MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 12

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Ling Xiao quickly made a decision!

"System, upgrade my spell master level to low-grade, and also upgrade my exercises to low-grade, and also upgrade my medical proficient to low-grade, and Da Yan Zhuxie to upgrade to middle-grade!"

After Ling Xiao thought about it, he spoke directly to the system.

"Ding...Accept the order and start the upgrade!"

The system also responded quickly.


As the system's voice just fell, a majestic memory flooded into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​consciousness like a flood.

Most of them are the memories of the spell master.

Because the spell master's memory contains all the lower grades, as well as all the description methods of human-level spells.

You know, as a Maoshan Taoist priest, the most important withdrawal of strength is the spell.

Powerful spell masters can use spells to summon wind and rain, summon thunder tribulations to kill powerful zombies and ghosts.

However, spells are difficult to cultivate, and each spell has a different way of portraying it to learn.

At the same time, you also need to input your own infuriating energy when you draw, and the input infuriating energy will be adjusted with each stroke.

This complex process, if there is no talent in this area, it may not be possible to learn the simplest way to describe a spell in a few years.

Just like Wencai, he has a stupid talent, and he can't draw it on a piece of talisman paper until now.

Qiusheng is better, he can draw two or three kinds of the simplest spells of low-level people.

Although Ling Xiao's talent is strong, in the past ten years of cultivation, he has only learned more than ten ways to describe spells.

The most powerful one has reached the top grade of the human rank, that is, the evil talisman of Maoshan Town.

But now Ling Xiao's mind directly appeared in tens of thousands of different levels of rune depiction methods, each of which had at least one or two years, as many as decades of cultivation memory.

These memories add up to hundreds of thousands of years.

Several other memories were not worth mentioning at all in front of him.

And this time, it took Ling Xiao a long time to digest all these memories.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your spell master level has been upgraded to: low-grade earth, consumption burning point: 1700!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your Taiqinglu level has been upgraded to: low-grade earth, burning point consumption: 1000! Infuriating strength * 250%!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your medical proficiency level has been upgraded to: low-grade, burning point consumption: 1700!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, Taoism, the level of Da Yan Zhuxie Slash has been upgraded to: low-grade earth, burning point consumption: 5000!"


Soon, after all the memories of the system had been transmitted, there was a beep after another in Ling Xiao's mind.

Ling Xiao, who heard the beep, also directly opened the current attribute table.


Property sheet!

Name: Ling Xiao

Different Fire: Qinglian Earth Heart Fire! (Need for next fire awakening: 10000 burning points)

Realm: Earth Master First Layer (0/5000)

Occupation: Spellmaster (Lower Earth Grade, 0/3000)

Cultivation method: Taiqing Luren Master Chapter (Lower Grade, 0/3000)

Taoism: Spirit Fire Slash (high-grade human-level, 0/1000) Great Yanxie Slash (high-grade, 0/7000) Yanlong Step (low-grade, 0/3000) Medical Proficiency (low-grade, 0/ 3000)

Item: Hundred-year fire mahogany sword (middle grade, 0/5000)

Burn Point: 440


"According to my current strength and my Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, without using the divine art, it is estimated that I can hang and beat the four-eyed senior brother?"

At this moment, Ling Xiao also smiled with satisfaction. His statistics could definitely be regarded as extremely terrifying. Even if the strength of the old grandfather Ren reached the realm of Mao Zong after he was unearthed, then he and Ninth Uncle would still be able to kill him.

"Go back first, there are still a few days, and my strength should be improved in these days!"

Ling Xiao glanced at the time without hesitating, and swiftly swept away in the direction of Renjiazhen.



At noon the next day, Ninth Uncle was wearing a Taoist robe and brought Wen Cai Qiusheng and Ling Xiao to a barren mountain more than ten kilometers away from Renjia Town.

"Wow, master, little uncle, how can this master's grave be so far away?"

Along the way, Qiu Sheng, who was carrying a lot of things, couldn't help complaining.

If he and Wen Cai were both cultivators, they would have been exhausted and paralyzed long ago with so many things on their backs.

It's a pity that Ninth Uncle is the master and Ling Xiao is the Master Uncle, so only he and Wencai can do the dirty work.

"Yeah, isn't Renjia Town's tomb mountain not far from Renjia Town? Why did Master Ren bury his father so far?"

Wen Cai also complained with a sad face.

"Let you two boys read the book well but don't listen to it.

I don't know, the graves of these big families are very particular, and naturally it is impossible to find a place to bury them.

If the tomb is found well, the future generations will be blessed with good weather.

Even if the dragon cave is found, it is possible to make the emperor appear in the younger generation.

