MTL - Xian Wang Dotes On Wife-Chapter 79 Trip to Jingzhou

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the long-cherished idle king pet wife!

After dinner, Yun Qianyu and Gong Sangmo returned to their respective rooms to rest.

The night was getting darker, and half of the moon hung quietly on the cold treetops, and quietly looked at the moon-white figure standing in the yard!

Gong Sangmo stood with his hands in his hands, and Feng Gu stared in the direction of Yun Qianyu's room!

Silently stood for a while, Gong Sangmo raised his feet and walked to Yun Qianyu's room!

Before walking a few steps, a white figure floated in front of him, blocking his way. The white-haired and white beard fluttered in the night wind.

"It's so late, why doesn't the idle king rest?" Said the elder with a bad look.

Gong Sangmo Wenrun smiled: "I can't sleep, I want to find a word to play chess for a while!"

The elder raised his eyebrows and said, "The owner of the valley is already asleep. How about letting the old man accompany the king to talk about a game?"

"This way?"

Gong Sangmo touched her nose and thought for a moment.

"Alright, please, elder!"

When the elder saw Gong Sangmo so easily, he agreed, first frowning, then frowning, how did he feel that he was being counted?

Gong Sangmo hooked her lips with a smile, waiting for you!

Gong Sangmo learned from Yun Qianyu that the elder likes to play chess, and he will take it with him wherever he goes. When he is not accompanied, he will also play against himself for a while!

The two went to the elder's room!

Yun Qianyu stood in front of the window in the dark room, and sighed when he heard the footsteps of the two leaving. No wonder Gong Sangmo asked his elder what hobbies he had during dinner! It turned out that he dug a pit, waiting for the elder here!

Thinking of the elders' chess skills, it seems that for a while and a half, the two can't get through. Yun Qianyu turned to take off his coat and went to bed before going to bed!

Feng Ran hidden in the dark, this anger in my heart! The elder was easily handled by Gong Sangmo! It's too easy! Not even looking at it!

Thinking of the six old men in Yungu, Feng Ran shook his head, and according to this posture, he couldn't hold it for long. Gong Sang Mo was too cunning! No need to read it, the results are all expected, go back to sleep!

Feng Ran returned gloomily!

At midnight!

Yun Qianyu hasn't been sleeping very well, so when Gong Sangmo went to bed, she immediately woke up!

"came back!"

"Well, have you woken up?"

Gong Sangmo didn't expect that the elder's chess skills were so superb and he was a real chess fan. In the end, he threw him a chess game obtained from the master, stumped the elder, and then got away.

"No, I haven't slept."

Yun Qianyu whispered, turned around, took Gong Sangmo's arm, and put his face on his arm.

Gong Sangmo reached out and carried her into her arms, her lips cornered and said, "Sleep!"

The next day, early in the morning, the elder walked around in the courtyard, looking at Gong Sangmo's room from time to time.

At this time, Gong Sangmo slept soundly in Yun Qianyu's room!

The dust fragrant that got up in the morning saw the elder said strangely: "Elder, why are you up so early!"

The elder just wanted to say, what early, just studying chess games, he didn't sleep all night, and the results have not been studied yet! It was embarrassing to want to say another, and he hummed back to his room with his hands behind his back.

Yun Qianyu and Gong Sangmo woke up while Chen Xiang talked with the elder. Yun Qianyu reminded Gong Sangmo with a smile on his lips.

"So far, if the elder can't solve the chess game, he will never eat, drink or sleep!"

"I see. Go and help him solve the game in a moment."

Gong Sangmo got up and put on her robe. He knows that Yun Qianyu is a distressed elder at this age. He has not slept overnight. If he can't solve the chess game, and eat, drink and sleep, the body can't stand it!

Yun Qianyu followed.

Chen Xiang burned the hot water, carried it back, and came in to mix the washing water for the two.

After washing the two, Gong Sangmo naturally combed Yun Qianyu's hair. In the past few days, Yun Qianyu's hair was combed by Gong Sangmo. He likes Yun Qianyu's silky hair in his hands. The feeling of passing.

And Yun Qianyu has n’t turned his hair around, so it ’s not difficult to comb. It ’s that little braid. Gong Sangmo is now very easy to compose. Even Yu Nuo was surprised that His Royal Highness the God of War, the Emperor of Ares, was so smart. !! This scene in front of the people of the whole Nanlou country can not imagine!

