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Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 15
I marched into the Vermillion Gym the next day after resting at the Pokemon Center.
It was quiet. Unlike say Cerulean which tended to be incredibly busy, Surges Gym was nearly empty.
Surge was one of the tougher battlers in the Kanto area. He was a man that held back less than most other gyms.
But that was fine. I was here for a challenge.
"Welcome. Are you looking for a Gym Challenge?" A receptionist at the front who had been watching TV just a moment before called out.
"I am. Also please tell Lt. Surge. I am looking to face his strongest team." I offer as I hand over my Trainer ID to the receptionist. Getting a raised eye since I only had two badges in the system, but she shrugged.
It wasn’t her job to stop someone from getting demolished.
"Lt. Surge will be ready for you. Please enter there."
"Thank you." I answered after a few minutes of waiting later.
I stepped through the door into Surge’s Gym. It was a lot like Brocks. Just with less boulders hanging around. But it was simple. Which made sense. Surge was a Kanto trainer through and through. No tricks, or anything. Just pure overwhelming power.
It was a hallmark of Kantonian trainers. Overwhelming powerful attacks. We weren’t a country well known for using a wide variety of skill moves. More the blast everything and sort it out after people.
"So you wish to challenge my team? Well you are certainly brave. Although maybe foolish is the better word!" A voice called out as the lights came on, and Surge was there in all his glory looking down on me from his… Height.
Stupid Surge. Stupid tall people.
Just for that I was gonna crush him.
"I am. Victoria Ferrous of Viridian City. I am here for a challenge, to be tried and tested."
"Oh? Hah! The balls on this one! Alright. I’ll show you Pokemon that fought through a war. Are you ready, girlie?" He asked, standing tall arms crossed.
"In that case, Surge. I will show you legends." I raised a Pokeball and the referee spoke up.
"Six on six. Returns are free for the Challenger. The Gym Leader releases his Pokemon first."
"Go! Electrode!"
"In that case! Arcanine! You are up!" I called out and my girl came onto the field with a roar, and a crackle of flames.
Her training had meant that she clothed herself in fire whenever a battle was starting. There ready for a hint of power to turn into her Counter Shield.
"Hah! You weren’t kidding! That’s certainly a Legend! You that kid I heard about then huh? Alright. I’ll take this seriously then! You ready?"
I nodded.
"Then battle start!" The referee called out and Arcanine was already moving.
"Extreme Fire Fang!"
"Thunder!" Surge called out but it was too slow. The Electrode was already freaking out when Arcanines jaw clamped down in a massive bite.
"Let it go and retreat!" I yelled instantly, and Arcanine did as I said, just in time for the Electrode to release a massive amount of electricity in shock.
"Fire spin! Block its sight!"
"ThunderBolt! Blast straight through the fire!"
The two powers clashed, Fire spin reaching out to surround Electrode, but the thunderbolt was gathered and shot directly at Arcanine. Where she already had her tail slammed into the ground with Iron Tail and the bolt passed through her after just a few moments.
Surge I could tell was shocked at that. But Electrode wasn’t in a good way. The fire spin was burning it bad, and it was to my shock that Surge called out a move I didn’t expect.
"Light Screen! Block the fire back."
"Flamethrower! Push right through!"
The fire slammed into the forming light screens but it wasn’t enough. The battle wasn’t over.
"Dodge! Don’t let it get close!" I scowled at Surge. There was only one reason to try and get an Electrode close to an enemy.
"Hah! Your dog is fast but this is an enclosed building! Good luck dodging!"
"Double team! Then hit it again with Flamethrower!"
Arcanine vanished, splitting into two, and then four, and more as she dashed around, the rollout slamming through after images over and over while getting hit over and over by fire from different angles.
"Explosion now!" Surge called out, realizing it was over, and hoping for something, but Arcanine was too fast. She was already on the other side of the gym as Electrode exploded the force of it rocking me back.
