MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 64

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After hesitating for a few days, Fu Yucai took Chu Xiangtian into the study room one afternoon.

The brows are tightened, the lips are tight, and the black eyes are like a lot of clues.

"What do you want to say? So mysterious and mysterious." Chu Xiangtian reached out and smoothed his eyebrows, not quite like his thoughtful appearance. His young master should always smile.

Fu Hao couldn't easily get up. He licked his lips and took a serious look at Chu Xiangtian. "You sit well and don't move."

Sit down, Chu Xiangtian looked at him sitting in a difficult situation, his eyebrows wrinkled up.

Fu Wei, who was anxious and awkward, did not notice the look of Chu Xiangtian.

In the study room, anxiously paced, entangled for a while, Fu Yan took a deep breath and whispered: "Do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

He did not sit down, the whole person stood facing Chu Xiangtian, could not see the expression on his face, only to see the straight and thin back.

But Chu Xiangtian instinctively this is a very important issue.

In exchange for the usual, he certainly said that he did not believe in the eyes, the boy went to the battlefield, and the corpse of the corpse that he had seen was countless. The most unbelievable thing was the ghost and the god.

But Fu Wei asked him at this time to believe in the ghosts.

Chu Xiangtian always felt that he was like a small snail who slowly explored the tentacles in the outside world. If he said something wrong, the timid snail might hide in the shell.

So he violated his heart: "The things of ghosts and gods, nothingness..."

Fu Yan's back was stiff, and there was some bitterness in his mouth. The black and shiny scorpion was dull.

"...but I'm sure it's there, I don't believe it." Chu Xiangtian said the rest of the words, and saw Fu Hao suddenly turned his head, his lips trembled and looked at him, his eyes seemed to be sad.

Chu went to Tianxin’s heart and pulled the man forward. The deep scorpion looked at his eyes seriously. “But whatever you say, I believe.”

Fu Hao opened his mouth and silently opened and closed several times. Chu Xiangtian heard him say with a very low voice: "Actually, I... actually I died once."

Slowly looking up at Chu Xiangtian, Fu Wei said: "Then I lived again."

He did not say anything about this matter. At this moment, he only felt that the whole heart was occupied by panic. He was afraid of being ununderstood and afraid to be regarded as a madman or a monster.

Chu Xiangtian sighed and pressed him to his chest. His mind was a little chaotic, but he quickly calmed down—you must first pick someone up.

"Then your past life... how did you die?"

Fu Yan was buried in his arms. The man's broad chest and his breath made him feel safe. He took a deep breath and gave him a slap in the air.

It was a bit ridiculous to say. He didn't really know how he died. At that time, suddenly there was a loud noise outside. When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the age of sixteen.

But Fu Yan thought that most of the time he died.

The last life was not a pleasant memory. After Fu Wei finished it briefly, he was silent.

Chu Xiangtian did not know what he was thinking, and the palm of his hand patted on Fu's back, but did not say anything.

After a long time, he asked tempted: "Last world... no me?"

If he is there, he will never be willing to let the young master alone.

The person in his arms said with a sullen voice: "I have never seen you in the last life."

I have never seen it, and I don’t know it naturally. Where else will I be guarded by the present.

Chu Xiangtian was silent for a while before he kissed him over his head. "I'm sorry..."

Fu Hao shook his head. They didn't know each other in the last life. They didn't even see each other. Chu Xiangtian didn't have any sorry for him.

However, Chu Xiangtian still feels that the tip of his heart has been screwed up. He is distressed. His young master is so delicate and crying. He can't imagine how he came over those days.

Gently kissed on the forehead of his forehead, Chu said to Tian Wen: "The past... is gone, there will be me in the future."

Fu Wei gently sighed, the whole face was stuck on his chest, quietly buried for a while, he seemed to have absorbed enough courage to retreat from Chu Xiangtian's arms, and his face was sitting in danger, " I still have something to tell you."

"Well, I listen." The mouth said, but still held the hand of the young master on the knee.

Fu Hao was uncomfortable trying to get it back, but he was tightly held by him. He had to ignore his existence and stretch his face to tell him about the natural disasters of the last life.