Yun Qianyu has also been used to it. From the bronze mirror, watching Gong Sangmo focus on combing her hair, a sense of satisfaction never before appeared! In this way, you can see him in the bronze mirror all her life, which is her greatest happiness!

The two were packed, and Yu Nuo and Ying Yu brought breakfast!

Yun Qianyu and Gong Sangmo sat down slowly and ate breakfast. Yun Qianyu glanced at the three of them and said, "Why didn't you see Man'er?"

Chen Chen laughed and said, "The girl has been walking in the car for these days, so she didn't have to hurry early in the morning today, and she didn't know where to go to practice!"

Yun Qian's words were clear. Man's temperament was the most active and unrestrained. At Fengyun Mountain Villa, he got up early every morning and ran out to exercise. Returning to Yungu was like a fish. Now she came to the capital with her. The palace was heavily guarded. She was detained. It was so difficult to get out of the capital. She was still trapped in a carriage. Now she can take a day off.

It's just that in this unfamiliar place, this girl dares to run away!

Chen Xiang knew Yun Qian's concerns, and smiled, "The master is assured that Feng Ran has sent Yun Wei to follow, and nothing will happen!"

Yun Qianyu knew that Feng Ran was careful, and he was relieved!

After having breakfast, Gong Sangmo went to the elders to accompany the chess game!

Yun Qianyu took the dust incense and Yu Nuo to the Literature Hall and Medical Hall to take a look, and then went out of the gate of Yunfu.

It was dark when I came yesterday, and I did n’t take a closer look. I went out today and saw the side of the gate of Yunfu with a wooden board hanging on the wall. The rules of Yunfu Literature Hall and Medical Hall are engraved on the wooden boards.

First, both the Literature Hall and the Medical Hall only admit poor people who cannot afford to read books and who cannot learn medicine.

Secondly, Yunfu is only a school, not a medical school, and does not see a doctor outside.

Third, the medical school student is not allowed to go to the clinic without permission from the doctor. If he violates it, he will be expelled from Yunfu immediately, and he will be responsible for the consequences.

Fourth, once Yunfu students leave Yunfu, no matter they are rich or poor, they have nothing to do with Yunfu, and they must not do anything in the name of Yunfu or Yungu.

Yun Qianyu nodded his head. This elder did a good job. Yungu doesn't need people to sing praises, and no trouble is the best.

Yun Qianyu strolled to the streets of Jingzhou City.

Yunfu was originally on the main street, not far from the gate of the house, to the most lively street.

Yun Qianyu only walked the streets in Beijing once, bought a few boxes of exotic rouge, and now he is still in the palace of the palace! This is also her second shopping! Thinking of agreeing to bring a gift to Wen Lingshan, I wandered carefully.

Jingzhou City is located in the north-south access road of the South Building, and it is also the place where the past merchants pass, so all kinds of goods are complete!

"A thousand words!"

Yun Qianyu, who was shopping intently, heard a familiar voice. She frowned slightly and slowly turned to look at the person.

Sure enough, it is Ding Haiwang Ji Shuliu!

Are they so familiar? She actually called her name?

Ji Shuliu was wearing a silver robe. Because the weather was cold, he was wearing a silver cloak and a silver crown. He smiled and looked at Yun Qianyu. Behind him was a man in black, holding a sword in both hands, and at a glance he knew it was an attendant!

"Ding Neptune!"

"Why is Qianyu so unfamiliar, I thought we could already be friends! Thanks to me, I came to Jingzhou so far and long to wait for you!" Ji Shu expresses his grievances.

Yun Qianyu's always cold face can't help but get dark. They are just a deal to know. Where are friends? If he was a friend, he would still be so embarrassed at the feast?

Yun Qianyu ignored the Ji Shuliu indifferently, turned around, and continued shopping!

Ji Shuliu followed silently and said, "Stupid! Isn't it teasing you at the palace feast! Is it really angry? Didn't I give you all the Xiangyun orders? If I really want to embarrass you, early When you detoxify me, wouldn't it be better to come up with three Xiangyun orders? "

Yun Qianyu stopped to look at him and said, "Otherwise, do you think you can still stand here and speak to me intact? Do you think that the valley owner of Yungu is so bullied?"

