MTL - You Practice Immortality, I Farm-Chapter 97 Decide

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  Chapter 97 decision


  A piece of black ore the size of a fist was easily pinched off by a huge black claw.

  The young iron-clawed crab raised its pair of claw-like feet towards Lu Xuan, its eyeballs bulged, as if disdainful.

   "I haven't clipped for a while, my skills are good!"

   Lu Xuan sighed with a smile, and sent the fine iron ore divided into two to the pair of claws of the iron claw crab.

   Divide two into four, four into eight, the size of the ore becomes smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the cubs of the iron claw crab tirelessly pinch off the stretched ore, full of toughness.

  Accompanied by clicking sounds, Lu Xuan's thoughts fluttered.

  This time he was invited to go to the secret realm, and he felt that casual cultivators couldn't help themselves.

  I usually farm in a stable manner, do not make enemies with others, and do not get involved in any interest disputes, but only reveal my identity as a spiritual planter with good planting talent.

  For some unnecessary troubles, he also established a certain cooperative relationship with the Baicao Hall of the foundation alchemist, and is affiliated with the Baicao Hall.

  But when the monks of the Wang family came to invite him, he still couldn't help himself. Even if he didn't want to go to the secret realm to help identify Lingzhi, he had to agree.

  The helplessness of the low-level casual cultivators is vividly reflected.

  After this trip, he had the idea of ​​leaving Linyangfang City.

  Baicaotang recommended itself to the Wang family, no matter what the purpose was, it was obvious that it caused trouble for itself, and the only affection between the two parties was wiped out.

  Of course, this does not affect his attitude towards Guan Shi. Over the years, the care and concern of the thin old man for himself cannot be faked.

  As for the Wang family, the two high-ranking Qi training monks were lost in the secret realm this time. Under the rage, they will definitely come to question themselves, even if they have a clear conscience, it may also bring disaster to Chi Yu.

  You can leave Linyangfang City, but where to go is another problem.

   Change to a new market?

  The world is as black as crows. Lu Xuan guessed that even if he changed the market, he would not be able to change the fact that he was restricted by others.

  Looking for a mountain forest, living a secluded life, and cultivating spiritual plants alone?

  It’s a bit unrealistic. First of all, cultivating spiritual plants requires pure spiritual energy. It is best to cultivate spiritual fields near the spiritual veins. Secondly, if you are alone, you may encounter evil spirits and monsters. Finally, it is difficult to obtain high-grade spiritual seeds.

  In this way, the best place to go is to enter the Zongmen.

  Based on Lu Xuan's current cultivation of the eighth level of Qi training, and his unique and exquisite ability in cultivating spiritual plants, he is qualified to join the sect.

  Entering the Zongmen, the benefits are obvious. The aura is purer and richer, which is conducive to the growth of spiritual plants. At the same time, it can provide a safe and stable shelter environment, and it is possible to obtain high-grade spiritual seeds, young spiritual beasts, etc.

  After making a decision, the first thing Lu Xuan thought of was the Heavenly Sword Sect mentioned by Qing Leng.

  With the Qingyun Order she bestowed, the difficulty of joining the sect will be much reduced. Lu Xuan also has a lot of interest in the mutant sword grass that the female cultivator mentioned.

   "Next, it's time to make preparations for leaving Fangshi and solve the problem of the Wang family."

  He stood up, and his mind turned to the iron claw crab cub under his feet.

  The pair of chelicer feet were already trembling at this moment, and they kept shaking in the air, but when a small stone of refined iron stretched out, they couldn't help but want to violently pinch it off.

  Lu Xuan threw it into the Lingquan Pool, put away the refined iron and gravel, opened the Misty Maze, told the grass puppet to take good care of the Lingtian, and took Tayun lynx to Baicao Hall.

  In the Baicao Hall, the medicinal fragrance was strong, Lu Xuan walked into the door, and saw the thin old man in a daze in front of the counter.

  He walked up to the old man, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

  Guan He came back to his senses, saw Lu Xuan, his eyes lit up, and his face wrinkled into a smile.

   "Boy Lu, you are finally back!"

   "I heard that you went to that secret place, I have been worried, just come back, just come back."

  The thin old man patted Lu Xuan on the shoulder lightly.

   "Please worry about Mr. He."

   Lu Xuan felt a warm feeling in his heart, bowed his head and said gratefully.

  Old He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he whispered to Lu Xuan.

   "A spiritual planter who entered the secret realm together said that you were invaded by evil spirits in the secret realm. What's going on?"

   "It is true."

   Lu Xuan nodded heavily.

   "At that time, under the leadership of monks from the Wang family, we were picking and processing spiritual plants somewhere in a secret place. Suddenly one day, we found a spiritual planter who disappeared inexplicably."

   "Subsequently, a high-ranking monk in the Wang family discovered that his companion was invaded and polluted by evil spirits, and the two had a desperate fight. We spiritual planters have low cultivation bases and are not good at fighting skills. We were afraid of being affected, so we all fled separately."

   "I don't know what will happen next. After I escaped from the secret realm, I tried to find a few monks. I was lucky. They were taken out of the secret realm and returned to Fangshi."

   Lu Xuan told the truth, but concealed a few key points.

  Find evil spirits, report to Li Jianfeng, kill Li Jianfeng who was attacked by evil spirits, escape from treacherous evil spirits, and eliminate several monk teams who are plotting evil...

  The biggest lie is not nine truths and one falsehood, but nine truths and one falsehood, but all truths, but combined together they are lies.

  He learned from Guanshi He that besides Lu Xuan, there were already five or six spiritual planters who had returned. Among the remaining two in Baicao Hall, only He Ping did not come back.

  Lu Xuan felt at ease, with a few more people, what he said would be a little more believable, and at the same time, the risk of being blamed by the Wang family was equally shared.

  He paused, showing a hesitant look, finally gritted his teeth, and said to the thin old man.

   "Guard He, He Ping in the hall may not be able to come back. When I was running away, I took a look at him from a distance and found that he was being targeted by evil spirits. There are nine out of ten that he will encounter accidents."

   "Really? In this case, the Wang family can't give us an explanation."

  He Ping is related to the alchemist in the hall, so the low position is unusual.

   "There is one more thing I have to make clear. When picking and identifying spiritual plants, the Wang family should have stayed in the camp. Wang Ruhai went out to explore the secret realm privately, and thus became infected with evil spirits, which led to this disaster."

   "Are you serious?" Manager He asked seriously.

   "The rest of the spiritual planters can testify."

   "In this case, the nature will be different."

  If it was purely invaded and polluted by evil spirits, it could be called an accident, and the Wang family is also qualified to interrogate the surviving monks.

  But because Wang Ruhai did not undertake the responsibility of escorting the spirit plant master, instead, he dereliction of duty, attracted evil spirits, and the disaster had nothing to do with Lu Xuan and others.

   On the contrary, the dead Lingzhi teacher will be blamed on the Wang family Wang Ruhai.

  The more than ten spiritual planters who went to the secret realm, each of them is a treasure of the major forces in the city, and losing any one of them will cause a great loss.

  After knowing that this result was caused by the negligence of the monks of the Wang family, the other families and forces in Fangshi will never let it go, and will definitely ask for an explanation.

   Under the game between the two sides, there is no time to take care of small casual cultivators like Lu Xuan.

  (end of this chapter)