Re: Legendary Berserker's Advent-Chapter 183 A Vital Decision

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The team was shocked by Kieranโ€™s appearance, not because of the fact he was here, but because of his equipment!

It underwent a complete change, appearing as if he was dressed in some kind of unconventional and practically tribal set of heavy armor. ฦ’๐š›๐ž๐šŽ๐‘ค๐˜ฆ๐š‹๐“ทo๐šŸe๐˜ญ.c๐จ๐™ข

Both of his arms were completely bare, highlighting their chiseled musculature. His robust shoulders were coated by what seemed to be luxurious fur from a wolf or other powerful beast-type monster.

Kieranโ€™s feet were wrapped in bandages that, despite their tattered appearance, were more durable than many metal armor shoes.

If one had to describe his top and bottom armor, it could only be described as a brownish-black leather top and pants coated by metal-dipped beast bones!

Atop Kieranโ€™s forehead sat a crown made of fangs strung together by a beast tendon.

This appearance was naturally the Savage Beast Lord Set Equipment that couldnโ€™t be equipped until he reached Lv.40. Aside from his accessories, Kieranโ€™s equipment has undergone a complete overhaul!

โ€œIsnโ€™t thatโ€ฆโ€ Bastionโ€™s eyes widened after understanding why Kieranโ€™s armor had changed so much. It was the equipment picked up inside the Underground Labyrinthโ€™s hidden treasure area. That meant Kieranโ€™s level had at least increased to Lv.40.

โ€˜Aatrox said he requires much more Experience compared to other classes, so he must have killed countless brigand members to level up,โ€™ Bastion estimated.

After the party split up, everyoneโ€™s Experience became limited to the party they were inside. As a result, Kieran was the only one to benefit from his kills. However, Kieran did this purposefully.

Although the Experience gained from each brigand lessened every time a party member leveled up, their progress still surpassed that of any other party known.

But, that came with a severe drawbackโ€”missing out on important events due to being over-leveled. Thus, Kieran intended to control their level until he could ascertain the level range of certain vital dungeons..

โ€˜A dungeonโ€™s level range increases after a certain difficulty is chosen, but thereโ€™s no telling how high our levels will reach after this quest,โ€™ Kieran mused.

Afterward, he walked up and pulled Crimson Ashrune from the sand while taking in his surroundings. โ€˜Thirteen enemies, including a huge one. And finally, their controller.โ€™

โ€œIโ€™ll handle this. You guys conserve your Stamina for the last slaughter. Iโ€™ve already taken care of their Vice Head.โ€

Hearing this, Facinaโ€™s pupils constricted to the size of a needle. โ€œVidal?! What have you done with my brother, Vidal?โ€

โ€œHeโ€™s dead,โ€ Kieran indifferently replied.

He lifted Crimson Ashrune toward Facina and stared silently for a moment. โ€œDonโ€™t despair. You will accompany your brother soon enough, and your father will eventually join that reunion.โ€


The ground splattered apart as Kieran burst forth with frightening momentum.

โ€œFury Rush!โ€

โ€œWild Crash!โ€

Kieran executed the two skills within seconds of each other, smashing apart two of the small golems in an instant. He leaned back and launched a Blood Wave from an almost impossible angle, which severed a few other golems.

โ€œCrimson Current,โ€ Kieran said. His deep, emotionless voice echoed throughout the hall as it caused the immense onset of a disastrous blood deluge.


The Crimson Current smashed the Guardian of the Northern Sands into the wall as Kieran lifted his hand in the air. โ€œBlood Bind.โ€

The twelve resilient blood chains sprouted from the blood-soaked floor, binding the remaining golems until Kieran spoke his following words.


It was a simple command, but the results were akin to a bomb going off as the force made everyoneโ€™s hair flutter.

The twelves sand pillars dissipated after Kieran destroyed the Guardian of the Northern Sands, leaving a disheveled Facina with less than 20% of her Health remaining.

Facina sat on the floor in shock because she couldnโ€™t understand how one person could make such a drastic difference. โ€œW-what are you? How could the Aeredale Kingdom afford to enlist someone as strong as you?โ€

โ€œWhat am I?โ€ Kieran parroted in a soft voice. After a brief silence, he smiled faintly. โ€œIโ€™m just someone seeking to make a name for myself. Sadly, youโ€™re a victim of this aspiration. Also, Iโ€™m not strongโ€ฆ. Youโ€™re just weak.โ€

โ€œCrimson Barrage!โ€ ๐—ณ๐“‡โ„ฏe๐“Œ๐šŽ๐š‹๐“ƒ๐š˜๐šŸ๐˜ฆ๐‘™.๐‘๐š˜๐™ข

Before Facina could respond, her expression filled with disbelief and despair as six slender blood arcs hacked her into pieces and claimed the rest of her life.

ใ€ˆSystem: You have gained 1,389,848 Experience.ใ€‰

ใ€ˆSystem: Congratulations, you have leveled up! [Lv.40โ†’Lv.41]ใ€‰

ใ€ˆSystem: You have received 12 Assigned Points and 8 Skill Points.ใ€‰

Kieran exhaled afterward and turned to the rest before nodding.

