MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 424 waiting for an opportunity to attack

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  Chapter 424 Waiting for the opportunity to prepare for the attack

  That's why the planner came up with such a routine, increasing the attributes of these monsters, increasing the index to limit the corruptors, and then it can open more arms with higher attributes. "

  At this time, when they heard what Xianyu said, everyone couldn't help admiring Xianyu. Obviously, what he said made sense to everyone.

  Hearing what Xianyu said at this time, everyone probably knew the next plan. In fact, after they discussed so much, they also had a certain understanding of the current general situation.

   It is also because of these reasons that Salted Fish and their guild decided to temporarily change their operation strategy.

"Actually, through the things we talked about with other players and ourselves now, it is not difficult to see that these technologies are still quite important for the leader, especially for this dungeon, we should not focus on how to destroy the empire. on the battleship."

   "We should focus on how to get the internal technology. Simply put, we only focus on technology. As for other guilds who want to fight the empire, let them fight slowly."

   "Of course, the wave of actions we organized afterwards is essential, because we must let the empire know our attitude.

  In this case, they may spend more energy and time on the existing ruins, which will create more exploration for us in other ruins. "

   "And I have a hunch that the value of these technologies will definitely not be as low as those of the previous technologies."

"If this is the case, we can try to bring one or two technologies back to test the water first. If the selling price is high, then we will continue to develop technology. If the selling price is low, we will see what to do. other routes."

   At this time, when the players are still discussing how to operate in the future, they are on the side of the empire.

At this time, the empire was also very uncomfortable because of the entry of the swarm, because the swarm wandered around in this area, maybe they found the area they were exploring, and then came in to mess with so many of them. Days of hard work in vain.

   If you are unlucky, you may encounter the possibility that the swarms will steal the fruits of their labor, so after considering this factor, the warships that entered the empire later set off for the area where the ruins are located.

  Because this relic empire feels that there must be a lot of goods in it, but what makes them uncomfortable is that the defense of this relic is too exaggerated for them to break through in the short term.

   And when they were trying their best to break through the defense of the ruins as soon as possible, the players who made up their minds also started to act.

  When players come to this area, the first thing they see is a huge tower building floating in space.

  Warships are parked near the building.

   Players who saw this scene naturally knew that these empire warships were now preparing to defend here.

   "This wave of empire brought all the warships over."

   "If that's the case, it's still relatively difficult for us to break through." Speaking of this, the player looked at Xianyu and the others, "By the way, can your Thunder Beast teleport here?"

  Hearing the player's question, Xianyu thought for a while and then replied: "Teleportation is possible, but because of the special environment here, the energy consumption for teleportation is very terrifying.

  I made a preliminary calculation that 1 million energy devourers can only send fifty hatchlings and three hundred banelings there. "

  At this time, everyone was a little bit tongue-tied when they heard Xianyu's words, "It means that tens of millions are enough to teleport such a drop."

   "With such a small amount, basically they didn't take two steps, and they were killed by their focused fire."

   "This is troublesome. The number of teleportation is too small, and there are so many enemy warships. Under such circumstances, this teleportation is simply useless."

   "If we can't use teleportation, we can only force our way in. The fakes copied by Euglena only last a few hours in this area, so it is unrealistic to count on these fakes."

   "That is to say, if we want the empire to fight in this area, we can only ambush them, and now all the warships of the empire are here, and it is definitely impossible to ambush them."

   "The most important thing is that the giant building is floating in the universe without any bunkers around it, which means that once we go out, we will directly expose our whereabouts."

   "In the final analysis, it is impossible to play routines. We can only force ourselves into this wave."

   While the players were still discussing, a player suddenly thought of a good idea.

   "Speaking of which, I have a good idea. All their warships are nested here, which means that their stargate defense is very weak.

   Otherwise, we will send some people to the periphery to destroy the star gate first, and their warships will definitely rush to support them. "

   "When their warships return to support, then let's make another raid to see the situation."

   And hearing this player's suggestion at this time, everyone couldn't help but shine.

  The credibility of this routine is very high. After all, even if they get the technology, they can only go back through the star gate. Therefore, if the players destroy the star gate, the empire must find a way to stop it.

  At that time, they will send out a group of fleets to guard the star gate.

  And the most important thing is that if the fleet they sent to guard the star gate is relatively small, then the players can go back and clean up the fleet stationed there.

  So in order to ensure the safety of the star gate and prevent such things from happening, they will definitely send many warships to the past.

   After they have divided the warships, it will be much easier for the players to come to this side again.

  Thinking of this, the players here immediately started to act, and as the players started to act, the garrison fleet on the empire's side naturally received the information immediately.

   "The commander is not good, there are a lot of bugs on the side of the star gate, and they are destroying the star gate now."

  At this time, after the players arrived, the Imperial Garrison Fleet naturally received the news as soon as possible.

  When the commander of the empire received the news, he was taken aback. Although the hardness of the material used in the star gate was exaggerated, it might not be able to withstand the attack of the swarm.

  Once something happens to the star gate, not only will they not be able to get the technology, but they may even be trapped here forever.

  After thinking of this, the commander immediately mobilized a group of fleets to station at the star gate, but considering that the swarm had many tactics, they only sent more than 200,000 warships in this wave.

