Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 388 - 376: Provoking the Deputy Governor_1

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Chapter 388: Chapter 376: Provoking the Deputy Governor_1

“Mayor Nie, I’m afraid that Tian Xujian is up to no good this time.” Looking at Tian Xujian’s special car being led away by the guide from the Liangxi City Public Security Bureau, Zhao Xintian also walked over to Nie Zhenbang and spoke softly.

Nie Zhenbang’s face also didn’t look good, and he was a bit puzzled in his heart. He and Tian Xujian had never crossed paths before and in his memory, he had never offended him. This blatant disrespect today was, to be precise, an insult in public. What did this mean?

Thinking about it, Nie Zhenbang seemed to have realized a possibility. Looking at Lei Dingguo not far away, he quietly said to Zhao Xintian: “Xintian, you’ve seen it too, haha, in the words of Taizu, ‘when it rains, it pours’. We can’t control how he acts, but how I react isn’t something he can dictate either.”

With that, Nie Zhenbang walked towards his car, leaving Zhao Xintian pondering thoughtfully in place.

Looking at the spectacular welcome scene outside the car window, Tian Xujian was quite satisfied. This time, Tian Xujian was helpless, as his sister had rushed to Jiangzhou City in tears, claiming her husband was about to be arrested. To be honest, Tian Xujian clearly understood in his heart that if Yao Yuhong had done nothing wrong, there would be no need for his sister to seek his help.

Of course, Tian Xujian also guessed that his brother-in-law probably hadn’t made any major mistakes. Therefore, Tian Xujian came. Because, in this matter, Tian Xujian felt that the Liangxi City Municipal Party Committee and Government disregarded him.

After a casual investigation, Tian Xujian had already learned/understood everything about Liangxi City. That’s why he openly disrespected Nie Zhenbang; because Tian Xujian felt that Nie Zhenbang blatantly didn’t acknowledge his status as deputy governor.

“Secretary Changsheng, the work achievements of Liangxi City have been quite remarkable these past few years.” Urban construction is very good, especially the industry in Liangxi City. Now, with the Liangxi High-Tech Industrial Development Zone as the leader, Yanling City as the wing, cooperating with the Five Districts and Zisha City, it can be said that they are marching forward together. I think the foreign investment introduced by Deputy Mayor Li in your city last year and the year before last was quite good. ” Tian Xujian was more than satisfied with the grand welcoming ceremony in Liangxi City and expressed some praise in his words.

Everyone lifts the red sedan chair, and after all, such words don’t cost a thing. Tian Xujian spoke very fluently, with an easy and natural feeling.

Along the way, each intersection was temporarily controlled by traffic police, allowing the convoy to move unimpeded until it reached the office building of the Liangxi City Municipal Party Committee and Government.

More than a dozen new Audi A6s were lined up one after another on the square in front of the city committee office building. By now, the members of the city committee standing committee had lost their usual composed demeanor. As soon as the cars arrived, people like Huang Junshan didn’t even wait for the cars to stop before they opened the doors and stepped out first. Other people were the same. When Tian Xujian got out of the car, there were already many people surrounding him. This was what it felt like to be attended to in droves.

Looking around at the crowd, Tian Xujian felt a bit proud, and with a calm smile, he said: “Secretary Changsheng, the main reason for my visit this time is to inspect the restructuring of the Liangxi Spinning Group to a joint-stock system. The Liangxi First Spinning Factory, Second Spinning Factory, and Cotton Spinning Factory are big factories in our Jiangbei Province’s textile industry. The establishment of the new Liangxi Spinning Group following its restructuring to a stock system not only is a major event for Liangxi City but also holds significant meaning for the restructuring to stock systems for all industrial enterprises in the province. Thank you for the warm hospitality of the Liangxi City Committee. I think it’s better for us to sit in the conference room first to listen to the report of the relevant comrades.”

After his words, the members of the committee standing committee were stunned once again. Governor Tian was acting out of character today, insulting Nie Zhenbang publicly once again. Could it be that Nie Zhenbang had offended Governor Tian?

There were some people who were pondering this. Some say that working within the system, walking the path of politics, is a process of guessing and being guessed.

Guessing, as the name suggests, means guessing the intentions of the superior leaders. The intentions of oneself also need to be guessed by subordinates. Guessing correctly, the superior is satisfied, and promotion comes. The subordinates guess correctly, one is satisfied, and their own direct-line team emerges.

Tian Xujian’s repeated disregard for Nie Zhenbang couldn’t help but make these people wonder what Nie Zhenbang had done to offend Governor Tian.

No matter the thoughts of the other standing committee members, Fan Changsheng was quite happy at this moment. He took a casual glance at Nie Zhenbang and immediately made a welcome gesture to Tian Xujian, enthusiastically saying, “Governor Tian, please come in.”

