My Clones Cultivated Low Grade Martial Arts Until They Became Immortal Martial Arts-Chapter 288 - 288 The evil spirit Palace and the three Qi grandmasters

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288 The evil spirit Palace and the three Qi grandmasters

su jie weighed the pros and cons and looked up at yu lingfeng, โ€ I can agree, but the bodies of the evil spirit Palaceโ€™s ancient martial art practitioners that Qianqian killed will belong to me!

โ€œThe corpses are all yours?โ€ Su Jieโ€™s conditions stunned Yu Lingfeng. What did su Jie want these corpses for? ๐—ณ๐˜ณ๐’†๐˜ฆ๐‘ค๐ž๐š‹๐—ป๐š˜๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐™ก.๐‘๐จ๐˜ฎ

However, Yu Lingfeng quickly agreed, โ€ โ€œNo problem!โ€

The evil spirit Palaceโ€™s martial artistโ€™s corpse had no value. Since su Jie needed it, it was not a problem to give it to him.

The reason why Su Jie asked for these corpses was to let the ghost crystals absorb their blood and turn them into ghost energy.

The evil spirit Palaceโ€™s martial artists were few in number, but most of them were martial artists above the blood Qi realm like the evil-looking young man and the withered old man. Their blood alone was equivalent to the blood of hundreds or thousands of ordinary martial artists!

To transform all the energy inside the ghost crystal into ghost energy. With such a large amount of ghost energy, su Jie felt that he had the hope of successfully comprehending the poison-transforming skill of body hardening technique before he exhausted all his ghost energy, thus allowing his body hardening technique to reach a higher level! ๐’‡๐‘Ÿe๐™š๐‘ค๐™š๐›๐—ป๐จฮฝ๐šŽ๐˜ญ.c๐จm

โ€œTwo days later, weโ€™ll set off for ban Yue house.โ€

Yu Lingfeng finally decided on the departure time, and su Jie had no objections to this.

โ€œIโ€™ll let the Black Tortoise clone wait in the river in ban Yue mansion first.โ€

Su Jie left Yangxin Palace Hall. He had also made some preparations and had his black turtle clone arrive at ban Yue house in advance.

According to Yu Lingfeng, the evil spirit Palaceโ€™s branch Palace was located on a deserted island surrounded by the sea. If anything were to happen, his black turtle clone would be of great use!

as he waited, two days passed by in a flash. at dawn, su jie once again arrived at yang xin palace hall and saw yu lingfeng.

Not only Yu Lingfeng, but there were also two other unfamiliar men.

One of them looked like he was in his thirties. He was dressed in white and had a cold expression. A long sword hung from his waist. He had a cold aura all over his body, as if he would be cut if he dared to approach.

The other one was a black-haired old man in his 60S. He had an extraordinary aura and had the aura of a Grandmaster.

โ€ are they the other two qi grandmasters that yu lingfeng mentioned? โ€

Su Jie knew that these two were Qi grandmasters that Yu Lingfeng had invited to help him annihilate the evil spirit Palace.

โ€œYouโ€™re The Little Friend Tang tie that Alliance master Yu mentioned? As expected, he had an extraordinary bearing! iโ€™m gan yang.โ€

when the old man saw su jie, he greeted su jie very kindly and introduced himself.

โ€œLi Fei,โ€

As for the cold man in white, he was very concise and did not seem to be good with words.

Su Jie was not a native of the great MO State and had never heard of these two people.

Yu Lingfeng, who was at the side, said to su Jie, โ€ little friend Tang, brother ganyang is the sect master of the Qiankun sect. The Qiankun sect was once attacked by the evil spirit Palace and was almost annihilated. Brother Li Feiโ€™s parents died because of the evil spirit Palaceโ€™s martial artists when he was young. They have a deep hatred for the evil spirit Palace. Now that they have become Qi grandmasters, they are prepared to make the evil spirit Palace pay a price.

โ€œI see.โ€ Su Jie nodded.

The evil spirit Palace was ruthless and had many enemies. Both gan Yang and Li Fei were enemies of the evil spirit Palace. The moment Yu Lingfeng came to them, they agreed without much consideration.

On the other hand, su Jie did not have any deep enmity with the evil spirit Palace. He had a grudge with the evil spirit Palace because of the Cang family. However, su Jie had never been soft-hearted towards these evil spirits and demonic Dao, not to mention that he also had a motive.

โ€œThereโ€™s no time to waste. Letโ€™s go.โ€ Li Fei urged. When he was young, his family was destroyed because of the evil spirit Palaceโ€™s martial artists. He had been practicing martial arts for many years and had some achievements. Now, he only wanted to take revenge on the evil spirit Palace.

โ€œYes, letโ€™s go.โ€

No one had any objections to this.

The group of four immediately left heaven martial city and headed to ban Yue house.

Ban Yue mansion was a mansion under the Dayu stateโ€™s Kaiyu Prefecture. It was not considered prosperous in Kaiyu Prefecture, and it was located in a remote area with many waterways.

In the blink of an eye, it was already late at night three days later. Su Jie and the other three arrived in front of a huge Lake. This Lake was like an ancient well without any waves. Some leaves were floating on the surface, and it looked very quiet and desolate.

the evil spirit Palace is located on a deserted island in the middle of the lake. Letโ€™s take a boat there.

Yu Lingfeng said.


Yu Lingfeng waved his hand and a small boat that was a few meters long appeared out of thin air. It landed on the surface of the lake, causing the water to sink slightly.

โ€œA storage treasure.โ€

Su Jie understood that Yu Lingfeng also had a storage treasure, and not a storage talisman. Ordinary rogue cultivators did not have Storage Treasures. Many immortal cultivators had a storage treasure as a symbol of their status!

Li Fei and gan yang couldnโ€™t help but take a second look. It was obvious that Storage Treasures were extremely rare for Qi grandmasters like them.

โ€œBoard the ship.โ€

the four of them boarded the ship one by one.


Yu Lingfeng took out a talisman and injected his magic power into it. The talisman started to burn and something strange happened. A wave spread out and enveloped the boat. Su Jie and the others disappeared into the air together with the boat!

Yu Lingfengโ€™s explanation rang out from the side. this is a low-level invisibility talisman. It can hide oneโ€™s body and make it difficult for the naked eye to see. However, the range of movement can not be too large, or it will lose its effect.

โ€œThis invisibility talisman is really amazing!โ€

Gan Yangโ€™s exclamation sounded in the air. The methods of immortal cultivators were complicated and varied. They could deal with many special situations and were indeed not something that martial artists could compare to.


Yu Lingfeng conjured a seal with one hand and a gust of wind blew over, pushing the boat towards the center of the lake.