MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 11 new version update

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  Chapter 11 version update

   In this way, Jiang Yao started to write the announcement.

   And at the moment the other side.

   "Brother, do you feel it?" At this moment, the salted fish that was crawling quickly stopped suddenly.

   "I can feel it! I'm second, it's such a strong feeling!" Feng Qiyun also stopped, and there was a faint hint of excitement in his tone.

   "I have a hunch that this time it will be a super big one! It must be bigger than that brontosaurus!" At this moment, Xianyu is in the same state as the wind and the clouds.

   "Go and have a look!"


   As they spoke, the two quickly ran towards the perceived direction.

   "This feels so intense!"

   "Yes, the last time I met a brontosaurus, my feeling could only be described as normal, but this time my feeling seems to tell me that there is a treasure house in front of me!"

   After crawling like this for about ten minutes, the two soon came to the edge of a cliff.

   "This is it!" The two who came to the edge of the cliff stopped.

   Then I looked down the cliff and saw a huge swamp area below. This swamp was full of all kinds of strange plants, and these plants were not about four or five meters high.

  In addition to plants, the two of them can also see many animals that inhabit the swamp.

  A giant crocodile more than 20 meters long, a giant python more than 30 meters long, and after seeing these creatures, the special feeling between the two of them became even stronger.

   "Hold the grass!"

   "Hold the grass!"

   Almost at the same time, the two exclaimed.

   "This horse is a copy!"

   "I'll bet on a bag of spicy strips, this is definitely a dungeon for earning points! Developed, we developed!" Xianyu said excitedly at this moment.

   "What the **** are I doing standing still! Go down and kill the Quartet!" Feng Qiyun was equally excited in his heart.

"Wait, wait... don't panic!" Looking at the surging salty fish next to him, he immediately stopped him, "Did you forget the thunder dragon before, the ghost knows if this monster has any special abilities, we are only at the first level now It’s definitely not okay for a small rookie to act rashly.”

   "Let's go down first and quietly pull a wild monster to kill it to see the situation! If it's easy to spawn, then we'll be reckless. If it's not easy to kill, then we'll be more careful and adopt tactics of defeating them one by one."

   "Okay! Let's do it like this!" Hearing Xianyu's suggestion, he replied surgingly.

   And just as the two were about to act, an announcement suddenly popped up.

   Zerg OL: version 1.0 era of large-scale construction, version update reminder.

   Zerg OL, the version will be updated in one hour, and the update time is about 3 hours. For details of the update content, please check the official website.

   The two who were preparing to act were also taken aback.

   "It's numb! If you don't update sooner or later, you will update at this time."

   "Yeah, since we want to update, let's download it first, and we'll go straight to it when the update is finished!" Said Xianyu and prepared to go offline.

   "Wait..." Looking at his actions, he immediately stopped him, "You are crazy! Didn't you read the official website prompt? This game is completely based on reality, and there is no offline protection for players offline!

  So we must choose a safe place to go offline, otherwise we might be attacked by some wild monsters when we go offline, and there will be a bunch of skeletons left and it will be embarrassing. "

   "There is still an hour, there is still plenty of time, let's go back to the insect nest and wait for the update to go online before coming back."

  Hearing this, Xianyu also recalled, "I would have forgotten if you didn't say it, it seems that I said so."

   "Playing other games and getting used to this game will not be able to get used to it for a while." After talking, Xianyu glanced at him and then said: "Go back to Jill's nest, you tiger!"

   "We go back to the Worm's Nest. When the game is updated, those goods will definitely be available online. What if they follow us when we go out?"

   "Isn't this point of spawning monsters exposed?"

   Hearing the ups and downs here, he seemed to think of it: "Damn it! You have such a big monster spawn point, you want to take it all by yourself."

   "What the hell? Do it all? What nonsense, this game is originally a game of collecting resources. Whoever finds the resource points and digs them will get it!"

   "We have worked so hard to find this point, so naturally it will be developed by us."

  Hearing the ups and downs here, he thought about it for the same reason, but he always felt that something was wrong, "Would it be good for us to do this?"

   "Not so good? What's wrong with that, the point is that we find out whether we share or not is entirely up to us."

   "This is like your girlfriend, you spend money every day to dress him up beautifully, are you willing to share with other men?"

   Turbulent:. . . . . .

"This swamp is like our girlfriend now. We finally found her and you just wanted to send her out when you came up. You are a typical example of thinking that your head is not green enough." He glanced at Feng Qiyunyong and continued.

   "There are really all kinds of weird players. If you really want to feel that this is not good, you can just pretend that this thing never happened. It is not impossible for me to bear all this by myself."

   "You're thinking about farts! I was just thinking, before you drove the Brontosaurus, everyone came to help, and now there are only a few people in the game, so it's a bit silly for you to open the book directly."

Hearing what he said, Xianyu began to think about it, "This is a problem. Although they were all assigned evolution points in the end, it's just that they came over to help as soon as I asked them. This is more or less a favor. It's a little bad."

   "It's better than this. When we catch the prey, I'll release it and you turn it in. The evolution points we handed in are shared equally. After all, you came to help when driving the brontosaurus, so it makes sense if they find it."

   Turbulent:. . . . . .

   "You are really a talent for riding a horse!" There is nothing to say about his turbulent operations for a while.

   "Okay, don't force yourself. Go find a safe place to dig a hole and go offline. After the update is complete, just open it."

  . . . .

   And after the two of them went offline, they opened the official group, and at this time they suddenly found that there were many newcomers in the group.

  The reason is that the government has issued another nine quotas, and now that the game has become a bit more popular, there are already more than 40 people in the official group.

  At this moment, everyone in the group was making noise in the group.

   "Mengxin, may I ask if the picture quality of this game is really so good?"

   "Whether the picture quality is good or not has little to do with you at the moment, because now you have to get the internal test qualification before you can get a quota to enter the game, and you can only use the official exclusive helmet to enter this game."

   "Mengxin, may I ask if the email with a series of letters sent by the official is the activation code? He also asked me to fill in the delivery address, which means that Mengxin is trembling for fear that his personal information will be leaked. What should I do?"

   "Moe Nima's new! Dogecoin's Versailles!"

   "Damn, why can this kind of Versailles have a place, why don't I!"

   "The European dogs that can't be killed, the African tears that can't be shed!"

   "Men are mortal, and Europeans need a little help."

   "The Versailles Mengxin just now, are you selling it?"

   "Yes, yes, do you have a code to sell?"

   "Don't sell Mengxin! If you sell it, you will lose your code!"

   "I'm the second Olympic Games, I couldn't tell for a while whether you were buying money, selling money, or cursing money."

   "Don't divide it upstairs, it should be more or less occupied."

   It's three o'clock today.

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  (end of this chapter)