The group of people entered the elevator in mighty procession. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang intentionally fell behind. Normally, as the deputy secretary of the Liangxi Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor of the People’s Government, Nie Zhenbang was undoubtedly the second-in-command of Liangxi City. Under such circumstances, it was essential for him to accompany Governor Tian on either side, but now, when Governor Tian was clearly not warm to him, Nie Zhenbang need not stick out his hot face and stick it on someone else’s cold backside.

Once Tian Xujian and Fan Changsheng had entered the elevator, Nie Zhenbang abruptly stopped the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary, Lei Dingguo: “Secretary Lei, the elevator is full, let’s take this one on the side.”

Nie’s words took Lei by surprise but he soon realized what was happening, and the two stood side by side. Nie then said quietly, “Old Lei, have you noticed anything? I suspect Tian Xujian is here with a motive. Could it be that a relative of his who lives in Qingfang City came under our investigation, so he deliberately came to show his support?”

These words, ringing in Lei’s ears, were as if lightning had struck him on a clear day. As insights flashed through his mind, his expression turned grave. “Mayor Nie, if you hadn’t mentioned it, I would have forgotten. I remember there used to be rumors in Liangxi City that Yao Yuhong, the director of the Spinning Factory, was Tian Xujian’s brother-in-law. Yao’s wife, Tian Guixiang, is Tian Xujian’s sister. However, Yao has remained in his position. Everyone felt that if he were truly Tian Xujian’s brother-in-law, he would have been promoted by now, so the rumors eventually faded. It seems that there’s some truth to them.”


As the elevator chimed, the doors opened. On the other side, Tian Xujian was now heading towards the conference room, accompanied by Fan Changsheng, Li Guohua, and others.

Nie Zhenbang immediately said, “Old Lei, I’ll come over to your place tonight for dinner after work.”

Once everyone settled in the conference room, Fan Changsheng turned to Nie Zhenbang: “Mayor Nie, you’ve been in charge of and following up on the shareholding reform of the Spinning Group. It seems fitting for you to provide a report to Governor Tian on this.”

Nie Zhenbang was never afraid of presenting reports. The entire plan for the shareholding reform and restructuring of the Spinning Group was his doing. Many ideas and strategies borrowed from the experiences of later generations have withstood the test of time. He immediately nodded, saying, “Very well.”

With that, he proceeded to explain in detail the reorganization of assets and resources among the three factories, the placement of workers, arrangements for layoffs, severance based on years of service, and the part of the Spinning Factory land intended for real estate development.

After hearing Nie Zhenbang’s report, Tian Xujian was both shocked and impressed. In all honesty, Nie Zhenbang’s approach to the reform was commendable to Tian Xujian. However, since this involved his sister, Tian Xujian hadn’t forgotten the main reason for his visit. After a pause, he said to Fan Changsheng, “Secretary Fan, it’s a wonderful idea. However, I’ve heard that during the shareholding reform of the Spinning Group, some comrades in Liangxi City made extensive investigations under the pretext of rooting out corruption among the officials. This could be seen as an attempt to eliminate dissent. This is unacceptable.”

Even Fan Changsheng hadn’t expected Tian Xujian to be so focused. He only just arrived in Liangxi City and was already launching accusations. However, Fan was delighted. He’d hoped Tian would act this way. Instantly, Fan expressed his support: “Governor Tian is correct in his criticism. I too believe that our approach to the investigation at the three Spinning Group factories was overly aggressive during the reform. Rest assured, Governor, we will rectify this promptly and ensure stability so that the restructuring of the Spinning Group progresses smoothly.”

Tian Xujian agreed wholeheartedly. His gaze happened to sweep across Nie Zhenbang as he said again, “Being able to admit and correct one’s mistakes is the greatest virtue. Our Party has always advocated this. History proved that even the Gang of Four once followed a wrong path. Now, everything is centered on economic construction and maintaining stability is paramount. Creating anxiety and making everyone feel endangered is unacceptable. The Standing Committee of your City Party Committee must provide proper guidance and calm the people. Return to the correct path as soon as possible.”

Nie Zhenbang sneered inwardly at this exquisite play-acting. The two were echoing each other, seemingly discussing serious matters, but every word targeted him.

After a pause, he raised his head and said, “Deputy Governor Tian, I have something to say, and I’m not sure if I should.”

Nie’s words turned Tian’s expression sour. In Liangxi City, everyone had been addressing him as Governor Tian. Yet, Nie was cheeky enough to state the word “Deputy”. Was he trying to remind everyone that he was only the Deputy Governor?

Li Guohua, who was standing there, was also stunned. At this moment, even he hasn’t expected Nie Zhenbang to be this bold. By saying that, Nie was slapping Tian Xujian’s face.

However, Tian Xujian, who had been in politics for a long time and had a sharp mind, immediately adopted a casual demeanor. He smiled and said, “Of course, Mayor Nie, feel free to speak your mind.” (To be continued. If you like this book, please visit to vote and support us. Your support is our biggest motivation.)