MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 66 Tips and Tricks

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Mu Chuihan slept soundly.

The next morning, he was awakened by the noise outside the house. Sitting up and leaning on Ye Tingjiang in a daze, Mu Chuihan closed his eyes and asked, "Who is outside?"

After he finished speaking, he yawned.

"People from Gui Tu." Ye Tingjiang moved his body to make him more comfortable: "You got your wish."

Mu Chuihan abruptly opened his eyes: "Are you here early in the morning?"

Although he was lamenting why Gui Tu didn't come yesterday, he didn't think about it so early.

When he woke up, he still wanted to stay in Ye Tingjiang's arms for a while longer.

Mu Chuihan finally accepted the reality and wondered, "Then why are we still here?"

Are Gui Tu's subordinates so polite? Obviously he was here to arrest someone, but he politely didn't step into the door.

"Xiaoyou and Suixing are outside." Ye Tingjiang replied. He woke up as soon as those demon cultivators came, but when he lowered his head and saw that Mu Chuihan was still asleep, he did not go out.

He clearly knew that Mu Chuihan was not afraid of these demon cultivators, but he still couldn't help sitting here and guarding him.

It seems that the habit developed from Fuyan's time has not been changed until now.

"It's hard for them." Although Mu Chuihan said so, he didn't mean to go out. He closed his eyes on Ye Tingjiang's shoulder and rested for a long time before finally making up his mind to stand up.

The front of the dilapidated thatched hut is a mess. Gui Tu decided that they were just a mob, and only sent a small team of demon soldiers to capture them.

These magic soldiers are far from being the opponents of the two sword spirits. But Suixing and Xiaoyou got a signal, and they didn't use their full strength, they could only spend with these magic cultivators.

It took a long time, and the door was beaten into a wasteland, and there was no grass. Even the thatched hut where Zuixing and Xiaoyou lived with Feifei had already been overturned, and in such a huge place, only the thatched hut of Ye Tingjiang and Mu Chuihan stood.

Suixing became impatient, and secretly slandered his master, not knowing what to do in the house.

He couldn't believe that the sky was turned upside down outside, and Mu Chuihan couldn't hear it at all.

Just when Suixing was about to strike the opposite direction of the grass hut, Mu Chuihan finally opened the wooden door and Shi Shiran walked out.

When Mo Xiu finally saw Mu Chuihan, the mastermind of the rebellion, several immediately attacked him.

Mu Chuihan showed panic, and after a few tricks with these demon cultivators, he let out a cry, and then he fell to the ground and was quickly subdued.

The demon cultivator who came to watch from a distance couldn't help but open his eyes wide. I thought this man who shouted at the market every day was a master, but just these few tricks, who was he fooling?

Even his two sons have not been captured yet!

Ye Tingjiang followed behind him. He had just made a move, but who knew that Mu Chuihan would have collapsed before he even started to fight. He was stunned for a while, the spiritual power that had just condensed was dispersed again, and he was subdued without moving.

He has almost never been defeated in his life, and it is the first time he has lost so disgracefully.

Zuixing felt angry when she saw Mu Chuihan's attitude, and before she said a word, Xiaoyou, who was fighting side by side, immediately grasped the essence of Mu Chuihan, and suddenly covered her chest pompously, spitting out a mouthful of blood: "I am hurt. At the base..."

Starfix: "…"

In this way, if he doesn't give up his sword, he looks very out of place. Suixing sighed, and swung out the long sword, which was cut off by the opposite demon cultivator.

So far, all four of them have been defeated. Gui Tu's subordinates have been fighting for a long time, and they almost asked the magic palace for support just now, which was a pleasant surprise.

These magic cultivators also grabbed Fei Fei, who was in the corner of the cat, and took these rebels back to the magic palace.

In the distance, the unidentified demon cultivators scattered as birds and beasts, and they were all fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, they were not instigated by Mu Chuihan to join the crusade a few days ago.

Who would have thought that only a few small fish and shrimp would dare to challenge Demon Lord Gui Tu.