Ji Shuliu blinked his eyes, watching Yun Qianyu's long warped eyelashes flicker suddenly, like a feather gently swiping through his heart, itching, all trembling with it!

His eyes were dimmed and he was more sure of his heart!

After Yun Qian's words fell, he continued to find gifts for Wen Lingshan!

"If you like what I bought for you, let me be guilty. How about it?" Ji Shuliu looked at Yun Qianyu from the west and guessed that she wanted to buy something.

Yun Qianyu ignored him, and he is not without money, why use him to buy! Besides, is it possible for him to repay sins with gifts?

San Qiu, who had been following Yun Qianyu from the dark, followed Ji Shuliu immediately, realizing that his master's rival was coming, and he smartly instructed the dark guard to immediately go back to confess Gong Sangmo and continue to follow.

Yun Qianyu ignored Ji Shuliu and went into a jewelry store to see if there was a suitable gift! But it didn't seem satisfactory. Maybe she didn't like jewelry herself, so she had no interest in looking at the complicated jewelry.

As she was about to leave, she suddenly saw a pair of silver bracelets set with a ring of silver bells. The bracelet itself is very simple, but the silver bell above makes the whole bracelet come alive, full of aura!

Imagining that the lively Wen Lingshan was carrying this pair of bracelets, where there was laughter and ringtones everywhere, Yun Qianyu's mouth twitched gently.

Ji Shuliu saw Yun Qianyu's look and thought she liked the pair of silver bracelets, so she took out a silver ticket to prepare to pay the silver.

"What a coincidence!" A moon-white figure came in.

Ji Shuliu turned his head to Gong Sangmo, and Jun Mei said, "It's no coincidence. I came to Jingzhou for a thousand words."

Gong Sangmo was not bothered, smiled slightly, went to Yun Qianyu, glanced at the silver bracelet in her hand and asked softly, "Like?"

"Well, is it pretty?" Yun Qianyu nodded and asked with a silver bracelet.

"Pretty and special!"

Ji Shuliu handed out the silver ticket to the shopkeeper and said, "How much silver is that bracelet?"

When the shopkeeper saw Ji Shuliu preparing to pay the silver, he immediately smiled and said, "Fifty two silver, the silver bell on this bracelet is very laborious and difficult to make."

Ji Shuliu shoved fifty-two silver tickets into the hands of the shopkeeper, letting the shopkeeper who was bragging about his bracelet immediately shut up, it turned out that people had no intention of bargaining! made money! made money!

Here Yun Qianyu let Chen Xiang go to checkout, was stopped by Gong Sangmo, signaled that someone had paid.

Yun Qianyu looked along Gong Sangmo's eyes, and just saw Ji Shuliu gave the silver ticket to the shopkeeper.

"This is a gift I bought for a friend, how can I make you pay for it?" Yun Qianyu frowned.

Ji Shuliu heard a word of surprise, no wonder Gong Sangmo saw that he did not stop paying for silver, nor did he rush to pay for it. He knew that it was for others. Does he know her so well? Just know at a glance that this is not what she wants!

"It's okay, I just want to express my apologies! It's good to understand a thousand words!" Ji Shuliu said casually.

Gong Sangmo smiled with a lip on his lips. "Someone is willing to pay money, what else are you polite about?"

Hualuo handed the silver bracelet to Sanqiu behind him, pulling Yun Qianyu and saying, "I just saw an exotic shop in front of me. Go and see if you like it!"

"Okay! I was thinking of choosing some gifts for Yi Zhi and Yu Jian!" Yun Qianyu replied joyfully.

The two went out together.

Ji Shuliu looked at the hand they were holding, his eyes were dark, was he really late? If you did not leave after detoxifying yourself, would you have a chance?

His dull steps followed him!

The shopkeeper in the jewelry shop immediately saw the situation of the three people and immediately shook his head. He glanced at the back of Ji Shuliu, how could such a handsome man hang from a woman? Although the woman was indeed beautiful, she could not be divided between the two men! It's a real mess!

Here, Yun Qianyu didn't know that he was defined as a red-faced catastrophe. He turned on the shopping mode, and Sanqiu couldn't win the purchase. He called out two dark guards specially, and the two dark guards carried a large box with behind.

Only Gong Sangmo followed Yun Qianyu with a gentle look. As long as Yun Qianyu looked at him, he didn't hesitate to let San Qiu pay for it.

