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Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 34
Blaine led us all out of the destroyed arena. Ash and co. were really quiet, each of them seemingly taking in the battle they had witnessed with a silent awe.
Finally we were all settled around a table in the Inn’s main room and Blaine sat waving at me to sit.
"Due to the circumstances I am calling the gym match complete." He said immediately, and I blinked. I mean, sure that was his arena, but like. Couldn’t we just go out and finish somewhere else? He had his volcano top arena too right? I remember it from the anime.
"Oh…. When do you want a rematch? I wasn’t really planning on staying for very long, but-"
"You misunderstand. The match was your victory." He offered, and I took a moment to notice how… Tired he looked. He wiped a hand over his face. "Koga was right. You have what it takes. If Growlithe had managed a win against your dragon, I might consider continuing the match, but as I had to withdraw him, that means he is out."
"I hit you with my best pokemon against your team right at the start. You could have still won." I offer back.
"It’s not about winning or losing Victoria." He offered, "I am old. Despite what it looks like, my Pokemon don’t have the might we once carried. They are still battle ready, but I am old. I no longer have the will to truly lead them any longer. No. You proved to me you have the spirit. Kanto has made its mark on you. No matter where you go, who you battle, they will all know that the power of Kanto lives on."
"What?" Ash asked, interrupting, although Blaine didn’t seem annoyed. He instead turned to Ash, and waited and so Ash resumed his question. "What does that mean?"
"Heh. Children these days. It is the Kantonese philosophy of Pokemon battles young Ash. Overwhelming might. No games, no tricks. We train our Pokemon for such power that all such strategies are useless. You saw that in our battle did you not? Do you think most tricks would work against young Victoria’s power? Her might? No." He said with a chuckle, but I frowned a bit.
"But don’t take that as the only way to fight." I interrupted Blaine, I looked to Ash. "Having strong Pokemon is great. Your Pikachu is like that, but don’t just rely on that. Figure things out. Try new strategies. Pokemon trainers can’t become complacent…" I laughed because that was one of my own weaknesses.
"Koga left his mark on you." Blaine grumbled, but I shrugged.
"Koga was a good teacher, but I don’t think I’ll ever battle like him."
"Nor should you." Blaine grumbled, and I just sighed leaning back.
I guess that means I won?
"So do I get a badge?" I asked then after fidgeting in place for a bit.
"Oh yes, of course. You defeated me truly, don’t take the early ending of our match as anything but a victory. You proved you have the strength of a Volcano young Victoria. So now I give you this." And Blaine pulled out a badge. "The Volcano badge. With Star. Become the rising star of Kanto. I’ll put my hopes on you."
I took the badge but winced a bit.
All of these old guys really put too much on my shoulders.
"I’ll do my best, but that’s for me. I’m not battling for anyone but myself."
He smirked and nodded. "Good. Forge your own path with the fires of a Volcano hardening your resolve."
Ash Misty and Brock were oddly quiet. The boy looked a little shell shocked, and was kinda slumped into his seat. While the two older trainers simply were taking in everything that had happened with a focused air.
I kinda wanted to say something, but at the same time…
I rose up. "Thank you for the battle Blaine." I offered before turning to Ash. "I’m going to head out. Ash. Everyone gets stronger at their own pace. I know you have potential. I look forward to the day that you truly come into your own as a trainer. That day? I’ll be there." I offered him the only thing I could.
Despite him being a little shit now. This was still the kid that someday won it all.
"Leaving so soon?"
"Yeah. I’ll hit the Pokemon Center, and probably fly out tonight. It’s late, but…" I shrugged. I wanted to get away from this island.
Even if I had intended on exploring the Jungles, I kinda just wanted to go home.
"Then. If I may, one last piece of advice. Get your sixth pokemon sorted. Now. Before the League. You seek to challenge Lance? Doing so without a complete team would be foolish. You will not overcome his dragons at anything but using everything you can to equalize the board."
I already knew that, but I kept the sarcastic response to myself instead just sighed through my nose. "Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind."
Blaine nodded and I walked out. Time to hit the Pokemon Center. Chansey was great, but everyone could use a checkup and then if Dragonite was up for it, we would fly home.
