MTL - You Don’t Understand The Pain Of Being Popular-Chapter 33 Thirty-third day of explosion

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Feng Shiyuan is in a good mood today.

This episode of the video exploded, and the number of views exceeded one million in minutes, and it was heading towards ten million. With the rapid increase in the number of fans, all kinds of invitations flooded in. With the income from this issue alone, Feng Shiyuan will not have to continue making videos for the next three months.

In order to reward himself, he specially ordered a luxurious set meal today. Opening the lunch box with rich and fragrant dishes, the exquisite dishes with full color, fragrance and taste are very exciting.

After everything was ready, Feng Shiyuan was ready to enjoy food while surfing the Internet.

"Hmm...wait a minute, a user you're paying close attention to sent me a private message?"

After Feng Shiyuan saw the message on the phone clearly, he paused slightly and his eyes slowly lit up.

Click to open it, as expected, it was Yao Bianliang who replied him.

"It's really her!"

Feng Shiyuan didn't even care about the meal at the moment, he put the luxury set meal aside, wiped his mouth, and picked up the phone with both hands to look.

He knew that his video data this time was so good and the popularity was higher than last time, so Yao Bianliang would naturally not remain indifferent.

No, she not only replied to his private message, but also directly closed him.

He has succeeded in chasing stars, right?

Feng Shiyuan happily took a screenshot of the "Mutual Relations" interface, and then carefully read the content of the message.

Yao Bianliang: "Hi Brother Feng, thank you for supporting me all the time. But to be honest, although your video is of high quality and very innovative, personally, I may not like it very much. type."

Feng Shiyuan was slightly taken aback by this news.

dislike? In the video, he praised her all the time, and even let her out of the circle directly.

Faced with such skyrocketing traffic, under normal circumstances, how can there be stars who don't like it.

Feng Shiyuan continued to read with doubts.

Yao Bianliang: "The final of "Good Drama PK Tournament" is about to start. I wonder if you are interested in making another video about me? I can pay you according to the market price."

Um, ask him to do another video and pay him back?

Isn't this the so-called Chafan video?

Feng Shiyuan reacted for two seconds before recollecting it.

His idol felt that his previous videos were not good enough, so he approached him specially and gave him money to make another video!

There is such a good thing.

These days, it is not easy for the up owners of the entertainment district to have a good meal. Take the promotion of a certain product, it is easy to lose followers; take the marketing promotion of film and television works, it is easy to overturn.

A good dinner theme is something that can be met but not sought after.

If you can really make Yao Bianliang's just-meal video, then you can get both praise and just-meal, wouldn't it be great.

The corners of Feng Shiyuan's mouth almost turned upwards. This kind of situation was something he couldn't even imagine in his dreams.

That's right, his video quality in this issue is very high, and the response is also very good. It can be regarded as the existence with the best traffic among the up masters in the entertainment area.

Yao Bianliang must have taken a fancy to his ability, and wanted him to continue to make better videos, so as to make her popularity rise to a higher level.

Feng Shiyuan rubbed his hands, forcing himself to calm down.

Don't be overwhelmed by joy just because there is a pie in the sky.

Feng Shiyuan: "Of course! If it is to help you make a video, I am willing to give you a 30% discount—oh no, friendship price, 40% discount!"

He paused, then tentatively asked: "The final is about to start, so, are you going to ask me to make a video about the final?"

In the entertainment circle, up is the main promotion, sometimes it's like gambling.

Sometimes the sponsor's father came to the door, and the up master personally thought it was a good script, so he accepted it.

As a result, the reviews of this drama were ridiculously bad, everyone was scolding, and you, the up master, were just bragging...

The resulting adverse effects cannot be made up for by the money that Qiafan got. It can be described as a blood loss.

Although Yao Bianliang is a very reliable actor, she has no team or capital support behind her.

If the quality of her work in the finals is not good, Feng Shiyuan, as the up supporter who supported her, will definitely suffer accordingly.

Therefore, he was still a little worried.

Yao Bianliang returned quickly: "Well, I hope this video will revolve around my final work."

Feng Shiyuan hesitated: "Then... can you show me the script first?"

He was afraid that Yao Bianliang would feel that he was pushing back and forth, so he quickly explained: "I still don't know what the subject of your work is. For some scripts, I have a hard time explaining them. Even if I want to praise, I can't praise the idea. It won't have the effect you want."

If the quality of the script is good enough and Yao Bianliang is a talented actor, the problem will not be too big.

Feng Shiyuan can also rest assured to help her Amway and make a boast video.

He waited for a few seconds, and finally, Yao Bianliang's message came again.

— She sent a big question mark.

Yao Bianliang: "I'll send you the script when everything is ready. But Brother Feng, you don't need to praise me in this video."