Chu Xiangtian had some smiles that converge, and the eyebrows wrinkled into a Sichuan word. Fu Fu said that he had taken a sip of water, and some were embarrassed. "I have never been to Sifang Town. I only know about this outside." ”

Looking at his low-browed eyebrows, Chu Xiangtian suddenly realized what, the palm of his hand was gently covering his face, and he wanted to say something and stopped.

Fu Xi subconsciously groaned in his palm, and his expression was soft and dependent.

The subconscious mind relies on trust to make his heart sour and soft. He thought that the young master didn't want to have something to look at him, he would tell him these things, but he didn't realize until the disaster of the past life that the young master took such an adventure. His own card was completely spread out in front of him, but because he is the three kings of the big Chu, the current emperor is his brother.

So the young master wants to help him,

Nothing can make Chu Xiangtian feel more distressed than this. Against Fu’s forehead, Chu Xiangtian’s voice seems to be sighing and helpless. “Don’t be so stupid next time.”

"I don't want to tell anyone about this incident. As for the disaster, I will find a solution. You should not come out."

At the end, he couldn't help but sigh again. "How is it so stupid, I am not afraid that I know you are harming you?"

Fu Hao shook his head, and the long eyelashes almost swept to Chu Xiangtian’s cheek. “At first I was afraid that you would treat me as a monster...”

"But..." He whispered again: "I believe in you." I believe that even if you don't believe me, you won't hurt me to reject me.

"How is it so flattering..." Chu Xiangtian closed his eyes and put a hand on his lap. The emotions in his chest were agitated. Fu Yan looked down at him, but he looked like a little lamb. In the mouth of the wolf.

Chu Xiangtian kissed his lips, gently rubbing his teeth with his teeth, and then flexibly opened his teeth and closed his teeth, sweeping in the wind and rain.

Counting last time, this is Fu's second kiss. He is like a dehydrated fish. He can only passively lick the clothes on the man's chest and respond passively.

At the end of a kiss, Fu Yanlian’s neck is red, and the black eyes are like water-stained gems. The beautiful ones can’t move their eyes.

Chu Xiangtian chuckled and kissed him in his eyes and pressed him to himself. "Do you still think that I will not harm you?"

Fu Hao was bounced like a bouncing, but the man's hand was too strong, he couldn't escape, he could only bow like a shrimp, carefully avoiding the hot source.

"You, you..." He wanted Chu to let him go, but he didn't say anything for a long time.

"I don't want to be so stupid next time," Chu Xiangtian smiled and let go of him, but his eyes were very serious. "Think more about yourself."

Fu Hao did not know how to put it, fled from his leg, and then pushed the door of the study and ran out.

Running out two steps and remembering what it looks like, turned back and blushes to close the study door.

Chu Xiangtian looked down and sighed low. "It seems that you have something wrong..."

The study door was closed, and Fu Yan sat on the stone bench under the tree, and could not hear the movement inside. He could only sit still and wait.

I thought I would wait a long time, but after a while, the door was pushed open.

Seeing people waiting outside, Chu Xiangtian still had some accidents, but before he even had time to talk, he saw the young master’s surprised eyes and looked at him. He blurted out: “So fast?”

Chu Xiangtian: "..."

The cheeks twitched, and Chu Xiangtian stepped forward, bending over and holding the soft flesh on his cheeks and shaking his face. "What do you think I am doing inside??"

Fu Hao blinked and didn't dare to confront him. "No, nothing..."

Chu Xiangtian is almost ridiculed by him, and his voice is pressed against his voice: "I thought I was inside... huh?"

The fingers gently rubbed in the back of the neck, he whispered: "I only want you, without you... can't come out..."

The old hooligan said that he was still licking his ears.

The shuddering numbness was picked up from the tail vertebrae. Fu 湉 scalp numb, the scorpion dried up, and swallowed a few times before retrieving the sound, bluntly turning away the topic, "You... I, I have something forgotten to you... ..."

Chu Xiangtian smiled and retired, but his eyes were still like some kind of hungry beast, and he patrolled Fu.