After twenty minutes with Nurse Joy my team was returned, and I had to practically crawl over travelers sleeping in the Pokemon Center lobby to get out. Then I just released Dragonite and she stretched looking as healthy as ever.
We took to the dark skies, and then instantly blurred north. It was cold. I shivered a bit at the frigid air, but Dragonite was warm, and we were moving fast.
Back to Viridian City. Back home.
The moon gave both of us plenty of light to see, and within just a few minutes I could already see land, and then we blazed through, over Pallet town, over Route 1. Heh. It had taken Ash an afternoon with Spearow chasing him to travel the Route, but for Dragonite we were over it in just a minute or so.
Then. I saw the lights of Viridian.
Dragonite knew the route by heart, and we flew just out of the city, following a familiar road until we found the berry farm. All the trees in neat lines made for an easy landmark from the sky, even at night. Then with a floomph of her wings we landed.
I released everyone, and made to race for the door when suddenly the stars winked out.
"Gyarados!" I laughed as I realized he had taken his opportunity for a hug snatching me right off my feet, a few moments of my feet kicking and I was back on my feet. Honestly I was still kinda cold, but his mouth was warmer than outside. Although now I was coated in saliva and it was chilly. "We really need to work on that." I told him and he just gave me a big dopey smile.
A second later a loud squeal of delight echoed out and from the stream came Dratini.
He raced right over slamming into Dragonite and Milotic wrapping around them with his much larger body.
Aww. He had grown so much! He was probably closer to eight feet now than his original six.
"Alright. I need a hot shower. Relax everyone. We are home!" I called out and then stomped up to the door. I opened it. The lights were still on, and the warmth of home hit me.
"I’m home!"
The next morning I woke up feeling warm and happy. Mama and Papa had been delighted to see me home. Less so with all the Gyarados saliva I trailed into the house, but we had spent the night cuddled up on the couch as I told them about my latest adventure.
It felt… Perfect.
I rose and stretched out. None of my Pokemon had slept with me last night. Arcanine had cuddled up with Arcany and Gyarados had been happy to hang out in the stream. And I had kicked Pillow the Growlithe off my bed. He had eaten some food off the table while I had distracted everyone and he was being a little fart monster.
Of course that didn’t mean I didn’t wake up with a Pokemon.
I blinked at my utterly fogged up window and a big Gyarados face mushed up to the glass.
"My Blue Heart? Please don’t break my bedroom window. Papa will be pissed." I told him as I rose and hurried over. Gently getting him to back up a bit so I can open the window.
He rumbled happily at seeing me, and I reached out and stroked his face. "Good morning." I whispered to him and wiggled in happiness.
"I love you too." I told him, having a good clue at what his different movements meant now.
I continued to scratch under his chin and then behind his ridge for a while, just waking up from the cool air.
"Alright my Blue Heart. I need to get ready. Play with Dratini and the Milotic for a little okay?" I asked him, and although he made a grumbling noise about it. He did eventually move away crawling across the grass back to the stream.
That was a good bit of damage to the yard… I’ll just pretend I don’t know how it happened. I decided staring at the grooves in the grass that my Blue Heart made in the earth.
Window closed. I changed out of my PJ’s and opened my door only to sigh.
Arcany was sleeping in.
"You do this on purpose." I informed his butt that had flowed into my room once I opened the door. The fact his tail was starting to wag told me I was right.
Grumbling but only half annoyed, I climbed over the Arcanine that really shouldn’t be an inside dog… Ah who am I kidding? Papa and I would both be crying tears about how cold it is outside if we made either of our big pups sleep outside. The Growlithe pack was the same. They had basically taken over the living room.
Papa to my complete amusement had even bought little doggy beds for them which made the living room seem much smaller, but all the cozier.
I was sure Mama was not pleased.
Meowth certainly wasn’t…
But I just grinned in delight at his irritation.
The dining room already had the smell of warm food, but I would need to prep breakfast for my team before I could enjoy it.
"Morning Mama." I whispered as I gave her a big hug that she returned one armed as she worked on… Miso? Guess we were having a traditional breakfast this morning.
