Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love-Chapter 97: After The First Time (2)

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Chapter 97: After The First Time (2)

Ever since my first intimate moment with Han-gyeol, I’ve been in high spirits.

Han-gyeol declared himself as mine, and I couldn’t be happier about belonging to him.

I’ll never let him go. If he tries to run, I might just lock him up somewhere.

Why does he have to look so handsome even when he’s working?

Oh, I wish I could leave work early and kiss Han-gyeol...

-Han-gyeol, is your throat better now?

-Yes, it’s much better now.

-Oh my, even young people need to be careful about herniated discs.

-Indeed, haha!

Han-gyeol had to wear a neck plaster for a while because of the kiss mark I left on him.

Next time, I’ll mark somewhere less visible...

I didn’t expect it to last this long. But Han-gyeol’s mark still lingers on my chest.

If it fades, shall I mark him again? Just the thought of it makes me so happy.

I want to do it again.

Kissing Han-gyeol and then in bed...

“Eun-ha, is something wrong?”

“Huh-?! What?! No, nothing’s wrong”

“No? You’ve been giggling all morning... I thought something might be up.”

“No, not at all! Is there anything you need me to do? I was just about to upload the work you mentioned.”

“Today’s your last day, so take it easy~”

“I want to work hard like Han-gyeol.”

Upon hearing this, the team leader also peered over the partition at Han-gyeol.

“Han-gyeol is kind of an exceptional presence.”

“It seems like this is really his calling.”

“The CEO has been eyeing him for a while... It’s his last day today, right?”

My mom has already decided Han-gyeol is the perfect son-in-law.

I wish Han-gyeol would become my husband soon.

“It looks like today will be the last day, according to the CEO and Han-gyeol.”

“Well, he’s going to be a college student starting in March, so he must have a lot to prepare for. I’m jealous~ I wish I could go back to being twenty.”

“You still look twenty!”

“Haha! Thanks, even if it’s just flattery.”


I’ve been so happy lately.

Right after finishing the last task, the CEO called Han-gyeol and me into her office.

“Eun-ha, Han-gyeol, could you come to my office for a moment?”



We promptly got up from our chairs and entered the CEO’s office.

“Alright, everyone, have a seat.”

As Han-gyeol and I took our seats, the CEO looked at us with a fond smile.

“Is it your last day already? I’m so pleased with all of you as your CEO, and as a mother, I’m truly proud.”

“Right?! So, you’ll keep the promise you made?”

“Of course. Honestly, I didn’t expect you both to perform this well, thank you for the great results.”

As soon as mom gave permission for us to live together, I hugged Han-gyeol with a wide smile.

“Kyaa! Han-gyeol, we can live together now. Ah~ I’m so happy.”

“Uh, Eun-ha? We’re still at the office. And the CEO is watching...?!”

Han-gyeol, wary of mom’s gaze, gently pushed me away.

Realizing the situation, I quickly settled down and sat properly in my chair.

“You shouldn’t behave like this at work.”

“I’m sorry, I just got too happy...”

“Promises are promises, so start looking for an apartment next week.”

Finally, Han-gyeol and I could live together.

I’m incredibly happy and excited.

Now we can be together every day.

Waking up to see Han-gyeol, and even when I close my eyes, he’ll be there.

Just imagining it makes my heart flutter and lifts the corners of my mouth.

Living together, we might kiss anytime…

And morning, noon, and night, whenever there’s a chance with Han-gyeol... Hehe.

“Your smile could almost reach your ears. Are you that happy?”

“Yes! I’m really happy. Thank you for allowing this.”

“You’re mixing formal and informal speech... Anyway, since there’s nothing much to do today, say your goodbyes this afternoon and you can head out early.”


I was already looking forward to living with Han-gyeol.


As lunchtime ended, Mom gave us a chance to say our final goodbyes to our colleagues.

It was bittersweet to think it was the end.

It was my first job since turning twenty, and everyone had been so kind.

But now, it was time to say farewell.

“Thank you for everything!”

“Eun-ha, you’ve worked hard~ Have a great time at university~”

“Thank you!”

After my farewells, it was Han-gyeol’s turn.

“I also want to thank everyone. I learned a lot here.”

“Aww, we learned more from you~ You worked hard.”

“Thank you.”

As Han-gyeol bowed to say his goodbyes like me, my CEO mom spoke up.

