MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 107

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The road is twenty-three years old, winter.

Tan Nengwu is the boss of Tan, and there is a younger brother named Enwen. Originally, the names of the two were not like this. The boss called the literary text, and the second child called the martial arts. As a result, the boss’s skeleton was singular and he had a passionate love for martial arts. Therefore, he forced his brother to change his name and changed his name to Wu.

Tan Nengwu is not interested in the career of the official economy, nor has he ever married his wife. Since he was a child, he has been fascinated by martial arts. When he grows up, he is even more arrogant. If he encounters a perfect place to practice martial arts, he will stay for a while.

In the past few years, he came to Liaodong. The north is bitter and cold, and the land is sparsely populated. As the average person said, it is too cold and clear, and the people in Xiwu are a little bit less, which is conducive to cultivation. Tan Nengwu found a hot spring under a cliff, soaked in the hot springs for a few times, and the trial feels very good.

Late at night, he finished meditating, just had to rest, and suddenly heard a muffled sound outside. He was so surprised that he walked out of the cave with a torch and saw a child lying in the hole.

By the fire, it can be seen that the child was covered in blood and was seriously injured. Tan Nengwu explored the nose of the child, leaving only a faint breath, afraid that he could not live.

The child was too poor, Tan Nengwu got him into the cave and held a glimmer of hope for treatment. He had a special gold sore medicine on his body and carefully helped the child to wrap the wound.

The injured child had not been awake, and when it was bright, it started to burn again.

Tan Nengwu couldn't bear to watch a child die like this, and immediately set off and took the child off the cliff. He found the human smoke, grabbed some healing herbs, and fry it to the child.

He left his eyes. The knife wound on this child is what the master is doing, and the child is estimated to be stared at by the terrible enemy. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Tan Nengwu has been acting in a low-key manner and trying to cover up the children's behavior.

After three days, the child's burning back, the breath also stabilized, and finally returned to a life. After a few more days, he finally woke up.

Tan Nengwu moved to the small bench and sat next to the child and asked about his life.

The child opened his mouth but could not make a sound.

It turned out to be a dumb. Tan Nengwu felt that he was pitiful and asked, "Can you write?"

The child nodded.

So Tan Nengwu found a pen and paper. "I ask you to write."

The child carefully raised the pen.

"what's your name?"

The child took the pen, thought for a while, and finally looked up at Tan Nengwu in a confused way and shook his head. He doesn't know what he is calling.

"Can't you say?" Tan Nengwu asked, and it is understandable that people with hatred are afraid of revealing their names. He comforted him. "You can rest assured that I am a good person. I saved you."

The child wrote a pen and wrote: Thank you. I don't know my name.

"Crap, some people don't know their name, unless they are..." Tan Nengwu said here, suddenly stopped, he looked at the child and asked, "Can you remember the past? Who are you? Where did you come, who was chased, and why did you fall off the cliff?"

The child seriously thought about it. He was seriously ill and he was physically weak. He thought for a while and couldn't understand it. When he was in a hurry, his eyes turned dizzy.

When the child woke up again, they had already stayed in the carriage down the south.

Tan Nengwu felt that the child had reached his head when he fell off the cliff, so he lost his memory. It may also be dumb at the same time, because he looks at the child very intelligent, and his ears are no problem.

The two walked for more than a thousand miles until they reached the hometown of Jinneng and Tan Nengwu. Tan Jia is also a face-to-face in the local area. Tan Nengwen now inherits his family business and manages the shops in his home.

The old Tan family is only Tan Tanwu Tan Nengwen brothers, the other relatives are too far apart, not close. Tan’s boss was bent on his martial arts. He did not marry his wife and children. The second child, Tan Nengwen, married his wife, but his wife died early. There was only one young girl under her knees, and she was called Tan Lingyin. It was only ten years old this year. He later received two rooms and did not give birth to children.

Tan Nengwen thinks that it is probably destined to be destined, and Tan’s fear is to be eliminated.

Without a son, Tan Nengwen had to raise his daughter as a son, and better than nothing. Therefore, since childhood, she has not only taught her chess and calligraphy, but also taught some historical episodes, as well as the ability to do business, so that she can recruit a son-in-law and support the Tan family.

Of course, the daughter is not brought with her.

Now, Big Brother has sent a belt.

Tan Nengwen liked the kid who came back from his eldest brother. Although he was dumb, he was very sensible. He carefully examined the child and found that the child was very smart. Therefore, I immediately recognized this child as a child.

There is such a filial piety, Tan Nengwen can also comfort himself as a child and a daughter.

Tan Lingyin was accused of being a male child since childhood, and his personality was generous and refreshing. He was also familiar with himself. Only one day he was familiar with this younger brother. She saw her brother's eyebrows clear, eyes like Chen Xing, so he helped him get a name: Tan Qingchen.

The family boasted that Tan Tingyin had a taste, and Tan Qingchen also smiled and accepted the new name.

Tan Nengwen was curious about Qing Chen’s life experience and asked Tan Nengwu, but Tan Nengwu couldn’t say why, only that Qing Chen was chased by the enemy, and he was picked up when he was relieved. Tan Nengwen was worried about getting into a disaster for a while, but he was reluctant to send such a good child away. After a few days of this, no one came to the door, and he raised the righteousness in a down-to-earth manner.

