MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1157 smoldering (7)

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The howling night wind swirls in the mountains, and the figures chasing and slashing are also scurrying through the mountains. The dark vision and the slopes of the rugged area make the men who slashed behind fall to the ground and roll in the grass, but Then he got up again, shouting and chasing after him. After a while, the two of them fought and tumbled into the stream between the slopes.

The staggering fights and collisions are all like conditioned reflexes that have been cultivated for a long time. The soldiers who were chasing and killing threw away the steel knives on their bodies and still swung their fists. His eyes were equally ferocious, as if he had returned to the Northland. He had imagined countless times that he would fight back after being discovered by the enemy. He picked up the wooden stick he picked up from the water and smashed it on the opponent's shoulder. On the head and face, until the young soldier was beaten bloody, and fell to the edge of the stream.

Tang Minjie had actually been stabbed several times, standing in the stream under the moonlight, gasping for breath.

If it was on flat ground, he would not be the opponent at all. It is very likely that he would have been killed by the opponent after a few stabs. However, he took advantage of the familiar terrain during his hasty escape, and this result was just now.

The cold wind blowing at night, he looked down the mountain, and what he thought of was the figures of two Huaxia Army soldiers who were pushed high in the methane explosion...killing one of them...

At this moment, he was also slightly confused, not knowing why he wanted to run up the mountain. He looked down and saw that torches had already been lit in the farms and villages, and crowds were gathering...

I was stunned for a while.

He went to check the condition of the fallen soldier by the stream, then took out a rope and tied the soldier's hands, picked up the steel knife again, and dragged him forward.

At the foot of the mountain, in the 223 Agricultural Research Institute, a few security personnel have gathered, and other personnel in the institute have also taken knives, guns and plows, and gathered towards the composting field.

The middle-aged soldier checked his companions with red eyes. One of them had been killed on the spot, but the other was still breathing—to be precise, he was already in a dying state. A doctor with a little medical skill came over and was doing his best. .

Chen Cirang came over to check the situation, and the other party notified his name: This middle-aged soldier is now the team leader of the Wenpu County Working Group, his name is Fang Lu, and his rank in the army is not low, at least Chen Cirang is completely out of reach. kind of height.

Knowing that it was Tang Minjie who had covered up the landlord in the accident and now escaped, Chen Renrang, who felt that the matter was not simple, defended him a few words, asking if there was a misunderstanding in this matter, Fang Lu pointed at his dead companion and went mad: "This is called Misunderstanding! You call this a misunderstanding! You call this a misunderstanding!?"

Chen Cirang knew that Tang Minjie's past was not simple, but of course he didn't dare to talk back now, and then he could only accept the other party's deployment: "You are locals, call everyone who can be called, guard the escape route around you, be sure to To catch him, I will interrogate myself."

The people in the village have also gathered.

Fang Lu went to his companion on the other side, and the "cripple" also came over: "Xiao Yu chased after him immediately, but there is no news yet, so I'm afraid he's on the wrong track. Also... so many outsiders come, will things be disturbed?" Babel?"...

"The person who came back from the spy line is difficult to deal with. I expected it at first. But something happened to him, why didn't he run to a crowded place? Why didn't he shout?" Fang Lu's eyes were red and he was also a little confused at this moment. Looking around, after thinking for a moment, he said, "If there are as many people as there are people, let's look for it together, let's go together, try our best...kill him on the spot."

Everyone nodded, gripped their weapons tightly, and walked up the mountain.

The mountain behind Xiaoye Village is not small, Tang Minjie dragged the soldiers of the Huaxia Army, marched up the mountain, walked for a while, the other party shook his head, and gradually became more sober, Tang Minjie forced him with a steel knife, went to the mountain deep walk.

The young soldier's head was covered with blood, and his consciousness was not very clear for a while, so was Tang Minjie. This sudden incident has shattered the dreams he had experienced in the past six months. He didn't even know what he was going to do next, how to do it, or even why he was going to do it...

Shouldn't have touched these things.

The night before, hid in the dung bucket

The accusation made by the wounded Qiu Yuanwai to the Huaxia Army working group made him curious. The other party was seriously injured, and the evidence was actually insufficient. He said something, and he didn't know whether to believe it for a while, so he just subconsciously He made some arrangements carefully and waited for the other party to throw himself into the trap.

