MTL - You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?-Chapter 31 But you have to pay

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Although the wizarding world is detached from the mundane, some entertainment measures basically follow the mundane situation.

Of course, there is such a thing as a casino.

And Merron came back so late, and when he came back, he was all overwhelmed, even with a blue nose and a swollen face.

It does look like the bad gambler loses the red eye and borrows too much money, and as a result, he can't be beaten.

However, there is another possibility that his statement is actually an excuse to fool the long-awaited Kevin.

After being chased and beaten all afternoon, it's over to come back so late, and such a bad appearance is indeed not suitable for attending tomorrow night's banquet.

Trouble is resolved satisfactorily.


If he really wants to do this, he is too cruel to himself, right?

The bald vice-chairman Victor was speechless.

He felt that the young man in front of him must be unwilling to offend Kevin, but he didn't want to go to the banquet tomorrow night, so he came up with such a "bitter plan".

Therefore, the look he looked at Meren was very strange, with admiration and approval, but his previous annoyance was much lessened.

Inspector Von der Leyen didn't think so.

Because he knows more, he certainly doesn't think that Mellen is simply playing a trick.

Of course, he doesn't believe that the other party is going to gamble today—

Not to mention, the letter of introduction that this kid went to see Arthur was written by him.

Moreover, he also vaguely knew a little bit of Arthur's thoughts, and hoped that Mellon would make trouble for his fiancée and teach that vicious woman a lesson.

Therefore, he believes that Mellen's "bitter tactics" does not hope to avoid trouble.

Instead, he was saving his chance to be invited to the banquet tomorrow, and then waiting for the opportunity to approach Arthur's fiancee at the banquet.

But why did he suddenly change his attitude when he wanted to hide before?

The old man was puzzled by this.

Could it be that Meren was preparing a means to fight trouble during the time he was hiding?

But what means can he have to confidently endure the most likely difficulties at the banquet?

However, because he didn't know Melen's specific thoughts, he also had a certain degree of trust in Melen's ability, so although he was puzzled, he didn't speak.

Only the blond-haired Kevin really believed Mellen's words.

Otherwise, what could be the reason?

If Merron didn't show up, then he could think that this guy noticed something was wrong, so he hid in advance.

But since he appeared, this assumption basically does not exist.

Kevin also doesn't believe that Mellon will use "bitter tactics" because he wants to please himself.

After all, this illegitimate child has provoked him once before, so how could he suddenly be humbled by his direct brother now?

So, going to gamble, delaying time, losing a red eye, and being beaten up, it is very reasonable.

Kevin was a little gloat about this, and unconsciously looked down on Mellen a bit.

A somewhat clever illegitimate child, it can be said that he is a certain threat to him.

But a bad gambler...

"Deep gambling addiction is not something that can be acquired in an instant. It must be a long-term bad habit."

"Obviously, someone looks good, but the root is really rotten."

"Mom should actually be very disappointed in you..."

Kevin thought to himself, and most of the annoyance that had been held in his heart because of the long wait dissipated in an instant.

On the bright side, he showed a kind smile, and he was very understanding and did not reveal Meren's scars, but made a proper invitation to the banquet.

However, what the other party said next made the smile on his face suddenly freeze.

"Because I owe too much money, I have decided to leave the city and leave tonight."

The black-haired boy who was very embarrassed said in a bitter tone: "I'm coming back now, I want to say goodbye to you all, and by the way, pack up and salute."

This was clearly beyond their understanding.

Vice President Victor, who thought that Mellen was playing a tricky game, was stunned, and Von der Leyen, who thought that Mellen was trying to regain his eligibility for the banquet, was also stunned.

Only the blond-haired Kevin really believed it.

However, this was beyond the scope of his plans.

If the illegitimate child runs away, it is naturally impossible to go to the banquet, but his behavior can escape the banquet, but he can't escape the pursuit of his father.

In other words, a top-level wizard with high authority, if he wants to, can dig someone out of any corner of the known world without much effort.

In this way, it is useless for him to run anywhere, and the situation is still very bad...

"How much money do you owe others," Kevin asked with a frown, "How much do you want to run away?"

Mellen shook his head, but didn't answer, as if he was ashamed to open his mouth.

"The association still has some connections in Graham City."

The bald Vice President Victor is a little confused now, but he feels that if he is just "chased" by the casino, he is confident and responsible for helping the other party settle it.

"Which casino did you go to? Mermaid Hunt? Or Chaos Poker?"

"It's only right and proper to pay off debts."

Instead, Melon said in a righteous manner: "Although I have to run, it is still reasonable. The money will be paid back sooner or later."

"So, we can make peace for you and give them a grace period."

Vice President Victor continued: "Or how much money you owe, I can call the shots for you first."

"Then don't I owe the association a big favor?"

Merron's answer surprised him, "The association I joined yesterday will owe a big favor today. Wouldn't it be tied here and unable to move in the future?"

Do you still want to jump ship?

Victor's face darkened when he heard the words, and the anger that had disappeared before returned to his head.

But on the other hand, he actually couldn't guess what Merron was thinking about right now, so he just snorted coldly and stopped paying attention to this inexplicable kid.

Von der Leyen, who was on the side, vaguely understood what Meren was going to do, and then his expression became very strange.

"This is... using myself to go to the banquet tomorrow as a threat to blackmail people's money?"

For a moment, he thought that he must have guessed wrong, after all, this kind of thing is really ridiculous.

However, looking closely at Melen's appearance, he felt that yes, he must have this purpose.

So the old man was anxious, or rather, very unbelievable.

When a mixed-race offends the children of a big family, it is generally considered very lucky and has the means to get rid of the trouble.