If that had hit, it would have been a terrible hit.
"Not bad. Never expected to fail to even make a hit on a new trainer. But he did his job! Go Electabuzz! Do your thing!" he called out meaning as his Pokemon started moving. I had no idea what move it was going to do.
"Extreme double team! Don’t let him find you!"
"Doesn’t matter!" Surge called as the move activated. Electabuzz slamming the ground. I barely had a moment to gasp recognizing the move when the whole Gym shook Earthquake!?
Unfortunately Arcanine was on the ground when the move went through, and I winced at the yelp that echoed out as she was hit.
"Hah! How’s that for you girl?"
"Arcanine! Extreme Fire Fang!" I called out and the dust that was ripped up by Arcanine crashing into the ground was dispersed as she moved. A blur of light and heat as she moved across the entire gym in a moment. The Electabuzz didn’t have a chance to do more than start flinching when the fangs crashed down on it, and then kept going. Arcanine dragged the Pokemon across the room as she bit and threw it against the wall.
The smoke cleared and it got up, and it was pissed. But not unscathed, it’s left arm was hanging limp as it rose up,
"Thunder Punch!"
"Dodge and Retaliate!"
The punch hissed through a double team image as Arcanine jumped. She hit the ceiling on all fours, her fire fangs activating again.
It was a move we had trained hard with during this last month. A physical Fire attack? With her overwhelming Physical power, and the STAB from it being a fire move, it was one of her most damaging moves. Although, Flame Wheel was more accurate. Fire Fang could cause a flinch, like it had against the Electrode.
And I still refused to train Flare Blitz.
She leapt from the ceiling straight down, once more trailing lines of fire because of her speed.
"Again!" Surge called out and his Electabuzz raised its fist, crackling with lightning the two attacks clashed.
But Electabuzz was down to one arm, and it was being crushed by the entirety of Arcanines bulk.
The poor Electric type was smashed into the floor, the bite once more connecting and then Arcanine bounced away.
Ready for the battle to continue.
And to my shock it wasn’t over. Electabuzz rose from the ground. Scratched and bleeding it stood looking not too happy.
"Thunderbolt! Blast the whole Gym!"
"What!?" I gasped when I realized that would include me and Surge.
That asshole!
The blasts of Thunderbolt rolled over the entire Gym, and struck both Arcanine and myself and Surge. But while the big man barely seemed to care it sent me on my ass as well.
"D-Dick!" I screamed at him after the electricity cleared. He just electrocuted me!
"You are on a battlefield girl! You think an enemy won’t aim an attack at you, or spread it wide enough not caring if it will hit you? You wanted a challenge? There you go. Trainers aren’t outside the battle. They are on the battlefield!"
"Fine! Flamewheel! Smash that Pokemon flat!"
"Thunderpunch again! Push them back!"
Flamewheel caused fire to burst around Arcanine into a massive conflagration as she then became a stream of fire. But Electabuzz wasn’t a pushover. Surge had probably more than twenty years of battling under his belt. And this was his team.
Even if a Gym leader might get less time to focus on the best of the best team, needing lower level Pokemon for the badge requirements. They still fought a war at the man’s side.
The clash of power was ear shattering. Physical vs Physical, Element Vs. Element.
There was only one reason it was Electabuzz that was sent slamming into the wall, despite the fact that the hit had definitely hit. Arcanine was panting and to my dismay paralysed from that attack. Electabuzz’s Static ability in play.
But Arcanine was an absolute physical power monster. Gravity training and her own unending desire to exercise meant she overpowered the older more experienced Pokemon.
A whistle came through the air at the same time the referee called out. "Electabuzz is unable to battle!"
"I haven’t been pushed this bad since the last time I challenged Lance." Surge called out and I couldn’t help but puff up a little.
"But if he wanted he could wipe my entire team with his Ace. Yours is already flagging. Go Jolteon! Discharge!" He called out as soon as it hit the floor.
