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Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 21
Dragonite landed with a gentle poof. As dust was blown away from her incredibly powerful wings.
I was honestly really wanting to see what her strength would be like with a few months of Gravity training.
But I hopped down after thanking her and tossing out Milotics Pokeball. Letting Dragonite and him have some time to themselves.
Of course the pack was here. Growlithe all over the place had been on guard as soon as I landed, but had relaxed when they realized it was me.
Considering the pack were my Pokemon as well, I felt bad that I hadn’t spent much time with them. But they were all happy to see me, tails wagging as they ran up for attention. I pet little heads and stroked bellies for a few minutes just soothing myself with puppy therapy. Best therapy there is.
But I knew I couldn’t stay out here all day. I had just… Too much inside. I let out Arcanine who instantly took command of the pack leading them away Chansey who I released just after followed after to check on them.
"I’m home." I called out feeling kinda dull as I stepped into… home.
Interestingly Mama and Papa were both home. It took me a few seconds of thought to remember it was the weekend. As a trainer I hadn’t paid much attention to the day of the week. Seeing them both hanging out on the living room couch even if both had startled at my sudden appearance was exactly what I needed. Well that and one other was inside.
"Trouble!" Both called out happily at my appearance but I walked right past their grasping arms for a hug.
Arcany was laying around the couch like some massive living extension and practically drooling in a nap. Completely uncaring about my appearance. I felt that. Arcany probably recognized my scent before I even stepped foot inside and let it go straight to not a problem.
I walked over and fell face first into Arcanys fur.
Then I screamed.
Arcany who had been napping startled a bit, raising his head up but one he noticed it was just me he dropped his head back down.
Arcany was reliable like that.
Finally out of air I pulled away from the fur and stood back up.
"Okay I feel better now. But I could use a hug." I was swallowed up in Papa’s strong arms a moment later as he pulled me towards the couch and settled with me between Mama and him.
That felt nice.
"I’m okay. Just frustrated? Irritated? Frustittated?"
"Not a word, but go on." Mama said as she pulled off my hand and started running a hand through my hair.
"Right. So I met the rest of the family. I was in Fuchsia and Elizabeth came to ’ask’ me to come to the Clan Compound."
I could feel Papa tense up under me but I just flopped over on him. "It wasn’t that bad. Definitely they wanted the same thing as last time, but I hate that they actually sounded reasonable." I tell him as I stare up at the familiar ceiling. The right sounds, the right smells. I could feel myself relaxing.
Home. It was nice.
"He didn’t… They didn’t bother you too bad did they? You know you don’t have to listen to them." Papa said and I knew that his slip was telling.
"Apparently if I want, I can be in the Clan." I answered simply as I looked up into Papa’s face from below only to see a rather…
Well I guess conflicted, would be the best descriptor.
"They are considering inviting you back too apparently Papa." That did more than give me a conflicted look he looked…
Like a kid that was being offered something he had always wanted.
It made me remember that Papa was only about thirty years old. Adult brain reminded me how young that really was still. How even in your thirties you could still feel like a child.
I patted his arms.
"Yeah… It wasn’t terrible. Grandpa Roy was… Nice?" I thought. I mean he at least tried to portray himself that way.
"That old fart is still alive?" Papa asked with a crinkled smile that suited a much younger man. Before realizing what he had just said around me.
His very ’Impressionable’ child.
"Yep. Still alive. Still farting." I assured him. Earning a sigh from my mother and Papa failing to hide his amusement from Mama. "He mentioned a Krabby incident that he had to ’tan your hide’ about. Mind sharing?" I asked only to see Papa go utterly bright red and then instantly put a hand over my mouth.
My mumbled demands for a story were ignored until I gave up and he finally took his hand away.
"Fine. I’ll ask another time… Anyways. They led me into a room with all the Elders I guess? And Uncle Leopold. Who is still kinda a jerk, but he was nice enough to, if not apologize, at least explain that I just reminded him of you… So yeah."
"Yeah.. Leo and I… well no matter what, I doubt we will ever have a relationship again." Papa said looking out the window for a minute as he viewed old memories.
"They didn’t try to pressure you did they?" Mama asked, sounding…
Well that was her battling voice.