Do you want to benefit from it instead? Want to use the revenge of others to reverse the money?

Where did you get your confidence from?

What kind of idiot would someone from a big family really be? Can you be fooled by you like a stunner?

For some reason, people want to teach you a lesson, but the premise of this kind of lesson is to vent your emotions, not to be played by you...

His inner thoughts made him inexplicably disappointed, and he couldn't even help but wonder if there was such a great conceit in this very capable little guy's character that even the conceit made him dizzy?

However, what happened next obviously subverted his cognition of this, and made him unconsciously stunned.

"If you don't dislike it, I can help you pay back the money."

After wiping the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, Kevin at the dining table stepped forward to Merron.

After patting the cheap "brother" on the shoulder, the blond boy said sincerely: "If you don't want to owe favor, then you can consider this money as an investment in you."

"As for investment, if there is success, there will be failure. This is a commercial behavior, very normal, and does not involve personal feelings."

"Really?" Merron seemed to be moved when he heard the words.

"Of course it's true. Now tell me, how much do you owe someone else?"

After hesitating for a while, Meren stretched out a hand and gestured.

"Fifty thousand grams of ghost dust? No problem, I can give it to you now."

"It's not fifty thousand, it's five hundred thousand..."

Kevin was stunned when he heard the words, and then gave Merron a deep look, "Then this is a big investment."

"It really doesn't work."

Merron seemed embarrassed to say: "I don't think I will be worth so much in the future, and there may be nothing in return for you."

"...Of course it can't be done like that."

Kevin laughed suddenly, then took out a set of dark blue metal keys from his magic pocket, took five of them and handed them to Mellen.

"Take it, these are the withdrawal certificates of the Flash Gold Bank, a total of 500,000 yuan, enough for you to pay the gambling debt."

He deliberately accentuated the word gambling debt, as if sarcastically.

"Also, since I paid you back the money, don't forget to attend the banquet tomorrow night."

"Can I bring friends with me?"

While looking at the keys in his hand, Meren seemed to ask casually, "I mean, since it's a banquet where young wizards are invited..."

"No problem at all."

Kevin was too lazy to think about whether this friend would be Merron's help, so he happily agreed.

"You can bring as many people as you want."

Things seemed to be settled.

After leaving the invitation letter with the specific time and address of the banquet, the blond-haired Kevin kept smiling and left without looking back.

It looked like a big fat sheep who knew he was being pitted but was willing to be fooled...

The bald vice-chairman Victor next to him was dumbfounded.

Is this the attitude of a big family?

Is this the demeanor of the children of the big family?

Money turned out... so easy to earn?

500,000 grams, half a ton, that's not a small amount!

Ordinary small pure-blood families may not have so much financial income in a year...

And their association...

And their association has even been operating in debt, relying on member donations and bank loans...

Von der Leyen, who was beside him, also looked surprised.

Obviously, he had lived most of his life, and it was the first time he had seen such a strange thing happen.

But then, he suddenly grabbed Melen's arm and pulled him to the corner, his expression very serious, even solemn.

"How on earth did you provoke him, make him willing to pay a lot of money, and let you participate in the banquet tomorrow?"

"I do not know either."

Merron replied innocently, "That guy has always been inexplicable, and I have never understood where I provoke him."

At the time of the magic trick, the other party's attitude was very bad, not after Melon changed his attitude after the magic trick.

So Melon really couldn't understand what the little yellow hair was thinking.

However, what he can be sure of is that there must be extensive involvement behind this matter.

The reason is that when he was channeling, he encountered a lot of broken places.

Not a few, but many!

Only a wizard of a higher rank than Meren would have his psychic "fragmented", so the complexity of the matter is self-evident.

This is also the reason why Mellen is confident that he can corrupt money in this matter—

For a guy like Kevin who comes from a big family and doesn't know how to make money, can money be called money?

They can't wait to solve the trouble with money.

Why can you get so much money?

Mellon has no idea of ​​the purchasing power of ghost dust.

But he believes that since he is a newcomer who has just joined an unpopular association, he can have a subsidy of 500 grams per month.

In the face of a top-level big family member, wouldn't this opportunity be wasted if there are not many points?

500,000, that's just looking down on others!

As for further offending that little yellow hair, Melon doesn't care.

I was already offended inexplicably, and people even came to ask for trouble. What is the matter if you wince again?

However, in this regard, it is not that Mellen has not considered the consequences. UU Reading

It can even be said that this bad thing has actually turned into a good thing.

First of all, the stepfather plan has taken shape.

Secondly, he tried to find out how deep Xiao Huangmao's "resentment" was towards him - at least it was worth half a ton of ghost dust.

Again, he got a lot of money.


"It's time to hug the rich woman's thigh."

After comforting the worried old man, Mellon collected the money he had earned today, and then hurried towards the Chelsea family's manor with the black wooden box.

He will report the matter to his "employer".

If the apprentice you just chose was in trouble, she would never "die for help", would she?

Although the little yellow hair may have a close relationship with the Chelsea family, this is actually just right.

Mellon can use this incident to test out what the lady's attitude is towards herself.

At the same time, it seems that he is now seeking help from others, but in fact, in modern society, there is a very interesting social skill.

That is, the people who help you will increase your favor.

This may be because people generally think that since they have helped the other party, the other party must be grateful to them, and then the image of the assisted person will gradually become special in the helper's heart.

And, there's a sunk cost effect here.

Therefore, if you want to increase your relationship with others quickly, you must find a way to create one or more appropriate troubles for yourself, and then let others have the opportunity to help you.

Melon now wants to use this method to "brush" Madam's favorability.

In this way, the one-shot-n-kill thing was formed like this.