When the whole street was gone, Yun Qianyu finally looked back at what he had bought. When he saw the big box, he also saw two dark guards with sad expressions on his face.

Dark Wei's heart is extremely helpless! Their slammed guards now act as porters, and look at the eyes of the people around them to see how bad their image is!

"It seems a bit too much!" Yun Qianyu frowned.

"Not much. In a while, let them be sent back to Beijing."

Gong Sangmo waved at the two dark guards, and the two dark guards immediately seemed to receive a special release. They lifted the box and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hungry?" Gong Sangmo asked thoughtfully, looking at the sun that had climbed above them.

"A bit!" After walking all morning, Yun Qianyu was really hungry.

"I have made Sanqiu the restaurant, let's go to lunch first!" Gong Sangmo suggested.

"Good!" Yun Qianyu answered without hesitation.

"Brother Ji, let's go!" Gong Sangmo turned to invite Ji Shuliu, and he would follow him anyway.

Ji Shuliu glanced at Sang Mo Gong with a smile, and nodded his head and said, "Then it's disrespectful!"

The three walked towards the restaurant that Sanqi set up!

The restaurant is the largest restaurant in Jingzhou City. The first floor is the hall and the second floor is the elegant room. Sanqiu decided the best room on the second floor. You can see the scenery on the street outside and the hall downstairs.

Gong Sang Mo ordered the best wine in the pot restaurant and had a drink with Ji Shuliu! They have never had the opportunity to sit down and have a drink in peace!

Ji Shuliu looked at Yun Qianyu who was a little girl who did n’t know the world in front of Gong Sangmo, and looked at Gong Sangmo who took care of Yun Qianyu carefully to any small things. A sense of powerlessness! The feeling that no one can intervene between them defeated his previous confidence! He knows that he has no chance!

But his heart had fallen on her and he couldn't take it back. What should I do?

Yun Qianyu stared at the glass of Gong Sangmo and Ji Shuliu while eating!

Both Gong Sangmo and Ji Shuliu found it and looked at each other. Gong Sangmo handed his wine glass to Yun Qianyu's lips and said, "Taste it?"

Yun Qianyu's watery apricot eyes lighted up immediately, and her bright cherry lips came together.

"It's spicy, are you sure you want to drink?" Ji Shuliu glanced at the wine glass that Gong Sangmo had drank, his eyes darkened, reminding him.

Yun Qianyu hesitated after hearing the words and looked at Sang Mo.

"Take a small sip, spit it out if you don't like it!" Gong Sangmo looked at Yun Qianyu's longing little eyes and immediately couldn't bear to suggest.

Yun Qianyu nodded immediately, and took a small sip, a cold little face suddenly froze, his mouth closed tightly, the wine was in his mouth, motionless.

Ji Shuliu saw her expression, and quickly took the empty bowl on the side and handed it to her lips, "Spit it out if you don't like it."

Gong Sangmo thought she didn't like it, and said, "Spit it out!"

Yun Qianyu glanced at them, shook his head firmly, and his big watery eyes blinked, then slowly swallowed the wine in his mouth. Then breathe out comfortably.

"No wonder you guys love drinking, it's really good!"

After Yun Qianyu sent a sigh of emotion, he grabbed the wine glass of Gong Sangmo, held it in his hand, and drank it.

The two men suddenly froze. She liked it?

By the time they returned to God, Yun Qianyu had consumed the wine in Gong Sang Mo's glass. He stared endlessly at Ji Shuliu's jug.

Ji Shuliu couldn't stand Yun Qianyu's longing look, and immediately the ghost sent the jug over.

Yun Qianyu took the hip flask, and immediately filled it with a drink, squinting with satisfaction!

Gong Sangmo twitched his mouth and asked softly, "Yuer, do you feel dizzy and soft on your legs?"

Yun Qianyu felt a moment, shook her head, she was fine, where dizziness and soft legs!

Gong Sang Mo swallowed her saliva, then added some dishes to Yun Qianyu's bowl and said, "Eat some food and drink, or your stomach will be uncomfortable!"

Yun Qianyu obediently ate and drank, and soon found a pot of wine.

Gong Sangmo silently glanced at Ji Shuliu. Is this a posture of not being drunk with a thousand cups?