The main reason is because they received news that there were only 100,000 bugs attacking the swarm, and he still had a little impression of the total number of swarms, so he guessed that the swarm was most likely to attract them Attention is only sent so little past.

  Of course there is nothing wrong with his thinking, but the initiative as the garrison is always in the hands of others, so his routine was quickly deciphered by the players.

  The number of warships they sent was relatively small, and the players immediately followed the previous plan and dispatched all of them to directly deal with the garrison fleet on the star gate. After dealing with these fleets, the players smoothly destroyed the star gate again.

  Because the environment inside is quite special, some faster ships are used to deliver messages to the area where the empire is currently stationed.

   It is also for this reason that when the commander of the empire received the news, their fleet was completely wiped out, and now it is impossible to send troops to support.

   Regarding this, the commander of the empire immediately thought of the tricks of the bugs. They just wanted to use this method to consume their fleet little by little, but even if he knew the enemy's tricks, he couldn't do anything about it.

After all, they are now in a very passive state. After thinking about it, the commander of a country decided to send half of the fleet back to garrison, and this means that if they fight the swarm, there will be nothing Advantage.

  Because the total force was dispersed, their losses would definitely not be small if they fought against the swarm, but it didn't matter, because for him, as long as he could bring out the contents, all the sacrifices were worth it.

   But it is obvious that they far underestimated the gameplay of the swarm.

   After they divided the fleet into two groups, the players stopped attacking immediately, and then began to search around the galaxy for the location of other ruins.

  According to the current situation, looking at the two formations on the empire's side, any one of them has more numbers than the players. It is really unwise to fight under such circumstances.

  So players need to wait for the opportunity and wait for the empire's fleet to fall to the bottom before launching an attack, because in this area, the empire's warships must keep opening their shields to ensure the safety of their warships.

   This undoubtedly consumes a lot of personnel, so players only need to let them sit for a while, and wait until the energy consumption of their battleships is almost exhausted before launching a surprise attack.

   During this period of time, players put their energy and time into finding other ruins, but when the players started searching, they realized that it was very difficult to find valuable ruins in these areas.

  After exploring for a period of time, the players have a preliminary understanding of this ruin. First of all, the players don't know why this area is so special.

  But players can be sure that there was a civilization here, but this civilization was finally destroyed for some unknown reason, and the technological development level of this civilization is very high.

  They built a large number of space buildings in this galaxy, and some of these space buildings have been fragmented, while some are still well preserved. Naturally, these well-preserved buildings have become the primary goals of players.

   After some searching, the players found many such buildings, but most of them were of little value. Some of the facilities inside these buildings were basically damaged and the stored data disappeared along with them.

  Of course, this situation belongs to the status quo of most of the relics. Of course, there are some valuable relics in these relics, and these relics are relatively well preserved, so it is very likely that relatively complete scientific and technological materials are stored inside.

Of course, this is not absolute. There may be some irrelevant things stored inside some ruins. Whether you can get good goods depends on luck, and it is very difficult to bring out the things inside the ruins. .

  Because if they want to get inside, the players must break through the defenses of these ruins, but the defenses of these ruins are extremely strong, and the players try their best to cause him little damage, but this is also understandable.

   After all, being able to preserve it for such a long period of time would have explained its strength.

  Because of this reason, the players have basically gained nothing during this period of time. First of all, the defense factor of the ruins itself is very high, and it takes a very long time to forcefully break through.

   And it depends on luck after breaking it open. If you are unlucky, there is a high possibility that there are some irrelevant technologies stored in it, and these technologies will not be sold for much money at all.

  And the technologies stored in most of the ruins here are basically useless, so most of the players are in a state of busy work during this period of time.

   Only a very small number of them drive so many useful things, and these things can't actually be sold for much money.

   After tossing around for a while, the players finally gave up their search plan and turned their attention to the ruins where the empire was stationed.

  The defense coefficient of a ruin is even more exaggerated. The empire has tossed there and still hasn't destroyed its defense, and the most important thing is that the size of the ruin is obviously much larger than those found by the players.

  So players generally believe that maybe only that piece of ruins is really valuable.

   At this time, after several months of tossing, the empire finally opened the door to the ruins. Naturally, after opening the defense, the empire immediately sent warships to investigate the situation.

  The situation on the side of the natural empire has also been thoroughly seen by the players who have been monitoring them around. After knowing the news, the players gathered again and prepared to launch a wave of attacks.

  And the most important thing is that after such a long period of tossing, the state of the empire is not particularly good, so although there is still a gap in the number of the two sides in this wave, the probability of players winning will be higher.

   At this time, the players in the empire will come, which is actually within their expectation.

  Because they already knew that their area had been exposed a long time ago, and the group of bugs hadn't launched an attack, but they were just reaping the benefits of fishing.

  The Imperial Commander who has a thorough understanding of the current situation naturally has a corresponding strategy. He is going to use the warships here as cannon fodder to consume the enemy, and wait until the swarm has almost cleaned up their warships.

  Then there are probably not many bugs left on the side of the bug swarm, and their warships stationed outside the star gate can come directly to clean up the remaining bugs, so basically this area is safe.

  (end of this chapter)