“I’d love to throw a farewell party since it’s your last day, but we can’t as the work isn’t done yet. I’m sorry.”

Responding to Mom’s comment, Han-gyeol’s team members added a few words.

“I guess we’ll see each other again next time~”

“If we have any issues with the Excel sheets Han-gyeol made, I’ll contact you~.”

“I envy you for being a college student~ You both have worked hard this month. Travel safely.”

“Then, we’ll be going now. Take care!”

With the last goodbyes exchanged, we boarded the elevator.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, Han-gyeol sneakily grabbed my hand.

“Han-gyeol-ssi? We’re still at the company~”

“It’s all over now~”

“We haven’t even left the building yet~ You never held my hand while we were working.”

“Couldn’t help it, it’s the office rules.”

“You wanted to hold my hand?”

At my question, Han-gyeol nodded.

“Then you owe me a kiss too~?”



“Well, guess I can’t resist.”

“Don’t give up!”

Han-gyeol laughed at my remark.

“There’s CCTV, so let’s just hold hands~”

“In dramas, they always sneak off to the utility room for a kiss...!”

“You’re thinking of getting us into trouble. We can kiss all we want at home.”

“Will you really do it all we want?”

“Depends on Eun-ha~”

“What is that! Even if you do it every time I see you, it won’t be enough…!”

-The elevator has reached the first floor. Doors are opening.

As soon as we arrived at the first floor, we quickly let go of each other’s hands.

We walked out of the building and headed towards the subway station.

“Eun-ha, shall we hold hands again?”

“Hurry up and grab it before I change my mind~”

With a slight smile, Han-gyeol clasped my hand again.

“Now that we’ve quit, should we go eat something delicious?”

“No. There’s something I want to do first, let’s go home!”

“Something to do? What is it?”

“Come here.”

I pulled Han-gyeol closer and whispered into his ear.

“Leaving kiss marks on Han-gyeol’s body...”

At my words, Han-gyeol covered his neck and stepped back.

“Again?! I had to wear a patch because of that last time! I was so nervous it might peel off.”

“I told you I’d always keep kiss marks on your body~ Where do you want it this time?”

“There’s nothing you won’t say, huh...”

I grinned and hugged Han-gyeol.

“Why~? Embarrassed~? We’ve done more embarrassing things~”

“Eun-ha, have you been drinking?! It feels like that time again.”

“I don’t know~ I just like Han-gyeol too much~”

Han-gyeol, embarrassed, pushed me away.

“We’re on the street...! Let’s tone it down a bit.”

“What a pity~ So, we only need to restrain ourselves on the street?”

“You’re just a wild animal now.”

“If you have a complaint, why don’t you become wild too?”

As I smiled at him, Han-gyeol came closer to my ear.

I perked up my ears, and he whispered softly.

“I want to touch Eun-ha’s chest during sex...”

“Huh-?! What, what are you saying?!”

I was shocked and covered my ears, putting some distance between us.

Even if it was a whisper, to say such a thing on the street...!

“You started it, Eun-ha.”

“I, I was controlling the level of it—!”

“I don’t think there was much of a difference.”

Really... He always goes one step further.

“Really...! That’s embarrassing...!”

“I like it when Eun-ha looks embarrassed.”


At my words, the area under Han-gyeol’s eyes quivered.

“It really feels unfair hearing that from Eun-ha...”

“What, what-?! Are you calling me a pervert?”

“Are you denying it? You really have no awareness?”

“I, what-!”

“It could be true...”

“Don’t just convince yourself, explain it to me!”

I moved closer to Han-gyeol as I spoke. Maybe he found it cute because he then pinched and stretched my cheek.

“You know you get pretty wild when you’re drunk, Eun-ha.”

“That, that’s only when I’m drunk!”

“But I like wild Eun-ha too?”

At Han-gyeol’s words, I averted my gaze slightly.

Really, what’s with that? How can I even respond to that?

“I guess I am a pervert...”

At my admission, Han-gyeol laughed heartily and grasped my hand tightly, pulling me towards him.

“Han-gyeol? Where are we going?”

“To share a deep kiss with Eun-ha.”

Han-gyeol firmly held my hand and walked forward. It seemed like he really wanted me, so I quickly followed him.

“Great! Let’s hurry!”

It seems like both Han-gyeol and I are somewhat wild.

Maybe that’s why we get along so well?

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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