"Not really and yes. Sorta? They just explained why they wanted the Flock ’protected’ farther from Viridian… I don’t know. I can sorta understand it! Which is what is annoying me! It’s not unreasonable for them to be worried about the Milotic! But really? Is a War with Johto even likely!? The last one ended with a ceasefire between us, specifically because neither side could win!"
"That happened a year or two before you were born Vicky… So you might not realize just how bad it was. War between regions starts with all the strongest trainers releasing their most powerful Pokemon on each other… There is a reason the war was short. They usually are." Papa said in a tone that was almost… Haunted.
I shuddered, realizing once again that Papa and Mama had lived through that. A time of War.
"They are family. So I get why they are worried." I tell them grumpily as Papa pats my head.
"Do you want to move the Flock?" He asked, putting the question on me.
"No." I grumble, "I love it here. The farm. The trees, our river stream. It’s home! I hate that I am even conflicted about it! I want to tell them to fu-forget about it." I hastily corrected under both parents knowing frowns.
"You were always a good girl. Wanting to help out everyone you could." Papa said calmly as he continued to stroke my hair.
"I hate the idea though. I mean… This is home. My Pokemon are supposed to be here."
"We could always move." Papa offered. "I can train Growltihe in Fuchsia. We can set up a second farm there too. Right?" Papa asked Mama, and while I could see her want to argue, she nodded. "Yes. We have the money. We can go anywhere."
"But this is home." I answer. And I could see Mama understood.
"Then Vicky. Darling. My troublesome daughter. Do what you want. Just because someone has a good reason, has a well thought out argument doesn’t mean you have to listen." Papa said, he laughed a little.
"When I turned my back on the Clan it was the same. They had a path all set out for me. All I had to do was follow it, but it wasn’t my path. My goals. It hurt them. And it hurt me. But I would do the same thing again."
I blinked taking that in before pouting and sighing as I cuddle in more.
"Nope. Done thinking about this for now. Cuddles." I tell them as I squeeze Papa with a hug before turning to the TV.
Later that evening I called the Fuchsia city Pokemon center. Assured Ivy I just had to deal with some stuff, and I was sorry for bailing on her. She thankfully understood, I guess I must have looked a little frazzled, but she was being gentle with me which sort of made me feel bad. I was an adult you know!?
In the end I promised we would hang out again soon.
My team settled in. Papa had in fact got me a Camera so I could take pictures of Dragonite being adorable. As always Papa was reliable, and it did make me feel better.
The fact she was walking around with Milotic with one of his fins in her hand. Was the cutest thing ever.
All the bad feelings went away when I saw them being all lovey dovey. And I took as many pictures as I could.
I was so happy my partner found his BDGF, Big Dragon Girl friend.
Chansey settled in to take care of the dratini egg, Arcanine played with Arcany much to his annoyance. And I had a cuddle pile with the Growlithe and Milotic flock.
It was… Perfect.
Eventually I needed some quiet though. I left my team to it. Instead hopping the river with some MIilotic help, and heading into the Berry tree Orchard. I walked under the branches for a while simply enjoying feeling like I was a child again. Regardless of my true age, this place made me feel like I was little again. I walked across the Orchard coming out the other side and once more needing a bit of assistance. Stupid tiny legs.
And then back beyond the borders of the farm I simply sat on a rock and listened to the Pokemon wandering around. Pidgey in the trees above. The faint purring crinkle of Caterpie, the distant buzz of Beedrill.
I don’t know why moving away from Viridian bothered me so much. I’ve moved around plenty in my last life.
I guess I was just used to everything staying the same. Papa and Mama, always there whenever I came home. The house. The Orchard.
I had grown used to the stability.
Was I worried for my Milotic? For all my Pokemon? I guess I hadn’t ever considered living in Viridian city as dangerous. Beedrill swarms? Eh Growly will handle it. Or the Police.
Angry Raticate? I had a Meowth.
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Now I learned that part of this world that I had done my best to ignore for ten years wasn’t going away.
War. I hadn’t really wanted to consider War here in Kanto. I had read things during History Class. About the Old Wars. But class had been light on details about the more recent wars.
I guess that was on purpose. The adults probably didn’t want the children to know how close a war could be.
It struck me then. That this world as peaceful as it seemed was nothing of the sort. Children sent out at ten with a monster to train it and gather more. To become powerful.