Feng Shiyuan paused slightly, a little confused.

Isn't a video of Chafan supposed to show the audience something? Why not let people praise it.

Yao Bianliang: "On the contrary, in this video, I hope you can criticize me a lot and give me criticism and suggestions."

This request was actually the result of Yao Bianliang's long-term thinking.

Doesn't Feng Shiyuan like to post videos to praise her?

Then she would simply ask him to post a video criticizing her, blatantly criticizing her, and ruining her reputation.

Of course, Yao Bianliang didn't expect to rely on Feng Shiyuan's video to recruit gangsters.

If you really want to cool off, you still have to rely on your own strength. Just relying on an Up to lead the rhythm may not have much effect.

She brought this up mainly because she didn't want to let Feng Shiyuan continue messing around.

Instead of letting him play freely and cheating her in the end, it is better to put him under the eyelids and limit his related speeches.

If the quality of the final work is poor, then it is reasonable for Feng Shiyuan to criticize her, and it can bring a wave of rhythm.

If the quality of the final works is not bad, then Feng Shiyuan can't flatter her, and he has to make some criticisms and opinions on her.

At that time, the two parties will sign a contract, stipulating that Feng Shiyuan "shall not make other remarks that do not conform to the views of the video", and the final loophole will be plugged.

Perfectly avoid the possibility of him backstabbing himself!

On the other side, Feng Shiyuan was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

He has seen a lot of situations where Party A asked him to praise Amway in all directions without any dead ends; but he has never seen this kind of situation where he is not required to criticize Amway.

What the **** is this, spending money to scold?

Feng Shiyuan was stunned for a while, and then asked carefully: "Idol, you mean that I praised you in the previous videos, but you don't like this kind of praise. So this time, you want me to be in the new video Make some more criticisms?"

Yao Bianliang sent a satisfied nodding emoji: "Yeah."

She paused, and continued: "Of course, this is not to make you criticize blindly with your eyes closed. This criticism must be well-founded and convincing."

"Brother Feng, you should be able to see that, in fact, during the acting process, I failed to control many details; the speeches on some social platforms are not without faults."

"So, the topic of the video can completely revolve around these."

Feng Shiyuan was taken aback.

Indeed, even international film queens dare not say that their acting skills are perfect, and ancient sages dare not say that they have no flaws. Yao Bianliang is just an entertainer, so of course it is impossible to be flawless.

It's just that in his opinion, those are innocuous little problems, and there's no need to take all of them seriously.

Yao Bianliang: "In this video, you can still praise me when you should, and you can even hint to everyone that you still support me."

"But in fact, the praise and criticism in the video are interspersed. The praise is just a cover, and the criticism is the point."

"If you want to suppress, you should praise first, and you should be able to understand what I mean, right?"

Feng Shiyuan: "..."

According to Yao Bianliang's arrangement, it is indeed not easy for him to overturn.

But in this way, wouldn't he become black and white?

—Put on the skin of a fan, but actually do things like being hacked for the righteous master.

Proper black powder.

Yao Bianliang: "I don't need to give me a discount on the price, just follow the market price. Brother Feng, I really appreciate you. I hope you can seriously consider it."

Yao Bianliang dropped this sentence and went offline directly.

Feng Shiyuan still looked at his chat interface, feeling puzzled.

Arrange an up host to criticize her specifically, is this a human thing?

He couldn't figure it out, this was completely harmful to Yao Bianliang, why did she do this.

It can't be for the sake of getting cooler.

Thinking about it, he should have overlooked something crucial.

Yao Bianliang's move must have her deep meaning!

Feng Shiyuan stared at the phone screen, thinking silently.

With the fermentation of public opinion, various related discussions are also increasing.

Many netizens flooded Yao Bianliang's Weibo, and the number of Yao Bianliang's fans skyrocketed again.

【Woooooh, Liangliang is really popular this time. 】

[Yeah, it's different from the last time when the drama was popular and the actors were not popular. This time, Liangliang completely exploded. 】

[Ahhhh, it's really cool to be Yao Bianliang's fan. You don't need to do data, do quests, and fight with others. Sisters, I can't go back. 】

[Laughing to death, why do you want to tear yourself apart from others when you are a fan of Yao Bianliang? The idol is too competitive, and the fans are useless. 】

[+1, Liangliang hurry up and work hard, we fans will lie flat. 】

The message area was thriving until a comment appeared in everyone's sight.

[By the way, sisters, I just saw some photos of Liangliang before! 】

It's not surprising that old photos are picked up.

If the artist is just a little transparent, it is not difficult to cover up his old photos.

However, once this artist becomes popular, the 18 generations of ancestors can be picked up, let alone an old photo.

Almost every famous star has countless black history photos. This is something that cannot be stopped.

