My Cold and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 35

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The gun in his hand had already run out of bullets, so he pulled out a sawtooth dagger from his waist, and stabbed it towards Ye Fan's back!

However, Ye Fan seemed to have eyes on his back. After dodging the attack, he turned around and performed a roundhouse kick.


After being struck in the chest, the nearly two meter tall body was actually lifted off the ground and flew back four to five meters!

He spat out a mouthful of blood. The ribs on his chest had pierced through his heart and lungs.

In less than three seconds, Corella and Nori had both died, and they didn't even know how Ye Fan attacked!

The only door that remained was a door that was about to burst open. The man in front of him was ridiculously strong, abnormally strong, and powerful beyond human beings!

They were the elites of the [B] class organization's monkey eating eagles. They were no ordinary soldiers or special forces, and they were even stronger than the special forces.

But under Ye Fan's hand, they were like three year olds, with no room for resistance!

Although he was full of fear, his instinct for survival made him have no idea where he got the strength to pull out a dagger from his waist, and stab towards Ye Fan's neck.

This was a blind spot in Ye Fan's field of vision, as most of the sect members had already revealed their full potential, so this assassination was as fast as a flash, far surpassing his usual strength.

Seeing the dagger about to stab into Ye Fan's throat, Ye Fan's left hand was already placed horizontally in front of the dagger.

Two fingers precisely caught the edge of the dagger!

How hard was the door to push forward, and how hard was he to push the dagger an inch further?

It was just two fingers, yet they were like steel bars mixed with mud!

Ye Fan turned his head, a pair of eyes as serene as the abyss, carrying an ice-cold old killing intent.

The moment Door Door saw this gaze, he screamed out "ah" in fear and released his dagger. His entire body collapsed to the ground!

What kind of eyes were these? What kind of person would have such a gaze that would cause one to wake up in fear even in their dreams!?

The leader's face was ashen as he asked, trembling, "You … What the hell are you. "Who is it …"

The corner of Ye Fan's mouth revealed a cruel smile, "Divin-rth..."

When the deep voice said these two emotionless words, the entire warehouse fell into a deathly silence so silent that even a pin drop could be heard!

After a brief moment of blankness, Duo Duo's mind suddenly came to a realization. What that sentence represented was everything!

"No …" No …. Impossible … "Could it be that you are …"

Mentor had already begun mumbling to himself as if he had lost his mind. Due to the excessive shock, his pants had actually been stained with a puddle of water, causing him to pee his pants in fright!

He only had one thought left in his mind — Monkey Eating Eagle, could it be that it was going to be removed from this world!?


Thinking of what this man meant, he couldn't care less about wetting his pants and fell to the ground.

"This little one really did not expect the address left behind by the Elephant God to be on your head. If I knew you were his friend, even if you gave us monkey hawks ten thousand times more courage, we would not dare to follow you!

"For the sake of the price that we have paid, please do not vent your anger on our entire organisation!"

He no longer cared about protecting his own life. All he wanted was for this lord in front of him to be magnanimous and not let their organization disappear from the face of the earth.

At this time, Ye Fan had already retracted his aura, and his eyes had also become similar to normal, as if he had once again become an ordinary urban male youth.

"If your people don't come looking for me, I'm not interested, so I'll ignore you." Ye Fan said lightly.

"Yes, yes, yes... Compared to you, us monkey eating eagles are nothing but ants … "

"Sir, please allow me to tell our Guild Leader that if he were to find out that you are the resident of that apartment building, we, the entire Monkey Eating Eagle, would not dare to offend him in the slightest!"

Ye Fan didn't say anything else, only expressionlessly looking at the door.

After a moment, he laughed at himself and said, "Oh right, since you chose to hide your identity, how could you let others know that you are in Hua Hai …"

Ye Fan threw the dagger back at the door. If this guy still has some brains, then he should know how to make a choice.

He was not in the mood to mind the door anymore. He turned around and carried the unconscious Su Qingxue out of the warehouse.

Looking at the man's back as he walked out of the room, Mentor picked up a dagger and pointed it at his heart …

Only by committing suicide would he have the chance to prevent the monkey eagle from getting removed from the list.

However, he was still at the prime of his life after all. If he had to sacrifice himself like this, he still wouldn't be able to accept it in the end.

As he thought of this, his heart was filled with hatred. Seeing Ye Fan hug a woman with both of his hands, his eyes suddenly focused, looking at the center of Ye Fan's back, he threw the dagger out like a throwing knife.

But right at this moment, Ye Fan suddenly threw the woman in his arms into the air!

As Su Qingxue's body soared into the air, Ye Fan did a one-legged spin.

When the dagger was about to hit him, Ye Fan directly caught the dagger and threw it back.

After doing this, Ye Fan coincidentally turned his body back. His hands caught the falling Su Qingxue and hugged her.

The entire movement was completed in one go, like a beautiful waltz.

Ye Fan strode out of the warehouse.

Behind him was the door which had been pierced by the dagger. It was lying in a pool of blood.

… ….

When Su Qingxue woke up in a daze, she found herself lying in the back seat of her car.

She suddenly recalled what happened earlier and sat up straight, only then did she realize that the one driving the car was Ye Fan.

"Qingxue, you're awake?" Are you still dizzy? " Ye Fan turned around and smiled brightly at the woman.

Su Qingxue's eyes flashed. After confirming that she was safe, she asked, "Did you save me?"

"You can say that, but you don't have to be too grateful. After all, I am the one who started this." Ye Fan said.

Su Qingxue was silent. She had a complicated feeling in her heart. This man … He had really risked his life to save her.

"How did you save me?" Su Qingxue had already fallen asleep and did not see how Ye Fan entered the warehouse. She really wanted to know the details.

Ye Fan had already thought of an excuse long ago, "Nothing much, I will go beat up those three guys, and then they ran away, so I saved you."

"Don't try to lie to me! Those people had knives and guns! You are empty-handed, yet you alone can defeat them!? " Su Qingxue was a bit angry. This man was simply fawning over her.

Ye Fan continued to laugh and said, "Qingxue, you misunderstood, that group of people were just a bunch of trash. They were purposely trying to scare you. That gun is also fake, it's just a toy gun. "

"Okay, even if the weapon is fake. "Then let me ask you, what is' Anka '?" Su Qingxue looked at the man with her sharp eyes. Chapter error, point this report (registered free)

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