MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 242

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In this silver ball of light, a huge demon fox with a height of ten meters is rapidly transforming.

"Your Majesty the Fox King, it's been all day and night, will there be any problems with the princess!?"

A demon king spoke solemnly, joking, if there was a problem with Mo Ling, the great **** Ling Xiao would probably kill them all if he knew about it.

"I don't know. In general, evolution is just ordinary evolution, but this time Mo Ling seems to be evolving into a six-tailed form, so it took so long!"

Mo Yanran is also a little dignified, because she clearly knows that the last time she evolved six tails, it only took ten hours.

Now that a day and a night have passed, his daughter has not yet completed the evolution, or it is a performance awakening the nine tails, but the probability of this is almost zero.

Another possibility is that there is a problem with evolution!

She has been worried about this, because her daughter is not the pure silver moon demon fox, but the child of her and humans!

Historically, this silver moon demon fox is almost always gifted, but in the end, it almost always fails in a certain evolution.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanran felt anxious in her heart, but there was absolutely no way for this kind of evolution, and outsiders could not interfere.

"What happened to the ancestor, I can't be contacted!"

Mo Yanran was also a little helpless. The only person in the whole world who could save her daughter was the master of Qingbaofang, the ancestor of her Silver Moon Demon Fox, but she couldn't get in touch with her recently.

How did she know that the other party had been severely injured by Ling Xiao, hiding in a small world and was healing.


However, at this moment, there was a sudden wave of strange fluctuations in the sky.

At the moment when the fluctuation appeared, everyone hurriedly looked into the sky.

This glance made all the demon kings face cold and severe.

I saw a black figure appeared in the sky above the Demon Fox Ridge.

And this black figure exudes a terrifying aura.

"Who are you! Why are you here!?"

Seeing the person coming, Mo Yanran spoke coldly.

The other demon kings were all coldly vigilant.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Yanran, you have become more mature than before! You are not the simple little fox before!"

But at this moment, the shadow in the sky slowly opened its mouth.

After finishing speaking, the black magic energy on the shadow gradually dissipated.

I saw a heroic middle-aged man appear in the sky.

Seeing the other party's data, Mo Yanran's hole shrank violently.

"Zao Wuji! It's actually you!"

Mo Yanran slowly spit out three words with a cold face.

The surrounding demon kings became solemn when they heard it. The other party actually knew Mo Yanran?

Is it not the enemy?

"What are you doing here?"

Mo Yanran opened her mouth coldly.

"My daughter is evolving, so of course I want to come! Look, this talent is not bad, it's much stronger than you were back then!"

Zhao Wuji chuckled and spoke slowly. As soon as his words came out, the expressions of all the demon kings around them changed drastically.

"What!? He is the father of the princess, and he is actually a human!"

"Wait, can it be said that the princess is the descendant of humans and fox demons, no wonder there is a problem with evolution now!"

"This person is powerful, and he is still a demon cultivator. How can His Majesty the Fox King like this person!?"

At this moment, all the demon kings were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the other party is actually Mo Ling's father, and it seems that he has a lot of grudges with Mo Yanran.

Is it some kind of old story that is always messed up and abandoned?

"Look and read, if there is nothing else, you can go! I don't welcome you in Yaohu Ling!"

Mo Yanran glanced indifferently at Zao Wou-Ki in the sky!

"You're still so stubborn!"

Zao Wou-Ki smiled helplessly, but then he waved his right hand directly.


In an instant, a stream of light directly cut through the void and fell towards the ground.


Mo Yanran subconsciously raised her hand to catch the thing directly.

At first glance, it is a jade bottle, but there is a silver medicinal pill in it.

"This is Yinyue Dan, specially designed for the Yinyue Demon Fox clan to improve the bloodline level. Ling'er's bloodline is disintegrating now. If you don't care, you won't survive tonight!"

Zao Wuji spoke calmly.

As soon as his words came out, Mo Yanran's hole shrank.

Specializing in raising the bloodline level of the Yinyue Demon Fox clan? There is actually this kind of medicine pill, but how can the other party have this medicine pill.

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However, before Mo Yanran could ask, the figure of the other party was distorted in the sky and disappeared above Yaohu Ridge out of thin air.

This scene immediately made Mo Yanran frown.

"Your Majesty the Fox King, is that person really the father of Her Royal Highness?"

"If what the other party said is true, this medicine pill can indeed save the princess's illness!"

"I think that the other party is cultivating magic arts. Is it a magic cultivator? Can you believe the words of such a person?"

The other demon kings also spoke solemnly at this time.

Even if he knew that the other party was Mo Ling's father, the identity of the other party made all the demon kings very suspicious.

