MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1154 smoldering (4)

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On a spring morning, there is still mist among the mountains in Fujian, and the winding road passes through the ridge ahead to a small county not far away. Qu Longjun and Ning Ji frowned when they saw the figures beside the tea stall at the corner of the road ahead.

"Is that... the group of people from last night..."

"Killing Tolerance at night, and daring to block people on the road during the day, it's boring, these things."

"Do you want to hide?"

"No, let's see what they are doing...Maybe it's not blocking us."

Although he didn't care about these little bandits in the mountains in terms of skills, Ning Ji, who came from the southwest, was a little shocked that these gangsters who had just committed crimes dared to appear on the road so swaggeringly.

At this time, Meng Piao, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, had already seen the two people approaching—after fighting at night, Ning Ji was unparalleled in domineering, and everyone listened to his words. A skilled master, it was daytime at this time, and he could see clearly from tens of feet away, and the expression on his face became uncertain. When he pointed out someone, the companions around also frowned and questioned him.

"Didn't it mean that I met two men with sharp mouths and monkey cheeks, who would beat anyone they saw..."

After a group of people were beaten, they went back and described the enemy as ferocious. When they met at this time, it was not the same thing. But even at night, the image of one of the two being a master with a sword and the other carrying a pair of knives is very clear. Looking at it at this time, it is worthy of the name, not to mention that after the two sides made eye contact, the eyes of the young man with the two knives changed. Feeling bad, he swept across the crowd viciously, and knew their origin after watching.

"...If I have such a good-looking appearance, why would I commit any fornication? Where would there be no girls here?"

Among the crowd, someone muttered.

"Shut up!" Seeing the approaching people, the elder brother who took the lead among the crowd gave an order in a low voice, and then said: "A romantic figure from the land of Jiangnan, that's called fun, you know nothing!"

Everyone learned a new principle of life and stopped talking. They didn't know it, and the distance between the two sides was too far, so the other party couldn't hear what they said, otherwise there would be another conflict.

At this moment, the two sides had finished looking at each other, and after confirming that it was the two of them from last night, the elder brother who took the lead just cupped his hands and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Two heroes, two young heroes." The eldest brother who took the lead was not burly, but thin and lean, but he had a friendly smile and a low voice. He stopped at a place not far away, "Your Majesty came to Pucheng, and it was full of brilliance. I was disappointed. I was in Xiapucheng Yu Hezhang. I heard last night that my brother offended the two heroes. Today I am here to apologize. Forgive, forgive... "

His attitude is polite and his advances and retreats are well-founded, which can give people a good impression for a while, but Ning Ji couldn't get angry. At this time, he looked at the crowd again, and frowned angrily: "There are so many people here, not to find fault, but also What is it for? You are angry in your heart, draw the line, and it doesn’t matter if you fight.”

"Never fight, never cause trouble." The leader named Yu He Zhang had an unexpectedly gentle attitude, and he didn't seem like a Jianghu person. He waved his hand and saw that the two seemed not interested in talking to them Da, hurriedly said again, "To be honest with you two heroes, Yu is a native of Pucheng County. Bypassing this mountain road, the first house in the village over there is where Yu's house is located. I am a local landlord. I also practiced martial arts when I was young, and I have always admired the heroes and heroes of the Tao. Whenever there are brothers from other places, Yu Mou is willing to be a landlord..."

His attitude was sincere, Ning Ji and Qu Longjun didn't want to talk too much, they just walked forward: "We have something to do, but we are not interested in making friends, so do you want to force it?"