"Thunder Rod!" I cried out but it wasn’t going to happen. Arcanines body was locked up, and the burst of lightning slammed into her.
She cried out in pain for a moment but that was it. She kept her feet. She was determined not to be beaten again.
"If you can’t move then don’t! Counter Shield! As big as you can! Don’t hold back!"
"Again!" Surge called, but Arcanine roared through gritted teeth as her fire exploded around her, swirling and expanding to slowly fill the entire Gym. I could see Surge jerk back as the fire grew towards him.
I didn’t flinch. A little burn could be taken care of by Chansey just fine. And the Egg was with Nurse Joy right now.
"What’s wrong, Surge? Fire a bit too much for you?" I taunted voice harsh as our eyes met. And he realized I had learned from his trick. I was doing the same thing to him as he had done to me earlier.
I could see the instant his shock at the fire turned to amusement.
"You got me." He admitted "Full blast Discharge! Let’s see who can withstand it longer!" Surge called out as the fire expanded to consume us all. A moment later, so did a blast of lightning.
I screamed, at the same time that Surge yelled out in pain. The two of us, more than willing to take pain for a win.
I guess this was what Surge was going to teach me. That sometimes as a Trainer. I needed to take the hit too.
And then it was over. The fire disappeared and the lightning crackled out. And I was gasping shivering despite the heat as I felt my skin flash fried.
Thank Arceus this wasn’t earth. I would have had Third degree burns across my body and my clothes would have been ash. Instead my clothes were a little ashy, and I had 1st degree burns, but I was otherwise fine.
And Arcanine was still up. Her breath was coming heavy, and I could see she was still fighting off the paralysis. But Jolteon was definitely rougher. Counter shield wasn’t focused on damage after all, but on deflecting attacks. The damage it did was secondary to protecting.
So Jolteon had taken the full force of the fire, while Arcanine had blocked most of the Discharge.
"Fire Fang if you can!" I called out, and Surge was only a second ahead of me,
"Thunder Fang!"
Arcanine rose to her feet, and despite her muscles struggling, she blurred into Extreme speed.
And a moment later Jolten wasn’t just fighting a battle, but was fighting off a much larger dogs jaws around its neck.
I could see it struggle and cry out as Arcanine bit down.
As Jolteon was thrown away it landed painfully in front of Surge. It struggled a bit before whimpering and falling to the floor,
"Jolteon is unable to battle!"
I could see Surges mind running as he returned his Pokemon. Coming up with a strategy to win.
But I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.
"Arcanine Return. Good job girl. But you can’t take all the battles. Your friends will get jealous." I called out as she disappeared looking a little irritated.
Paralysed, damaged from three battles and she still wanted to fight.
Damn battle maniac.
"Heh. Smart. Now I can do this. Magneton! You’re up!"
I winced. A steel type, and I just returned my Fire type. Dammit Surge. You’re a real dick bag.
"Milotic! You’re up!" I call releasing my boy. Much to Surges amusement.
"A water type? Sure that’s a smart call?"
"If you actually manage to hit him with an electric attack I’ll be impressed." I taunted back.
"Battle Begin!"
"Milotic! Safeguard!"
"Magneton Thunder Bolt!"
"Thunder Rod!"
"Tch. Seriously? Even water types can do that? Tricky move." Surge called out as Milotic tanked the electricity without a concern, and Safeguard activated making sure he couldn’t be paralyzsed.
"Flash Cannon!"
"Milotic! Extreme dodge!" Milotic still wasn’t able to really use Extreme speed on the ground. His movement was just too slow compared to Arcanine, but at this point it was definitely faster than a normal dodge, as the Steel attack blasted his previous position he was already long gone.
"This one is fast too? Heh interesting team! Keep it up Flash Cannon!"
"Block it with Water Pulse!"