How different it was to the old world. How different it was to my common sense.
No wonder everyone thought I was weird. No wonder they thought it was wrong of me to want to play with Magikarp. To have a Gyarados.
I mean they were wrong. But the life and death of people on this world suddenly felt more of a threat than ever before.
"I guess I’ll just have to become so powerful, it doesn’t matter then." I decided speaking aloud to the forest around me.
I would come up with something to satisfy the Clan, not because I thought I needed to, but because they were family, and I was interested in getting to know them.
I would grow strong enough to beat the Indigo League. Not because it was expected of me, but because Pokemon battles were fun.
I would destroy the Elite Four. Not because I wanted to challenge the Champion, but because I wanted to see. The pinnacle of what was possible.
And I would kick Lance in his dick after trashing his wannabe Dragon Team.
Not because I wanted to be Champion, but because he had called my Dragonair weak.
I nodded. I was just ten. If war comes I will deal with it. I will be as ready as I can, but I won’t destroy my life in fear of it.
I nodded. First? I needed to get my team together. Stop feeling sorry for myself, and finish getting ready to destroy the Indigo League.
I didn’t end up spending the night at home. After walking home with a bit of a pep in my step. I told Mama and Papa about an idea to come up with a compromise. They hadn’t liked the idea too much, but it was a fair idea in my opinion.
Gram Gram was informed over the phone and huffed at me, and called me Trouble, but said she would take care of it all. That I should get back to my Journey.
So I did.
I grabbed my team together, and hopped into Dragonites arms. The sun was going down by the time we left. But I didn’t care. Dragonite could see pretty well in the dark, and I wasn’t afraid of anything out there.
I had my team at my side.
Flying through the sky in a dragons arms, getting a Princess carry? It was amazing. I didn’t even care if it was getting cold out.
I would snuggle with Arcanine later. Dragonite had her orders on what to find. She kept her head on a lookout as she raced through the sky wind practically hammering me at how fast we were going.
It was great.
Imagine riding a jet airplane, but on the outside. It felt kinda like that.
"Drag!" She called out suddenly pointing and I grinned. I had no idea where we were, but she had found what I had asked for.
A really tall waterfall.
We settled down in a rush, and I could see Pokemon that had been hanging around yelp at the sudden appearance of a Dragon.
Slowpokes looking up from the water edge. Giving little gasps but only like a minute after we arrived.
But there were other Pokemon too. Oddish were hiding in the grass, and an Ekans of all things had very quickly disappeared not wanting to pick a fight with my revealed team.
I quickly set up a camp. This is where we would likely be hanging out for a while. But that was fine. I had a goal. Like hell I would allow anyone to look at me and say I wasn’t able to protect my own Pokemon!
"Alright team. You know what to do!" I called out, earning little cheers from my buddies even as I turned towards the water…
I sighed. Grabbing my wet suit. This was gonna be a cold experience.
With a rebreather and wet suit I was ready. That and Arcanine setting up a fire near my tent to start warming it up. I felt safe enough jumping into a freezing cold river in the middle of the night. Arcanine and Chansey would be working out, but I would be going in with Milotic.
No idea what Water types would be down here after all.
I had grabbed one more thing from my pack. A set of glow sticks that lit up the dark water around me. Then I slipped in. The current was pretty weak. Having just come off the waterfall it came into a cove before once more turning into a river.
Here is where I should be able to find my target.
Honestly it didn’t take long. Once I was in the water face prickling at the cold plenty of Pokemon were in sight. Including my target.
They seemed pretty uncaring of my appearance as I swam over. Just continuing to swim in circles.
Magikarp were like that. Luckily I knew the trick to any Pokemons heart.
I pulled out a bundle of berries from my hip and offered… him one. Gold whiskers. Male Magikarp. Cool.
He blinked then again, and then swam over to eat one of the berries.
Mwahaha they thought I couldn’t catch Pokemon!? Fools! I could seduce any Pokemon with berries!
I didn’t catch him. Instead after eating all the berries. I played with him a bit. Swimming beside him and basically just showing him I thought he was cool.
Magikarp were like any Pokemon. They wanted attention. They wanted to be loved.
And boy was this Magikarp lucky, because no one could love a Magikarp like I can!
Eventually I was getting too cold, and had to leave but I made sure Milotic told Magikarp we would play more later.