Yun Qianyu's expression that was not enough to drink made Gong Sangmo quickly: "Yuer, I buried Santan Plum Blossom in Sanxian Mountain. Would you like to drink?"

Yun Qian immediately heard the words and said, "Yes."

"Then don't drink alcohol today, okay? Drink too much and hurt yourself?" Gong Sangmo suggested.

"Okay." You can't drink too much. Yun Qianyu still knows. Otherwise, drinking too much and getting drunk is not a good thing.

When Gong Sangmo heard the words, he felt relieved. He and Ji Shuliu did not dare to drink any more, for fear of hooking the maggots of Yun Qianyu.

After Yun Qianyu's mind returned from the wine, she heard the unusually lively downstairs. She turned her head and looked through the window in the hall.

Everyone's eyes fell on a dinner table.

It turned out that two men in their twenties were drinking at the dinner table. But the topic of the two was indeed about Yunfu, the hottest topic in Jingzhou.

"Brother Li, hasn't your mother been ill for so many years?"

"Yeah, but there is no way out. Jingzhou's famous doctors have seen it all, and no one can heal it well."

"Do n’t Brother Li know that Yunfu is the medical hall of Yungu? The owners of Yungu are all the princesses of Nanlou Kingdom, of course, they are also from Nanlou Kingdom, to our people in Nanlou Isn't medical treatment taken for granted! "

"But Yungu doesn't treat people casually?"

"At this time and now, they are now playing for Nanlou, dare to take Joe?"

"Do you really see us?"

"Of course, I heard that many people went to Yunfu for medical treatment."

"Then I will take my mother to see!"

Looking at the departing man named Li, the man sitting with him smiled proudly.

And many others have quickly settled their bills. Go to Yunfu to see how things are going!

Yun Qianyu's peerless face was covered with a layer of ice! As the water's eyes shot a sharp dark man, it actually came to Yungu's body.

"Where is Yunwei?"

"Gu Zhu!" Two Yun Weis in white robes appeared in Yajian.

"Bring the man who caused the rumors back to Fengran."


Yun Qianyu took the princess decree from the sleeve and threw it to Yun Wei: "Leave it to Feng Ran and ask him to invite Jingzhou Chengzhifu to the gate of Yunfu."


With a wave of Yun Qianyu, Yun Wei disappeared immediately.

Yun Qianyu looked at Gong Sangmo and Ji Shuliu and asked, "What is the purpose of the people behind you?"

Gong Sangmo smiled slightly and glanced at Ji Shuliu.

Ji Shuliu frowned and said, "Naturally, I don't want you to go to Sanxian Mountain. It is better not to have the right to ask Su Huaifeng!"

Yun Qianyu's beautiful cherry lips ticked off. "If they use this method, I will have a little more confidence."

Gong Sangmo looked at Yun Qianyu with a smile and was convinced of her words!

Yun Qianyu stood up and slowly walked towards the door.

"Let's go and see how they act!"

Gong Sangmo and Ji Shu rose to keep up.

Gong Sangmo winked at San Qiu, and San Qiu immediately left.

The three walked downstairs, because of their outstanding looks and temperaments, they attracted envious eyes.

The three walked out of the restaurant without squinting, watching the flow of people in the direction of Yunfu, and they followed the flow of people.

Yun Qianyu walked in a hurry.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry?" Ji Shuliu asked, watching the crowd swarming ahead.

"They have been planning for so long, they always have to give them time to perform!"

Yun Qianyu answered Ji Shuliu's words, but his eyes were attracted by a snack shop on the street.

The dim sum just came out, the fragrance floated out, Yun Qianyu sucked his nose and whispered: "Although it is not as good as red and crispy cooking, but it is not bad."

Turn around and walk into the dim sum shop!

Ji Shuliu silently looked at the flow of people in front of him, and secretly said: It really is not urgent!

There are not many kinds of dim sum in the shop, there are only five or six, but they are all made and sold! After Yun Qianyu read it all, he picked three and bought something that smelled appetite.

Chen Xiang came forward and paid for the silver, and then held the shop's home-made snacks wrapped in oil paper in her hand.

Yun Qianyu then stepped out of the shop and headed for Yunfu.