If other celebrity fans encountered such a situation, the fans would definitely be worried, and the public relations team would have to suppress the heat all night, and even refute the rumors on the grounds that "this photo is of P".

But Yao Bianliang's situation is obviously different.

[Liangliang doesn't rely on her appearance to make a living, so it shouldn't have much impact if old photos are exposed, right? 】

[Indeed, I was conquered by Liangliang's acting skills and charisma, appearance is not important. 】

[Liangliang's character design is originally a talented group with average appearance but outstanding acting skills. Even if the previous dark history photos are exposed, it should not have much impact. Don't panic, sisters. 】

Just like that, everyone clicked on the link sent by the fan with a buddhist feeling.

Then, a few beautiful photos caught everyone's eyes.

Wait... This is Yao Bianliang?

Everyone was stunned.

The old photos released by other houses are all about the black history. When they arrived at their place, a beautiful photo of the real master unexpectedly burst out.

Is there something wrong with this development?

[Damn, this is Liangliang himself? I am stupid. 】

[I don't believe that Yao Bianliang's appearance is obviously not so high. 】

[Is this fake? This is definitely a refined P picture. 】

[Damn, this blogger is either deliberately defrauding traffic with a marketing account, or he is trying to flatter and kill Liangliang. Everyone, don't be fooled by him, and don't lose your affection for Liangliang just because of this! 】

The first few floors are all skeptical, and some even firmly believe that this is a P picture.

After all, Yao Bianliang has never used plain makeup to show others, and the characteristic of ordinary appearance has been deeply ingrained in everyone's mind.

Most of the people couldn't believe the sudden appearance of such a beautiful photo.

But soon, someone in the know came to explain.

[This is indeed Yao Bianliang, that's right, I have had contact with her before, and she looks like this when she has no makeup. 】

[I am a related major. These photos of the blogger do not have traces of P-pictures, so they should be true. 】

[An insider came to tell me that Yao Bianliang's real appearance is indeed very high. It's just that when she first starred in "To Our Youth", she had to wear ugly makeup in order to conform to the character of the heroine as an ordinary person. 】

[This is Yao Bianliang's before and after makeup photos, you can compare them, there is absolutely no P picture. picture picture picture]

Many people broke the news one after another, coupled with solid evidence, everyone gradually dispelled their doubts.

Netizens who were skeptical about this matter now have to believe eight or nine points.

【Hiss, it's really her...】

[God, I always thought her appearance was ordinary. How come no one has ever mentioned it before? 】

[The face value has been misunderstood for so long, yet Yao Bianliang never clarified it. Is it because you don't want to rely on your looks to attract fans? 】

[Probably this is because you can rely on your appearance for a living, but you have to fight for your strength. 】

[Hahaha, other families start with their looks and are loyal to their talents, but it’s the other way around here at Liangliang—it’s all about starting with their talents and being loyal to their looks. 】

[Laughing, Yao Bianliang's character design is a "good-looking and capable faction"? I see who dares to say this sentence again in the future. 】

Yao Bianliang is already on the cusp now.

The old photo was released, and it immediately attracted countless people to watch, and the popularity of the entry was also rising crazily.

Soon, related topics were on the hot search.


In the player's dormitory, an extremely low exclamation broke the silence of the night.

"Liangliang, you're the number one in the hot search again!"

As the protagonist at the center of the topic, Yao Bianliang didn't care much at this time. Lying on the bed, she replied weakly: "Oh, really."

It's okay, it's just on the hot search, she's used to it.

She is now a mature host, no matter how difficult the task is, or how bad the situation is, she must face it calmly.

Yao Bianliang turned over, lacking in interest: "What's the hot search again this time?"

Anyway, it's all bad news, she's used to it.

The roommate looked at the most searched entry and read it word by word: "Boom! Yao Bianliang's design collapsed... It's strange, how could this happen?"

When the roommate finished reading this passage, he was also dumbfounded.

Just half an hour ago, the trend of public opinion was all boasting about Yao Bianliang.

As a result, in such a short period of time, the news of the collapse of the human design unexpectedly broke out.

Yao Bianliang also reacted for two seconds, and finally came to his senses.

There was an astonishing light in her originally unwavering eyes.

What the hell, the human setting collapsed?

There is such a good thing!

Yao Bianliang straightened his body like a carp, and instantly sat up straight, his heartbeat accelerated violently: "You read that right, my character really collapsed?"

Her current character design is a fake character design.

Titles such as "a clean stream in the entertainment industry" and "the best idol in history" were all forced on her by netizens.

If the human setting really collapses, then it will be nothing more than the collapse of the house, shedding of fans, cooling down, and finally successfully withdrawing from the circle.

This is a great thing!

Thinking of this, Yao Bianliang's listless face gradually showed a smile full of expectation.