"No such intention." Yu He Zhang followed, "It's just that since last year, the situation in Fujian has changed dramatically, and many things have happened in the rivers and lakes. The two young heroes came from other places and encountered such a misunderstanding last night. Could it be that you are not at all curious about the reason? The two heroes met by chance. Yu knew that there was nothing he could do to win the trust of the two, but I had no malicious intentions. I just knew that the two heroes were highly skilled in martial arts. For the righteousness of the world in Fujian, There are some things I would like to exchange with the two of you, one is to prevent the misunderstanding from last night from happening again, and the other is... I do have the intention of making friends, but everything is based on the wishes of the two of you. Yu promises that after we finish talking, The two of you can start the journey, and Yu will give you a piece of Cheng Yi, so you won't bother the two of you. Of course, if the two want to linger in Pucheng, and you think Yu is okay, then the rest of the meal, lodging and play are fine too. Due to an arrangement, how?"

This person's attitude was displayed, Ning Ji and Qu Longjun looked at each other, really puzzled, frowned and said: "Just talking?"

Yu He Zhang nodded: "Just talk."

Qu Longjun said: "Let's leave after we finish talking?"

Yu Hezhang said: "Never make things difficult."

He watched the two move their minds, and spread his hands forward: "The next house is not far in front, or... two steps away?"

Qu Longjun shook his head, pointed to the tea stand: "It's right here."

"The tea stall is also my home." Yu Hezhang smiled and spread his hands, "There is no malice, please."

Ning Ji and Qu Longjun looked at each other, then walked to the tea stand beside them and sat down.


The small tea stall is located at the corner of the road, just a small thatched shed built on the side of the mountain road. Over the view of the tea stall, you can see the village in the front of the mountain where the mountain people live together and built a wall, which is based on He Zhang’s The house looks pretty good at first glance, but in the distance, the city wall of Pucheng County can be seen faintly along with the extension of the road.

The tea stalls used only earthenware pots and bowls in the mountains. To show his sincerity, Yu He Zhang brewed tea slowly, but Ning Ji and Qu Longjun naturally did not drink it. After the hot tea was poured, Yu Hezhang said, "I don't know what the two young heroes are asking for when they come to Fujian this time."

Qu Longjun looked at him with a cold face: "What you said just now is that you have something to say, but now that you sit down, is it an interrogation?"

"No such intention." Yu Hezhang smiled, "It's just that there are some things, if you know the purpose of the two of you, then it's better to talk about it... Well, then, I will talk about it myself, but I don't know, the two of you Are you familiar with the situation in Fujian?"

He picked up the tea bowl and took a sip. This time, he did not wait for the two of them to respond, and said: "Fujian Road, since ancient times, it is said that there are seven mountains, two waters and one field. There are many mountains here. It's not a good place. Taiping is a place of exile. In troubled times, refugees from all over the world move in. Because they come from other places, they are called Hakka. It is also because there are a large number of foreigners living in this wild mountain. Survival is not easy, so they live in groups, and the clan is quite united."

He smiled: "However, although it is such a difficult place to live in, I have been in Fujian for many years, and I have been quite obsessed with the king. In the past, every clan always produced a scholar and sold it to the emperor's family. This is a great event that I, a Fujianese, understand. And when it comes to these years, what is the biggest thing? The shame of Jingping, the fall of the south of the Yangtze River, the first two years... Xinjun was desperate, and went all the way to Fuzhou by sea. Everyone in Fujian, from the bottom of my heart, feel honored by this grand event."

"However, after this incident, things are not as good as we thought."

Yu Hezhang took a sip of tea and paused.

"You two young heroes, come here from outside. In the past, I don't know if you have heard of what happened here. After the new king came here, most of us naturally supported him from the bottom of our hearts, but ah …Last year, many unpleasant things happened. There were conspiracies, assassinations, and rebellions. In the middle of last year, several large merchants were beaten. The great rebellion, the assassination of the king and the killing of the king, were all ransacked after being defeated by the new king, and the surviving members of several clans are still wanted by the court. In the eyes of outsiders, I am afraid that it is really troublesome."

When he said this, Qu Longjun on the opposite side smiled slightly: "You all kept killing yellow dogs last night. I'm afraid you don't take His Majesty's side in this matter."