The water around the gate of Yunfu was leaking, and only a man's voice shouted provocatively: "The valley owners of Yungu have become the princesses of the Nanlou Kingdom. Of course, the Yungu is also the Nanlou Kingdom. Why do n’t you open a medical clinic here? ”

Immediately someone echoed: "That is, since we are in Jingzhou, we need to see the people in Jingzhou."

"Again, isn't it just to see a doctor when you open a medical museum? What is Qinggao?"

The elder stood unhappy at the door of Yunfu, watching the provocative man as if he was looking at a dead man.

Yingyu pointed at the gate of Yunfu at the door and explained to everyone, but nobody listened.

A row of white-clothed Yunwei looked indifferently on both sides of Yunfu, and no one could approach the entrance of Yunfu.

Yun Qianyu looked at the surrounded Yunfu with no gaps, frowned, and tiptoeed gently, rising to his back, and fluttering in front of the people in front of Yunfu.

"See the owner!"

The elders and Yunwei and Yingyu hurried to worship Yun Qianyu on one knee!

"Let's get up!" Yun Qianyu waved his hand and let them stand up.

Later, Chen Hong and Yu Nuo also fell on Yun Qianyu's side.

Everyone saw the owner of Yungu actually appeared, and the scene was just quiet, and they all looked down at Yun Qianyu, waiting to see the charm of Yungu.

"Master Zhifu is here!" With a shout of yelling, the crowd immediately gave way.

Jingzhou prefect Zhang Zhangshan hurried over and saw Yun Qianyu kneel immediately.

"Chen, Zhang Huanshan, the prefect of Jingzhou, see Her Royal Highness Princess!"

Yun Qianyu slowly turned around and glanced at Zhang Huanshan Road: "Since Mr. Zhang is here, let's see how the people under your jurisdiction are arrogant!"

Everyone waiting to see Yun Qianyu's true content saw Yun Qianyu turn around and not only took a deep breath.

This is the Nine Heaven Fairy!

The blue dress, the blue cape, the silky silk at the knees fluttered in the wind, and the bow tied to the braid also fluttered freely. Ru Yue's face, two curved willow leaf eyebrows, cocky Qiong nose, full cherry lips, delicate skin, especially those big eyes, like a mountain spring, are clear and bright, but it makes people feel deeply invisible. bottom!

"The princess forgive me, and Chen will arrest all those who are in trouble!" Zhang Huanshan shuddered, so how dare he get up!

"Mr. Zhang, what does this mean? Does my country's main government bully people?" Yun Qianyu picked Liu Mei and opened his eyes, although his voice was nice, but it was cold!

"Chen didn't mean that!" Zhang Huanshan was sweating anxiously.

"Okay, you just watch!" Yun Qian waved his hand impatiently.

Zhang Huanshan had to get up from the ground and stand aside!

Yun Qianyu turned his gaze on the provocative middle-aged man. He glanced at the unconscious patient lying on the floor, who had been carried by the door panel.

"Are you from Jingzhou?" Yun Qianyu didn't mention the medical treatment, but asked a question that had nothing to do with the medical treatment.

"Of course!" The man said with confidence.

"Report your name. I think Mr. Zhang will soon find out if you are from Jingzhou City." Yun Qianyu glanced at Mr. Zhang's human side.

Zhang Huanshan immediately cooperated and said: "This will make people take the household registration book of Jingzhou City."

The middle-aged man saw this and said, "Can't people who are not in Jingzhou City come to Jingzhou to see a doctor?"

"Since you are not from Jingzhou City, why do you lie?" Yun Qianyu stepped down the stone steps in front of the house.

"Don't change the subject, I'm here to seek medical treatment. You see that the patient is already unconscious and unconscious, but you can't help but die, and you don't deserve to be a princess of the South House." The middle-aged man pointed at the patient on the ground.

Yun Qianyu glanced at him lightly, "Do you recognize the character?"

"Of course I can read!" The man said unknownly.

"Then what do you see written on it?" Yun Qianyu pointed to the hanging door rule outside Yunfu's door and asked.

The middle-aged man yelled, "Your Valley Valley owners have all turned to the South House country, and of course, the Valley House has to kill the South House country, not to mention medical treatment."

"Who do you hear that Yungu Valley's mainstay in Nanlou Kingdom? Who else do you hear that Yungu will kill Nanlou Kingdom? His Royal Highness, should you come out and give a testimony!" Yun Qianyu lips Corner ticked.

