MTL - You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman-Chapter 15 Boss kindness

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"Hey, I started my business at the age of 20, and after five years, I have grown from zero to tens of billions of companies, the top 50 in the country, dare to ask who can do this in the world!" Qingya Jiao snorted and said herself Glorious history, more to be proud, you really is the most powerful woman in the world!

Ye Hua looked down with a squint: "The family helped a lot."

Qingya’s eyes are a bit erratic: “That’s only a small part.”

"Don't talk about this first. If there is a sniper in the building, the muzzle is facing you at this moment, what will you do?" Ye Hua said calmly, pointing to the building across the river.

Qingya stunned and said: "Alarm."

"The police are coming, but you are in a pool of blood, and the glory of your life is gone."

Listening to Ye Hua’s calm words, Qing Ya appeared very dignified, without refutation, and fell into meditation, looking at the opposite building.

Ye Hua once again smoked a cigarette, ignited it, and then spit it out gently, but the eyes were smothered with murder.

In the sky above, a bullet smashed the air and flew toward the blue eyebrows. However, a sudden strange wind stopped the bullets, and immediately followed the trajectory of the attack, and quickly flew back!

The sniper looked at the target through eight times of aiming. It was a beautiful woman, but unfortunately...

But after shooting for a second, I didn’t see the target being headshot, it’s impossible! Where did the bullet run?


As soon as the sound rang, the sniper rifle burst, the sniper's neck was swept halfway through the explosion, and the entire head fell, and the sniper tried to help his head, but it didn't help, and he couldn't rely on the wall, gradually losing consciousness until death. .

Qingya did not know how dangerous she was, she was still thinking about the problem, and finally forced to say: "Where there are so many bad guys."

"Bad people are everywhere, maybe just beside you."

"I see you like." Qingya snorted, this man is a mouthful of evil.

Ye Hua once again bounced off the cigarette butt: "I just want to tell, instead of being in control of life, it is better to control everyone!"

Take control of everyone! Qing Yamu looked at Ye Hua intently. After a long time, he said: "Ye Hua! Do you want me to be a bad person!"

"Bad man? Hehe." Ye Hua chuckled.

"Hey, hello, you give me a stop, say it clearly! What are you laughing! Give me a stop, you are a bastard!" Qingya hurriedly caught up and jumped on Yehua's back and hugged Ye Hua's neck with both hands.

The latter's face was black and he said: "Go down! No rules!"


"Under the next!"

"No, there is a kind of throwing me into the river." Qingya Jiao said, I guess Ye Hua did not dare.

I saw Ye Hua walking toward the guardrail. Qingya began to feel a little nervous. When she saw Ye Hua preparing to step on the guardrail, Qingya shouted: "I am going down, I can't do it yet!"

Ye Hua looked at Qingya coldly, and let her carry her back! If you pass it out, what is your face, as a supreme supreme, even a woman!

"Don't be so rude next time!" Ye Hua said coldly.

Qingya disdain: "You think you are an emperor, still rude, back wife will die!"

"Yes, it will die."


On the way back, Ye Hua quietly informed the cracked bone, let it check the killer, but don't mess up the scene, secretly proceed, just want to see, who is so courageous, wants to murder their own blood !

Going back to Qing, Ye Hua brows a wrinkle, and in the past it was full of people. Today, there are actually more than half of it, how is it going!

Qingya looked at the situation at a glance, and Jiao Tian shouted: "Ye Hua, I went to take a shower, you come up soon~"

Suddenly several women slammed the door and Qingya felt that the whole body was comfortable, and Ye Hua took a few deep breaths, and sooner or later she would be driven crazy by this woman.

"Boss." Wei Changgong shouted.

Ye Hua looked around and said: "Let's do it first."

"Boss, we will close the door in a few months." Wei Chang is very helpless. Since the appearance of the boss, the women in the entire field have almost finished, but those are the main consumers.

Ye Hua generally does not sigh, but now he also sighed: "It will be fine if I move away in a few days."

"Boss, you have to move away!" Wei Chang is unbelievable. He has lived here for five years and has not moved. How can he move away at this time?

"Well, you will watch it later," Ye Hua said faintly.

Wei Chang nodded and said carefully: "The boss, I lost more than two hundred dollars tonight."

A black line appeared on Ye Hua’s forehead: “You will not use your card in the future!”

"The boss is kind." Wei Chang Daxi, who finally did not need his own money, almost burst into tears.

Going into the bedroom, I found that Qingya went to take a bath again. How many times does this woman have to wash in one day? Jie Jie is even more powerful than herself.

After a long time, Qingya slowly came out and said faintly: "Are people gone?"

Ye Hua is lying in bed and looking at the latest magazine in his hand.

"Hey, look at this situation today, it will be closed in a few Qingya that happy, no more refreshing than seeing Ye Hua's face."

Ye Huahe went to the magazine and said faintly: "It doesn't matter, your card is in my hands."

"Bastard, use the woman's money, little white face."

"With my wife's money, the light is right." Ye Hua calmly said.

"Ye Hua, how thick is your cheeks?" Qingya squatted on the bed and reached for Ye Hua's face.

Ye Hua brows tightly: "What are you doing!"

"Oh, still angry, cut ~ to whom to see it." Qingya disdain, lying directly on the side of the bed.

"Who made you sleep in bed!" Ye Hua said quietly, this woman would not sleep on the bed without her own consent!

Qingya snorted: "I am not happy, you go to sleep on the sofa."

Ye Hua’s fingers are trembled with anger, if she······! After forbearing the next nine months, you can return to a peaceful life.

Long Aotian is in a good mood today. When she thinks of such a beautiful fiancée, she is very excited. It is really rare to see the beauty. Moreover, she has cured the illness of her family and won the favor of her elders. On the surface, I refuse to be myself. In fact, I am embarrassed in my heart. How can I not understand it? The novels are written like this.

I was soaked in the president of Leng Yan, and then I dunk a super big star, and then I was soaked in what is the hidden lady, this is the true portrayal of my dragon Aotian, this life will never be alive again, haha! ! !

I don't know what Qingya is doing, just call a good night.

Ye Hua is not very suitable for someone to sleep next to her, even if she has touched a woman, leading to insomnia! However, this woman actually slept so sweetly, and she was drooling, Scorpio! Disgusting! ! !