"Long Shaoxia is very discerning." Yu Hezhang did not hide it, and lifted the tea bowl with a smile, "From the perspective of outsiders, I am afraid that in the whole of Fujian, there are many people who are dissatisfied with Wang Hua. But today, in front of discerning people, Yu Mou only said one thing. Since the arrival of the new king, the taxes paid by the people in Pucheng County have more than doubled compared to the past. The tragedy of killing each other happened."

"Why is that?" Qu Longjun asked.

Yu Hezhang paused for a moment before slowly opening his mouth: "...There are of course many reasons for this, but the most important... I am afraid that the new king is young and energetic, and he was bewitched by the people around him, so he appointed new people wantonly instead of old people. This In the past two years, the officials sent down from the top acted arbitrarily and brutally, often arousing public grievances and even killing many villagers. You two, look at Pucheng, where there are many mountains and few fields, and life is difficult. The increase is almost doubled, and the mountain people in Fujian are struggling to survive..."

What he said was heartbroken and righteous. Qu Longjun sneered, "Although I didn't inquire, the double tax may not be due to the emperor's increase."

Yu Hezhang raised his hand: "Young Master Long knows everything, but the two of you have made up your mind about this matter all the way south, so you don't have to lie here. Fujian is a place with high mountains and dense forests, and mountain people from all over the country form their own villages. Bao, this is helpless. In the past, the taxes of the mountain people were collected by the local elders, and the taxes were collected from the people and used for the people. A lot of money collected would have been spent in his own village, but the new king came to Fujian , there are 200,000 officers and soldiers under his command. If he wanted to raise soldiers, where would he get the money? So he sent all kinds of officials to suppress the villagers with various excuses, and only wanted to collect the money for raising soldiers... There is no better way than So, these things, the two of you will gradually understand."

He was very confident about this matter, and Ning Ji also laughed: "No wonder, to put it bluntly, what Yu Yuanwai is doing is a big cause of rebellion. Could it be that he wants to invite our brothers to join the gang?"

"No such intention! Absolutely no such intention!" Yu Hezhang waved his hand resolutely, "Who dares to do such a thing as rebellion, two heroes, there are several rich families in Fuzhou, and now the **** grave The smell is still gone... The new king is a promising king who was killed on the battlefield. Under him, Han Gongzhen's navy and Yue Gong's Beiwei army, which one is not strong and strong, even with the power of the entire Fuzhou, who would dare to be its leader? Forward. I don’t want to mention this matter, Yu Mou stopped the two of them today to confide his heart, and it was definitely not for such an unwise thing.”

Ning Ji became more interested at this time, and stopped pretending to be cold: "Then what do you want to do?"

Yu Hezhang lowered his head and held the tea bowl, and was silent for a moment: "This is related to the question I asked just now."

He raised his head and looked at the two people: "You two... Fujian people are miserable. Your Majesty was deceived, and the employers did not check, which led to the rampant treachery and the people's livelihood, but even if they rebelled? Several big merchants and big clans are in front of them. He couldn't defeat His Majesty's army either. There were even people who stabbed him last year, but ah, Tie Tianying, the court's eagle dog, gathered a group of villains. Under the hot hand."

"Tie Tianying." Ning Ji frowned and snorted coldly, "I know the name."

"How old is the young hero?" Yu Hezhang stared at Ning Ji.

"The older generation has made a bridge, and it has not been solved yet." When he said this, his eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand and slapped it on the tea table with a bang. Without moving, a palm print has already been left on the hard wood. He really wanted to kill someone. Seeing Yu Hezhang, his eyes were full of surprise, but Ning Ji raised his eyebrows: "You say what you want, don't worry about me."

"Yes." Yu Hezhang cupped his hands, "In addition to Tie Tianying, there are many other people around the new king who help the evil and abuse the king. There is a great Confucian named Li Pin who is good at telling lies, there is the eldest princess Zhou Pei who is good at winning people's hearts, and Many hawks, dogs, and vicious people gather, so if you confront them head-on, you will die."