Even the fox king was silent with the medicinal pill in his hand.


However, at this moment, a loud, earth-shattering sound suddenly erupted from the sky.

The loud noise spread for dozens of kilometers in an instant, and the terrifying vibration caused all the demon kings present to change their expressions and quickly looked up!

I saw that the powerful formation guarding the Demon Fox Ridge in the sky was smashed to pieces at this moment!

Then I saw a colorful firelight instantly landed on the top of the ancient demon fox tree!

"Huh? What about the magic energy just now!?"

The person who came was Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao looked at his surroundings coldly, his yin and yang eyes seemed to be able to see everything.

However, apart from a trace of condensed demonic energy remaining around, there was not a single figure cultivating demonic arts.

"Actually space energy, could it be the master of Qingbaofang? But the other party didn't practice magic power before? It's not because I was crippled and enchanted, right?"

Ling Xiao quickly discovered that there was actually residual space energy around, if he had never recognized it before, but after seeing the master of Qingbao Fang using space energy, he recognized it at a glance.


If it is really the owner of Qingbaofang, it is not impossible to sense his own breath and escape.

"Ling Xiao!?"

After seeing the person coming, Mo Yanran was stunned.

He didn’t expect Ling Xiao to come out of Asura City so quickly.

"Fox King, I'm sorry, I just rushed in and accidentally broke your formation, but I think it has a recovery function, and it can be completely repaired in a day or two!"

Seeing Mo Yanran's eyes, Ling Xiao immediately opened his mouth with a smile.

As soon as his words came out, the demon kings below couldn't help but feel aghast in their hearts. You must know that the formation of this Demon Fox Ridge is a high-grade spiritual formation. So his defense is even stronger.

And Ling Xiao actually shattered it in an instant!

This kind of strength is so terrifying.

"It's okay, you should have met my ancestor, right? She didn't embarrass you, did she?"

Mo Yanran remembered something, and then spoke to Ling Xiao,

"Ahem, there's one point, but it's all resolved. By the way, is Mo Ling evolving?"

Ling Xiao felt a little embarrassed when he heard it, it seemed that the other party still didn't know that he had injured their ancestors!

Therefore, Ling Xiao quickly changed the subject.

"Yes, but something went wrong in the evolution! By the way, I heard Ling'er say that you are a powerful alchemist? Can you help me to see if this medicinal pill can increase the bloodline strength of the Silver Moon Demon Fox!"

Mo Yanran spoke solemnly when she heard Ling Xiao's words, but she soon remembered that Ling Xiao was still a powerful alchemist.

Although I don't know to what extent, but according to what Mo Ling once said, it is at least the late stage, right?

Saying that, she took out the pill directly,

"Huh? Yinyue Pill? How can you have this kind of pill!"

However, Ling Xiao frowned the moment he saw this medicinal pill,

"Is there a problem with this pill?"

Hearing Ling Xiao's words, Mo Yanran also frowned.

"It's not a problem if someone else has this medicine, but if your Yinyue Demon Fox clan has this medicine, that's a big problem!"

Ling Xiao spoke slowly.

"how do I say this?"

Mo Yanran's face was a little ugly, because she seemed to have guessed something.

"Yinyue Pill, as the name suggests, is an elixir made from the blood of the Yinyue Demon Fox clan. To put it bluntly, if you refine one such elixir, you must kill at least ten Yinyue demon clan of your bloodline level. !

This elixir can indeed enhance the bloodline of the Yinyue Demon Fox Clan!

With a small side effect, the bloodline level can be increased to the nine-tailed form.

That's why I said that there is no problem with this medicinal pill, but if you have it, the problem is big!

But as far as I know, your Yinyue Monster Clan, the entire cultivation world, has only seven or eight ten clansmen in two or three thousand years, right?

Although the quality and efficacy of this elixir can only be said to be so-so, it is definitely not easy to get this elixir!

This medicinal pill was obtained by the owner of Qingbaofang? "

Ling Xiao asked Mo Yanran suspiciously.

Could it be that the master of Qingbaofang is really as he expected, hunting himself in various parallel worlds to absorb the talent and strength of the other party?

However, as soon as Ling Xiao's words came out, Mo Yanran was also looking at the medicinal pill in her hand and her whole body was rioting.


The next moment, she suddenly squeezed her right hand, directly squeezing this medicine pill, which had reached the lower level of the Spirit Rank, and did it.

Chapter 171: Immortal beast bloodline! Time and space silver fox!

The surrounding demon kings became anxious when they saw it.

But they dared not speak.

"It's not the ancestor, I will explain these things to the Taoist priest later, but now I ask the Taoist priest to save Ling'er!