MTL - You Don’t Understand The Pain Of Being Popular-Chapter 15 Fifteenth day of explosion

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The next day, early morning.

Mu Taozhi woke up early and arrived at the practice room at half past six.

Moreover, not only did he get up early by himself, but he also dragged his wronged roommate He Yanning to get up early together. He looked full of energy, as if he had found the direction of life.

He Yanning was abruptly dragged outside, his whole body was in a state of being out of his mind, his body had already gone out, but his not sober mind was still under the bed.

Sleepiness was already written on his impeccably perfect face, and he said with sleepy eyes: "Mu Taozhi, what's going on with you today?"

From what he knew about Mu Taozhi, he was full of energy, but these energy were limited to other recreational activities outside of work.

Similar to recording programs, acting, and rehearsing, he can procrastinate as long as he can.

In the past, Mu Taozhi usually arrived late at nine o'clock in the morning. How can it be like this now, it's like chicken blood, and it will be half past six.

Mu Taozhi: "I just want to work harder, can't I?"

Last night, Yao Bianliang's words really irritated him. He is also counting on honing his acting skills and breaking through himself in this rematch. Yao Bianliang got up so early to rehearse, if he didn't work as hard as Yao Bianliang, how could he surpass him.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he met He Yanning's suspicious gaze.

Mu Taozhi's face darkened, and finally he whispered: "You should know that during the primary election, my acting skills were beaten by that Yao Bianliang, right? Those audiences didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and even edited my acting skills. Compare the video with her acting skills."

He Yanning nodded slightly, a complex look flashed across his eyes, and he didn't speak.

Of course he wouldn't tell Mu Taozhi, in fact, he was edited into a comparison video, and he was beaten by Yao Bianliang in all aspects of his acting skills.

Fortunately, there are not many similar comparison videos, and they are only spread in a small range.

It's not been a day or two since his acting skills were poor, so few people noticed this.

Mu Taozhidao: "This time, Yao Bianliang took the role of a tool man. This is our chance."

"As long as we act seriously, maybe we can take advantage of the role to **** the highlight moment and clear up the black history of being hanged on our acting skills."

Speaking of this, Mu Taozhi was very confident: "Didn't Yao Bianliang say that she arrived at the training room at seven o'clock in the morning? Then we will start training earlier at six thirty!"

After hearing these words, He Yanning finally understood.

No wonder Mu Taozhi was so active today, it was because of this reason.

The two came all the way to the door of the practice room, one of Mu Tao took the lead, apparently in high spirits.

He Yanning followed behind him, seeing that he stopped suddenly, she couldn't help being a little puzzled: "Why didn't you leave?"

Mu Taozhi stopped in place silently, without speaking.

He Yanning's sleepy mind finally woke up. He raised his eyes and looked at the building in front of him—

Well, the gates aren't open yet.

Since it was too early at this time, Building A-2 Hao was empty. The lights were off, and in the dim light, one could vaguely see that the glass door was locked, and they couldn't get in at all.

"The door didn't open?" Mu Taozhi was depressed.

He has calculated thousands of times and thought of many possibilities, but he has never thought of this situation.

He Yanning was also speechless. After thinking for a while, she lowered her head and sent a message to the staff: "I'll send a message to ask, see if anyone is willing to open the door for us."

Indeed, that's the only way to go.

Mu Taozhi randomly found a bench on the aisle, and sat down discouraged.

"Tap, tap, tap"

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps from the other end of the corridor, and the two turned their heads to look, only to find that Yao Bianliang was also walking this way with the script.

"You guys arrived so early." Yao Bianliang was a little surprised.

She originally thought that the other party would arrive at seven o'clock. I never thought that they were more active than I imagined, and they arrived at half past six.

Mu Taozhi looked at Yao Bianliang, and secretly complained in his heart.

This woman is indeed quite scheming.

It was agreed to meet at seven o'clock, but she came at six thirty. Isn't this just trying to work hard behind their backs?

This is too curly.

"It's not too early for you." Mu Taozhi sneered.

Yao Bianliang ignored Mu Taozhi's yin and yang aura, walked up to him, and said puzzledly, "Why don't you turn on the light? You're still sitting outside and don't go in."

"We are waiting for the staff from the program group to come and open the door," Mu Taozhi shrugged, and turned his head to look at the glass door close at hand: "The door has not been opened yet, do you have the key?"

Yao Bianliang paused: "What?"

She turned her head slowly, looked at the locked door beside her, and fell silent.

I still remember that when she was training in the company in her previous life, she often got up at three or five in the morning and practiced acting until late at night.

The company's practice room can be entered at any time, so Yao Bianliang did not consider at all that the practice room here is not open yet.

I miscalculated, I didn't expect that this variety show, from the program group to the contestants, is so Buddhist.

Two minutes later, Yao Bianliang gave up struggling and sat side by side on the bench with Mu Taozhi and He Yanning.

On this day, the north wind was rustling and snowflakes were fluttering.

The three contestants who had just formed Group 6 were locked out of the gate because they arrived too early on the first day of the rematch.

"Looking back, I must suggest to the program team that the opening time of the practice room must be advanced, preferably at six o'clock in the morning."

Yao Bianliang wrapped his coat tightly, gritted his teeth and spoke.

If the staff is unwilling to get up so early, she can keep the key for her.

In short, you must not wait until eight o'clock to start practicing!

He Yanning was sitting next to Yao Bianliang. Hearing this, his expressionless handsome face was a little stiff.

Six thirty in the morning is already the limit, and she still wants to advance?

You know, they could have slept until eight o'clock in the morning before taking a leisurely shower, eating breakfast, and starting rehearsals.