The two blasts collided, but it was obvious right away which of the two Pokemon had the advantage Flash Cannon blasted through Water Pulse without too much resistance, causing Milotic to cry out in pain as it hit.
"Aqua Ring!"
"Thunder Bolt!"
Milotic was building up its recovery move. Aqua ring gave a passive heal but it did take concentration.
Honestly this was a bad matchup. Normally like Brock I would try flooding the area to give Milotic an advantage, but against an electric type, that was just asking to be destroyed.
Milotic cried out in pain as the blast hit, but Aqua ring was active.
"Use Recover!"
"Thunderbolt again! I thought you said your water type wouldn’t get hit?" Surge taunted.
I grimaced. I really didn’t want to fall into a heal off. Because Milotic would grow tired from being hit faster than Magneton would from blasting him.
"Extreme Aqua Tail! Get close and show him your strength!"
"Magnet rise! Don’t let it get close!" Surge countered, Magnet Rise causing Magneton to fly high up near the Gyms roof.
"Hahaha! Ten year olds with bad words! Never stops being funny!" He laughed uproariously at me.
"Icebeam! Freeze it solid!"
"Block it with Flash Cannon!" Once again the two moves smashed together and Milotic proved to be unable to overcome the attack.
"Milotic return! This is a bad match up for you." I finally did the smart thing returning my panting partner before grabbing my third Pokeball.
"Yeah what’s next?"
"The secret Ace of my team." I tell him simply. Throwing the Pokeball.
"Chansey! Chansey!" My pink blob called out bouncing a little as she revealed herself.
"Really? A Chansey?"
"Chansey Light Screen."
"Hah! Thunder!"
The blast hit and even with Light Screen I could see Chansey take some damage. That Magneton was a monster.
"Now Chansey Gravity!"
And then Magneton fell the fuck down.
"Chansey Return! Milotic!"
And suddenly Milotic wasn’t so far away anymore. "Milotic! Extreme Aqua Tail!"
"Thunder yourself!" Surge called but it was too late. Milotic had the same crazy physical power as Arcanine and Magneton learned that when his Aqua Tail slammed into him, a whirlpool of water swirling around his tail as Magneton was unable to even lift itself from the ground, But Miotic was a smarty.
When he hit he pushed the Magneton away, watching it screech as its metal body loudly ripped a scratch in the stone floor all the way unil it hit the wall. And then it was brightly lit Thunder going off too far to hit Milotic,
"Again!" I called just as the electricity was over, Magneton was slammed once again by a tail throwing it across the room.
"Return!" Surge called out suddenly and Magneton who was not looking well, disappeared.
"Damn kid. Hell of a move. What are you feeding your team?"
I didn’t say anything, just keeping myself firm, waiting. And then Surge grinned. "Fair enough. Come on out Ampharos!"
"Huh." I couldn’t help but admit Mareep was more of a Johto Pokemon, but then again… War.
"Milotic! Get behind the Light Screen. Stay defensive! Now Icebeam!"
I watched as Milotic rushed over, and got ready for battle, while Ampharos was struggling just to stand. There wasn’t much time left on the Gravity effect, but it was still enough to extremely hinder Ampharos.
"Thunder bolt! Push the Ice beam away!"
"Miiii!" Milotic cried out as its attack was hindered by the massive blast of lightning. Dammit. Surge sure had some monsters. But it couldn’t puncture Lightscreen after being damaged by Ice Beam.
"Do it again! The screen won’t last forever!" Surge called out, but as the attacks began. I changed it.
"Milotic Extreme speed to the side!"
"Keep on target!" Surge called, but it wasn’t that easy. Sure. Milotic wasn’t really moving in a blur, but he was moving at quick enough speed that Ampharos wasn’t able to keep its Thunder Bolt on target, Ice beam streaking out and managing to hit its side. Disrupting the Thunder attack.
But despite the hit, I was shocked when Ampharos suddenly moved, much faster and let out a much more powerful move. Gravity had run out!
