Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 341 - 338: Devil Contract

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Chapter 341: Chapter 338: Devil Contract

"Shut up..."

Hayakawa Aki glared at Fang Mo in a somewhat disheveled manner.

However, this item was obtained through a Devil Contract.

Despite its disgusting taste, it truly enhances strength after consumption, so why would Hayakawa Aki easily give it to someone else?

Moreover, he had already paid a price for it.

It would be too wasteful not to consume it all.

With this thought, Hayakawa Aki continued to struggle with the essence berries in front of him.

Although it was still extremely disgusting.

Hayakawa Aki still braced himself and finished eating it.

Fortunately, the effect of this thing was indeed immediate. After leaving the bathroom, Hayakawa Aki tentatively swung two punches into the air, clearly feeling a significant increase in both speed and strength.

"How does it feel, do you feel much stronger?"

Before he could ponder further, Fang Mo's voice came from the kitchen.

Hayakawa Aki looked up and saw the other person holding a knife as large as a door panel, dissecting a tuna: "Later, dissolve the fox and curse Contracts, those two idiots are just a hindrance, completely useless."

"Can't you just use a kitchen knife for that?"

Seeing this, Hayakawa Aki hurriedly walked over and said, "Don't break the kitchen..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the tip of the Manyullyn Sword accidentally cut through the cabinet and the adjacent wall, making a 'crack' sound.


Hayakawa Aki's face immediately darkened.

However, Fang Mo paid him no attention, continuing to cut the tuna on his own.

Unlike the chefs' exquisite skills, Fang Mo's method was very simple and crude. He cut off the head and tail of the fish in one stroke, along with the innards, then split the fish in half from the middle, and then cut two premium belly pieces with frost patterns from the belly.

"Alright, done."

Fang Mo dusted off his hands, then casually stuck the Manyullyn Sword into the ground beside him: "Denji, go get some mustard, we're having meat today."


Denji jumped up from the sofa: "Meat, that's great!"

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing this scene, Hayakawa Aki finally couldn't hold back, and directly said, "If you're cooking, please don't damage the house, okay?"

"This is how everyone cooks in our hellish kitchen."

Fang Mo said naturally, "I've already been very restrained by cooking with a scalpel, okay? If I were to bring out the Laevatein... we'd be having bone ash mixed with rice for dinner tonight. The bone ash would be made from you."

"My house is rented!" Hayakawa Aki gritted his teeth.

"See that gold brick over there? It's yours now," Fang Mo said bluntly. "Now that the house is yours, I can wreak havoc, right?"

After saying that, he pulled out the Manyullyn Sword from the floor and started to cut a melon.


Hayakawa Aki didn't know what to say anymore. He walked over and pushed Fang Mo aside, "Alright, you go watch TV over there. I'll cook."

"That works too." Fang Mo smiled and nodded, "Then I'll leave this knife here for you..."

"Take it away!"

Hayakawa Aki shouted again.

Fang Mo smiled, raised his hand, and put away the Manyullyn Sword.

As it turned out, Essence Berries were indeed very useful. After eating some, Hayakawa Aki's physical fitness improved, and his cooking speed increased significantly.

In just over an hour, he had the dishes ready on the dining table. Fang Mo glanced over them: mainly tuna and shrimp sashimi, broiled eel, tempura, and Japanese beef donburi, accompanied by a serving of miso soup for each person.

"Oh wow!"

Denji was excited at the sight, "Just the smell makes me drool. Is this what rich people's lives are like!?"

"Really appetizing."

Power couldn't help but swallow, "No vegetables, which I hate the most. Awesome."

"There's still a lot of fish and fruit left. We'll give it to the other colleagues later," Hayakawa Aki wiped his hands and came out of the kitchen, then sat down at the dining table, "But for now, let's start eating..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Denji and Power began to frantically grab the food.


Hayakawa Aki's forehead twitched with a vein, but he still managed to ignore them, picked up a piece of fish with his chopsticks, and put it in his mouth, immediately widening his eyes in surprise.

As a Japanese person, Hayakawa Aki naturally had eaten sashimi before.

However, the silky and plump texture of this fish, its innate freshness, and the unique aroma that emerged as its fats melted, all perfectly blended together, surpassing any food he had ever tasted.

Thus, Hayakawa Aki unconsciously sped up his eating pace.

Soon, the meal was finished, and for dessert, Fang Mo brought over mangoes and honeydew melons.

After that, evening arrived quickly. Hayakawa Aki and Denji swiftly finished their washing up, planning to rest early. However, when it was Power's turn, she declared that she never bathes.

