MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 530 Life and death, wealth in the sky

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In the past few days, Ahn'Qiraj has also launched several counterattacks, but they have all been attacked by the Allied Coalition Forces. Now, the human army is not only the army of Yunmeng and the army of Xiaoyu, but also participated in many Adventurer.

Some big forces, all coming, hope to get some benefits from here.

The old acquaintances of the Shaw family of Leonardo, the Kennedy family of Roberts, the Star Guild, and so on, all met in the Dark Temple.

The reason why these people are so generous to help kill these worms is because many of these worms are precious materials.

These days, Xiao Yu has searched a lot of materials here.

Especially the bodies of the huge Anubis are good things for alchemy. They are all taken back to the old people of Higgins.

Therefore, the Zerg army never picked up any storms, and everyone began to prepare for the final attack on Ahn'Qiraj.

Xiao Yu is more comfortable these days, and Tuo Honghong plans to counterattack Ahn'Qiraj, and enjoy it every day. At the same time, he is constantly analyzing the situation on the mainland with Tuohong and Nikolay.

Nikolay also exerted a certain amount of force in this fight against Ahn'Qiraj, but because he did not bring a lot of people, the force was limited.

Now, his people have just arrived, ready to do a good job in Ahn'Qiraj.

"Now Gul'dan's orc army has occupied a large area, and it has developed an extremely large force. Moreover, the number of his orcs is constantly increasing." Xiao Yu, they looked at the map and looked at it. An area, Nikola said.

That area, which is a large piece of land outside the sunset marsh, is now occupied by Gul'dan.

After Gul'dan's resurrection, energy continued to grow and became more and more horrible. The troops he led were almost invincible, and the human army could not resist.

In fact, it is not that human beings cannot resist the orcs. It is only that the various forces on the Tianshi dynasty are scattered. They all play their own small calculations. No one wants to go out and deal with Gul'dan’s own strength. Unable to resist.

"I have recently heard that in a place, a large number of troops have been gathered. These troops are all mainly black, and they have all kinds of extremely different arms. They have built a huge piece of them unconsciously. Territory.” Nikolay pointed to another place, faintly said.

"Hey, are you talking about the dark forces?" Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and drank red wine. It seemed very pleasant. It seemed that he was not worried about the situation on the mainland today.

Because, he just got a good news, several heroes under his command, in this battle, reached the sixth order.

These include Grom, Bloodhoof, Illidan, Antonidas, and Kael'thas.

Thrall, Uther, Vasque, Pandaren Storm Spirit, Malfurion, and now Tyrande and Mawi, who have attacked Tuoba with Qin Te, have not yet reached.

Grom, Bloodhoof and Illidan are the main melee forces. The killing in this war is extremely fierce, so the upgrade is natural, and Kael'thas and Antonidas are magicians, dealing with this kind of dense. The worm is the coolest, and one magic goes down, that is, a large piece of death.

In this case, they have no way not to upgrade.

Now, in addition to the level of the storm spirits and Malfurion that have just been summoned, the level is still relatively low. Just after reaching the fourth order, other heroes can reach the sixth order as soon as they do not reach the sixth order.

After reaching the sixth order, it is immediately reborn, completely reaching another level. In this case, they will not be able to threaten them unless they are faced with a very powerful sixth-order master.

Because the skills of these heroes are too strong.

Xiao Yu believes that waiting for this attack to return to Anqila, except for the Pandaren and Malfurion, can reach the sixth order. With so many sixth-order heroes, it is definitely an invincible force on the battlefield.

In addition to the heroes of these bases, Alonso reached the sixth stage in the light of Uther's aura. Although Uther has not reached the sixth order, it does not hinder the promotion of Alonso.

Because of the long-term relationship with Uther, Alonso’s spirit is more determined, and the fanatical beliefs have made his strengths extremely fast, including other people. The soldiers of the silver hands have also improved their strength. Very fast.

In the land of Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu has called the soldiers to join the hands of silver and become a glorious paladin. Now, the hand of silver has become an elite in the elite, reaching more than 30,000.

Some of these people are slightly more powerful. Every day, under the glory of Uther, it is difficult to think about strength.

Especially those who started with Alonso from the fair, there are already hundreds of people reaching the fifth stage.

Xiao Yu thus also saw the fanaticism of this form of the church. The strength of the promotion is so rapid, and the spiritual strength is the most fundamental factor to enhance the strength.

Now, with Lin Shuxue, and Alonso, plus Kasuo, Xiao Yu’s non-base heroes have three sixth-level players.

