting here, and then suddenly someone came to the scene. They picked up the chair and opened it. The feeling is a word, cool.

That's right, for them, this is a fight, then you must be cool.

Moreover, they have enough confidence in their coach, this battle will definitely win, and will never lose.

Caso and Xiao Yu sat in a chair and drank leisurely. He looked at Xiao Yu and asked, "You really never lost?"

Xiao Yu snorted and said: "Why do you have to defeat you?"

Caso smiled bitterly: "I don't want to defeat the problem of swearing, but since I fight, it is inevitable that I will win or lose."

Xiao Yu cut a song and said: "As long as you want to win, then you will not lose."

"Oh? If you want to win, you won't lose?" Caso doubted.

Xiao Yu nodded and smiled and said: "Yeah, as long as you want to win, you will always have a way to win."

Caso shook his head: "The battlefield is ever-changing, how can you win if you want to win?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said nothing. At this time, the gates were wide open and the other army had already opened.

"They want to move the real thing, let's go." Xiao Yu shouted at the people below, and immediately everyone began to pick up their own weapons, hurriedly put the armor on, and sneaked away to run away with Xiao Yu.

Caso was speechless for a while. If he was to change him, he could never do this kind of thing. When people just came out, you would run immediately. If people didn’t come out, you would eat and drink at the door of the house, which is simply sleeping. It is a rogue behavior.

In fact, after he and Xiao Yu had been together for so long, they did find that Xiao Yu was a rogue.

However, this rogue is a very powerful hooligan, a very powerful hooligan, a rogue that can win.

This method is indeed very rogue, not a gentleman, but Caso believes that this kind of tactic is indeed the most correct in the case of such an enemy.

Perhaps this is why Xiao Yu has never been unsuccessful.

Soldiers, as long as they can win, will have a strong morale, no matter what method is used to win. He also heard some examples of Xiao Yu from the orc infantry.

He knows that Xiao Yu is not simply a rogue, but actually has a very subtle grasp of tactics. The tactics are extremely powerful, and there is no shame. Everything can be done.

Such people can indeed win.

"If this time, I can really capture the city of Meg, I will follow him afterwards. This kind of person is definitely a wonderful wizard."

Caso thought so in his heart, then spread his legs and ran with other people.