"Zap Cannon!" Surge called out after the attack was already sent!
"Thunder Rod! How did you?"
"Hah! I was in the War kid! Handsigns are a thing! If you always scream out your attack you give your enemy too much time to react!"
I grit my teeth as Milotic tried to block the attack with Thunder Rod, but this wasn’t just electricity it was a bullet move. The electricity moved wrong. It struck, and only some of it was redirected.
"MiiiiiiI!" Milotic screamed as the attack struck him, obviously seriously injuring my poor water type.
Times two damage with an attack as powerful as Zap Cannon will do that.
"Milotic return." I called out, While he wasn’t out. I didn’t want him to face another hit while he struggled through paralysis. Safeguard had worn out when I returned him before. Damn. That was my mistake.
"Not bad kid. What else you got?"
"Milotics Partner. The one you just injured. I hope you’re ready, cause I can feel how pissed off she is."
"Ooh. Nasty!"
"Dragonair!" The roar of Dragonair nearly shook the entire arena.
"Dragon rush!" I called out instantly, and then Ampharos was back pedaling as the incredibly fast Dragonair suddenly surrounded herself with an aura of an angry dragon.
And she blurred across the arena.
Unlike Milotic Dragonair didn’t have the speed issue on solid ground. In fact she was so fast now she didn’t even need to use Dragon Dance to fly like most Dragonair do at first.
She simply moved. Slamming into the electric Pokemon even as it began charging an attack but it was too slow. Slammed into the ground with a thunderous crash. Dragonair roared again, exulting in injuring the one that hurt her love.
"Damn kid. Am I fighting a newbie, or Lance?" Surge joked as he returned, Ampharos who had obviously flinched badly at Dragonairs attack, and was about to be slammed again.
That would certainly have ended it.
"I’m not at Lances level yet. But I will. He insulted my Dragonair. So we are going to crush the Indigo league and meet him at the end. So I can force him to take back his words." I inform Surge as Dragonair drifted a little into a curl, ready for the next enemy.
"Hah! You challenged the Champion? I was right, you definitely got some balls on you. Alright girl. This is my Partner. My strongest Pokemon. You ready?"
"I am."
"Rai-Raichuuuuu!" His Raichu called out as it formed, and for a rat it was huge. Definitely an older Pokemon and from the way it literally sparked constantly. Surge wasn’t kidding. Just looking at it, made me want to wince.
"Dragonair! Dragon dance!"
"Ooh!? Gonna power up huh? Raichu! THUNDER!"
I could taste Ozone suddenly as Raichu began powering up and I grimaced. "Dragonair! Thunder rod!"
"Not gonna save you this time kid!" Surge taunted as the entire Gym seemed to be building up towards something.
This chapt𝙚r is updated by freeωebnovēl.c૦m.
He was right. I could feel it growing, Thunder rod wouldn’t stop this level of attack. At least not with how little my team has mastered it.
"Protect!" I roared out instead. Chansey had happily taught Dragonair this move at my insistence. I had planned on using it against Lances Dragonite when it went for a HyperBeam. But this was gonna need it too.
"Hah!" Surge just laughed as the entire Gym went up in electricity. I grit my teeth as it hit me as well.
And for what felt like half a minute nothing existed by electricity.
Then it was over. I was on the ground. I could taste copper but I couldn’t let that be it.
I looked up, and Dragonair? Well she had survived. Protect and Thunder Rod had managed to protect her enough she wasn’t out of the battle.
"Dra- dra" I couldn’t talk. My tongue was numb. Fuck. I had gotten paralysed from how much electricity had blown through me! Damn Damn damn!
"Dra-" My mouth wouldn’t work. But Dragonair wasn’t stupid. She noticed me unable to order and burst into a Dragon Rush.
Which was not the move she needed to do. Raichu probably had the ability Static too hitting it with physically moves without a safeguard would just end with a paralysed Pokemon! Fuck.
