MTL - You Have Guts!-Chapter 25 Start reading

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Chu Yan stared gloomily at the too bright woman who smiled in front of her. She pulled her head out of the corner of the dress. He lowered his head and saw Feng paired off his small mouth, hugged his small arms, and supported his fingers with his chin. "It looks like my uncle hasn't managed my sister-in-law yet, it's awful."

So bad? Chu Yan deeply stunned before returning to Weier. He was despised by the little guy. He was still in the haze, as if he was better. Chu Yanshen looked down at the little guy for a while: "Do you want to go out with your uncle. "

Obviously, this respectful attitude, Feng Yixiaopen friends are very satisfied, nodded, did not look at him, followed Chu Yanshen out, saying that it is a garden, but no flowers, the Chu family's garden is the same as Chu Yanshen's personal style, Except for the evergreen pines and cypresses, it is an unusually neat lawn.

Although it is too simple, it seems that there is aura because of the water. Feng Yi is standing on the water side, and Feng Yi is crouching and looking down. The water is very clear, and he can clearly see the swaggering in the water. Water grass, the afternoon sun fell into the water through the pine treetops, he threw a stone into it, the rippling sparkling light shone like a broken glass bead, glowing a bright light, and suddenly saw a small fish stepping out of the water , The light flashed, and disappeared into the water instantly.

Feng Yi shouted in surprise: "There is a fish."

Chu Yanshen couldn't help chuckling, no matter how early and clever, he was just a five-year-old child. This natural innocence made Chu Yanshen think of his childhood. When he was young, the Chu family ’s business was far from the current scale. Although the house is also a single-family villa, it does not have its own private water feature, but there is a small river not far from the villa. He was also mischievous when he was a kid, and took a crock with nearby children to fish. A few, but that afternoon was quite a pleasure.

Later he realized that whether fishing or fishing, the focus is not on the results, but on the process. Just as he is doing business now, money is just numbers for him, and what he enjoys is the process of making money.

Thinking of this, Chu Yanshen looked down at the little guy. The more he looked, the more he felt that the boy was a bit like himself. If it was his son ... Chu Yanshen couldn't help shaking his head. What was he thinking, but he was really the first one? I like a child back.

He bent down and looked up at the little guy, "Do you like me, right?"

Obviously, the little guy didn't expect that he would be so straight-forward, and he could not help but twiddle a bit. Feng Yi's little friends were rarely twiddled. Basically, the only people who could make him twitch were Chu Yanshen.

Feng Yi didn't know why. Anyway, since he first met Chu Yanshen, he wanted to be close to him. At the same time, he firmly believed that this man had the ability to protect his family. Perhaps, subconsciously he also wanted to have such a father.

After meeting Chu Yanshen, Feng Yi even thought that if Chu Yanshen was his father, it would be nice. Although he liked him, Feng Yi was still a little embarrassed, and he lowered his head and kicked the stones under his feet. , And then nodded indiscriminately.

Chu Yan looked at him with amusement, and suddenly found that he didn't want to disappoint the little guy, but he still wanted to tell him something.

Chu Yanshen reached out and touched the little fellow's forehead: "In fact, my uncle likes you too, and my uncle promises you that no matter how I and your mother, my uncle and Feng Yi will always be friends, okay?"

Feng Yi looked up: "Don't you like my family?"

In the face of such black and white eyes, Chu Yanshen really didn't want to lie, and he groaned for a moment before he said, "Adults' world is more complicated, especially between men and women. Not all intimate relationships can be connected by likes. I like your mother now, but I don't know how long this love can last, and it's not enough to marry your mother, do you understand? "

Chu Yan deeply racked his brains to explain to Feng Yi his relationship with Zi Zi. In order to avoid the disappointment of the little guy in the future, he thought it was better to tell him now.

Chu Yanshen always had an inexplicable feeling about Feng Yi. He didn't want him to be upset and disappointed. At that moment, he even thought that maybe he could promise his stepfather, but this kind of promise was not sure whether he would do it. Until then, it is not responsible.

Chu Yanshen did not expect that Feng Yi nodded sensibly: "I know my uncle wants to sleep with my sister-in-law."

"Cough ..." Chu Yanshen couldn't help but cough a few times. At this moment, he was a little bit embarrassed, but the little guy still didn't let him go: "Uncle Chu, don't be embarrassed, aren't all men like this, maybe I will also in this way."

The little guy's face made me understand your expression very well, so Chu Yanshen couldn't help laughing, and reached out and rubbed his hair: "Little guy, think about it now, isn't it early?"

