Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death-Chapter 16.3

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Valmcardo, a large country in the west.

The country that will summon the demon king in the future.

Unlike the peaceful country we’re in, Valmcardo has been in conflict with a large southern country for a long time, almost a hundred years of animosity. Deciding to end it once and for all, Valmcardo will summon the demon king using a forbidden method.

To escape the war between the two countries, many people have already fled to the country Alfred and I are in. Lian’s father has been grumbling about this influx of new people.

It seems like his boss threatened, no, asked him to accept all of the refugees the other day.

“The country… in the west.”

“Yeah. It’s currently just a plan, but I do have to go back one day. My mother is still sleeping there,” Alfred murmurs, chuckling. “I wasn’t able to give her a proper burial back then. if possible, I want to bring her back to this village. We had no good memories back in our homeland. I believe my mother will prefer this calm village.”

“I see…”

That may be for the better.

Valmcardo is a large and technologically-advanced country, but it is too chaotic. It’s not a country where one can live peacefully. If Alfred’s mother can move here, she will surely be able to rest in peace.

“That’s why, like I’ve said before, I’m thinking of taking a short visit back to Valmcardo once I’ve settled down.”

After he settles down.

After two years have passed.

Once again, my mind is trembling.

“You’re going to leave the village…?”

“Yeah. It will be a long journey, but,” Alfred continues me, looking a bit anxious. “Are you okay with it?”

Lian’s role is only until this village arc. If I survive, I’ll have my freedom in the future, since Lian doesn’t have any scenarios beyond that.

And when that time comes, it doesn’t matter to me whether I can return to my original world.

I can do whatever I want. Go wherever I want. I’ll be free to do anything. The script is blank. There’ll be no need to act anymore.

Up until now, the goddess who threw me into this world had not contacted me even once, even after all my shouts and prayers.

That’s why, I’ve already inwardly prepared myself for the worst case scenario.

And also…

Four years.

I have lived in this world for four years.

It’s only natural I have grown attached to many things and people in this world.

If I return to my original world, I will be all alone again, in a home with no one to welcome me back, no one to ask how my day is.

One side of me is thinking that… it may not be that bad to stay here.

But that’s only if I’m able to survive the incident that’s coming in two years.

“If I can go…”


Besides, this guy will soon be travelling with the holy maiden. Whether he will fulfil this promise when the time comes is uncertain.

“If I can go, that would be nice…”

One day, together with you.

Once I finish my role as Lian, I don’t need to act as your rival anymore. I can have a normal… friendship with you.

Making a ruckus together with you doesn’t sound bad. We can even take as many stopovers as you like along the way, and I won’t mind.

We can go wherever we want and eat whatever we want.

Talk about things we love.

Laugh together.

I wonder, can we be like that?

If we can, that would be nice.

I’m sure it will truly be a fun journey.

“…What are you saying? Of course you can come along.” Alfred stares at me, while looking a bit angry.


“I’ve already promised you that I’ll take you along. I wouldn’t lie to you. If we’re together, I’m sure things will come out fine.”

“What’s with that self-confidence…?” I can’t help but laugh. It’s like he’s claiming a monopoly on me.

Alfred also breaks into a laugh.

Before I realize how close his face is, he kisses me. Caught off guard, I can only submit to it.

“Y-you are really ngh…”

This time, he tightly clings onto me. Even though I want to back away, my back hits against the back of the chair. There’s no way to escape.

This probably isn’t something that comrades or even friends do with each other. But if I point this out directly, our relationship will definitely change, and that may be the end of me.

I have to stop him right now.

This is bad. Very bad.

The location is also hardly satisfactory. What is he thinking, doing something like this in the dining room?

This situation is terrible in many ways!

Summoning all my strength, I shove against Alfred’s chest.

Alfred finally pulls back. Upon opening my eyes, I’m faced with his wet lips and heated gaze. I tear my gaze away. My heart can’t bear those feverish eyes.

Again, this is really bad…

What should I do now?

Alfred kisses my temple, his larger body casting a shadow upon my line of sight. He then does the same to my cheeks and the corner of my lips.

“Wai… Al—sto—”


“W-what do you mean why──”

Alfred moves to kiss the area between my eyebrows, and then moves to my lips again.