"Then what can we do in such a situation?" He spread his hands, "...until the end of last year, after Pu, Chen, Rong and other big families were wiped out, there was the hero Cao Jinlong who was favored by the Pu family In Putian, he killed seven various officials sent by his superiors, and his family members were also killed by eagles and dogs, which shocked the whole of Fujian, and we, the green forest people, gradually gained a backbone."

"Since the end of last year, under the encouragement of the hero Cao Jinlong, the son of the Pu family Pu Xingui, the daughter of the Chen family Chen Shuangran, and others, our green forest people in Fujian have begun to respond to this loyalty and spontaneously rise up to kill yellow dogs. The two heroes think about it, what a feat this is. The whole Fujian people spontaneously gathered for righteousness... The officers and soldiers are powerful, the eagles and dogs are powerful, and no big family can say that they are going to rebel. We have always respected Wang Hua, But he can't stop so many outrageous people, green forest heroes, who killed a tax collector and ran into the mountains of Fujian, where would he go after him... This matter is the righteousness of our Fujian today!"

When Yu Hezhang talked about this time, he was stunned to see it. Ning Ji and Qu Longjun looked at each other, only then did they understand many things, Qu Longjun then frowned slightly: "Could it be... for righteousness?"

Yu Hezhang smiled: "The most important thing is of course for righteousness. But on the other side... We big families from all over Fujian, although it is impossible to say that I have opinions on His Majesty, but in private, those who understand righteousness are Where there will be less, even though there is no support on the surface, secretly, there are rewards for the heads of the yellow dogs. In addition, there are righteous men from all over the place who have killed traitors and are willing to help if they encounter any difficulties. That is everywhere. Therefore, no matter whether it is fame or fortune, our current Fujian will not chill the hearts of righteous people."

When he said this, he paused slightly: "Actually, the two young heroes, Fujian is a barren place. In the past, there were not many foreign heroes. These things have happened in the past two years, but outside, here There is a martial arts competition, where is Huahua World, when these things happened last year, we said, can we go outside to find some heroes to help us fight, and defeat Tie Tianying and his lackeys? We even thought about inviting the number one in the world Master Lin Zongwulin came to uphold justice, but he couldn't even invite him."

"...At the end of last year, I heard that a pair of sons and daughters of Yue Fei, one named Yue Yinping and the other named Yue Yun, set up a ring in Fuzhou. They were invincible opponents in three mountains and five mountains. Alas, it is heartbreaking , It's chilling, oh, I heard that the woman named Yue Yinping is beautiful, but relying on the official family and the prestige of her father, General Yue, no man dared to defeat her in Fuzhou. It's really... lack of discipline ah!"

He talked about Yue Yinping's matter here, and stared at the two people in front of him for a while.

Ning Ji nodded: "General Yue is the closed disciple of Iron Arm Zhou Tong. His sons and daughters should have acquired the true teachings of Five Step Thirteen Spears and Fanzi Quan. If you still learn from others, it's not surprising that you can't beat them."

Qu Longjun looked at the other party: "Go on."

"Oh." Yu Hezhang nodded, "Yu So-and-so, this is on the main road between the north and the south, and I admire the sacrifices of the heroes from all walks of life in Fujian, so I always think about doing something. Therefore, Whenever there are heroes passing by from south to north, someone Yu can't help but tell these things a little bit, just like what I said before, there was a misunderstanding, and the two heroes were vigilant, that's inevitable, but The heroes who come to Fujian, whether it is for righteousness or for fame and fortune, if they are really willing to take action? Or do they just do something? That is also a great deed for the country and the people..."

"Two heroes, Yu Mou didn't hide it. We are all in Fujian. We respect Wang Hua. No one will rebel if you rebel. But these corrupt officials around the emperor, if you can't see them, you can kill them naturally. From here to Fuzhou, the two of you, whenever the head of a yellow dog falls to the ground, the big clans all over the place will pay you money and pay for your hard work. As long as the two of you just observe carefully, there are loyal people like this person everywhere Yes. This is why my brother just asked the two of you why you came to Fujian..."