A moment later Raichu was slammed across the arena, unable to avoid the ridiculous speed of my Dragonair, but after Dragonair cried out as her muscles locked up.
"Sorry girl. You wanted my best? Here it is. Can’t tell you how many enemy soldiers died after they got paralysed and couldn’t even order their pokemon, or release and return more. It was the best trick I came up with on the Battlefield."
Raichu had flinched as well, but Dragonair was struggling just to move, she had already fallen to the ground unable to rise. And my hands were struggling to raise.
Of course. I did have a secret move. "Cha-chansey!" I managed to say, and that was all I needed. Chansey released herself, and since she was right next to me. As long as she didn’t interfere with the battle it wasn’t an issue. After all, plenty of trainers kept a pokemon with them all the time.
A moment later under a pretty pink light, my body relaxed and I could move.
"Dragonair! Lightscreen!"
Dragonair managed it even as Raichu was powering up another move.
"Dragon Rush!" I called out desperate. But again she pushed through the paralysis.
"Preee!" She roared as she soared across the field, ignoring the buildup of the attack that Raichu was about to release to slam into Raichu.
Which then caused his Thunder to once more release.
This time. Chansey was there. Protecting me from the effect as it ripped across the entire Gym.
And then it was over. Dragonair was obviously hurting. Despite being resistant to electric attacks she had just tanked an immense hit.
And Raichu wasn’t looking good. It was weak to Dragon attacks. Despite its strength two Dragon Rushes were more than it was ready for.
"Iron Tail!" Surge called out suddenly, as Raichu shook off the hit and charged.
"Dragonair Dragon tail!" I cried out, and Dragonair moved to retaliate. Unfortunately Raichu disappeared in a blur of quick attack. Huh I guess I wasn’t the only one to use that trick. Dragonair still hadn’t learned Extreme speed!
The force of the Iron Tail rang out across the arena for a moment. But Surge went from looking confident to concerned when Dragonair barely flinched from the move, before her tail swept out and battered the Raichu into the floor with a crash.
"Dragonair has Marvel Scale Paralysing her only makes her even harder to hurt." I informed Surge with a grin as his physical attack did almost nothing considering Dragonair defense was boosted.
"Raiii-CHUUUU!" The Mouse screamed out as it began charging from the hole.
"Dragon Tail again! Knock it away!"
"Preeee!" Dragonair cried out her tail whipping out again and as Raichu tried to blast the area with Thunder again it was suddenly blasted away. Once again the increased physical power of my training meant that even as Raichu exploded in thunder it missed Dragonair who was already moving away.
"Now! Twister while it’s in the air!"
"Raichu! Thunderbolt! Right through!" Dragonair made to attack with Twister but she jerked, flinching as paralysis once more caused her to be unable to move.
"Thunder Rod if you can!" I cried out but it wasn’t enough. The Thunderbolt slammed into her and skid her across the ground as she was blasted back from the attack.
"Dragon tail! Don’t let Raichu get another attack!"
"Attack again Raichu, but be ready to block with Iron Tail!"
Luckily Dragonair didn’t care about things like ’blocking’ before Raichu could gather electricity for another attack Dragonair was there. Moving in a blur.
Raichu was struck, full out blasting him into the wall his Iron Tail doing nothing to stop the overwhelming power of Dragonair.
Surge and I were both looking on, wondering what would happen, waiting to see.
But as we waited, Raichu didn’t rise. The poor mouse’s eyes were swirling after being battered by Dragon Tail. And I sighed in exhaustion, as Surge returned his Pokemon. Finally ending the match.
"Chansey." I called out pointing.
"Chanse!" She called out as she started healing Dragonair cheering her friend on.
"Damn kid." Surge says as he steps over ignoring Dragonairs glare as she is being healed. "Here. It’s my Thunder Badge. Never thought I would give away the special ones." He said as he handed me the Thunder badge.