It's just that good tombs are hard to find, and it is good luck to find a good tomb within more than ten kilometers! "

And after hearing what the two of them said, Ling Xiao also opened his mouth to educate them.

"Finding a feng shui treasure is so powerful, then my family's ancestors' graves must not be so good, otherwise I will not die!"

Qiu Sheng said with emotion when he heard it.

"You're okay, and there is an aunt to take care of me. I don't even have an aunt, so the ancestral grave must be worse!"

Wen Cai on the side looked even more sad when he heard this.

"Okay, okay, what kind of ancestral tomb is not bad, those are all affecting the mortals, as long as you cultivate well, it is not impossible to change your life against the sky!

Your master, my ancestral grave is even worse. Seven or eight generations of parents have died early, and they almost died. Isn't it good now? "

Ninth Uncle was speechless when he heard that the two stinky boys were no worse than their ancestors.

"But, Master, although you are very strong now, if you don't get married again, it is estimated that your Lin family will really end! Isn't this the same?"

However, at this time, Qiu Sheng spoke cautiously. As soon as his words came out, Jiu Shu almost died of anger.

"Stinky boy dare to curse your master to me!?"

Jiu Shu was so angry that he slapped Qiu Sheng on the head in an instant, causing the boy to grin.


After more than ten minutes, Jiu Shu and his party finally came to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the surrounding airflow, and Jiu Jiu Ji also saw the situation of this hole.

"Ninth Uncle, Daoist Master Ling Xiao? You are finally here! Great, just wait for the two Daoist priests!"

When Master Ren saw Jiu Shu and his party, he quickly brought Ren Tingting to greet him.

There was a little fat man with glasses behind him.

At a glance, I knew it was Captain Awei.

"Daoist Ling Xiao, Ninth Uncle!"

On the other hand, Ren Tingting greeted Ling Xiao happily after seeing Ling Xiao.

This scene was instantly seen by Awei, who was on the side, and his face was distorted with jealousy.

"Damn little white face, dare to molest my lovely cousin!"

PS: This chapter is the sixth chapter today, and the chapter with a thousand flowers has been added.

Readers, please vote for the flower evaluation, it is free, and it will be refreshed if you don't need it. Thank you very much! .

Chapter 17: The Godly Curse of Pure Heaven and Earth! The art of blood sacrifice! 1/4

At this moment, he couldn't wait to draw a gun and give Ling Xiao a shuttle. Fortunately, he didn't really do that. Otherwise, he would still be the unlucky one.

"The time is just right, since that's the case, let's start now, Master Ren!?"

Jiu Shu glanced at Shi Chen and then said to Master Ren!

"Ninth Uncle, you can arrange it!"

Master Ren also nodded quickly!

"Wen Cai Qiusheng, build the altar!"

Jiu Shu directly turned his head and said to Wen Cai Qiusheng, who was beside him.

"Good master!"

"I know, Master!"

As soon as Wen Cai Qiusheng heard it, he also directly removed all the things he was carrying on his back, and then used the talisman paper, candles and some props to make an altar at a very fast speed.

And Jiu Shu also came directly to the altar.


With a low voice from Uncle Ninth, his right hand stretched out **** and lit the candle on the altar.


In an instant, a scorching infuriating fire lit the candle directly.

At the same time, Uncle Jiu also began to recite the incantation while waving his long sword to use the Maoshan Sword Art.


With the sword dance of the ninth uncle, one after another infuriating qi burst out from the long sword, and the dazzling sword light erupted in all directions. This scene caused the surrounding people to exclaim.

This picture is not easy to see.

Of course, they don't know whether this set of sword tricks is useful for this time to lift the coffin and relocate the eggs.

After all, this time Master Ren spent a lot of money, and it was always to give him some face.

Soon, a set of bells and whistles will end!

"Ling Xiao, recite the divine rune for the purification of heaven and earth! Sweep away the evil spirits!"

Ninth Uncle stood still and gave Ling Xiao a low drink. At the same time, he made a look, and naturally signaled to Ling Xiao to pretend too.

"I know, brother!"

When Ling Xiao heard this, he nodded with a smile, and then used his sword to draw directly towards the void. .

"The natural filth of heaven and earth is dispersed

Xuanxu in the cave, Lang Taiyuan

Bafang Might makes me natural



As Ling Xiao recited the mantra one after another,

Something that shocked everyone and even Ninth Uncle happened.

I saw that the peach wood sword in Ling Xiao’s hand actually drew cyan flame runes in the sky!

These runes are condensed into a spell, which is naturally the divine spell to clean up the heavens and the earth!

This is the place where Jiu Shu was shocked. This is a spell of the lower grades, and it belongs to one of the gods of Maoshan. Without the strength of the fifth or sixth earth master, it is almost impossible to learn it, even if he only learned it not long ago. learn.