If the other party is open and frank, everything will be carried out in an upright manner, and someone will come to him to make formal inquiries and negotiations with him—he also believes that this should be the process.

All reactions are subconscious. Too skilled.

So much so that Tang Minjie didn't even know how to be in a good mood when the other party came to kill him.

The scene where the biogas pit killed two people hit him with a sap on the head even more. Why bother? Why did you come to this point all of a sudden?

At a certain moment, I heard the soldier in front of me cough violently, spit out a mouthful of blood, and cursed through gritted teeth: "...Why? Why... You are a bastard, why... You have the guts to kill me! Kill me !"

Tang Minjie was silent, but then said: "I'm sorry..."

"You can't live." The other said, "You know you can't live... You know they are all heroes, my brother, they all killed the golden dog in **** battles, what are you, you are a coward! You were killed Sending someone to pick up dung is kneeling down to the enemy! You bastard! I told you that you can’t live—”

Tang Minjie pushed him forward with a knife, and partly agreed with what the other party said.

"But you...why would you do such a thing..."

"We...we are for the good of the Huaxia Army..."

"No." Tang Minjie shook his head, "You force people to sign the land deed, and then kill the whole family. After the land reform is completed, you rely on the land deed to get money, and there are other transactions in the middle..."

"Blood! You have no proof—"

"It can't be hidden. It's easy to find out if you check this matter. The temporary land deed must be forged to show that you still have your own friends in the government. But many people in the local area know which lands belonged to the Qiu family in the past. You can To deceive outsiders, but as long as the investigation has a direction, it is easy to get the bottom of it..."...


" come to kill me, it means you are not asking yourself. How did you become like this..."

"..." The night wind blew across the hills and the leaves in the woodland, the soldier was silent for a moment, " can you accuse me of betraying your comrades?"

"I don't mind you killing people, even if it's a little extreme, it doesn't matter, I didn't want to care about it." Tang Minjie said, "But the Huaxia Army can't become like this, because it's public and private..."

"For personal gain?" The young soldier smiled and tilted his head, "This world was brought down by us."

Tang Minjie looked at him.

"It was my brother who fought it down!" said the other party, "It was fought down, desperately, do you know how many brothers died early, how many brothers were disabled, and how many brothers left behind a whole family. You coward Do you know? The Huahua World in Chengdu today belongs to someone else? Do you know how many brothers’ family members I have, who can’t see them when they’re sick and can’t use good medicine? Do you know that we went to Chengdu, A year's allowance is not enough to touch a girl's hand?"

Tang Minjie didn't speak.

"Isn't it vulgar? Bastards? But what are we all fighting for? To live a good life, shouldn't we? We've worked so hard to want our family to go to the big city to feel proud, shouldn't we? I arrived in my teens Working hard in the army, injured and hungry, I want a beautiful girl, shouldn’t it? Especially those brothers who have died, their families, children, have a future that is no worse than anyone else, shouldn’t it Why did you become a soldier? In the past, whoever served as a soldier was not in order to exchange their lives for money or future, only the Huaxia Army... We are the strongest army in history! But there is no best thing!"

"...For wounded soldiers, the army has arranged for doctors and recuperation, for Weishuang and children. I know that the higher-ups have made arrangements for them. Don't talk nonsense."

"There is an arrangement, but it is an ordinary arrangement, an ordinary residence, an ordinary school, but have you visited Chengdu?

, look at those people, they have all kinds of good things, all kinds of novelty gadgets, fine clothes and fine food, you know those of us who go to the city with the children of our comrades-in-arms, look at those good things, we can't afford it ? Do you know what it's like when we can't afford it and the companions around us have broken legs? "

"So you want to be greedy?"

"We, our boss...raised the children of nineteen comrades-in-arms, we gave him the best, we spent the money here, with a clear conscience!"

"So..." Tang Minjie paused, "It's not just this land reform, you took the money did you get it?"