I hurried out and started prepping food. Laughing as the Growlithe horde all charged over to where I was cooking for my team and settling into a super cute line of puppies all begging.
This had Papa written all over it.
"Alright. I know you lot have already been fed!" I warned them, but they all knew I was a softy and just kept licking their lips as they waited.
I sighed, and continued working.
The atmosphere of the farm left me with a smile on my face as I cooked. The sound of Milotic singing to each other filled the air and wind flowing around the trees. It was peaceful and soothing.
"Alright! Breakfast is ready!" I called out, and got a stampede of my team all coming for food. I fed all of my pokemon Chansey happily helping me pass out the food, and in the end I scooped up the bits at the bottom of the pot and let each Growlithe lick a bit off the spoon. Of course some of the spicy stuff sent them running for water, while others just wanted more.
"Trouble! Breakfast!"
"Okay Papa!" I called back, packing up my equipment and running inside to join Mama and Papa at the table.
I devoured breakfast, but didn’t rush off once I was done. Just enjoying the atmosphere of being around my parents for a while. But eventually Papa asked the question.
"When are you going to go after your last badge?"
"Today." I decided. "The sooner I get it, the sooner I’m free to focus on training for the League." I said foot tapping at the floor.
He was still the Gym Leader of Viridian handing out the Earth Badge.
What would he be like? Should I confront him? Team Rocket was definitely bad. I mean, sure they weren’t trying to destroy the world, but they still hurt a lot of people and Pokemon.
Mewtwo… Did he exist? Would I be facing Mewtwo today? I shook it off.
It didn’t matter. If I did, I would decide when it happened what to do. And if I didn’t then I could hope he wasn’t currently enslaved.
"Giovanni huh?" Papa said, sounding not at all pleased about it. "Be careful Vicky. A lot of bad rumors about unfair battles surround that man. If he tries anything other than a gym match you get out of there and call Officer Jenny."
"Yes Papa." I agreed and Papa nodded before reaching over and fluffing my hair.
"Still can’t believe you are wiping the Gym Leaders! Heh! Did you know I got to talk you up to Malcolm? He was always acting so arrogant just because his son made it top eight in the League his first year. Never mind that Malcolm helped train his team before his son ever went on a journey."
"You helped me with my team." I pointed out and Papa instantly scoffed.
"That’s not the same thing at all!"
I looked to Mama, and we both rolled our eyes. Papa was pretty competitive for a guy that gave up on his Journey.
"I’m happy I make you proud." I told him instead, and that earned me some honest affection as he reached over and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Always. You’ve always made me proud."
I snuggled into the hug, just happy for the affection.
I walked up to the front of the Viridian gym with a glare.
So this was it. The headquarters of Team Rocket.
It was fucking gaudy. Giovannia had chosen a greek style, with pillars and even his gym trainers were in like… Hoplite armor.
Which was doubly weird because I hadn’t learned anything about what ancient Greece in the Pokemon world would have been like. And why was Giovanni using this aesthetic? This was Kanto!
I shook it off and stomped forward. "I’m here to challenge Giovanni for a gym badge."
The two guards nodded and the stone door slid open… Why a stone door? This was almost as extra as Blaines Volcano arena!
I walked in, and scoffed. Giovanni was up on a second floor with a light to backdrop him into the shadows as he rested on a throne with a Persian in his lap.
A very familiar Persian actually. That was one of ours.
"Who comes to challenge the Viridian Gym?" Giovanni asked, haughty and arrogant.
"Victoria Ferrous. I have come to defeat your most powerful team!"
"I see. Very well. We will have a three on three battle. No returns." He called out to me, and I frowned.
That wasn’t how any of the Star Matches had gone so far. My confusion must have been evident as Giovanni spoke.
"Do you think you are the only challenger I will face today? I only face trainers with at least seven badges." He said as he waved his hand at me. "If you can defeat me, you will receive your badge."
"Giovanni of the Viridian Gym versus Victoria Ferrous! Three on three!" A new voice called out from the loudspeakers and I saw Giovanni not even getting off his couch simply grabbing a ball from his belt and releasing the Pokemon without moving.
"Nidoking!" The pokemon roared, and I instantly reacted.