When he said this, he lowered his voice. Qu Longjun on the opposite side looked calm, but Ning Ji had already laughed: "You all want to rebel, that Cao Jinlong, Pu Xingui, etc., are they your uplines?"

"Hey, it's all righteous deeds. How can we go online? In fact, these righteous men who are really at the top, if they can't escape the hunting of eagles and dogs, they will probably die. Although we are loyal, we are just fighting against some corrupt officials. It offended Long Yan."

"But it doesn't matter, I'm not a good person." Ning Ji raised his head, "What you said is really interesting."

Then of course I know that you are not a good person... Yu Hezhang said in his heart, but smiled on his face, and then introduced in a low voice the amount of rewards for killing "yellow dogs" in various places, and then said:

"Actually, Yu didn't dare to point fingers at what the two young heroes were going to do. However, he also knew that the two young heroes were very skilled, and there was also a lively scene. He wanted to tell the two heroes... the two heroes also knew, Fuzhou is now a dangerous place where eagles and dogs gather. Heroes from all walks of life have gone there many times to fight against Tie Tianying, Yue Yinping, Yue Yun and others. I will give up once or twice. Now, the Cao Jinlong and Cao Daxia just mentioned, as well as Pu Xingui, Chen Shuangran and other righteous sons and daughters, I heard that they are all in Fuzhou, gathering strength, and waiting for the opportunity to do some big things... Interested, as I said just now, if the young hero wants to kill the evil Tie Tianying for the elders in the family, he might as well go to Fuzhou and find some companions. Yu Mou has some clues about this, for example: Tong Fu Inn…"

Above the tea stand, Yu Hezhang lowered his voice and explained in detail. Of course, he wouldn't talk too much about specific things, but as long as the two of them are willing to "kill yellow dogs" or go to Fuzhou to do some assassination The matter of Wang's murder was enough for them to find some clues. After these topics were finished, Yu Hezhang asked again whether the two of them intended to stay in Pucheng County for a period of time and try to kill a few "yellow dogs". Someone sent Cheng Yi a ten tael silver.

When the two left the tea stand and went to the county seat, they finally understood a large part of the current situation in Fujian. Now in the whole of Fujian, almost no one dares to oppose the small imperial court in Fuzhou on the surface. However, the big clans in various places secretly support countless desperadoes and begin to wantonly assassinate officials sent from above. These "righteous men" Each of them is an individual act, but clans from all over the country secretly reward silver and cover the escape and hiding of these "righteous men".

The little emperor, who used the slogan "respect the king and fight against the barbarians" to try to mobilize the bottom and seize power from the big clan, was submerged in the vast ocean of such a strange "people's war".

It's just that I don't know how intense this kind of thing is in all parts of Fujian.

Qu Longjun has read books, so he naturally understands the meaning of these things. As for Ning Ji, who has received more similar knowledge in the southwest, when both sides talk about it, strange feelings arise in their hearts. Qu Longjun laughed and said, "Then... You said they went to Fuzhou, did they want to kill the emperor again, or kill the lackeys around the emperor? And...Xiaolong, what do you want to do?"

Ning Ji thought for a while: "Actually... this little emperor has a good reputation in the Southwest. UU Reading also has a group of Zuo family brothers who have participated in the Huaxia Army. Now they are helping them carry out reforms. What? Puppies like Cao Jinlong want to cause damage, so of course I want to help them get rid of Cao Jinlong. But..."

He paused for a moment, then looked at Qu Longjun, his expression slightly complicated: "If possible, I will meet the siblings of the Yue family, and then... kill that dog named Tie Tianying."

Qu Longjun also looked at him, and then understood the meaning in his eyes, smiled, and took his hand.

"It's fine."

she said.

"At that time, I will hide first."

In the morning, there were not many pedestrians on the mountain road, so Ning Ji also squeezed her hand. Laughed foolishly...

The two entered the city all the way, and their expectations for Fuzhou finally became concrete at this point...