The soldier was slightly stunned, and after a while, he smiled: "Those comrades in the working group are right. Redemption is not the solution. Keep these landlords. Sooner or later, they will dig our roots with resentment. Only Killing them is a once-for-all matter, and we only resell their land to the top at the lowest price, anyway, they will not be used after they die. If we do this once, everyone will live a good life and no one will be affected. Hurt. You coward, don’t you understand? The land is divided equally, and no one with opinions stays. Our Huaxia Army spends the least money, and all the heroes’ families will live a good life. This is the best As a result, this is the best result—"...

After he spoke, he suppressed his voice and let out an almost low-pitched growl. Tang Minjie closed his eyes, and the sigh in his throat was almost a moan.

The two walked for a while, and stopped at a cave-like depression in the mountains, and sat on the ground. Tang Minjie was in a daze, and so was the other party, but after a moment of silence, the other party looked over with **** eyes.

"You killed my brother, you can't live..."

He said this, and after a while, he said again: "Do you know, we didn't intend to kill you, we wanted to chat, we originally wanted to... just cooperate with you. But it ended like this..."

After a while: "Where did you hide Qiu?"

Tang Minjie sat there in a daze, and sighed: "...not in 223."

"Still at the **** station?"

"..." Tang Minjie looked at him, he didn't know whether to appreciate or feel sorry for his perseverance, but finally he showed a sarcastic smile: "He was injured too badly and hid in the dung bucket. Halfway through his words, he was gone."

"..." The young soldier opened his mouth, "You deliberately..."

"Hmm..." sighed, "I thought there would be a good result, I thought... it was certain..."

"Hehe...hehe..." The soldier also laughed ironically, and then said again: "You killed my brother, you can't live..."

The night wind outside the cave was blowing, and there were also faint voices from the bottom of the mountain. The two rested for a while, Tang Minjie did not move, but the young soldier did not give up, and said after a while: "Why don't you run?"

After a while, he said again, "What did you do outside?"

Tang Minjie ignored him, and only once when he said "you killed my brother" and made a curse, he slowly opened his mouth: "It should be called 'comrade,'."

The young soldier seemed to be slightly taken aback, but then he said word by word: "...You deserve it too?"

Tang Minjie stopped talking.

Time passed bit by bit in the wind, and the mountain gradually spread. Tang Minjie leaned against the wall of the cave, but he didn't intend to leave anymore. His thoughts were a little chaotic, recalling the peace of the past six months, but Just a slight movement of evil thoughts, after all, two more people were killed. He knew that the young soldiers in the cave were still gently grinding the rope in his hand on the stone wall, Tang Minjie knew he should stop it, but he just didn't bother to speak.

He even dozed off slightly.

I don't know when it was at night, but there was movement from outside. Tang Minjie opened his eyes, looked at the soldier on the opposite side, and then raised his long knife: "Don't speak." But the soldier stood up, and the rope behind his He untied it, and there was a loud shout in his mouth: "Here—"

This sound tore through the night sky. This side was originally a small hole formed by the depression of the stone wall. The distance between the two of them was not far. Tang Minjie waved his hand casually, and the knife was already pressed on the other party's neck, but the young man laughed: "Hurry up."

Come on, here—you do it! It’s kind of killing me—”

Tang Minjie didn't do anything.

In the night not far away, the middle-aged soldier had already rushed over. There was no musket here, and he held a bow in his Tang Minjie held the young soldier with a knife before, but the other party struggled violently: "I'm not afraid of death! There is a way to do it! Bastard! Do it—Lutou, Qiu Zishu is already dead, and he killed him by cheating on him. This **** dare not do it, kill him, kill him!" he-"

Fang Lu held his bow and looked at this side with red eyes: "My two brothers are dead... who are you?"

"Kill him, Lu Tou, before those people come..."

The young soldier struggled fearlessly, Tang Minjie let him go with a sigh. Holding the knife, he looked at Fang Lu on the opposite side and shook his head: "Why did you do such a thing?"

In the sky, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, but he thought, it doesn't matter. He decided to stop here.

The peace of the past six months flashed through his mind, but it quickly became far away. What was more in front of him was the howling wind and snow in the north that smelt of blood, which had been haunting him ever since his sister died. Endless pain. For him, death was a moment long overdue.

Lu Mingfang. I've waited too long, uselessly wasted...

angry banana