As a Blood Devil by nature, she didn't have human habits. She even left her excrement in the toilet without flushing, just leaving it there.

This, of course, angered everyone.

Hayakawa Aki and Denji ended up arguing with her over this matter.

The commotion lasted for quite a while. Denji, with a grim face, ended up cleaning the toilet, as there was no other choice; the excrement had already stuck to the toilet bowl. Hayakawa Aki, having just eaten essence berries, felt nauseated by the smell, so the task fell to Denji.

By this time, it was already quite late.

Fang Mo, having enjoyed his meal, was ready to return to his villa to sleep.

But unexpectedly, just as he passed the toilet, a system notification suddenly sounded in his mind.

[System Notification: 'Shit' concept studied, you have gained download access to a new mod.]

[System Notification: Shit mod starting download.]

[System Notification: Shit mod download complete, load now?]

"What is this?"

Hearing this notification, Fang Mo stopped in his tracks: "This mod... don't I already have it?"


Denji, who was cleaning the toilet, turned to look at Fang Mo.

"It's nothing, continue with your cleaning."

Fang Mo waved his hand and then fell into contemplation.

Obviously, the system wouldn't download a duplicate mod, as this had never happened before. So... perhaps this was a shit mod created by another author? Fang Mo vaguely remembered that the shit mods in versions 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 were indeed not written by the same author and had some differences.

After thinking it over, Fang Mo mentally confirmed his choice.

[System Notification: Shit mod loaded.]

[System Notification: Shit mod detected as over 99% similar to an existing mod, merge?]

[System Notification: Shit mod merged successfully, name it?]

[System Notification: Shit mod named, load now?]

[System Notification: Shit mod loaded successfully.]

[System Notification: As you have downloaded and run a new mod, you have obtained a lucky block, which will randomly draw an item from any known mod.]

[System Notification: As you have merged and named a new mod, you have gained a mod linkage right, allowing the shit mod to link with any loaded mod to randomly generate new items or settings.]

"Hahaha, I can finally make an shit sword!"

Upon hearing the system prompt, Fang Mo, who had not shown his mischievous smile for a long time, said, "This is great, it must be linked with the Tinker' Construct."

[System Prompt: The Shit Mod is about to link with the Tinker' Construct Mod, this action will consume one of your mod linking opportunities...confirmed.]

[System Prompt: The Shit Mod has been linked with the Tinker' Construct Mod, please explore the specific changes on your own.]

"What have you been muttering about since just now, Fang Mo?"

Just as the system prompt ended, Denji stood up holding a toilet brush: "Are you very interested in this toilet? Why don't you give it a scrub?"

"Sorry, I can't do that job."

Fang Mo, in a very good mood, waved his hand and prepared to leave: "Anyway, I'm going to rest now, we'll talk about anything else tomorrow."

"Oh, okay then."

Denji was quite simple, waving his hand and saying, "Good night then."

"You too."

Fang Mo also waved his hand and then turned around to leave Hayakawa's residence, quickly returning to his own villa in a few strides.

Back at the villa, Fang Mo sat down on the sofa, immediately summoned Steve, and began to control it with his mind to take out the Tinker' Construct Guide and started reading it, eagerly checking the related characteristics after the mod linkage.

Because the Shit Mod is a very lightweight mod.

So the materials and enhancements added by this mod are pitifully few.

Fang Mo took a look, and there were only three materials: Hardened Shit Brick, Hardened Shit Block, and a Shit Force Frame. Both the Shit Brick and Shit Block have the same material characteristic called 'Stench', while the Shit Force Frame's attribute is 'Exotic Delicacy'.

Stench: When you hold this weapon, any living entity around you will quickly leave you, and enemies attacked by you will have the same effect, continuing to lose blood. If you add the Chaos Land Mod, there is a chance to consume durability and generate a swarm of flies.

Exotic Delicacy: It might be hard for you to accept, but there's no denying some people like it. Shift + right-click can consume tool durability to restore a certain amount of satiety.

This is the material part.

Besides, Fang Mo also discovered an enhancement called 'Bacterial Erosion'.

Bacterial Erosion: Your weapon is enveloped in deadly bacteria, attacking enemies will cause infections, nausea, discomfort, and a series of DEBUFFs, while the surrounding flies will actively attack this unit.

"Good gracious, what is this, a 'Dirt God's Chosen'?"

Fang Mo was startled at first, then began to talk to himself: "Now I really have become a street vendor of sorts..."


— 50 Advance Chapters!

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