These demon cultivators hurried back to return to their lives, so Mu Chuihan saw Gui Tu in the demon hall effortlessly.

Seeing is better than hearing it. Even though countless words had described Gui Tu's gloomy temperament, Mu Chuihan only knew what the evil spirit in his bones was when he saw it in person.

He learned about Gui Tu's life from the book. The half-demon body was picked up and raised by Bai Jing when he was a child. He fell into a demon in the war a hundred years ago, and since then began to go back and forth with Bai Jing.

Now Mu Chuihan admires Gui Tu's angry face, and he has to say that he can still be called handsome. Although he can't compare with Ye Tingjiang in his opinion, it is indeed rare in the world.

Mu Chuihan raised his evaluation of Gui Tu a little higher in his heart, and he still had a fantasy. Just looking at his appearance, Gui Tu and Bai Jing were indeed a good match.

Gui Tu didn't speak, and Mu Chuihan didn't turn his eyes away. In the end, Ye Tingjiang, who was still at the side, couldn't help it, and pulled Mu Chuihan's hand.

For some reason, Mu Chuihan felt a little uncomfortable when he stared at others with such eyes.

Mu Chuihan was dragged before he looked away, and blinked at Ye Tingjiang again.

Ye Tingjiang felt that his thoughts had been seen through, and turned his head a little embarrassedly, but did not look at Mu Chuihan.

Gui Tu was originally silent, and put on the air of the devil. But now they may not be able to look down on their frowning, and said on the throne: "Just you, want to crusade against this seat?"

There was mockery in his eyes, as if one finger could crush the ants under the seat.

Piao Piao was startled by him and shrank behind Mu Chuihan.

"Hahahahaha." Gui Tu had a panoramic view of this action: "Incompetent rat. Is this the young master you supported?"

Mu Chuihan smiled and said unfathomably: "The Demon Lord Guitu, the crusade is just an excuse. We have more important things to tell the Demon Lord during our trip."

Ye Tingjiang was stunned for a moment, this seems to be different from what he said last night.

Gui Tu sneered: "You are also worthy of discussing with this seat?"

Mu Chuihan lowered his eyes, with a clear heart in his chest: "It's the matter of Xianjun Baijing, doesn't the devil want to hear it?"

Gui Tu didn't answer, but sat up involuntarily.

Mu Chuihan said in a loud voice, "Please ask the devil to step back."

With a swipe, the magic soldiers in the hall all flashed their swords at them. Mu Chuihan did not panic at all, always looking at Gui Tu with a smile on his face.

Finally, after a while, Gui Tu said calmly, "You guys, go down."

The magic soldier obeyed the order and exited the magic palace like a tide. Mu Chuihan took the opportunity to turn around and smiled at Ye Tingjiang, and said through voice transmission, "Look, I said that I am familiar with this person."

After reading so many scriptures, Mu Chuihan knew exactly what could hit Gui Tu's heart at once.

Yesterday, Ye Tingjiang didn't want to see him flattering and begging for mercy, but today Mu Chuihan changed his approach. Starting from Bai Jing will only be faster, and I am not afraid that Gui Tu will not listen.

Seeing his somewhat proud expression, Ye Tingjiang couldn't help but smiled helplessly, and also transmitted a voice: "Do business first."

The two of them had a higher cultivation base than Gui Tu, so Gui Tu couldn't intercept their whispers, but felt that the atmosphere between the two was inexplicable.

Not like father and son, but like something else...

But he was too lazy to delve into it: "Tell me, what do you know about Master?"

He glanced coldly at the group of people below, and said softly: "But if you want to assassinate this seat as an excuse, you don't have to worry about it, you are not worthy."

Mu Chuihan said with a smile, "The devil is worrying too much. But to be honest, we definitely don't know Xianjun Bai Jing better than you."

Gui Tu played with the ring in his hand: "Oh? That's okay, you are wasting your time, as long as you exchange your cheap lives."

He suddenly smiled happily: "This seat is perfect for you, so that you and the old Elvis die just like that, how about it?"

Fei Fei shivered, always feeling that this person had a strong tendency to kill cats, and he simply didn't dare to stay in this place any longer.

