MTL - You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman-Chapter 16 Remember what you called me?

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At this time, Qingya’s mobile phone suddenly rang, and Ye Hua suddenly shook his youth: “The phone rang!”


Ye Hua has never seen such an annoying woman. Suddenly she regretted the decision of the day. She picked up the phone on the bed and looked at it. The strange phone was directly hung up.

I didn't expect to call again! Ye Hua took a few deep breaths and felt that she had to go to the edge of the runaway and immediately answered the phone.

"Qing Ya, have you slept?" Long Ao Tian asked softly.

Ye Hua took a face and said coldly: "She slept!" He hung up after the call.

Long Ao Tian, ​​who is far away from Gaohai City, looked at the mobile phone and grabbed his hair. He just got a call from a man!

It’s only 11 o’clock, it’s definitely the Qingya’s request, it’s definitely...·hehe····(strong smile), I rushed out after a while and drove to Longan City late at night.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Huacai got a little sleepy and slowly lay down!

As a result, I was just about to go to sleep. The woman turned over and slammed herself with her legs! Hands are still holding, my head is actually sitting on my chest, the focus is still drooling!

I really want to use magic to go back a month ago, and then nothing happened, but I thought about it or gave up, touched the flat belly of Qingya, felt the familiar blood, and Ye Hua’s feelings of irritability got calm.

"Hey~" Qingya in his sleep gave me another breath.

Ye Huazhen wants to burst into a sentence: "Hey you! It’s really endless. I didn’t see her that night, yes! That night she finally fainted."

"Ye Hua, I want to blow you this pig's head..." Qingya, who is asleep, whispers, Ye Hua's face is gloomy, I really want to wake up this woman, even if I drool, I still talk about my dreams!

Listening to countless curses, Ye Hua gradually fell asleep.

A round of red sun rises from the east, and the golden sunshine fills the earth.

Like an octopus, Qingya holds Ye Hua without any image. In fact, she has the habit of holding a baby to sleep, and the typical lack of security.

"bell bell"

The ringing of the mobile phone suddenly sounded, Ye Hua frowned, and his mobile phone was basically turned off at night, definitely this woman!

"The phone rang!" Ye Hua shouted.

The confused Qingya looked up and reached for the phone: "Who! A big early morning!"

"Qingya, it is me, Aotian~" Long Aotian came by car one night, just want to know if this is true or not.

Ye Hua is not happy: "Shut down before going to bed next time!"

"Know it, I know, really!" Qingya impatiently, just hang up the phone, then shut down, continue to fall down to sleep.

Sitting in the car, Long Aotian was shocked. The man’s voice was the one last night! Do they really sleep! This is impossible, I am proud of the sky, but the best woman, how can my woman be sleeped by other men, this is impossible!

The huge anger has caused the steering wheel to be distorted, and an ordinary face is more distorted, elegant! If you dare to do something sorry for me, I will let you pay the price!

On the other side, Ye Hua has no sleepiness and said faintly: "When are you going to pick up!"

Qing Ya frowned, suddenly looked up, panic, how he would kneel in his arms, must be forced to pull his arms.

"What did you do to me!" Qingya was ashamed.

Ye Hua sneered and pointed to his pajamas: "You do good deeds!"

"It's disgusting, the saliva is flowing on my chest." Qingya looked contemptuous.

Ye Hua knew that this woman would be sophistry, but fortunately she recorded it before going to bed.

When Qingya saw her sleeping sample and made such a seductive voice, the whole person was not good. After thinking for a long time, she said: "You are a pervert, even stealing me!"

"Let's sleep far away from me tonight!" Ye Hua said quietly.

Qingya just doesn't like Ye Hua's attitude. The more it is, the stronger Qingya is: "I want it, what's wrong! You are my husband, what's the matter!"

Ye Hua suddenly thought of something and chuckled.

Qingya is not happy when she sees Ye Hua’s smile. She must be laughing at herself!

"Laughter, don't hide it!" Qing Yajiao shouted.

"Laugh at you."

"Laughter me, what am I funny!" Qingya sat up straight, and the arrogant body showed it. It wasn’t very mindful. After all, the more intimate relationship between the two happened, not to mention the couple, although A little fake smell.

Ye Hua’s mouth is slightly raised, looking at Qingya, Qingya’s shock, it’s not a good thing.

"Do you remember that night?"

"That night?" Qingya whispered and immediately thought about it.

"You are shameless!"

Ye Hua once again laughed: "Remember what you called me that night?"

Qingya looked through the memory, and that night, stupid, what did he call him? what is it call! Suddenly! Qingya's face changed dramatically, red like a pig liver.

"You are not allowed to say!"

"Think of it?" Seeing Qingya panic, Ye Hua said it was very cool, you don't like it very much!

"You are not allowed to say!"

"When someone is excited, call me···唔唔唔 Ye Huagang wants to say something, and immediately was stopped by Qingya.

"I am fighting with you!"

An hour later, the two sat in the stall and ate early, Ye Hua’s mouth was slightly raised, and the elegant corner of his mouth was under the arm, and the delicate little face was red.

It seems that this morning competition ended with Ye Hua winning.

"The fritters are too long and are torn into three sections." Ye Hua said softly.

Qingya was just about to go back, but when she saw Ye Hua’s mouth shape, she immediately smashed it, picking up a long fritter and picking up her hands.

The man around didn't know how to drop, and he shuddered. The woman was too ferocious.

"You look like this, very much like a sorrowful woman." Ye Hua picked up the fritters and put it in a porridge to stir it. It tastes good.

Qingya Jiao said: "It's not what you forced!"

"You can't shout."

"You!!!" Qingya's exquisite little face is red again. This **** grabs his own black history and is too jerk!

Ye Hua elegantly took a porridge and said: "As long as you are obedient, I can't mention it."

"You are a jerk!" Qingya whispered.

"Not obedient."

"What do I listen to you!"

"Through you call me..."

"Don't say it!" Qing Ya immediately grabbed Ye Hua's lips and made the surrounding gays envious.

Ye Hua frowned, and the latter immediately withdrew his hand.

Qingya always asks herself why she is afraid of Ye Hua, but she does not know why. She always feels that Ye Hua is high, although she is also mocking, but the woman’s feeling tells herself that his high level is normal.