Behind the crowd, Gong Sangmo came to Yun Qianyu's side, smiled warmly, took the token around his waist and raised Yang, and said to everyone: "This is the token of the king, Master Zhang check it, but don't wait for a while Some people say that the king is fake. "

Zhang Xuanshan quickly knelt down and said, "Chen see the King of Leisure!"

A crowd of onlookers saw that their prefectures were kneeling down, and they were sure that the King of Leisure in front of them was indeed the real one, that is, the King of War they admired, and immediately fell to his knees.

The provocative middle-aged man saw that he was standing in the crowd abruptly, and quickly knelt down!

Gong Sangmo stood with his hands in his hands, his face was still warm and gentle, but no one felt that he was in a good mood and very happy now!

He flicked his sleeves to make everyone flat!

"Three years ago, the Supreme Emperor met Yungu Guzhu. At the first sight, the poison was rescued by Yungu Guzhu. The emperor and Yungu Guzhu became brothers and sisters of different surnames. For three years, they empathized with the brothers and sisters! The owner of Yungu Valley, and entrusted him to teach and protect the emperor until the emperor can be pro-government! After receiving the approval of the owner of Yun Gu valley, she sealed her title as the princess protecting the country and supervised the emperor before the pro-government She also gave the Shangfang princess a sword to protect the princess. For the friendship of her sister and brother, she gave up her free life and came to Nanlou Kingdom to assist the emperor, but as the emperor, she had nothing to do with Yungu. Relationship, there is no such thing as Yungu's refusal to rely on Nanlou Kingdom, and today the King is here to prove it! "

As soon as Gong Sangmo's words fell, everyone immediately whispered!

Ji Shuliu also came to Gong Sangmo's side, showing his identity token.

"I can prove this, too!"

Yun Qianyu glanced at him, and his heart was defamated: What are you involved with? What certificate? Gong Sangmo was there, and you were not there!

When the middle-aged man saw something bad, he immediately winked at the two men who carried the patient, and then stepped back, wanting to slip away quietly, but the crowd was originally dense, and now to see the God of War The style, all crowded forward, he has no way out!

Yun Qianyu stepped forward to the patient lying on the door panel, and the blue boots just stepped on the door panel. The two people who were preparing to lift people did not lift the people with great strength. Horrified, they all looked at Yun Qianyu in horror. They just stepped on their feet lightly. The two big men tried to feed their breasts, and the door panel remained motionless. What kind of internal force is this! The two immediately got up and stood aside, afraid to take any action!

"This is the patient you brought?" Yun Qianyu asked lightly.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man responded brazenly!

"It's not from Jingzhou City. It's been carried so far and wide. It's been stunned. It won't be dead!" Yun Qianyu muttered.

When the middle-aged man heard the words, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and wiped the tears that did not exist, "My poor brother!"

Everyone was silent, and looked at the patients on the ground with pity!

"Well, where's the snake? It looks like a poisonous snake!" Yun Qianyu said in surprise.

The middle-aged man looked at Yun Qianyu when he heard the words. He didn't see the snake in Yun Qianyu's mouth when he searched everywhere.

Someone in the crowd immediately echoed, "It's really a poisonous snake!"

"Yeah, yeah, you see, there are really poisonous snakes!"

Yun Qianyu's mouth twitched, don't think about and know that the two were arranged by San Qiu to cooperate with her!

When everyone heard the words, they retreated in exclaim, and said in horror, "Where is the poisonous snake?"

"Look, I climbed to the door panel, yeah, I'm going to climb to the patient's face!" Feng Ran on the side immediately cooperated.

When Yun Qianyu saw that he only said one word, these people had already done all the tricks, forcing the corners of his mouth to twitch. The internal force was lifted, so an internal force gently slipped on the neck of the patient on the door panel, really like the action of a snake!

"Ah! Viper!"

The unconscious patient on the door panel immediately jumped up and patted his neck and body casually. Where is that neat look like a patient?

Everyone was stunned, and suddenly understood.

The person arranged by Sanqiu exclaimed immediately: "He is not ill at all, but pretends to be ill!"

Some people in the crowd also said indignantly: "It's too wicked, it's such a count for protecting the princess!"

"What is his purpose?"