Such a strong strength, how can not let him feel happy, and now his military strength continues to rise, and soon can reach the next rank again, and then upgrade a three-level base.

The next three-level base is naturally the base of human beings. When a pile of tanks and mortars come out and deal with the army, it is absolutely sweeping.

Now that the world is in chaos, Xiao Yu can't help the world, and his army will be useful.

If it is now that Xiao Yu has a human-level third-level arms, then it will be so hard to deal with the Zerg, and the direct tanks will go up, and the bombing will be able to escape the wind.

"This dark force is the most mysterious, but I always feel that they may be the most powerful forces on the mainland today. If we are not vigilant, they are likely to be subverted by them." Nikolay Frowning, he is not only to beware of this dark force, but also to be wary of Xiao Yu, it is really troublesome, which one is not good to deal with.

"Now, in addition to Gul'dan's orcs and this dark power, it should be the most difficult task of the church. The red area on your map is the area controlled by the church." Xiao Yu looked at the mark on the map and said.

"Yes, this is the area of ​​the church. Now the small forces in this area have basically been controlled by the church, but they have not yet started to work on some big forces. You must be careful about Xiao Yu. If the church is next, it is estimated. It is very likely that I have to do it for you." Nikolay looked at Xiao Yu, a gloating scene.

Xiao Yu dismissed and dismissed, saying: "I have to ask him if I have the ability. Isn’t it that I am afraid of him? What's more, now between me and him, there are several large Principality, is it that the church dares to attack these large The Principality?"

Nikolay solemnly said: "There is nothing impossible, the ambition of the church, not just these sites. Once they have stabilized their area, they have digested those people in those areas. The next goal is to destroy your biggest enemy. Only by killing you can he develop further."

Xiao Yu Yang Tian hit a haha, said: "On their set of compulsive beliefs, do not believe in all the mentality of killing, do you really think that there are many people who like them? Water can also carry the boat, you can watch it. As long as the power of the church begins to collapse, countless people will hate the church and will annihilate it in one fell swoop. I don't have to worry too much. I just need to resist their offensive and prevent them from killing me."

Nikolay smiled and looked at Xiao Yu, saying: "You are very confident."

Xiao Yu raised his chin and said: "That is."

"A few of your men have reached the sixth level. It is indeed gratifying. If they spend another period of time, can they reach the seventh order?" Nikolay’s eyes were slightly sewed, for those of Xiao Yu’s men. The speed of the upgrade was extremely shocking.

You know, this has only reached the sixth order in a few years. There is only one explanation, that is, these people are really coming back from ancient times. In that case, these people are really likely to reach the legendary seventh order.

The strength of these people is absolutely horrible.

"Haha, the seventh order is sooner or later, rest assured, child paper, don't worry, if you need help, you can say hello, brother takes someone to save you." Xiao Yuxi patted Nikola's shoulder Said.

Nikola suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Right, since the dark forces are now in the northeast, then this side will have been completely occupied by them. With their strength and such a long-term plan, it must be a certain move, since people see Their army is out, then there must be enough preparation." Xiao Yu always feels that this dark enemy is the biggest enemy.

"This is very likely." Nikolay looked at the map and said: "If the belt has been fully occupied, then their strength must have reached a horrible situation. At that time, we must contact. More people can deal with him together, even if it is the strength of our family, I am afraid it is not their opponent."

"It's better than this, Nikola, we will first target the church, kill the church first, then lock Gul'dan, and work together to kill him. Finally, let's work together to get rid of this dark force, how?" Eyes, smiled and said this joint program.

Nikolay looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes were slightly stagnation. After a while, he slowly shook his head and said: "We, two of us, can never be true friends. If we really killed them together, So who is the king of the continent?"

Xiao Yu cut out and patted Nikola's shoulder and said, "How are you so stingy, wait for them to kill them, and we will fight again."

Nikolay didn't have a good voice: "When you get there, your strength will definitely exceed me."

Xiao Yu laughed and said: "At that time, you will be attached directly to me. I will seal you to the town and the status of Hu Wei."

Said, Xiao Yu looked at the top of the tiger.

Tuo Yuhu immediately smiled.

Nikolay snorted and said, "Why don't you say that you are attached to me, then I will seal you a town official."

Xiao Yu pretended to sigh and said: "Hey, how are you so dead-hearted, you can't beat me."

Nikolay sneered and said: "This is not necessarily true."

Xiao Yu Yang Tian hit a haha, said: "I just said this, anyway, then we must cooperate with each other, if not cooperate, no one can do the dark forces alone."

Nikolay looked at the sky, the faint road: "Life and death are life, wealth is in the sky."