MTL - Xiling Empire-Chapter 1589 Hehe, go to 3 views of TM

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"You are my logical dad."

This sentence seemed like a 2.5T heavy bomb, hitting my head with my head and smashing my face, I had no idea at the scene, and it took me more than half a minute to get back the taste, and looked at me stunfully. Looks like a quiet black girl: "Have you taken medicine?"

"I do n’t take medicine. What does it mean to take medicine?" Abyss Xi Ling looked at me strangely, as if she didn't understand why I had this reaction. "Your expression is strange, what did I say Can't you accept it? "

I feel like the whole person is a little bit cloudy. In recent years, I have been surrounded by many amazing women who like to speak amazingly. Besides, I can scare people's lives by just one word. But to be honest, I don't think I was so surprised even when the superficial brain hole is big—because the person with the big brain hole this time is the abyss! It is the abyss spirit who has been treated as a wicked evil force in the past few years. It is a network ghost that is theoretically boring and uninteresting. What did she mean by that?

"I remember you don't like to be joking," I looked at each other, trying to find a playful expression, "Is that you have been alone for too long and decided to recognize a father? That's not to come to me specifically-I There are many girls, and per capita resources are not enough ... "

Damn, my mind is too chaotic to affect my thinking. I no longer know what I'm talking about.

Abyss Xi Ling spread her hand slightly, and her expression was still the kind of surprise that she took for granted: "Oh, it looks like you have never thought of this, it is normal, after all, it is not too important-but you Didn't you really think about my birth process? "

"Your birth process?" I felt that my mind was probably not enough (fortunately, I have been familiar with this feeling for many years so I didn't panic), "Isn't it naturally generated from the spiritual network of the old empire? What is the sense of cluster? "Because there are enough nodes, long enough time, and high probability, one day an invisible ghost has emerged in the Empire's network ... probably the case."

"That was the original 'Spirit', all her nodes have been updated. So it belongs to the previous generation in terms of the life form of the cluster consciousness," Abyss Spirit frowned, as if explaining the problem made her feel rather rather Trouble, "The original Spirit was divided into two parts because of the conceptual split. The weak part is now your network administrator, and the more robust part is a hybrid-that is me. Your power and abyss power are mixed and transformed Empire Network. Until now those powers are still part of me. In other words, you used some of your own power to create the individual of today's "Abyss Spirit"-in summary, I am your logical daughter ... um , At least a similar existence. "

My face was stiff and cramped: "Can this be counted?"

"Can't it be counted?" Abyss Spirit was still surprised by my reaction. "Cluster consciousness is a very rare form of life, so my birth process cannot correspond to your worldview. But at least a few conditions are still complete: Part of your power has shaped my soul today. I inherit these powers and continue them, and these powers will remain forever as my 'components', which can almost correspond to the lineage heritage mentioned in the data. The Protoss is not Do they also have this habit? They treat anything they create as a child-you created me, at least a part of me. "

I opened my mouth and listened to the Abyss Spirit analyzing these things. After hearing that I finally understood her thoughts, she was ruined by the way of the Three Views, and more importantly, after hearing it, I felt like ... 诶 This seems to make sense. Hey!

"Wait a minute!" I finally seized the opportunity to interrupt the other party. "It's true, tens of thousands of years ago it was a part of my power leaked into the Empire Data Network that only made you look like this, but Even if you do n’t have my strength, you still exist, but it will become another look. In the process, I feel that at most I am a catalyst, either an interfering agent or a deforming agent ... "

"You also said that it would be 'another look'. That would be a very different person from me, and it would have nothing to do with me. I am not the same as your real life creatures, I have no body, memory and thoughts are all I have, The physical network is not the body. It is just the soil in which I live. So as long as the memories and thoughts are different, even the consciousness born in the same network has nothing to do with me. So you do not change a group consciousness, but you create a New entity. "Abyss, Spirit corrected seriously.

Me: "It feels like I can't say enough about you."

"Because you never need to 'speak' me," Abyss Fowler frowned. "To be honest, despite inheriting your power, I can't understand your way of thinking at all-in fact I can't understand any of them. The way of thinking of real life, you are always entangled in some details, but ambiguous about the nature of things, and often trouble yourself with unrealistic associations. It ’s like this: I inherit your power, this is just a message The logical relationship of presentation, but you seem to be troubled. "

Immediately, the whole person was not good, and I felt that my three views were so difficult to reconstruct even after the disaster: "Isn't this a serious matter! We two enemies, enemies! As a result, your head suddenly told me so A logic ... Then? What are you going to do after you recognize Dad? Or what if you want to join the Empire family with this new identity? In fact, this is not necessary, anyway, we are no longer fighting ... "

"So I can't understand your way of thinking," Abyss Xiling sighed, "I just explained the inheritance relationship between you and me, and then there is nothing else, why do you have to make up for so much extension significance?"

