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My Werewolf System
My Werewolf System
What would you doifyou were towake upone day tothe message?[You have 5 days until the next full moon][Your bloodlust isincreasing]Gary Dem isaperson with asecret. While coming back toschool appearing asawhole new person, hedoes everything hecan tokeep this from the people hecares about. For his path isone that led him tobecome part ofthe underworld.The world has changed, and gangs rule the streets sponsoring big corporations. Bribing politicians behind the scenes and controlling the decisions people make without them knowingit. Using anew breed ofhumans called the Altered, amixture ofman and beast.Itwas only meant tobeaside job, hewas never meant todig intoo deep, but onamission for his gang, something went wrong, something changed him.[You have 5 days until the next full moon][Your bloodlust isincreasing]The lone wolf isabout togoonahunt!
- C.889 Give Her A Bite!
- C.888 Blackjack’s Position
- C.887 The Third One Joins
- C.886 The living Anti Altered Weapon
- C.885 Prison Break The Warden
- C.884 The Phoenix Gang To The World
- C.883 The End Of A Myth
- C.882 Not Worth Eating
- C.881 The Most Dangerous Member Of The Howlers
- C.880 The Suspect All Along
- C.879 Unable To Win
- C.878 The Power Of New Classes!
- C.877 Apex Predator
- C.876 A Class Upgrade
- C.875 A Strong Upgrade
- C.1538 Lord’s Wisdom
- C.874 Unexpected Ally
- C.1537 Last Testament
- C.873 His Last Words
- C.857 Big Bad Wolf
- C.872 Don’t Look Back
- C.856 Rumble In The Prison
- C.871 Werewolves Stronger As A Pack
- C.855 The Sun Is The Timer
- C.870 All Cards On Show
- C.854 A Fallen Bird
- C.853 Duo Werewolf Strike
- C.869 A World Wide Show
- C.852 Aiming For The Throne
- C.868 The Real Battle starts Now!
- C.851 A Hot Blaze
- C.867 Bad Timing
- C.866 The Fight Just Got Harder
- C.850 Support From All Corners
- C.849 A Rematch
- C.865 Fight Like Adults
- C.864 Mythical Battle
- C.847 The Man Called Glutton
- C.848 The Black Crow’s Power
- C.863 Xin’s Transformation
- C.862 Top 50 In The AFC
- C.846 Send In The Big Flame
- C.845 Give Me One Day
- C.861 Distributing Strength
- C.844 The Pack Grows
- C.860 A Big Power UP
- C.859 Gary’s Secret
- C.843 One Deadly Bite
- C.860 Gary’s Secret
- C.843 Gather Loyal Followers Of The Howlers
- C.858 Calvin The North Leader
- C.841 The Choice Of A Werewolf
- C.840 A Plan To Win It Back
- C.839 An all out Prison Rush
- C.838 A New Friend
- C.837 A kind Soul in A Prison
- C.836 A Deadly Trio
- C.835 The Myth vs the Old
- C.834 The Mythical Altered
- C.833 Strong Ice Man
- C.832 Ice Powers
- C.831 A Cold Chill
- C.830 Working With The Worst
- C.829 An Unlikely Combo
- C.828 An Annoying Smell
- C.827 A meeting with the Warden
- C.842 Gather Loyal Followers Of The Howlers
- C.826 A Harder Battle Than I thought
- C.825 Why We Exist
- C.824 Sin Strikes
- C.823 Using everything we have
- C.822 2 Years in a slumber
- C.821 A solution to a problem
- C.820 The lost Father
- C.819 An Inside Team
- C.818 A Way Out Of The Prison
- C.817 The Truth Of Gary
- C.816 A New Comer
- C.815 What Type of Altered are you?
- C.814 Meeting Blackjack
- C.813 The South group
- C.812 Outside Information
- C.811 Someone on the Inside
- C.810 The North Group
- C.809 Dragged in blood
- C.808 A Wild Prisoner
- C.807 I remember who you are
- C.806 Don’t mess with my food!
- C.12: The Girl of your dreams
- C.11: How to make Money? (2)
- C.10: How to make Money? (1)
- C.9: My Heart Beat
- C.8: Fight back!
- C.7: White Rose
- C.6: Werewolf
- C.5: What am I?
- C.4: The System
- C.3: The Underdogs
- C.2: The Game Of Rugby
- C.1: An Obsession