I went to sleep warm in my tent knowing that operation ’Oh fuck did that little girl just release a Gyarados!?’ was well on its way.
So the next morning I did the same thing. My pokemon worked out after making some space near the water while I dived in.
Magikarp had actually been waiting for me!
I was surprised when he actually swam over and did a little wiggle at me, inviting me to swim after him. The three of us played tag for a bit, and I shared more berry treats as time flew by. My Rebreather thank Arceus had refilled overnight so I had plenty of air to play with him that morning.
Which is why when we finally surfaced and Magikarp tried to basically follow me onto the grass by splashing up I was more than assured of my choice.
"Hey don’t do that. You can’t breathe up here buddy." I say as I pick him up, he was a little small for a Magikarp I thought. Maybe a young one? How cute!
"C’mon let’s get you in the water." I say as I heft him up without any difficulty and placed him back in the water.
I really needed to eat something so I had to take a break from swimming.
"Karp! Magi-Magikarp."
"Wha? No." I told him firmly, as I slid knee length back into the water and put him inside. "You can’t breathe out here. So you aren’t staying out of the water. That’s silly."
"Karp! Karp." I yelped as he splashed out of the water and I only barely caught him before he landed back on the grass.
"No you don’t!" I grin as I adjust him so we are looking face to face. "Listen little buddy. I want to be friends. I’m happy you want to spend time with me. I really honestly am. But rule number one of any friendship. You shouldn’t hurt yourself to sustain them. If you do, it’s not a friendship at all. So listen. I’m not going anywhere."
I had sat back in the water so he was resting on my lap and able to breath as I spoke.
"I just need some food, and I can’t really eat underwater… And I need to cook food for my team. If you are still hungry I’ll make you some too. How about that?"
"That’s cute, look how excited you are. Okay I’ll make some for you. But you have to stay in the water! I don’t have a bucket or anything for you… Actually. Fine. Milotic! Iron Tail!"
With a bit of work a pit was dug beside the seating near the fire pit. And Milotic filled it with water.
My new little buddy could sit with me as I cooked and ate food. I made him a nice little meal as well that he wiggled at the taste of.
"So Magikarp. Do you want to join my team?"
"Magikarp! Magi-Magi! Magikarp!"
"Yeah I hoped you would say that. Oh. Since I didn’t say it before. My name is Victoria. Victoria Ferrous. And this is Milotic, and Arcanine over there. And that is Dragonite, Dragonite and Milotic are ’together’ so don’t mind their sappyness. Mama and Papa always said I wasn’t allowed to capture a Magikarp you know? They are scared of Gyarados. But I’m not. Because I know that when you evolve you will still be my friend."
I tell him whispering like it’s a secret before I pass him another bit of food.
I giggled at his call that was practically a promise. I don’t get why people always thought Magikarp and Feebas were dumb. They just weren’t used to people, or Pokemon being nice to them. So they usually just clammed up and tried to be ignored.
"Oh right. Here, do you see this? It’s a Pokeball. But this isn’t just any old Pokeball. See this is a normal one." I pull out both, the standard red and white Pokeball, comparing it to my Premium balls. Which I preferred.
"This one is special. It’s called a Premium ball, and I captured my whole team with one see." I show Magikarp my belt where the white balls all rested. "I use these for my team, the Pokemon I am going on my Journey with. So Magikarp? Do you want to be on my team?" I ask, offering a Premium ball.
A moment later it was already slapping shut. Magikarp hadn’t waited a moment before pushing forward.
Yep. He just wanted a friend.
And I had finally captured a Magikarp! I squealed as I rolled around on the grass with the Pokeball for a while.
Ignoring the look that Dragonite was giving me I brushed myself off and released Magikarp back into the little water pit. He blubbed happily as I reached down and pet him a bit.
"Well Magikarp. We got a lot of work to do. You want to be a Gyarados right?"
"Thought so. So we are going to train hard!"
Magikarp was a cutie. He wasn’t super focused. Unfortunately I think Magikarp and Feebas both have that problem, they get distracted pretty easily, but that was okay. If he got distracted and wanted to play, then we played. If he got hungry. I got him some food.
But with a mix of Arcanine and Dragonite, it wasn’t like I had any difficulty heading into a nearby town to buy some supplies, and let the parents know I was still alive.