Perhaps it is Tan Qingchen's blessing. The second year he came to Tan's house, Tan Nengwen's one-bedroom Xiaoyan was pregnant, and he gave birth to a big fat boy in October. Tan Nengwen laughed at his mouth and waited for his son’s birthday banquet to help Xiao Xiao.

This time, the old Tan family is really really incense.

The little aunt mother relied on the child, and became the main room. Gradually, the waist was hardened and the mind was alive. In her view, the property of Lao Tan’s family, except for part of it left to Tan Lingyin as a dowry, the rest of the nature should be the inheritance of his own baby son. But in addition to this pair of children, there is another person named Tan - Tan Qingchen.

This Tan Qingchen is not a mortal family, but he also surnamed Tan, although it is a righteous son, the former master treated him with his own. Even Tan Lingyin is very close to Tan Qingchen. Therefore, the existence of Tan Qingchen is hardly a threat to her son's family. Of course, Tan Qingchen will sell the beggars again, but he will not be able to fight the scorpion. In the future, when the family is separated, the younger son will take the big head, but if the master moves the heart of the sin, it will give more to Tan Qingchen, which is also a great loss for their mother and child. .

With this idea, Tan Qingchen gradually became a nail in her eyes and a stab in the flesh. She only stabbed a thorn at first, and said something about the mulberry, gradually unable to accept, and wanted to pick up Tan Qingchen in the back. It’s a pity that her mind is poisonous enough, but her brain can’t keep up with it, and she is often solved by Tan Qingchen.

Tan Qingchen, who is pure in nature, has lived a lot of days under the fence, and he is more mature than his peers. He is not intriguing, but just refuses. Of course, you can't let others hurt yourself.

Tan Lingyin will often be in the early stage for Tan Qingchen. She had already pulled Tan Qingchen under her own wings. Whoever dared to bully Tan Qingchen was the face of her Tan Lingyin. She was not so irritated, she must return her teeth and return her eyes.

So the aunt took the Tan Lingyin and hated it. From time to time, the names of the two brothers and sisters were taken out and the lord was chanted. The scary thing about the pillow wind is that it is year after year, like dripping water and stone. Tan Nengwen gradually became earned by the mother and son, and was somewhat alienated from Tan Lingyin and Tan Qingchen.

When Tan Lingyin is sixteen years old, it is time to talk about marriage. Because of the beautiful appearance, there are many people who come to the door to ask for love. The marriage of children and children is about the words of the parents, and Tan Ling’s temperament is stubborn. Finally, at the suggestion of her aunt, the father gave her a bureaucratic child.

The so-called government and business collusion is good. This official residence is a pro-family. The man’s father came to the local government to be a prefect. The Tan family married his daughter to his son’s son. Tan Lingyin did not care about this, she asked Tan Qingchen to inquire about the man's character, and learned that it was a complete squatting trousers, not learning nothing, visiting the broth, drinking wine, but also used to be a street murderer. How can such a person be willing to marry, and she is noisy with her one after another. That aunt is full of fun.

Tan Nengwen also has no way. Marrying a daughter to the son of the prefect is of great benefit to Tan’s business. Moreover, he has already received the dowry of the prefecture's family, and he dare not return.

Tan Lingyin saw that it was useless to cry, and it was easy to escape.

She has been a man since she was a child. The good show of the merchants is not as taboo as the family. Therefore, although she is a girl, she has more knowledge than ordinary men. Tan Lingyin went out, not only was not abducted, but also took a lot of money and lived very moist.

It didn't take long for Tan Lingyin to leave. Tan Qingchen found her. He told Tan Lingyin that he should have been looking for her long ago, but he had to help her with her marriage, so it was a little late. In addition, he did not worry about Tan Lingyin, all the problems were solved, and no one would arrest her to go back to the family.

It turned out that since the discovery of Tan Lingyin’s escape from marriage, Tan Qingchen has persuaded Tan Nengwen to focus on how the famous people know how to anger after the truth and how to sue on the Tan family. Tan Nengwen also panicked, afraid that the whole family would suffer, and had to lie, saying that his daughter was unfortunately violent and retired. This marriage is so yellow.

This result is exactly what the aunt is. Now that he has lied to be violent, Tan Lingyin can't come back. Even if he comes back, he can't marry Tan Nengwen's daughter. The dowry that can be assigned is very limited.

After getting things done at home, Tan Qingchen immediately set out to find her sister.

Tan Lingyin saw some world outside, and did not want to go home. Tan Qingchen followed her all the way down, stopped and went, and enjoyed the scenery. When they arrived in Tongling County, the two men were almost entangled in flowers, so they took a bookstore in the county town and started a business.

At this time, the emperor's big marriage has spread all over the world. Because the new empress is very ordinary, and the experience is quite legendary, it is very popular for the ordinary people.

Tan Qingchen sat in the bookstore and listened to a few guys who shy about it. It is said that today's empress is named after the season, this is how the loyalty Ji Qingyun, how.

When Tan Qingchen heard these two names, his heart was like being stunned by someone. His eyes were hot and he shed tears.

Tan Lingyin was busy asking him what was wrong, was he sick?

Tan Qingchen looks sly. He also said that it is not good, in short, the heart is like what is important.

Time flies, and you pass by. Two years later, Tang Tianyuan, the son of Tang Ruoring, the head of the cabinet, was ordered to go to Tongling County to investigate the gold mining.

The wheel of destiny, turning back.

"Please sigh down, please squat, please pay attention"