Me: "... Um, is this over?"

"Yes, that's over," Abyss Spirit nodded vigorously. "The information presentation relationship between you and me began more than 70,000 years ago. This was an established fact 70,000 years ago, but it seems you haven't. Aware of this, let me remind you now. "

I tried to straighten out my thoughts: "Wait! By the way ... you knew the relationship between us long ago?"

"Yes, I knew it tens of thousands of years ago."

"Then you have no psychological pressure to fight me over the years?"

"Do these two things matter?"

"Does it matter?"

Abyss Spirit nodded strongly, "Yes, it doesn't matter."


Why do I feel like my brain is not enough!

"Then what do you plan to do in the future?" I looked at this magical creature with a distorted way of thinking, "Do you plan to come here to support me or to come and support me in advance?"

Abyss Xiling frowned: "I don't understand. Meaningless words. We just keep doing our own thing, you have your own responsibility, and I also have it. Today I came here to see you just follow the way, you know I stay in Shadow City is just an interactive interface, and I don't waste much attention here. "

"... So I recognized my father so shockingly. You have nothing else to do," I seemed to understand the way of thinking of Abyss Hei Ling, but I felt that the thinking process was too weird and a little bit ridiculous. "So I am talking to My daughter has been fighting for several years, and if you are in trouble in the future ... we still have to fight, and you will not be allowed to see water. "

"Theoretically we will not have another conflict in the future. But if there is one day, it will be good to start the war as usual," Abyss Hilling nodded, "I don't think the value of one layer of information presentation relationship is very valuable, and its impact on me is limited. At most, it makes me pay attention to you at peace. But it should not affect my 'choice of choice.' A cut-out sub-file should not have any feelings for the folder it was in, Anyway, I understand that. "

When I looked up at the ceiling, I felt that the conversation with Abyss Hei Ling was just ten minutes longer than the previous morning's report. I was physically and mentally exhausted, and communicating with a guy with a wonderful worldview, every sentence was almost mentally polluted . Then I waved my hand: "I hope that one day I can keep up with your Sanguan ... Um, forget it, I really don't want to be in line with your Sanguan. Recognize your father. Anyway, you are willing, and Visually you don't care about this relationship at all, then we will continue as usual. "

Abyss Xi Ling nodded with satisfaction: "This is the normal way of thinking. It is concise and efficient. It minimizes the interference of redundant information on your own judgment. In fact, I still feel that the" father and daughter inheritance "between you and you is somewhat problem……"

"Did you finish talking in a single breath? The half-constructed Sanguan on my side was interrupted by you again!"

"It's not an important issue," Abyss Schilling didn't care. "You know I went through another division not long ago. The previous generation of Abyss Schilling split into the new army commander and the old army commander. There is no node update. So I do n’t know if I have been completely refreshed, so I do n’t know if I count your daughter or granddaughter-if it is a granddaughter, I should still be my mother. This logic seems to exist Paradox, I can't find the answer from the real world books, so put it on hold for a while ... the look on your face is strange. "

Me: "... hehe. Shall we say something else?"

I swear I will never discuss ethical issues with the abyssal creature, the abyss!

It ’s already 4: 5 pm to return home after finishing the work in Shadow City. During that time, I spent half a day to rebuild my three views. Finally, I thought of the thoughts that were slightly broken because of talking with Abyss Hei Ling. ——It really makes people feel imbalanced when talking about it. It's the same topic. Abyss Helling has no idea at all, but the person who talks with her is the same as being bombarded by heavy bombs. From The soul to Sanguan is in the state of post-disaster reconstruction. At this time, I am a little envious of the guy with abnormal thinking.

As usual, I transmitted directly to the living room, because everyone is fine at this time, so under normal circumstances this should be the most lively place in the house at this moment, but today, somehow, the living room is empty.

The TV is still on, there is a documentary on it, and a few packets of snacks on the coffee table next to it. Judging by the torn packaging, this is the leftover of the puppet (the girl is not good at dealing with plastic bags). Obviously There were people here just now, but where did they all go?

As soon as I thought about it, I suddenly heard an exclaim in the yard: "Wow! The shell of this thing is so hard!"

I ran to the window and was surprised to find that almost the whole family was in the yard, including even Anwena, who did not like to make fun. A large group of them were surrounded by a weird thing, an ellipsoidal thing several meters high, with a golden yellow shell. And it looks like it's still shimmering. The crowd around the weird thing had a good reputation, and she was also curious, holding a small stone and knocking on the surface, just now she was holding the thing with a hard shell.

"What are you studying?" I jumped directly into the yard through the window, rubbed my light hair, and looked up with everyone at the ellipsoidal object several meters high. "What is this? Drink-it looks pretty."