I uh… Hadn’t told them about Magikarp yet… No reason why that is, must have slipped my mind…
Anyway! Training Magikarp was fun, see I had a plan.
"Okay Magikarp just like Dragonite showed you!" I called out, watching as a moment later Magikarp splashed out of the water, then while he was in the air he began spinning.
I was pretty sure this wasn’t going to work as I hoped.
I mean Magikarp weren’t exactly the brightest, and my little buddy wasn’t either. But the thing about training is you get benefits whether it works or not.
Right now he was training splash to get into the air. And maneuverability which he would need regardless.
Who cares if Dragon Dance was definitely not on the list of learnable moves for Magikarp? Had anyone ever tried before? Doubtful.
Besides Gyarados could learn it.
So there had to be some connection there. Now why was I having Magikarp try to learn Dragon Dance? Because our training was to get him to climb that waterfall!
I look over at the rather tall waterfall and nod. If he could climb that I was sure he would evolve. Magikarp had done just that multiple times in the anime, games, and other media. Climb a waterfall, and force an evolution.
Become the Gyarados of your dreams!
As Magikarp fell back into the river after failing to activate Dragon Dance. I sighed a little. I did feel a little weird with Magikarp. With Feebas it just fell into place. But I almost felt like I was manipulating Magikarp.
I didn’t think I was? I mean what Magikarp didn’t want to evolve? Didn’t want to be loved?
And I really just wanted to love him. But it felt different with me coming out and specifically trying to find a Magikarp. I mean, It was the norm in this world.
Go out, find a Pokemon, catch it, and now it is yours.
But it felt weird. Which is why I decided that no matter what I was gonna get this Magikarp through his evolution. Not for me, or my team, but for him.
Besides, the rest of my team were training hard right now.
We would need it. Arcanine was helping Milotic with his defensive moves. Dragonite was still just getting used to having limbs.
I had given her a task to work on fine control.
I had set up a series of rope hanging targets and put them all around her. Every time she hit one it would fly off but come back.
So she had to keep hitting them so they wouldn’t touch her.
Hopefully it would give her a solid foundation on using her limbs for combat that and I had Chansey helping her out sometimes.
Chansey as always was being cute and exercising. She was practicing a dance she knew under her heavy gravity.
If you have never seen a Chansey wiggle her butt to music you are missing out.
But back to Magikarp and my training. I had picked Dragon Dance because if it did work, it would enhance his speed and power. The perfect choice to help him climb a waterfall. So I kept him positive!
"Snack time!" I called out and giggled as he came racing over wiggling and splashing out of the water all the while as I revealed my fish food Pokechow snack.
It was basically onigiri with pokechow mixed in, and his favorite Berry on the inside. Turns out my fishy boy really liked spicy flavors. The first time he tried one of the mega spicy Liechi berries he practically breathed fire.
But he refused to eat any other berry after.
Silly fishy!
After his snack and all fired up.
He raced back out into the river.
"Okay! Magikarp! You can do it! I believe in you! Now Splash!" I yell out and he bolts into the air. Honestly he had gotten a lot stronger just with a bit of attention.
Well and short bursts of Gravity. Chansey and I were being careful though. We didn’t want to hurt him, or discourage him from continuing.
But his muscles were definitely getting bigger he splashed high above me, having really hit a perfect jump.
"Now Dragon Dance! You are a Dragon on the inside! The sky belongs to you!"
"Kaaaaaarp!" He cried out as he began to spin emulating Dragon Dance.
He splashed down. But I whooped and hollered about how cool it was. More than giving him enough confidence to try again.
And again.
And again.
Magikarp was a lonely boy. I mean that literally. He got pretty lethargic every time I left him alone, or when I had to head into town. He only bounced back once I came back to camp with a treat, or something just for him.
It made me kinda sad.
We had spent a lot of time exploring the Waterfall basin of this river. There werent any other Magikarp here. Which was weird. I mean, he had been completely alone. Just swimming in circles because he didn’t have any stimulation.
Like a lion pacing in the zoo.
No wonder he was so awkward. He hadn’t had any friends. My team were nice enough, but he was still sorta awkward around them. That was okay though. I made sure every night as I went to bed, as I settled into my tent, I would tell Magikarp and the rest of my team stories for extra bonding time!