As a result, Yao Bianliang still thinks it's too late to get up three hours earlier than usual.

He Yanning couldn't help but tilt her head, and took a look at Mu Tao.

Sure enough, Mu Taozhi's face became very ugly.

It's all rolled up to this point, it's time to give up.

He Yanning thought silently in her heart.

He really didn't want to get up so early anymore, especially now that it was winter, getting up at five in the morning would be fatal.

But soon, He Yanning's inner wish came to nothing.

Mu Taozhi pretended to be disdainful and said, "I also think six o'clock is good, let's start rehearsing at this time from now on."

He Yanning: "?"

He Yanning felt that she had to say something: "No, isn't this time too early..."

Yao Bianliang was very considerate and said: "Then you can come back later. Mu Taozhi and I can take advantage of this time to study the script, rehearse more, and strive to improve our acting skills."

Mu Taozhi was stunned for a moment, thought about Yao Bianliang's implication, and then nodded.

"That's right. Our variety show is a live broadcast. Everyone will see who works hard and who doesn't."

He Yanning: "..."

Is there something wrong with these two people?

Originally, He Yanning did not want to participate in this battle.

Anyway, Yao Bianliang's acting skills were not on the same level as his, no matter how hard she tried, he didn't feel too much pressure.

If it's a big deal, just lie down and let it be ridiculed, anyway, it's not the first time.

But now, Mu Taozhi actually wants to work hard with Yao Bianliang!

He Yanning and Mu Taozhi, their acting skills are not the same, and they have always been the object of complaints from netizens.

Two people are bad brothers and bad brothers, and they are bad together. Everyone is used to this situation.

But if suddenly one day, Mu Taozhi starts training every morning, his acting skills will improve by leaps and bounds; on the other hand, he, He Yanning, still goes his own way and has no fighting spirit...

Wouldn't that be scolded to death every minute?

He Yanning could even imagine how those marketing accounts would mock him and how black fans would attack him.

No, absolutely not.

He looked at Yao Bianliang, then at Mu Taozhi, and finally closed his eyes expressionlessly, and said as if dying: "Okay, then... let's start at six o'clock."

Today is the weekend, and at six or seven in the morning, most people are still asleep.

However, there are also a small number of people who live a healthy life and have already gotten up.

These variety show viewers opened the "Good Drama PK Competition" page, originally intending to watch last night, but when they looked down, they stopped.

There is no other reason, it is because among the many live broadcast rooms with black screens, the live broadcast of the sixth group is extremely conspicuous, and it is difficult for people not to notice.

The audience poured into the live broadcast room one after another, and the barrage gradually appeared.

[Good guy, they are so early? 】

[Looking at this posture, they probably get up at 5:30.]

[What's going on in Group 6, is it a bloodbath? 】

[I remember that Zhang Zeming, the male star who set up a hard-working person, doesn't seem to get up so early]

【Ahhh, I knew my family Ningning worked the hardest, brother is awesome】

[It’s true that the sun is coming out from the west, I hope they won’t be hot for three minutes, and they won’t work hard tomorrow]

Of course, this time, most of the discussion focused on Mu Taozhi and He Yanning.

It's like two poor students with poor grades who don't do their jobs all day. One day, they suddenly get up before dawn and start studying early. This will inevitably arouse heated discussions among everyone.

As for Yao Bianliang, she was originally a eugenic in the eyes of the public, and she was the kind of eugenic who did not have a strong sense of presence, so she was naturally ignored.

So, when Director Hua of Group 6 walked into the practice room, he saw this scene in front of him.

He Yanning and Mu Taozhi, two contestants who always like to play badly, are actually reciting their lines with serious expressions at this time, writing notes next to the script from time to time, looking very serious.

"...You guys came so early?" Director Hua was extremely shocked.

He thought that at this point in time, no one came over at all.

"Yes," Mu Taozhi's eyes lit up, "Brother Hua, you came just in time. I have a few questions to ask you."

Director Hua was still a little out of shape, so he was pulled aside by Mu Taozhi in such a daze.

He felt that he probably didn't wake up, otherwise, how could he see the scene of Mu Taozhi working so hard?

He Yanning stood beside him, struggling to sleep, and looked at the script expressionlessly.

Yao Bianliang watched this scene in a happy mood, and felt that such a positive and energetic picture was so beautiful.

As long as these two are willing to work hard, her plan will be half successful! 1

"But host, it's useless for them to rely on hard work alone," the system said, "after all, the foundation is too poor, and they need expert guidance."

Director Hua became a monk halfway through, and turned from an actor to a director. The scenes I filmed are always quite satisfactory, and it may be very difficult to teach the two poor students well and raise them to the level of Yao Bianliang.

"It's not urgent, I already have a solution." Yao Bianliang said silently in his heart.

The system is curious: "Host, is it possible that you really plan to teach them yourself?"

"Of course not." Yao Bianliang shook his head.

Just kidding, if she really taught these two people without reservation, maybe they would turn around and make her famous.

She would never do such a risky thing.

"Then what is the host going to do?" The system was puzzled.

It seems too difficult to teach them acting skills without gaining their gratitude.

The corners of Yao Bianliang's lips raised slightly, and he looked at Director Hua who was explaining to Mu Taozhi: "Isn't there a ready-made cover?"

As long as she finds a way to make the director aware of the main problems of the two little fresh meats, she can use the director's hand to teach them how to act.

In this way, after Mu Taozhi and He Yanning's acting skills improved, they would only be grateful to Director Hua, not her.

Even if they want to repay in the future, they will definitely not be able to repay her head!