When I got closer, I found that the dome-like thing has a delicate pattern on the surface. The material of the shell is not gold or stone, and it is very smooth. It seems to be coated with a good enamel, and in this smooth "enamel" Below you can clearly see a series of delicately arranged platinum lines, looking like runes and lace. When you look closely, you can see that these delicate lines are moving on their own. There is indeed a faint golden halo around the entire Dome. Not only is there a halo, I can even feel the peace of mind in the light when approaching—this thing is absolutely extraordinary!

I reached out and carefully touched the Dome. I felt a kind of temperature, which made me curious: "Where did you get it?"

Bingtis patted the dome with a big grin: "Lin was born at noon, but unfortunately she hasn't been with him yet. This can't produce anything."

I nodded bluntly: "Oh, Linsheng ... ahhhh! Ding for a moment what I heard just now !?"

"Linsheng's egg," Sandora glanced at me strangely, puzzled by my fuss. It seemed that she came back earlier than me and had already studied this giant egg (this stuff is really an egg! ) After a while, "But you should be surprised. After all, she doesn't usually lay eggs ..."

I: "... lie ?! Why do you all take it for granted ?!"

"Why can't it be taken for granted?" Bingtis reached out and poked at my brain. "Why are you surprised when you've known us for so long? The dragon is an oviparous creature, and how normal it is to lay eggs."

The elder sister covered a half of her face next to her, and her smile seemed a little reluctant: "Well, I was a little surprised at first, like the expression of A Jun, but then I thought about the life habits of the oviparous creature, and I felt nothing surprising What I have to say is that this volume is quite surprising-no wonder Lin made a trip back to her temple, and it looks like it will be born in the form of a dragon. "

With a twisted look, I looked for the protagonist of the event in the crowd. As a result, Lin's mouth twitched. Lin was really in the crowd, and the girl was taking other people to study the eggs she laid! With pride on her face, she looked up at the dome and noticed that she turned her head to reveal a simple and simple smirk.

Hehe, go to the three views of TM.

"What are you going to do with this stuff?" I sighed. Said in a somewhat fateful tone, "Can't hatch anything?"

"Of course I can't hatch," Bingtis slaps two slaps on Lin's shoulder, shrinking the latter, "Isn't the body said, this silly girl doesn't even have an object now ... Um, there seems to be no body ... Anyway, this is not the point, the point is that this egg is really useless-although it is really valuable. It is logical that most female dragon gods only decide to lay eggs after mating, and recently More and more dragon gods choose to transform into viviparous, and dragon eggs are becoming less and less common. I don't know what crazy silly girl smoked today, and suddenly thought about laying an egg, alas, staying with you for a long time It seems to be prone to mental problems. "

"I think I'm the one with a mental problem!" I almost jumped up, "Do you know how much this impacts my worldview? I only went out half a day when I went out and I was surprised to hear that the most honest girl in the family was playing Spawn play! A one-meter-six-year-old girl patted a dragon egg several meters high with a smile and said that she had just laid an egg! I just let the abyss Xi Ling break Sanguan once, and she had to collapse when she went home. Second time-is the world about to collapse? "

"The world is normal, but you do n’t know much about it," Bingtis slaps two slaps on my chest, almost echoing, "Oh yes, you said that the abyss Hei Ling broke your third view? How come back? thing?"

I sighed: "It's not a big deal, she recognizes me as a father, and says that she was my daughter from 70,000 years ago."

Bingtis planted on the dome: "Is the world going to collapse!"

I glanced at her: "Don't repeat what I said."

"Don't repeat, did I add a" sink "in front of me," Bettis turned his face. "What the **** is going on? If you don't explain it clearly, I guess Sandor will now be able to give you along with others. Eat it-do not believe you turn your head and look behind you. "

I turned my head and saw a large sluggish look.

"Actually ~ ~ That's what happened ..."

At the moment, I explained the sensational theory I heard a long time ago, and at the end I emphasized the unique way of thinking of Abyss Schilling so that everyone knows that her recognition of her father for her It doesn't make sense at all-the guy knew it tens of thousands of years ago, and her relationship model couldn't be reasoned at all.

"Oh, this makes sense," she said, and her acceptance was the highest among the crowd. She nodded. The impact of this incident on her seemed to be less than the news of eating braised pork for dinner. It's pretty open. "

"Not just looking at it, she was too lazy to even see such things," I waved my hand, and really didn't want to continue discussing this topic, so I turned everyone's attention to that dome again. "What the **** is this? deal with?"

Sandora thought about it, and nodded solemnly: "I've always wanted to say that this can be cooked to eat ..."

As soon as the words fell, the little crow next to him wailed and cried.

Hehe, go to the three views of TM.

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