Mu Chuihan calmly took it into his arms, and calmly said, "The story of the old demon king is just a fabrication, the demon king doesn't need to joke."

After that, Gui Tu's eyes flashed with an elusive shock. With anger, he slashed out a demonic energy: "Fictitious?"

It means, these monsters dare to make fun of him and Bai Jing? Most importantly, Gui Tu didn't even notice it!

Mu Chuihan didn't expect him to suddenly attack, and he flashed with Feifei in his arms, and the demonic energy split a crack on the ground.

"Mountain calm down." Mu Chuihan hurriedly said. Although he didn't know what Gui Tu was angry about, it was probably because the fallen demons were moody...

He dodged the attack, and Gui Tu was even more shocked: "Who are you?"

Since he could avoid a blow from him, it would be impossible for him to be captured by his incompetent subordinates.

Mu Chuihan said with a smile, "I've already said that, I'm here to talk about Xianjun Baijing. The devil doesn't want to know, how can I make Xianjun Baijing change his mind?"

Gui Tu leaned heavily on the throne: "You dare to speak madly?"

If just a few words can make the master look good on him, Gui Tu will not be entangled for a hundred years without good results.

"Whether it's maddening, the Demon Lord will know after a try." Mu Chuihan said, "Has the Demon Lord ever shed tears?"

Gui Tu didn't know why he was talking about these digressions, and said coldly: "I don't have time to chat with you."

But Ye Tingjiang frowned, as if he had expected something from Mu Chuihan.

Sure enough, Mu Chuihan said: "Since the devil is the king of one party, he naturally refuses to cry easily. However, Xianjun Bai Jing was the teacher of the devil, didn't you cry when you were young?"

Gui Tu glanced at him, raised his head and said nothing.

But Mu Chuihan already knew the answer, and continued: "If the devil is willing to believe me, you might as well give it a try tonight. I'm done."

Gui Tu closed his eyes for a long time, not knowing if he heard what he said.

After a long time, even Fei Fei came out of the fright, and when he was poking his head in Mu Chuihan's arms, Gui Tu gave a cold and stern order: "Come here, take them down and detain them for a good life."

Mu Chuihan and his party moved to the nest again, and when they reached the cell, he looked around and suddenly clicked: "As expected of Demon Lord Gui Tu..."

What is written in the book is absolutely correct, Gui Tu is also a wealthy demon after falling into a demon. Although this cell was cold and dark, the walls around it were all carved from black jade. In terms of the environment, it was really much better than the thatched hut they built at will.

Mu Chuihan said too much, then leaned on the jade bi and sat down with his legs crossed: "The place where Xianjun Bai Jing lives must be wonderful."

"Why do you still have the face to mention Xianjun Baijing!" Suixing exclaimed: "You said there is a way, and now we are not tossing us into the cell. Who knows whether Gui Tu will listen to you or not."

Mu Chuihan had the winning ticket in his hands: "Don't worry about this, Gui Tu will definitely listen."

Moreover, Bai Jing will definitely soften his heart for these few tears.

Suixing couldn't believe it: "Is it useful to cry? If crying is so useful, everyone will stop cultivating immortals, as long as crying doesn't work?"

Xiaoyou pulled him and whispered: "Don't say it, yes, it's useful, I'll testify."

As a person who had come here, he had seen from the beginning to the end how Mu Chuihan took down his master.

"Of course it works." Mu Chuihan looked at Ye Tingjiang proudly: "Yes, Xianjun."

Ye Tingjiang finally raised his head with complicated eyes: "You... you are very skilled."

The author has something to say: Teacher Ye: I suspect that I have fallen into a trap! He had it in mind from the beginning! He also used the means of attacking me to teach others!

Xianzun - a fugitive professor of tea science

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-1723:06:45~2021-03-1823:19:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: young and ignorant of sorrow. 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 74 bottles of Lianmumo; I want 20 bottles of whole sugar and pearls; 10 bottles of dares; 8 bottles of nicknames; 2 bottles of Qiqi; I will continue to work hard!