Feng Yi shook his head and looked at him very seriously: "Everything is subject to change. Likes also develop, doesn't it? Like in the TV series, many men and women start from likes, and in the end they develop without exception. With a happy ending, how can your uncle decide that your love for my sister-in-law just ends there. "

This sentence really asked Chu Yanshen. He just subconsciously felt that he would not take a woman seriously enough to want a result, and explained it to him appropriately without wanting to hurt Feng Yi. It seems that the little guy also makes sense. How can he be determined that he likes Feng Ziyu and cannot develop it?

At present, it seems that the woman is evading him everywhere except in the situation. If a woman faces a man like him, if this attitude is the only way to show that this woman doesn't like herself or even dislike it.

disgust? Chu Yanshen frowned, thinking of the kiss in the study. From the reaction of the woman, she should not be disgusted, but not like it. Otherwise, why should she pretend to be sick in the next ten days, just like the woman was cheerful, Chu Yanshen It was very certain that the woman had pretended to be with him for ten days just to protect herself.

Thinking of this, I was really depressed. When did Chu Yanshen be so suspicious, he bowed his head and found that Feng Yi blinked at him, those black and white eyes blinked, so the little guy ’s eyes looked like his mother, some Sometimes when the woman looked at herself, she also showed this kind of pity, but also some cunning light.

Chu Yan laughed deeply: "You are right, likes may develop, but I am not sure to what extent, so under the premise of all unknown, will Feng Yi still help his uncle?"

Feng Yi nodded firmly, and then extended his small hand. Chu Yan deeply understood and held his small hand seriously. As soon as the two reached an oral agreement, they heard Feng Ziyu's voice: "Feng Yi, Feng Yi ..."

Feng Yi shrugged and said to Chu Yan: "I think I should go back." He waved his hand and walked back, stood a few steps, and then turned back: "In fact, my family is the most deceived, and do n’t Looking confused, but a little cunning, maybe my uncle can be more direct. "

Chu Yan smiled and nodded, "Thanks."

Ziyi didn't know that she had been sold by her son. After getting enough comfort in Xiao Yueyue's arms, she thought of her son. In a blink of an eye, her son was gone.

Feng Zixu rushed out to find her. She felt that Chu Yanshen's natural despicableness was shameless, and it was unknown that she would be taken by her son. It was so easy to get through these ten days. Zixu never wanted to have a little relationship with Chu Yanshen, even if Nothing happened six years ago, this man is too dangerous, and it is not something she can touch. To avoid risks, Ziyi's intuition has always been very smart.

Now she can't wait to draw a clear line with Chu Yan. When she saw her son, she hurried over and hugged her son. He asked hurriedly, "Where is our bank card? You remember."

Feng nodded and said, "Remember." Feng Zizhen breathed a sigh of relief, and told Chu Yan deep behind her son, "Mr. Chu turned back and sent your account to my mobile phone, and I went back and asked Feng to pay you a house payment. Let's clear it up. "

Liangqing? Mr. Chu? Chu Yan's eyes were dull and her face was overcast. This woman is really okay. This is to draw a line with herself. Forget what she said before, not even the most basic friends. This woman's Chic, he is getting more and more annoyed if he looks at it. If it weren't for Feng Yue and Feng Yi, he would have held the woman under him, and asked her carefully about how such a relationship is.

Feng Yi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. The emotional quotient was too low for his wife, how could he not understand that men need to be coaxed and deceived? Women talk softly, and even if they knew it was false, men would pretend to be confused, and his wife, If you want to draw a clear line with men in this way, you can only get counter-effects. Do n’t you know that the inferiority of men is that the less they can get, the better. His mother will only lose the appetite of men in this way. Higher, letting men give up, is simply crazy.

However, he naturally would not remind her. He felt that his own old lady was so incompetent and unpretentious that he could finally trap Uncle Chu, the incomparable martial arts overlord, and then he would not have to worry Already.

In fact, Ziyi is not really so pale, and she spent ten days with Chu Yanshen, even if she is still dull, at least her face can still be seen. Chu Yanshen's mood is not good now, she knows, but this man is really It's not a role she can afford, so it's important to run quickly.

Zi Zi was originally afraid that Chu Yanshen would make things difficult for her. He didn't want the man to just nod his head coldly, said hello to Feng Yue, and went into the room.

Aunt housekeeper brought out the salute of Zi Xie, Feng Yue looked at the oversized box and asked Zi Xie strangely, "Aren't you saying you can't go home? How did these come?"

Ziyi did not expect such luggage. After that night, the next day, although she pretended to have a bad cold, she still sent a lot of clothes. With the lessons learned, Feng Ziyi felt that wearing clothes is better than bathrobes. It ’s safer, at least when Chu Yanshen is going to do something, she still has time to deal with it. It ’s not like it was the day, she almost got it all together, but she did n’t remember how much she wore and how she installed such a boss. One box.