"Arcanine!" She appeared in a flurry of fire as she growled deep in her chest.
"Begin!" The loudspeaker called out, and Arcanine didn’t hesitate.
"Go!" I called out to confirm, and she was moving. Extreme Speed blurring her across the arena into a bone crushing Flame Wheel. The fire leaving after images in her wake as she moved so fast.
It slammed into the Nidoking which hadn’t been ready. Giovanni hadn’t given any instructions. Just watching.
Something was weird.
Nidoking was slammed a few steps back from the blow then reacted. But I didn’t need to call out what to do, because Arcanine had some experience fighting a Nidoking. And a stronger one at that.
I was frowning as the arena shook from the Nidokings Earthquake.
Slow. This Nidoking… It wasn’t extremely strong. Not like what I expected from someone at Giovanni’s level.
Arcanine jumped around dodging the Earthquake. And when it was over. A second blow sent the Nidoking skittering across the arena.
"Return." Giovanni called and Nidoking disappeared in red light. I was glaring because a moment later a Golem slammed into the earth.
"Steel! Go!" I called the moment the battle resumed and Arcanine instantly began shining as she disappeared in blur.
This was wrong. Giovanni wasn’t saying anything. He was doing nothing.
Steel Head smashed into his Golem, and it cried out in pain, the Pokemon had braced itself, but Arcanine hit the rock and ground type with such force his brace only made it worse. Sending it rolling backwards, it built up speed and slipped into a rollout.
I waited. Arcanine would know what to do, but this…
What the fuck was going on!?
The moment Golem raced at Arcanine she dodged upwards, flipping around in the air and landing behind the rolling Golem.
Most Pokemon wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the speed of a rolling Golem.
Arcanine was not one of those. She blurred and blasted into Golem from behind. The poor Pokemon was accelerated into the wall of the gym, well outside the arena.
"Return." Giovanni called and I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. This wasn’t a Star match. This felt like bullying some kid. Giovanni wasn’t even trying. He said nothing to his Pokemon. Simply allowed them to lose…
"Rhydon." Giovanni called and I was really glaring now, because once again the call to begin happened, and Giovanni said nothing.
I didn’t say anything either. Just glared up at the man with all the vitriol I could.
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It wasn’t even a match.
Steel Head rocked the Rhydon, and the big pokemon was too slow to resist. Maybe if his Trainer helped this would have been a match. The Pokemon were strong, but… This wasn’t right.
"Return." Rhydon was pulled from the battle as it was unable to rise after Arcanine smashed him a few times. "It seems you have earned the Earth Badge." Giovanni called out, and one of his Trainers walked up beside me with a Star Earth Badge.
The temptation to just knock it from his hands, maybe step on it a few times was there. Instead I took it and walked out. I had no interest in being here any longer, and maybe I would call Koga and let him know what had happened.
This was wrong.
"You did it." Papa offered as I showed off my Badge case.
All eight of the Kanto gyms were represented, and each had a star on them.
"Giovanni… Something is wrong with him." I replied, but Papa and Mama didn’t care. Papa lifted me right off my feet and spun me around laughing in delight.
"You did it! My daughter! Our daughter!" Papa said turning to Mama and she smiled proudly as well, which made me feel better.
"Vicky. I am very proud of you." Mama whispered as my parents both hugged me tightly.
Aaaaaah! I flushed as I just buried my face into Papa’s neck. How embarrassing!
"We’ll have to head over to your grandmothers. She’ll want to see this." Mama offered, and Papa laughed as he nodded.
"She’ll die from how proud she’ll be." He said, and I scoffed.
"I hope not."
"Hah! Arceus, when was the last time someone in their first year had a full star badge lineup?" He asked Mama and she shrugged.
"Honestly I don’t know. But this means… Vicky. Are you ready for the Pokemon League? The Indigo League is happening this year. It’ll be tough. Tougher than you are probably expecting. Remember every trainer has to fight a gym at their best to get in."
I wanted to say of course I was. But…
"I still need to find a sixth Pokemon for the team. I could use a Milotic, or Growlithe, or something. Maybe Dratini if he is up for it? But otherwise… I need to capture a new Pokemon."