He tilts his head, the angle deepening our kiss. As I shove against Alfred’s chest, he pulls his head back.

Once I open my eyes, his eyes, darker than usual, gaze into mine at a very close distance.

Even if I don’t want to understand the feverish discomfort inside his heart, I can’t help it.

I pretend to be ignorant of the fact, lowering my gaze in a fluster. It’s also excessively hot inside his embrace.

Despite his usual calmness, I can hear his breathing, slightly rough and harsh. I can’t bear to hear it. I wish I can deafen my ears.



I hear a cute voice that is very out-of-place in this current situation.

“Smooching! Al-nii-cha, unfair!”

“Unfair! Smooch!”

“Unfwair!! Me too! Smooch with Lian-sha!!”


Standing from the other side of the door the set of three siblings are dressed in pajamas with matching hoodies, their red, yellow, and green eyes looking up at me.

They must have woken up to go to the toilet. After all, they always go together, a three-person set everywhere they go.

Perhaps they saw the light in the living room and came to take a peek.

Alfred’s hold slightly loosens, and I take advantage of this, quickly twisting away from his grasp.

After grabbing my shoes on the floor, I run towards the three siblings waiting by the dining room entrance.


“Go home?”


“Yeah, that’s right. I’m going home now! Here is the ‘see you next week’ smooch!”

I crouch down and plant a kiss on each of their foreheads. The kids stare in wonder at me.

“Waaa! Smooch!”

“Ehehe! Lian-sha, smooch!”

“Kyaaa! Smooch!”

Cheeks growing flushed, the three siblings jump in excitement, grins bright on their little faces.

I feel my frayed heart slowly healing.

Suddenly, a rattling noise from behind me.

“Ahhh!? You…!” Looking at how I easily gave my kisses to the kids, Alfred raises his voice in protest.

I hear the squeak of a chair forcefully sliding, and immediately rush to the corridor.

As I dash through the hallway, I see Marie and the other kids. It seems like the evening worship is over.

“Oh my. What happened, Lian-sama? Why are you so in a hurry?”

“Lian-sama, your face is red!”

“Is it a fever? Are you alright?”

“It’s not a fever. I’m okay! Bye, Marie-sama, everyone! See you next week!”

I wave my hand while running away without pause.

“Yes, yes. Please go home carefully, okay? Being too hasty is dangerous.”

“See you Lian-sama!”

“See you!”

“Yeah, see you!”

I continue to wave as I exit the church. I don’t look back. Not even once.

That idiot!!

There really is no such thing as being too guarded when it comes to him!!

For some reason, I seem to sense an erotic aura around him in these past few days… No, this kind of atmosphere is strange! Alright?!

Also, Alfred is being excessive with his touches and kisses.

Maybe it’s because he’s at the age where he’s horny all the time. Such an impulse can’t be stopped.

But if that’s the case, don’t try it with me, okay? Do it with other people! Don’t settle for me!

Is there someone in charge of the future hero’s sex education? Please take care of it for him. This is out of my jurisdiction!

Ahh, damn it.

The worst thing is that it feels good, likely because of our high compatibility… No, no, no. Come back to your senses, me! You used to be normal, right? You used to like girls! Remember your preference for older women!! That guy is a brat. Not to mention male! You can’t possibly like him!

But the scariest thing is that I’m gradually getting used to it. Whenever he kisses me, I feel my resistance weakening more each time… No, no no.

Get a hold of yourself! Stop going with the flow!

I beg you, me!

Hello everyone, Mii here! I haven’t been able to immediately reply all of the lovely comments, and I’m really sorry about that! Life has been pretty hectic these days, I didn’t even have time to read the updates of my reading list… Huhuhu (I’ll binge GL and TGCF now no one can stop me!) ಥ_ಥ

On the brighter note, my workload finally lessened (or maybe I just went ‘oh well’ and ignored my responsibilities aaaa ¯(◉‿◉)/¯) these two days, so I managed to at least translate 17.3 a little, while getting sidetracked reading all my BL stacks in a go hehehe~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) //slapsmii

Ah, tomorrow is my birthday so congratulate me!!! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) //no //miiwhyareyousuddenlybecomingthisshameless