The middle-aged man didn't see any poisonous snakes at all. Now the accomplices who had seen the disease on the ground were exposed, and immediately knew the purpose of Yun Qianyu. She was cheating. And the man who pretended to be sick knew that he was bad and stopped shouting. He stood at a loss!

The middle-aged man reacted quickly. Immediately, he smiled and said, "We are here to try how Yungu Guzhu's medicine works! It is extraordinary!"

"Retreat to advance?" Yun Qian said coldly.

The smile on that man's face froze awkwardly!

"Do you know the end of offending Yungugu?"

Yun Qianyu's light and sweet voice sounded like a demon's life-saver in the ears of a middle-aged man!

Some time ago, the person who provoked the owner of Yungugu ended, but no one didn't know it!

"I'm not from Nanlou Kingdom, you have no right to punish me!" He stepped back in horror.

"Oh, it's still a spy in another country!" Yun Qianyu's voice was long.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

The exploited people were angry, and the spies of other countries actually used them to deal with the princess who protected the country.

"Yes, kill him, spy!"

The crowd was angry!

Especially the man who had just been fooled in the restaurant, was extremely angry!

The middle-aged man and his accomplices leaned against each other tightly, resisting everything smashed by everyone!

"Feng Ran, what to do with the provocative Yungu?"

Yun Qianyu coldly withdrew his foot on the door panel and turned back to the stone steps in front of the door.

Feng Yan's evil spirit tickled his lips and said, "Life is better than death!"

"Ah!" The two yelled in horror, trying to escape, but the water around the crowd was leaking, they had no chance with Ben!

Feng Ran lifted her right hand, and a red snake crawled out of the sleeve, wrapped around Feng Ran's wrist, and vomited a snake core!

"Are you afraid of snakes?" Feng Ran asked, looking at the man pretending to be sick.

The man froze, and he dared not look at the snake on Feng Ran's wrist! He shivered involuntarily.

The onlookers didn't even dare to speak, and they receded one after another, and suddenly the front door of Yunfu was a lot wider!

Feng Ran sneered, "You are the last person I've ever seen!"

After that, I saw the snake flying towards the man at an incredible speed. After taking a bite at the neck of the man, he quickly returned to Feng Ran's wrist, and wrapped it around his wrist nicely. It's up!

Everyone hit a shock, as if the snake had bitten on them!

The man recovered from the fright, reached out and touched the bitten neck, and then screamed in horror.

But he just yelled a few times and couldn't make any more noise, and the place where he was bitten quickly turned black, and then spread quickly around!

After a while, he fell to the ground and twitched!

With a wave of Feng Ran, Yun Wei immediately stepped forward and took the people away! Most of the people here are ordinary people. The purpose of Yun Qianyu is just to warn everyone, too **** scenes are not suitable for them to see!

The provocative middle-aged man was speechless. The end of his companion was the best, and he didn't have to think about it. The end must be better than death!

He desperately wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but how could Feng Ran give him this opportunity and hit him with a breath, he was immediately immobilized, Yun Wei stepped forward and took him away!

Yun Qianyu slowly looked at the crowd and said, "The reason why Yunfu opened a school is because it is the ancestral home of the Yun family. Grandpa left Jingzhou in the same year because of his brotherhood for many years, in order to complete Shihai! Shihai did not know Thanks, it ended like this. The Yun family has already left Jingzhou for decades. I want to do something to repay the glory that the elders of Jingzhou once gave. So I want to read books for the poor people in Jingzhou. , What people who want to learn medicine do! But ... "

When Yun Qianyu said a word, the people around him immediately bowed their heads in shame!

"But what are you doing while I'm doing my best to run around for the prosperity of Nanlou?"

Yun Qianyu's question made everyone more silent!

"You are being provoked by foreign spies, and you are planning how to make me Yungu your slave!"

Yun Qianyu's voice was so powerful and implied with deep sadness!

"Maybe my decision was wrong in the beginning. Since it was wrong, then correct it!"

As soon as Yun Qianyu's words fell, Zhang Huanshan fell to his knees.

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Dear friends, apologize. From thirty to now, family members, classmates, and friends have never had time code words. I lost the previous year's archives, and I tried to count the code every day to make it 10,000 words. After visiting relatives in the sunshine, I will return home tomorrow and arrive home the day after tomorrow. Normal update will be resumed on the 18th. Thank you for your understanding and support! Love you guys!