"Special ones?" I asked confused before I earned a surprised look from the incredibly unfairly tall man, who then guffawed.
"Wait wait. You don’t know?"
"Don’t know what?"
"You challenged my real team."
"Yeah? I fought Brock’s no badge team, and it lost in a single hit, so I asked Brock to give Arcanine a Challenge, and I figured it would be more useful for my team to face fully ready Pokemon rather than half trained teams. What?"
"You have no idea? Damn. Well listen kid this is my normal Thunder Badge. Compare it to the one I just gave you." I looked at the Thunder Badge and then at mine. In the middle it had a little star symbol. Something the basic one didn’t.
"What does the star mean?"
"It means you challenged the Gyms top team and overcame it."
"Okay? What does that mean?"
"Hah, it’s mostly bragging rights kid, but it also means the badge has no time limit. If you come back to challenge the league in a decade that badge will still cover one of your badge requirements. Usually Badges only last two years. But the Star badges mean you proved yourself good enough to truly defeat a Gym Leader. It also means your matches will be shown off at the Indigo League, Enjoy your fame kid." He offered with a chuckle.
"Huh, fame? What do you mean shown off?"
"Hah! Part of how the association pays for all this is through marketing, kid. Gym matches are recorded. You must have seen the highlight clips? They play before every Indigo League."
"Yeah? I guess I have. But I mean, they are usually just short clips, most of the time you don’t even see the trainer."
"Most of the time is right kid. The League makes those clips and sells them! You can buy those highlight clip shows at the league kiosks. You can even see the full match recordings. Of course that’s for normal matches. A Star Match, like what you just did? That is going on its own thing. It will be sold as the best of the best stuff. Hell, if you do well enough in the League you can guarantee the likeness of your team will be sold somewhere. You ever have a Pokedoll?"
"Well it was probably based on some League winner. Or someone who did a Star Match and got famous." Surge laughed at my confused look "Ah I guess you are too young for that still. Don’t worry about it. Just know that if you keep this up, you will be a household name. Well. Maybe not you." He offered with a shrug.
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"Your team. You won’t get past the League with your Pokemon. Zero chance." Surge offered a shrug.
"Why not! They beat you!" I argued a little offended that my team was being besmirched.
"Oh they are strong, no doubt. Hell I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Dragonair move that fast. But that’s all it is. Speed and power. You don’t have an ounce of skill in them. All they know how to do is brute force it. Go up against a Pokemon trained to deal with power, and your team will get stomped." He shrugged at my glare.
"My Pokemon are skilled too! They have a lot of strong moves, and are good at using them!"
"Eh they have a few strong moves but good? Listen kid. Since you beat me, take this as honest advice. Your Pokemon are bruisers. Nothing wrong with that. Hell they whipped my team alright. But they don’t have the finesse you see in the real elites. You want to strengthen your team? Your team needs to work on more than just flashy moves, or power. I can tell they got strong too quick. They don’t have that sense of how to keep going, or what it means to go against someone stronger than them."
"What? My Pokemon have lost plenty! They faced strong enemies before!"
He nodded, reaching out to push my hat down over my eyes, I squawked at him.
"You got a team that will take you to the League. But not if you want all the Star Badges, and you won’t win. Someone will out skill you. Trust me. I respect the power. I think when it comes to Gym leaders. Your team is closest to how I fight. Overwhelming power. I don’t bother with the other stuff. Just hit them so hard they lose. It works in a war. Not so much in a League. Or against the elites."
Surge walked away then heading towards the exit.
"Wait! What am I supposed to do then? How do I train a Pokemon for skill!? I thought that is what I was already doing!"
"Sorry kid. I can’t help you there! I can just tell you from my own experience. Your team as it is won’t get you a league win."
I stood there in the quiet Gym as Gym trainers came through and started cleaning up the damage. Dragonair and Chansey beside me, but I was lost.