ใ€ˆSystem: Would you like to ?Auto Loot?? Manual looting is estimated to take upward of 1 hour.ใ€‰

โ€œAuto Loot,โ€ Kieran commanded. In mere seconds, a window appeared before everyone after Kieran reset the party as one.

โ€œWowโ€ฆ all that loot? Sheesh,โ€ Bastion whistled in awe.

โ€œI mean, we should expect as much, no? We cleared out the entire hideout except for the remaining boss,โ€ Ezra answered. Still, she couldnโ€™t believe her eyes. โ€˜Over 500 Goldโ€ฆ thatโ€™s an amount of Gold that any guild would drool over.โ€™

Kieran waved his hand and split the Gold ten ways. However, he gave Ezra the portion for her members. After all, as the Guild Master, Ezraโ€™s decision ultimately determined the purposes of earned Gold.

At this stage in the game, there was no need for any player to possess 50 Gold unless they traveled the route of a Guild Master. The cost of items and consumables didnโ€™t surpass 5 Gold. Therefore, the rest was better off if used for development purposes.

Lux and Camila looked at Ezra and shrugged. As core members of Eclipse, their salaries were mind-boggling. Whether or not they received this 50 Gold didnโ€™t interest them.

It was only $100,000, which amounted to less than a fraction of their monthly earnings. They could also get that as a bonus for obtaining renown for Eclipse.

โ€œSpread the equipment amongst yourselves. If there is anything useful to you, equip it,โ€ Kieran said.

From how he half-heartedly gave the order, it was clear he didnโ€™t care about any of the loot in the Loot Table, even opening access to all party members.

While the others looted up, Altair approached Kieran and analyzed his equipment. โ€œHow is it?โ€

โ€œPretty powerful. Itโ€™s a set, so the bonuses are truly worth it. I probably wonโ€™t change it for quite some time,โ€ Kieran answered.

Altair could sense a difference in the air Kieran exuded. It was as if his indifference was bleeding into his every action. But, Altair understood something about apathy.

โ€˜Those who appear nonchalant usually possess the worst tempersโ€”a silent yet deadly rage. Aatrox probably fits this description at the core of his being, and it shows through his current demeanor,โ€™ Altair thought.

Kieran felt Altairโ€™s eyes still on him and looked up. โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong?โ€

โ€œNothing. You just feelโ€ฆ different. But not that different if Iโ€™m being truthful. Itโ€™s almost as if youโ€™ve unshackled yourself and become something unrelenting.โ€

โ€œUnrelenting, huh?โ€ Kieran leaned against the wall and sipped some water to help replenish his exhausted Stamina. โ€œThat isnโ€™t wrong. I used to hold back in fear of alerting opponents outside our league, but Iโ€™ve learned that Iโ€™ve been underestimating my class.โ€

โ€œHow so?โ€ Altair sat beside Kieran and found interest in his words.

โ€œMy class flourishes in adversity. I subconsciously repressed what was said to me before I accepted this class. I must grow stronger and do so quickly. The best option to do so is to go against formidable and nearly insurmountable opponents.โ€

Kieran looked at everyone talking amongst themselves and organizing the loot before continuing. โ€œButโ€ฆ at the same time, Iโ€™ll be dragging you all into this dangerous situation. In a sense, you guys are my anchors that keep me from doing excessively foolish things.โ€

โ€œIs that a good or bad thing? Wonโ€™t repressing your true nature beโ€ฆ boring?โ€

โ€œRepress? I never said Iโ€™d repress it, but I also wonโ€™t go looking for an opponent I know I canโ€™t beat. However, we must maintain a certain intensity for the greatest progress. Take a look at Bastion.โ€

โ€œI saw,โ€ Altair said.

A hint of praise surfaced in his eyes while looking at Bastion. โ€œHe gained newfound confidence in his ability which shone through his skills. He probably didnโ€™t realize it, but for a moment, his movement ability surpassed Nemean for a moment.โ€

โ€œTheyโ€™re all natural talents, which is why I was drawn to them. But, we need to take another step if we want them to become stronger.โ€

โ€œWhat are you thinking?โ€

โ€œI might invite them to Metro City to train. Work on their reflexes, mental acuity, andโ€ฆ introduce them to X-hancers,โ€ Kieran said.

Inviting the others to train would be taking a great leap of faith because heโ€™d be exposing his identity and location, but with the Zenith Covenant active, Kieran wasnโ€™t worried about a betrayal of trust.

Altair liked the idea Kieran proposed. โ€œIf you doโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll join you in helping them train.โ€ Altair decided to no longer hide in the shadows, avoiding the clutches of the Wiyan Family.

โ€œWeโ€™ll talk about this more after we return. Iโ€™ll have to get everyone on board before going through with my plan,โ€ Kieran decided.

The others approached the guys sitting on the floor a few minutes later.

โ€œWhat now? Do we know where the boss is?โ€ Ezra questioned.

โ€œI have an idea,โ€ Kieran said before standing up. โ€œWeโ€™ll need to head back to the area where we found the Deep Sands Chamber.โ€