Just little things about a boy whose family fought Dragons on a windswept island. About Princess in castles, or Heroes on quests. Whatever came to mind.
Of course I also told my little fish buddy about Magikarp that jumped over a waterfall and became a dragon.
He liked that story best.
I spent at least a few weeks in that little waterfall basin, on the edge of the river. The native Pokemon had eventually either gotten used to my presence, or fled in terror from the sudden onset overpowering Gravity that often struck the area.
That and the flaming angry doggo.
While my team once more improved themselves every day. As Dragonite got used to having limbs, even joining Chansey in cute little dances, Magikarp had grown strong!
Strongest Magikarp in Kanto! I guarantee it! I giggled as my little buddy once more rushed the waterfall.
Ever since I had told him the story he had obviously wanted to do it. To race up the waterfall. To defeat it. So I was behind him one hundred percent.
He splashed out of the water slamming into the current and swimming upwards with a single minded devotion.
Up further and further he went constantly pushing upwards against the waterfall. Which goes to show just how powerful he had become. He had even been growing a bunch in the last few weeks. Obviously all the nutritious food I was stuffing him with was working.
But his charge up the waterfall once more ended in failure, he hit a mid section of the fall and the torrent of water was just too much. He slowed, and in that moment he fell.
He seemed to curse his whole way down as he splashed into the water below.
I waited a bit for him to pop back up. This wasn’t our first failure not even close, but as he didn’t show after, I slowly grew concerned.
Considering I was working with a Water pokemon, I was still wearing my wet Suit so I quickly hopped into the water. Seeing my little buddy floating sideways a bit under the water made me concerned, but I realized he was okay as I got close and he sort of wiggled away.
I swam after. And each time he wiggled a bit out of the way purposefully not looking at me. Over and over until finally I managed to get my arms around him. Floating in the river I hugged my little guy until he finally stopped trying to swim away.
Slowly I brought him towards the shallows keeping my arms around him until I was sitting in the shallows with him in my lap staring off listlessly.
"You upset?" I asked him quietly long after I had settled him in.
He sort of flopped a bit in my lap without a word.
"Yeah." I tell him putting my cheek against his. "You know. I’m not upset at you for not making it up the Waterfall."
"No. You did great. You didn’t fail."
"Karp. Magikarp."
"No not at all. I’m super impressed you improved so much in just a few short weeks." I play with his whisker a bit as I cuddle him.
He sort of flops against me again.
"Okay let me put it this way for you. You didn’t fail Magikarp."
"Karp Karp."
"Nope. Failure doesn’t happen because you don’t succeed. Look. You didn’t fail. You just didn’t succeed. Failure, only happens once you give up. Not before. So you haven’t failed not at all. Not even a little."
"Kaaaaarp." He sort of cries a bit making my own eyes prickle. This poor fish.
"Never ever. You are on my team. You already got captured so we are stuck together, forever and ever."
"Karp?" he questioned almost plaintively. Like he was begging.
How could I resist?
"Yeah… And Magikarp! If you can’t believe in yourself! Believe in me! Believe in your trainer that believes in you!" I told him pulling a perfect Kamiya impression as I pulled him up in my lap so we were looking at each other. "Because I don’t ever plan on giving up! Do you!?"
"Yeah! So let’s go! Again and again! Even if the chance of success is one, or even zero! Together! We’ll make it a hundred!" I call out fist pumping.
"Magikarp!" He agreed with a bellow. Hell yeah! I knew motivational anime speeches would be applicable some day!
He leapt out of my lap in a splash plopping into the water and staring once more at the Waterfall.
Yeah. He had the fire this time but I wanted him to do it. To push past his limits! It came to me, because I’m a genius! "Milotic! Rain dance!" I call out startling my lazy Eel who was resting watching his waifu dance with Chansey.
Such a Chad.
A few moments later it started raining, and then more and more. Milotic may have done a bit too much. And I could hear the fire going out.
Good thing we had Arcanine.
"Alright Magikarp! I believe in you! That waterfall is gonna fail! Today! Or tomorrow! Or someday! Go!"
I watched the revitalized Karp race towards the Waterfall once more. The rain enhanced his speed thanks to Magikarps ability.
He still fell.
But this time, my cheering told him he wasn’t failing. Just not there yet.